40 research outputs found

    A Compact Neutron Generator for the Niort® Treatment of Severe Solid Cancers

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    In the last four years, TheranostiCentre S.r.l , Berkion Technology LLC and ENEA have patented and fabricated a first prototype of a Compact Neutron Generator (CNG) currently under testing in the ENEA laboratories. Besides the usual applications in the field of materials irradiation, this CNG - producing neutrons of 2.45 MeV energy through the deuterium-deuterium (DD) fusion reaction - was conceived for the neutron irradiation of the solid cancer’s tumour bed by means of the Intra-Operative Radiotherapy (IORT) technique, the so-called neutron-IORT (nIORT®). The DD-CNG is self-shielded and light-weight (~120 kg) making possible its remote handling by a robotic arm. Accurate Monte Carlo simulations, modelling the CNG and the “open wound” biological tissues near its irradiation window, demonstrated that the apparatus operated at 100 kV-10 mA supplies a neutron flux ~108 cm-2 s-1 and can deliver equivalent dose rates ~2 Gy (RBE)/min. Hence, it can administer very high dose levels in limited treatment times. This article briefly summarizes the main findings of this collaborative research study, the clinical rationales underpinning the nIORT® idea and the potential performances of the DD-CNG for the treatment of solid cancer pathologies. Indeed, the CNG can be installed in an operating room dedicated to nIORT® treatments, without posing any environmental and safety issues. Monte Carlo simulations have been carried out by envisioning the CNG equipped with an IORT applicator, that is an applicator pipe with a tuneable diameter to be inserted in the surgical cavity. By foreseeing the clinical endpoints of the standard IORT protocols, the irradiation performances for potential nIORT® treatments - obtained with an applicator pipe of 6 cm diameter - are here reported for different regimes: from 10 up to 75 Gy (RBE), that can be administered in a single session of about 4 to 30 minutes. Besides the dose peak in the centre of the tumour bed, the almost isotropic neutrons emission allows to irradiate its surroundings side-walls – usually filled by potential quiescent cancer cells – and therefore reducing the chances of local recurrences by improving the local control of the tumour. The rapid decrease in tissues depth of the dose profile (in few centimetres) will spare the neighbouring organs at risk from harmful radiations. Thus, the DD-CNG apparatus developed for nIORT® applications can potentially improve the resectability rate of a given neoadjuvant cancer treatment and, generally, could satisfy all five R’s criteria of radiotherapy. Furthermore, in comparing with the current IORT techniques with electrons or low-keV Xrays, the nIORT® exploiting a high-flux neutrons beam of 2.45 MeV energy could lead to some significant clinical advantages due to its high linear energy transfer (~ 40 keV/mm as average) and significantly higher relative biological effectiveness (@16) than all other forms of ionizing radiation

    GIS-based soil maps as tools to evaluate land capability and suitability in a coastal reclaimed area (Ravenna, northern Italy)

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    Land capability and suitability maps are useful tools for soil resource conservation. This study aimed to build land capability and suitability maps using a multi-thematic approach by GIS in a salt-affected coastal area of Italy. Topographic, morphological, geological, pedological delineations and land cover maps, remote sensing image and climate data were acquired and the main physical and chemical properties, including electrical conductivity (EC) and available water capacity, were analysed on the soil samples collected in the study area. The acquired information were elaborated through QGIS software to obtain the land capability and suitability maps. The suitability map showed that most of the area (80%) is suitable for cultivation and, therefore, can be addressed for agricultural purposes without risk of degradation. In fact, the land capability map showed that 42% of the investigated area belongs to class I and II indicating that they can be used for a wide range of cultivations. While 44% of the investigated area clustered in class III and IV. In these latter the cultivation should be allowed to a limited range of crops due to the high sand content, which does not allow a good water retention, and due to a strong intrusion of sea water with consequent increase of the soil EC. In our study area, where agricultural productivity and environmental impact are in conflict, to classify the lands on base the land capability and suitability could help to define the best agricultural practices to apply in order to preserve soil functions

    GIS-Based Geopedological Approach for Assessing Land Suitability for Chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) Groves for Fruit Production

