310 research outputs found

    La competencia mediática como reto para la educomunicación: instrumentos de evaluación

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    Technological advances make new resources available to educational agents in order to enhance learning, but their use requires developing basic competencies or skills in students and is a challenge to the entire educational community. In this context, media competence becomes fundamental for encouraging responsible, efficient and democratic use of media resources by citizens. Here we present the results of a research project carried out in Spain, in which various instruments were designed to assess the media competence of students, teachers and parents. Its application has revealed that we are in an extraordinary moment to take advantage of media resources towards improving the educational process, although it is clear that the fact of being surrounded by media and technologies does not mean that we are competent in their use. This leads us to emphasize the importance of the inclusion of media education into the school curriculum from the earliest ages

    La competencia mediática como reto para la educomunicación: instrumentos de evaluación

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    Technological advances make new resources available to educational agents in order to enhance learning, but their use requires developing basic competencies or skills in students and is a challenge to the entire educational community. In this context, media competence becomes fundamental for encouraging responsible, efficient and democratic use of media resources by citizens. Here we present the results of a research project carried out in Spain, in which various instruments were designed to assess the media competence of students, teachers and parents. Its application has revealed that we are in an extraordinary moment to take advantage of media resources towards improving the educational process, although it is clear that the fact of being surrounded by media and technologies does not mean that we are competent in their use. This leads us to emphasize the importance of the inclusion of media education into the school curriculum from the earliest ages

    Costochondral graft with green-stick fracture used in reconstruction of the mandibular condyle : experience in 13 clinical cases

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    Since its publication in 1920 by Gillies, costochondral grafts have been used by surgeons to replace an injured mandibular condyle and to reconstruct the temporomandibular joint. This procedure is currently applied in cases of congenital dysplasia, developmental defects, temporomandibular ankylosis, neoplastic disease, osteoarthritis and post-traumatic dysfunction. Over the years, various procedures for the reconstruction with this type of graft have been described. In 1989, Mosby and Hiatt described a technique for setting the graft securely, reducing the space between the graft and the mandibular area. In 1998, Monje and Martín-Granizo developed a variation of this method, enabling a precise adaptation of the costochondral graft to the remaining mandibular ramus. The aim of this study is to evaluate the functional and anatomic results of the costochondral graft treatment by green-stick fracture for reconstruction of the TMJ in the 10 years following the description of this technique. We carry out a retrospective study of thirteen cases of temporomandibular pathology (tumors, ankylosis and hypoplasia) treated during a period of ten years from 1998 to 2008. In all these cases, the technique described by Monje and MartínGranizo was used: removal of the sixth rib, fixation to a titanium mini-plate using screws, making an internal corticotomy in order to obtain a green-stick fracture of the outer cortex, providing adequate adaptation of the graft to the mandibular ramus. The graft was then set in place, attaching it with titanium screws. This technique was successful in achieving optimal ossification, a good interincisal opening and satisfactory cosmetic results. In conclusion, according to our experience, the green-stick fracture for the adaptation of costochondral grafts to the remaining mandibular ramus has presented outstanding results in the surgical treatment of temporomandibular pathology

    Correlated responses on growth traits after two-stage selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits

