640 research outputs found

    Non-Invasive Measurement of Frog Skin Reflectivity in High Spatial Resolution Using a Dual Hyperspectral Approach

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    Background:Most spectral data for the amphibian integument are limited to the visible spectrum of light and have been collected using point measurements with low spatial resolution. In the present study a dual camera setup consisting of two push broom hyperspectral imaging systems was employed, which produces reflectance images between 400 and 2500 nm with high spectral and spatial resolution and a high dynamic range.Methodology/Principal Findings:We briefly introduce the system and document the high efficiency of this technique analyzing exemplarily the spectral reflectivity of the integument of three arboreal anuran species (Litoria caerulea, Agalychnis callidryas and Hyla arborea), all of which appear green to the human eye. The imaging setup generates a high number of spectral bands within seconds and allows non-invasive characterization of spectral characteristics with relatively high working distance. Despite the comparatively uniform coloration, spectral reflectivity between 700 and 1100 nm differed markedly among the species. In contrast to H. arborea, L. caerulea and A. callidryas showed reflection in this range. For all three species, reflectivity above 1100 nm is primarily defined by water absorption. Furthermore, the high resolution allowed examining even small structures such as fingers and toes, which in A. callidryas showed an increased reflectivity in the near infrared part of the spectrum.Conclusion/Significance:Hyperspectral imaging was found to be a very useful alternative technique combining the spectral resolution of spectrometric measurements with a higher spatial resolution. In addition, we used Digital Infrared/Red-Edge Photography as new simple method to roughly determine the near infrared reflectivity of frog specimens in field, where hyperspectral imaging is typically difficult. © 2013 Pinto et al

    Quantum vs. Geometric Disorder in a Two-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    We present a numerical study of the spin-1/2 bilayer Heisenberg antiferromagnet with random interlayer dimer dilution. From the temperature dependence of the uniform susceptibility and a scaling analysis of the spin correlation length we deduce the ground state phase diagram as a function of nonmagnetic impurity concentration p and bilayer coupling g. At the site percolation threshold, there exists a multicritical point at small but nonzero bilayer coupling g_m = 0.15(3). The magnetic properties of the single-layer material La_2Cu_{1-p}(Zn,Mg)_pO_4 near the percolation threshold appear to be controlled by the proximity to this new quantum critical point.Comment: minor changes, updated figure

    Periodic Coherence Peak Height Modulations in Superconducting BSCCO

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    In this paper we analyze, using scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS), the local density of electronic states (LDOS) in nearly optimally doped BSCCO in zero field. We see both dispersive and non-dispersive spatial LDOS modulations as a function of energy in our samples. Moreover, a spatial map of the superconducting coherence peak heights shows the same structure as the low energy LDOS. This suggests that these non-dispersive LDOS modulations originate from an underlying charge-density modulation which interacts with superconductivity.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures with 15 total eps file

    Optical determination of the relation between the electron-boson coupling function and the critical temperature in high Tc_c cuprates

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    We take advantage of the connection between the free carrier optical conductivity and the glue function in the normal state, to reconstruct from the infrared optical conductivity the glue-spectrum of ten different high-Tc cuprates revealing a robust peak in the 50-60 meV range and a broad con- tinuum at higher energies for all measured charge carrier concentrations and temperatures up to 290 K. We observe that the strong coupling formalism accounts fully for the known strong temperature dependence of the optical spectra of the high Tc cuprates, except for strongly underdoped samples. We observe a correlation between the doping trend of the experimental glue spectra and the critical temperature. The data obtained on the overdoped side of the phase diagram conclusively excludes the electron-phonon coupling as the main source of superconducting pairing.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Parabolic Anderson model with a finite number of moving catalysts

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    We consider the parabolic Anderson model (PAM) which is given by the equation u/t=κΔu+ξu\partial u/\partial t = \kappa\Delta u + \xi u with u ⁣:Zd×[0,)Ru\colon\, \Z^d\times [0,\infty)\to \R, where κ[0,)\kappa \in [0,\infty) is the diffusion constant, Δ\Delta is the discrete Laplacian, and ξ ⁣:Zd×[0,)R\xi\colon\,\Z^d\times [0,\infty)\to\R is a space-time random environment that drives the equation. The solution of this equation describes the evolution of a "reactant" uu under the influence of a "catalyst" ξ\xi. In the present paper we focus on the case where ξ\xi is a system of nn independent simple random walks each with step rate 2dρ2d\rho and starting from the origin. We study the \emph{annealed} Lyapunov exponents, i.e., the exponential growth rates of the successive moments of uu w.r.t.\ ξ\xi and show that these exponents, as a function of the diffusion constant κ\kappa and the rate constant ρ\rho, behave differently depending on the dimension dd. In particular, we give a description of the intermittent behavior of the system in terms of the annealed Lyapunov exponents, depicting how the total mass of uu concentrates as tt\to\infty. Our results are both a generalization and an extension of the work of G\"artner and Heydenreich 2006, where only the case n=1n=1 was investigated.Comment: In honour of J\"urgen G\"artner on the occasion of his 60th birthday, 25 pages. Updated version following the referee's comment

    Survival of branching random walks in random environment

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    We study survival of nearest-neighbour branching random walks in random environment (BRWRE) on Z{\mathbb Z}. A priori there are three different regimes of survival: global survival, local survival, and strong local survival. We show that local and strong local survival regimes coincide for BRWRE and that they can be characterized with the spectral radius of the first moment matrix of the process. These results are generalizations of the classification of BRWRE in recurrent and transient regimes. Our main result is a characterization of global survival that is given in terms of Lyapunov exponents of an infinite product of i.i.d. 2×22\times 2 random matrices.Comment: 17 pages; to appear in Journal of Theoretical Probabilit