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    The identification of mountainous areas suitable for chestnut stands for fruit production (CSFP) is raising increasing interest among researchers. This work aimed to (i) identify the areas suitable for CSFP shown in a land suitability map easy to read by land planners, and (ii) propose a remote-sensing-based methodology able to identify the lands currently under cultivation for CSFP. This study was conducted using the QGIS software for the Municipality of Castel del Rio, Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. To obtain the land suitability map, topographic, lithological, and pedological data were acquired, and the areas located between 200 and 1000 m of altitude, with north exposition, a slope < 20°, sandstone-based lithology, and soils with dystric features were selected. The currently cultivated areas for CSFP were identified through remote-sensing images of the early spring period, which were delineated and georeferenced. The findings showed that only 10% of the whole study site area can be considered suitable for CSFP. Further, most of the currently cultivated CSFP (59%) are in non-suitable areas characterised by high slope gradients. The methodology applied in this study can easily provide detailed information about the suitable areas for CSFP and the areas currently cultivated with chestnut, thus allowing accurate land-use planning and land conservation

    Vrtlarski rad i izloženost teškim metalima u gradskom okružju

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    Urban soil may be a source of occupational exposure to various pollutants in gardening and land cultivation. This paper presents data of a one-year follow-up of lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium, and vanadium in the environment of the city of Bologna. Samples of soil and leaves were collected at three locations; gardens from the inner-city high-traffic area, parks in moderatetraffic area, and parks in suburban, low-traffic area. The top and deeper layers of soil and leaves were mainly polluted by lead at all locations, which corresponded to the traffic density. Personal samplers recorded greater concentrations of airborne metals than did the area samplers but the values kept below the threshold limit established by the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists for the working environment. Due to cumulative nature and interactive effects of toxic metals with other toxic and essential elements, long-term exposure to metals in the urban environment may be a health risk for occupationally exposed gardeners.Gradsko tlo može biti izvorom profesionalne izloženosti različitim onečišćivačima u vrtlara, uključujući otrovne teške metale koji se talože iz onečišćenog zraka na tlo i lišće. U radu su prikazani podaci jednogodišnjeg praćenja koncentracija olova, kadmija, niklja, kroma i vanadija u talijanskom gradu Bologni. Uzorci tla i lišća skupljani su na tri mjesta s različitom gustoćom prometa; u središtu grada s velikom gustoćom prometa, u parkovima s umjerenim prometom u okolišu i u prigradskim parkovima sa slabim prometom. Na svim lokacijama gornji i dublji slojevi tla bili su podjednako onečišćeni ponajprije olovom i to je bilo u svezi s prometnom gustoćom. Koncentracije metala u zraku utvr|ene u filtrima osobnih skupljača bile su više od koncentracija u skupljačima na tlu. Vrijednosti metala u zraku bile su niže od graničnih vrijednosti utvr|enih za radni okoliš od Američke konferencije vladinih industrijskih higijeničara (American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists). Zaključeno je da vrtlari, u usporedbi s općim stanovništvom, i pri niskim razinama izloženosti u gradskom okolišu imaju povećan zdravstveni rizik za štetna djelovanja otrovnih metala i drugih onečišćivača okoliša zbog dugotrajne izloženosti u svezi s njihovim radom

    Inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti in 25 citt? italiane: risultati del progetto EpiAir2 Air pollution and urgent hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities: results from the EpiAir2 project