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    [EN] Rabbit commercial maternal lines are usually selected for litter size (LS) and paternal lines for growth rate (GR). Line OR_LS was selected by ovulation rate (OR) and LS to improve LS more efficiently. In this study, growth traits of line OR_LS were evaluated by estimating the correlated response on weaning weight (WW), slaughter weight (SW) and GR during fattening period as well as their variability (DWW, DSW and DGR, respectively). Data were analyzed using Bayesian inference methods. Heritability estimates were low for growth traits (0.09, 0.13 and 0.14 for WW, SW and GR, respectively) and negligible for growth traits variability (0.01, 0.004 and 0.01 for DWW, DSW and DGR, respectively). Moderate common litter effect ratio (c(2); 0.35, 0.28 and 0.27) and low maternal effect ratio (m(2); 0.11, 0.05 and 0.01) were obtained for WW, SW and GR, respectively. Both c(2) and m(2) were lower at slaughter than at weaning. In addition, low common litter effect and negligible maternal effect were observed for growth traits variability. Genetic correlations between LS and both growth traits and their variability were close to zero. Positive genetic correlations were observed between OR and growth traits (0.19, 0.38 and 0.36 for WW, SW and GR, respectively) as well as between OR and growth traits variability (0.35, 0.62 and 0.20 for DWW, DSW and DGR, respectively). Positive correlated responses in both periods were obtained for growth traits, WW, SW and GR (0.037, 0.156 and 0.110 kg, respectively). The correlated response found in growth traits might be due to the positive genetic correlations between OR and these traits. However, selection for OR and LS using independent culling levels did not modify the growth traits variability. Therefore, no negative consequences on growth traits can be expected in current commercial maternal lines.This study was supported by the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (AGL2014-55921-C2-1-P) and by funds from Generalitat Valenciana research programme (Prometeo 2009/125).Peiró Barber, RM.; Yehia-Badawy Elmoghazy, A.; Blasco Mateu, A.; Santacreu Jerez, MA. (2019). Correlated responses on growth traits after two-stage selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits. Animal. 13(11):2457-2462. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1751731119001423S245724621311ZHANG, T., WANG, L., SHI, H., YAN, H., ZHANG, L., LIU, X., … WANG, L. (2016). Hritabilities and genetic and phenotypic correlations of litter uniformity and litter size in Large White sows. Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 15(4), 848-854. doi:10.1016/s2095-3119(15)61155-8Wolf, J., Žáková, E., & Groeneveld, E. (2008). Within-litter variation of birth weight in hyperprolific Czech Large White sows and its relation to litter size traits, stillborn piglets and losses until weaning. Livestock Science, 115(2-3), 195-205. doi:10.1016/j.livsci.2007.07.009Ruíz-Flores, A., & Johnson, R. K. (2001). Direct and correlated responses to two-stage selection for ovulation rate and number of fully formed pigs at birth in swine. Journal of Animal Science, 79(9), 2286. doi:10.2527/2001.7992286xRosendo, A., Canario, L., Druet, T., Gogué, J., & Bidanel, J. P. (2007). Correlated responses of pre- and postweaning growth and backfat thickness to six generations of selection for ovulation rate or prenatal survival in French Large White pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 85(12), 3209-3217. doi:10.2527/jas.2007-0106Mocé ML and Santacreu MA 2010. Genetic improvement of litter size in rabbits: a review. In Proceeding of the 9th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, 1–6 August 2010, Leipzig, Germany, communication 25.Mínguez, C., Sanchez, J. P., EL Nagar, A. G., Ragab, M., & Baselga, M. (2015). Growth traits of four maternal lines of rabbits founded on different criteria: comparisons at foundation and at last periods after selection. Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics, 133(4), 303-315. doi:10.1111/jbg.12197Legarra A , Varona L and López de Maturana E 2008. Program TM. Retrieved on 28 September 2017 from http://snp.toulouse.inra.fr/~alegarra/Hsu, W. L., & Johnson, R. K. (2014). Analysis of 28 generations of selection for reproduction, growth, and carcass traits in swine. Journal of Animal Science, 92(11), 4806-4822. doi:10.2527/jas.2014-8125Drummond, H., Vazquez, E., Sanchez-Colon, S., Martinez-Gomez, M., & Hudson, R. (2000). Competition for Milk in the Domestic Rabbit: Survivors Benefit from Littermate Deaths. Ethology, 106(6), 511-526. doi:10.1046/j.1439-0310.2000.00554.xDrouilhet, L., Gilbert, H., Balmisse, E., Ruesche, J., Tircazes, A., Larzul, C., & Garreau, H. (2013). Genetic parameters for two selection criteria for feed efficiency in rabbits1. Journal of Animal Science, 91(7), 3121-3128. doi:10.2527/jas.2012-6176Damgaard, L. H., Rydhmer, L., Løvendahl, P., & Grandinson, K. (2003). Genetic parameters for within-litter variation in piglet birth weight and change in within-litter variation during suckling1. Journal of Animal Science, 81(3), 604-610. doi:10.2527/2003.813604xCunningham, P. J., England, M. E., Young, L. D., & Zimmerman, D. R. (1979). Selection for Ovulation Rate in Swine: Correlated Response in Litter Size and Weight. Journal of Animal Science, 48(3), 509-516. doi:10.2527/jas1979.483509xBidanel, J., Gruand, J., & Legault, C. (1996). Genetic variability of age and weight at puberty, ovulation rate and embryo survival in gilts and relations with production traits. Genetics Selection Evolution, 28(1), 103. doi:10.1186/1297-9686-28-1-103Badawy, A. Y., Peiró, R., Blasco, A., & Santacreu, M. A. (2018). Correlated responses on litter size traits and survival traits after two-stage selection for ovulation rate and litter size in rabbits. animal, 13(3), 453-459. doi:10.1017/s1751731118002033Argente, M. J., Santacreu, M. A., Climent, A., & Blasco, A. (1999). Phenotypic and genetic parameters of birth weight and weaning weight of rabbits born from unilaterally ovariectomized and intact does. Livestock Production Science, 57(2), 159-167. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(98)00166-3Garcı́a, M. ., & Baselga, M. (2002). Estimation of correlated response on growth traits to selection in litter size of rabbits using a cryopreserved control population and genetic trends. Livestock Production Science, 78(2), 91-98. doi:10.1016/s0301-6226(02)00093-

