302 research outputs found

    The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource improves performance of practical skills: A controlled trial

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    Background: E-learning is a common and popular mode of educational delivery, but little is known about its effectiveness in teaching practical skills. The aim of this study was to determine whether the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching improved the performance of practical skills in physiotherapy students. Method: This study was a non-randomised controlled trial. The participants were graduate entry physiotherapy students enrolled in consecutive semesters of a neurological physiotherapy unit of study. The experimental group received the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource as well as usual teaching. The Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource is an online resource incorporating (i) video-clips of patient-therapist simulations; (ii) supportive text describing the aim, rationale, equipment, key points, common errors and methods of progression; and (iii) a downloadable PDF document incorporating the online text information and a still image of the video-clip for each practical skill. The control group received usual teaching only. The primary outcomes were the overall performance of practical skills as well as their individual components, measured using a practical examination. Results: The implementation of the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource resulted in an increase of 1.6 out of 25 (95% CI -0.1 to 3.3) in the experimental group compared with the control group. In addition, the experimental group scored 0.5 points out of 4 (95% CI 0 to 1.1) higher than the control group for 'effectiveness of the practical skill' and 0.6 points out of 4 (95% CI 0.1 to 1.1) higher for 'rationale for the practical skill'. Conclusion: There was improvement in performance of practical skills in students who had access to the Physiotherapy eSkills Training Online resource in addition to usual teaching. Students considered the resource to be very useful for learning.7 page(s

    Gβγ and the C Terminus of SNAP-25 Are Necessary for Long-Term Depression of Transmitter Release

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    Short-term presynaptic inhibition mediated by G protein-coupled receptors involves a direct interaction between G proteins and the vesicle release machinery. Recent studies implicate the C terminus of the vesicle-associated protein SNAP-25 as a molecular binding target of Gβγ that transiently reduces vesicular release. However, it is not known whether SNAP-25 is a target for molecular modifications expressing long-term changes in transmitter release probability.This study utilized two-photon laser scanning microscopy for real-time imaging of action potential-evoked [Ca(2+)] increases, in single Schaffer collateral presynaptic release sites in in vitro hippocampal slices, plus simultaneous recording of Schaffer collateral-evoked synaptic potentials. We used electroporation to infuse small peptides through CA3 cell bodies into presynaptic Schaffer collateral terminals to selectively study the presynaptic effect of scavenging the G-protein Gβγ. We demonstrate here that the C terminus of SNAP-25 is necessary for expression of LTD, but not long-term potentiation (LTP), of synaptic strength. Using type A botulinum toxin (BoNT/A) to enzymatically cleave the 9 amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 eliminated the ability of low frequency synaptic stimulation to induce LTD, but not LTP, even if release probability was restored to pre-BoNT/A levels by elevating extracellular [Ca(2+)]. Presynaptic electroporation infusion of the 14-amino acid C-terminus of SNAP-25 (Ct-SNAP-25), to scavenge Gβγ, reduced both the transient presynaptic inhibition produced by the group II metabotropic glutamate receptor stimulation, and LTD. Furthermore, presynaptic infusion of mSIRK, a second, structurally distinct Gβγ scavenging peptide, also blocked the induction of LTD. While Gβγ binds directly to and inhibit voltage-dependent Ca(2+) channels, imaging of presynaptic [Ca(2+)] with Mg-Green revealed that low-frequency stimulation only transiently reduced presynaptic Ca(2+) influx, an effect not altered by infusion of Ct-SNAP-25.The C-terminus of SNAP-25, which links synaptotagmin I to the SNARE complex, is a binding target for Gβγ necessary for both transient transmitter-mediated presynaptic inhibition, and the induction of presynaptic LTD

    Streamlining large-scale oceanic biomonitoring using passive eDNA samplers integrated into vessel's continuous pump underway seawater systems

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    Passive samplers are enabling the scaling of environmental DNA (eDNA) biomonitoring in our oceans, by circumventing the time-consuming process of water filtration. Designing a novel passive sampler that does not require extensive sample handling time and can be connected to ocean-going vessels without impeding normal underway activities has potential to rapidly upscale global biomonitoring efforts onboard the world's oceanic fleet. Here, we demonstrate the utility of an artificial sponge sampler connected to the continuous pump underway seawater system as a means to enable oceanic biomonitoring. We compared the performance of this passive sampling protocol with standard water filtration at six locations during a research voyage from New Zealand to Antarctica in early 2023. Eukaryote metabarcoding of the mitochondrial COI gene revealed no significant difference in phylogenetic α-diversity between sampling methods and both methods delineated a progressive reduction in number of Zero-Radius Operational Taxonomic Units (ZOTUs) with increased latitudes. While both sampling methods revealed comparable trends in geographical community compositions, distinct clusters were identified for passive samplers and water filtration at each location. Additionally, greater variability between replicates was observed for passive samplers, resulting in an increased estimated level of replication needed to recover 90 % of the biodiversity. Furthermore, traditional water filtration failed to detect three phyla observed by passive samplers and extrapolation analysis estimated passive samplers recover a larger number of ZOTUs compared to water filtration for all six locations. Our results demonstrate the potential of this passive eDNA sampler protocol and highlight areas where this emerging technology could be improved, thereby enabling large-scale offshore marine eDNA biomonitoring by leveraging the world's oceanic fleet without interfering with onboard activities