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    OBJECTIVE: to evaluate the relationship between air pollution and hospital admissions in 25 Italian cities that took part in the EpiAir (Epidemiological surveillance of air pollution effects among Italian cities) project. DESIGN: study of time series with case-crossover methodology, with adjustment for meteorological and time-dependent variables. The association air pollution hospitalisation was analyzed in each of the 25 cities involved in the study; the overall estimates of effect were obtained subsequently by means of a meta-analysis. The pollutants considered were PM10, PM2.5 (in 13 cities only), NO2 and ozone (O3); this last pollutant restricted to the summer season (April-September). SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: the study has analyzed 2,246,448 urgent hospital admissions for non-accidental diseases in 25 Italian cities during the period 2006- 2010; 10 out of 25 cities took part also in the first phase of the project (2001-2005). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: urgent hospital admissions for cardiac, cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases, for all age groups, were considered. The respiratory hospital admissions were analysed also for the 0-14-year subgroup. Percentage increases risk of hospitalization associated with increments of 10 μg/m3 and interquartile range (IQR) of the concentration of each pollutant were calculated. RESULTS: reported results were related to an increment of 10 μg/m3 of air pollutant. The percent increase for PM10 for cardiac causes was 0.34% at lag 0 (95%CI 0.04-0.63), for respiratory causes 0.75%at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.25-1.25). For PM2.5, the percent increase for respiratory causes was 1.23% at lag 0- 5 (95%CI 0.58-1.88). For NO2, the percent increase for cardiac causes was 0.57%at lag 0 (95%CI 0.13-1.02); 1.29% at lag 0-5 (95%CI 0.52-2.06) for respiratory causes. Ozone (O3) did not turned out to be positively associated neither with cardiac nor with respiratory causes as noted in the previous period (2001-2005). CONCLUSION: the results of the study confirm an association between PM10, PM2.5, and NO2 on hospital admissions among 25 Italian cities. No positive associations for ozone was noted in this period.OBIETTIVO: valutare la relazione tra inquinamento atmosferico e ricoveri ospedalieri nelle citt? italiane partecipanti alla seconda fase del progetto EpiAir (Sorveglianza epidemiologica dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico: valutazione dei rischi e degli impatti nelle citt? italiane). DISEGNO: studio di serie temporali con metodologia case-crossover, con aggiustamento per i fattori temporali e meteorologici rilevanti. L\u27associazione inquinamento atmosferico- ospedalizzazioni ? stata analizzata in ciascuna delle 25 citt? in studio, le stime complessive di effetto sono state ottenute successivamente mediante una metanalisi. Gli inquinanti considerati sono stati il particolato (PM10), il biossido di azoto (NO2) e l\u27ozono (O3), quest\u27ultimo limitatamente al semestre estivo (da aprile a settembre). In 13 citt? in cui i dati erano disponibili ? stata analizzata anche la frazione fine del particolato (PM2.5). SETTING E PARTECIPANTI: lo studio ha esaminato 2.246.448 ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per cause naturali di pazienti residenti e ricoverati, nel periodo 2006-2010, in 25 citt? italiane, di cui 10 gi? partecipanti alla prima fase del progetto EpiAir (2001-2005). PRINCIPALIMISURE DI OUTCOME: sono stati considerati i ricoveri ospedalieri urgenti per malattie cardiache, cerebrovascolari e respiratorie per tutte le fasce di et?. I ricoveri per cause respiratorie sono stati analizzati separatamente anche per la fascia di et? 0-14 anni. L\u27esposizione ? stata valutata per incremento sia di 10 μg/m3 sia pari all\u27intervallo interquartile (IQR) della concentrazione di ciascun inquinante. RISULTATI: considerando un incremento di 10 μg/m3 per inquinante, per il PM10 ? stato osservato un incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie cardiache dello 0,34%a lag 0 (IC95% 0,04-0,63), e per patologie respiratorie dello 0,75% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,25-1,25). Per il PM2.5 l\u27incremento percentuale di rischio per patologie respiratorie ? risultato dell\u271,23%a lag 0-5 (IC95%0,58-1,88). Per l\u27NO2 la stima di effetto per patologie cardiache ? risultata dello 0,57% a lag 0 (IC95% 0,13-1,02), e per patologie respiratorie dell\u271,29% a lag 0-5 (IC95% 0,52-2,06). L\u27ozono non ? risultato positivamente associato n? alle patologie cardiache n? a quelle respiratorie (a differenza del periodo 2001-2005). CONCLUSIONE: i risultati dello studio confermano l\u27effetto a breve termine dell\u27inquinamento atmosferico da PM10, PM2.5 e NO2 sulla morbosit?, in particolare respiratoria, nelle citt? italiane. Non sono state rilevate associazioni positive per l\u27O3

    Hepatitis B Virus Impairs TLR9 Expression and Function in Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells

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    Plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) play a key role in detecting pathogens by producing large amounts of type I interferon (IFN) by sensing the presence of viral infections through the Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) pathway. TLR9 is a sensor of viral and bacterial DNA motifs and activates the IRF7 transcription factor which leads to type I IFN secretion by pDCs. However, during chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, pDCs display an impaired ability to secrete IFN-α following ex vivo stimulation with TLR9 ligands. Here we highlight several strategies used by HBV to block IFN-α production through a specific impairment of the TLR9 signaling. Our results show that HBV particle internalisation could inhibit TLR9- but not TLR7-mediated secretion of IFN-α by pDCs. We observed that HBV down-regulated TLR9 transcriptional activity in pDCs and B cells in which TLR9 mRNA and protein levels were reduced. HBV can interfere with TLR9 activity by blocking the MyD88-IRAK4 axis and Sendai virus targeting IRF7 to block IFN-α production. Neutralising CpG motif sequences were identified within HBV DNA genome of genotypes A to H which displayed a suppressive effect on TLR9-immune activation. Moreover, TLR9 mRNA and protein were downregulated in PBMCs from patients with HBV-associated chronic hepatitis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Thus HBV has developed several escape mechanisms to avoid TLR9 activation in both pDCs and B lymphocytes, which may in turn contribute to the establishment and/or persistence of chronic infection