    The ADAMTS (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs) family

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    The ADAMTS (A Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase with Thrombospondin motifs) enzymes are secreted, multi-domain matrix-associated zinc metalloendopeptidases that have diverse roles in tissue morphogenesis and patho-physiological remodeling, in inflammation and in vascular biology. The human family includes 19 members that can be sub-grouped on the basis of their known substrates, namely the aggrecanases or proteoglycanases (ADAMTS1, 4, 5, 8, 9, 15 and 20), the procollagen N-propeptidases (ADAMTS2, 3 and 14), the cartilage oligomeric matrix protein-cleaving enzymes (ADAMTS7 and 12), the von-Willebrand Factor proteinase (ADAMTS13) and a group of orphan enzymes (ADAMTS6, 10, 16, 17, 18 and 19). Control of the structure and function of the extracellular matrix (ECM) is a central theme of the biology of the ADAMTS, as exemplified by the actions of the procollagen-N-propeptidases in collagen fibril assembly and of the aggrecanases in the cleavage or modification of ECM proteoglycans. Defects in certain family members give rise to inherited genetic disorders, while the aberrant expression or function of others is associated with arthritis, cancer and cardiovascular disease. In particular, ADAMTS4 and 5 have emerged as therapeutic targets in arthritis. Multiple ADAMTSs from different sub-groupings exert either positive or negative effects on tumorigenesis and metastasis, with both metalloproteinase-dependent and -independent actions known to occur. The basic ADAMTS structure comprises a metalloproteinase catalytic domain and a carboxy-terminal ancillary domain, the latter determining substrate specificity and the localization of the protease and its interaction partners; ancillary domains probably also have independent biological functions. Focusing primarily on the aggrecanases and proteoglycanases, this review provides a perspective on the evolution of the ADAMTS family, their links with developmental and disease mechanisms, and key questions for the future

    Unlocking Antarctic molecular time-capsules – Recovering historical environmental DNA from museum-preserved sponges

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    Marine sponges have recently emerged as efficient natural environmental DNA (eDNA) samplers. The ability of sponges to accumulate eDNA provides an exciting opportunity to reconstruct contemporary communities and ecosystems with high temporal and spatial precision. However, the use of historical eDNA, trapped within the vast number of specimens stored in scientific collections, opens up the opportunity to begin to reconstruct the communities and ecosystems of the past. Here, we define the term ‘heDNA’ to denote the historical environmental DNA that can be obtained from the recent past with high spatial and temporal accuracy. Using a variety of Antarctic sponge specimens stored in an extensive marine invertebrate collection, we were able to recover information on Antarctic fish biodiversity from specimens up to 20 years old. We successfully recovered 64 fish heDNA signals from 27 sponge specimens. Alpha diversity measures did not differ among preservation methods, but sponges stored frozen had a significantly different fish community composition compared to those stored dry or in ethanol. Our results show that we were consistently and reliably able to extract the heDNA trapped within marine sponge specimens, thereby enabling the reconstruction and investigation of communities and ecosystems of the recent past with a spatial and temporal resolution previously unattainable. Future research into heDNA extraction from other preservation methods, as well as the impact of specimen age and collection method, will strengthen and expand the opportunities for this novel resource to access new knowledge on ecological change during the last century

    Mathematical modelling of lymphatic filariasis elimination programmes in India: Required duration of mass drug administration and post-treatment level of infection indicators