    Interazione tra micromorfologia del territorio e caratteri chimico fisici dei suoli come contributo alla interpretetazione di delineazioni pedologiche in ambienti rivieraschi del Po (Ro Ferrarese)

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    Nelle aree prospicenti il basso corso del fiume Po la formazione dei suoli è stat sin dai tempi remoti fortemenete condizionata dalla modificazione del sistema idrico superficiale, alla quale si è aggiunta negli ultimi secolo l'azione della bonifica. In tal modo vasti territori di pianura si sono diversificati in più micro a,mbienti, talora compenetrati, che rendendo difficoltosa la delimitazione di unità di paesaggio complicano di conseguenza il rilevamento pedologico. In tale contesto è risultatro efficace associare alle valutazioni topografiche, fotointerpretative e alle rilevazioni di campo, una serie di procedure integrando in ambiente GIS informazionoi desunte dal database pedologico regionale e dati chimico fisici dei suoli relativi a campagne di rilevamento avviate negli anni 1937 e 1955/61. Il confronto tra dati chimico-fisici dei suoli rilevati in epoche difefrenti, pur tenendo conto delle diversità nei metodi di analisi, rappresenta una fonte informativa di sicuro interesse, in quanto la creazione di una banca dati pedologico-ambientale estesa ad una ampio arco temporale consente la verifica di linee evolutive dei suoli, da relazionarsi in particolare a diffrenti forme di gestione del territorio; allo stato attuale si può quindi ritenere valido l'utilizzo del dato storico nella revisione e nell'ampliamento delle informazioni fornite dalla cartografia pedologica esistente permettendo di individuare, all'interno di consociazioni di suoli, unità cartografiche semplici


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    L'obiettivo di questo lavoro è lo studio dei caratteri ambientali del Bacino idrografico del Fiume Reno che influiscono sulla qualità delle acque superficiali. L'acqua è una risorsa naturale la cui qualità è il risultato di complesse interazioni tra i fattori, naturali ed antropici, che caratterizzano l'ecosistema e che evolvono dinamicamente nel tempo. La valutazione dello stato qualitativo della risorsa idrica in relazione alle esigenze d'uso e di conservazione degli ecosistemi idrici, in un'ottica di gestione sostenibile della stessa, richiede tra l'altro la conoscenza dettagliata dei caratteri del territorio e dei fattori di pressione antropica presenti nel bacino idrografico oggetto di studio. L'indagine, condotta mediante l'applicazione di Sistemi Informativi Geografici (GIS), è stata eseguita alla scala di Bacino idrografico del Fiume Reno e alla scala di microbacino idrografico del Torrente Gaiana per una analisi di dettaglio.The aim of this work is the environmental analysis of the River Reno Basin, located in the North of Italy due to evaluate its water quality. Water is an important natural resource whose quality is the result of both complex interactions between natural and anthropic factors distribuited on the land and their dynamics across the time. The evaluation of water quality implies a detailed knowledge of land's characteristics, since water quality is strictly connected with both land use and its management. In this work a GIS based approach was used to describe the morfological features of River Reno's basin at Chatchment scale and at micro-basin scale (Torrente Gaiana) for a more detailed study

    L'inventario delle superfici a castagno nell'Appennino Bolognese

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    The loss of soil resources in Italy is particularly evident in the vast plain of the Po River Valley, where urbanisation has led to a progressive depletion of land surface. Built-up areas now cover around 9%, on average, of the total surface area, but in the most densely inhabited communities, lying mainly along the major artery of the Via Emilia, this figure may exceed 20%. The trend shows no signs of relenting, above all because of the demand for large surfaces generated by the tertiary sector. The phenomenon thus needs to be carefully controlled, especially as regards land located near the Po River and its main effluents. The soils in these areas have different pedogenetic and micro-morphological characteristics and support particularly demanding agronomic activities; though the levels of agricultural productivity match the highest levels in Europe, management of the land generally entails the maintenance of efficient water regulation networks. In this context there is a pressing need to investigate the dynamics of changes in land use in relation to soil quality, particularly areas that have undergone urban development