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    Background: India has made great progress towards the elimination of lymphatic filariasis. By 2015, most endemic districts had completed at least five annual rounds of mass drug administration (MDA). The next challenge is to determine when MDA can be stopped. We performed a simulation study with the individual-based model LYMFASIM to help clarify this. Methods: We used a model-variant for Indian settings. We considered different hypotheses on detectability of antigenaemia (Ag) in relation to underlying adult worm burden, choosing the most likely hypothesis by comparing the model predicted association between community-level microfilaraemia (Mf) and antigenaemia (Ag) prevalence levels to observed data (collated from literature). Next, we estimated how long MDA must be continued in order to achieve elimination in different transmission settings and what Mf and Ag prevalence may still remain 1 year after the last required MDA round. The robustness of key-outcomes was assessed in a sensitivity analysis. Results: Our model matched observed data qualitatively well when we assumed an Ag detection rate of 50 % for single worm infections, which increases with the number of adult worms (modelled by relating detection to the presence of female worms). The required duration of annual MDA increased with higher baseline endemicity and lower coverage (varying between 2 and 12 rounds), while the remaining residual infection 1 year after the last required treatment declined with transmission intensity. For low and high transmission settings, the median residual infection levels were 1.0 % and 0.4 % (Mf prevalence in the 5+ population), and 3.5 % and 2.0 % (Ag prevalence in 6-7 year-old children). Conclusion: To achieve elimination in high transmission settings, MDA must be continued longer and infection levels must be reduced to lower levels than in low-endemic communities. Although our simulations were for Indian settings, qualitatively similar patterns are also expected in other areas. This should be taken into account in decision algorithms to define whether MDA can be interrupted. Transmission assessment surveys should ideally be targeted to communities with the highest pre-control transmission levels, to minimize the risk of programme failure

    Genomic mining of prokaryotic repressors for orthogonal logic gates

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    Genetic circuits perform computational operations based on interactions between freely diffusing molecules within a cell. When transcription factors are combined to build a circuit, unintended interactions can disrupt its function. Here, we apply 'part mining' to build a library of 73 TetR-family repressors gleaned from prokaryotic genomes. The operators of a subset were determined using an in vitro method, and this information was used to build synthetic promoters. The promoters and repressors were screened for cross-reactions. Of these, 16 were identified that both strongly repress their cognate promoter (5- to 207-fold) and exhibit minimal interactions with other promoters. Each repressor-promoter pair was converted to a NOT gate and characterized. Used as a set of 16 NOT/NOR gates, there are >10[superscript 54] circuits that could be built by changing the pattern of input and output promoters. This represents a large set of compatible gates that can be used to construct user-defined circuits.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Award FA9550-11-C-0028)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship (32 CFR 168a)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. Chronical of Lineage Indicative of Origins (N66001-12-C-4016)United States. Office of Naval Research (N00014-13-1-0074)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (GM095765)National Science Foundation (U.S.). Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center (SA5284-11210

    Sociocultural Determinants of Teenage Childbearing Among Latinas in California

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    Objectives U.S. Latinas have a persistently high rate of teenage childbearing, which is associated with adverse outcomes for both mother and child. This study was designed to investigate the roles of socioeconomic factors and acculturation in teenage childbearing in this population. Methods Logistic regression was used to analyze the association of measures of acculturation (language spoken at home, nativity, and age at immigration) and respondents’ parents’ education with age at first birth in a stratified sample of post-partum women in California. Results The unadjusted odds ratio for teenage birth for Latinas versus non-Latina Whites was 5.2 (95% CI 4.1–6.6). Nativity was not significantly associated with teen birth, but speaking Spanish at home was positively associated and immigrating at a later age was negatively associated with teen birth. Overall, these measures of acculturation accounted for 17% (95% CI 8–28%) of the difference in odds of teen birth between Latinas and non-Latina Whites. Higher levels of education among respondents’ parents had differentially protective effects across the racial/ethnic groups. Controlling for disparities in respondents’ parents’ education without changing its differential effects across racial/ethnic groups reduced the odds ratio for Latinas compared to non-Latina Whites by 30% (95% CI 14–60%). Conclusion These findings call into question common assumptions about the protective effect of acculturation on teen fertility and suggest that improving childhood socioeconomic factors among Latinas may decrease teen childbearing

    Prediction of persistent shoulder pain in general practice: Comparing clinical consensus from a Delphi procedure with a statistical scoring system

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In prognostic research, prediction rules are generally statistically derived. However the composition and performance of these statistical models may strongly depend on the characteristics of the derivation sample. The purpose of this study was to establish consensus among clinicians and experts on key predictors for persistent shoulder pain three months after initial consultation in primary care and assess the predictive performance of a model based on clinical expertise compared to a statistically derived model.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A Delphi poll involving 3 rounds of data collection was used to reach consensus among health care professionals involved in the assessment and management of shoulder pain.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Predictors selected by the expert panel were: symptom duration, pain catastrophizing, symptom history, fear-avoidance beliefs, coexisting neck pain, severity of shoulder disability, multisite pain, age, shoulder pain intensity and illness perceptions. When tested in a sample of 587 primary care patients consulting with shoulder pain the predictive performance of the two prognostic models based on clinical expertise were lower compared to that of a statistically derived model (Area Under the Curve, AUC, expert-based dichotomous predictors 0.656, expert-based continuous predictors 0.679 vs. 0.702 statistical model).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The three models were different in terms of composition, but all confirmed the prognostic importance of symptom duration, baseline level of shoulder disability and multisite pain. External validation in other populations of shoulder pain patients should confirm whether statistically derived models indeed perform better compared to models based on clinical expertise.</p