    El Complejo Acuífero Profundo de Arauco, provincia de La Rioja

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es dar a conocer el descubrimiento en la zona de la localidad de Arauco, departamento homónimo, provincia de La Rioja, Argentina, de un reservorio de agua subterránea profundo con gran importancia para el abastecimiento de agua potable como así también para el riego de plantaciones de olivos que se practican en la región. Este importante reservorio fue localizado a partir de estudios de prospección geofísica y por pozos de exploración y explotación que alcanzaron profundidades de hasta 440 metros. Las facies sedimentarias del Complejo Acuífero Arauco están conformadas por arenas gruesas a gravas muy gruesas, polimícticas y subyacen a un potente manto de arcillas plásticas. Se estima que las unidades sedimentarias profundas podrían corresponderse con las facies basales de la Formación Las Cumbres (Pliopleistocenas) que afloran en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Aimogasta y los Bordos de Mervil.The aim of this paper is present the discovery of a deep groundwater reservoir in Arauco town area, homonymous department, in La Rioja province, this reservoir have a great importance for drinking water supply as well as for the olive plants irrigation. This significant reservoir was located after the realization of geophysical studies and construction of exploration and production wells which reached depths up to 440 meters. The sedimentary facies of the Complejo Acuífero Arauco, are made up by coarse sands and polymictic gravel that underlie below a very thick plastic clay layer. It is estimated that the deep of sedimentary units could correspond to the basal facies of Las Cumbres Formation (Pliopleistocenas) that outcrop near of the city of Aimogasta and Bordos of Mervil.Universidad Nacional de La Plat

    Microrreservas marinas artificiales en la línea de costa. Hacia un nuevo modelo de gestión de la biodiversidad en áreas litorales

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    Recientemente se ha propuesto a la comunidad científica la nueva figura de protección MRMA (Microrreserva Marina Artificial; AMMR en inglés) la cual también ha sido formalmente solicitada a la UNESCO para que esta institución considere reconocerla y consecuentemente, validarla. Se expone la contribución de las MRMAs a la preservación de especies protegidas, particularmente a las consideradas en peligro de extinción que propendan, de forma natural, a establecerse en escolleras y diques de abrigo de instalaciones costeras. Se mencionan las especies protegidas localizadas en las MRMAs, así como sus figuras de protección y disposiciones oficiales que les conciernen. Se exponen criterios generales de designación de MRMAs, posibles vías de solución ante problemas previsibles que puedan surgir (entendimiento entre administraciones, calidad de aguas, medidas de contingencia ante vertidos accidentales, etc.) y se deja entrever las potencialidades de las MRMAs como activo ecológico, medioambiental, urbanístico y educativo, así como el futuro papel que desempeñarán las MRMAs en la gestión del medio litoral y en el campo de la biología de la conservación. Finalmente, se establece una revisión de la legislación actual que más pudiera concernirles, destacándose los aspectos más importantes que en ellas pudieran influir. Al respecto, se destaca que ley 41/2010 de Protección del Medio Marino (Artº 26) establece que podrán formar parte de la red de Áreas Marinas Protegidas “ las áreas protegidas por instrumentos internacionales, sin perjuicio de que su declaración y gestión se ajustará a lo dispuesto en su correspondiente normativa internacional ” por lo que, si la nueva figura de protección “Microrreserva Marina Artificial” consiguiera marchamo UNESCO, aquélla podría incorporarse a la legislación española sin ninguna dificultad especial

    Wind power field reconstruction from a reduced set of representative measuring points

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    In this paper we deal with a problem of representative measuring points selection for long-term wind power analysis. It has direct applications such as wind farm prospective location or long-term power generation prediction in wind-based energy facilities. The problem’s objective is to select the best set of N measuring points (i.e. N representative points), in such a way that a wind power error reconstruction measure is minimized, considering a monthly average wind power field. In order to solve this problem, we use a novel meta-heuristic algorithm, the Coral Reefs Optimization with Substrate Layer, which is an evolutionary-type method able to combine different search procedures within a single population. The CRO-SL is hybridized with the Analogue Method as wind power reconstruction method, to identify the most representative points for the wind field. The proposed approach has been tested in the reconstruction of monthly average wind power fields in Europe, from reanalysis data (ERAInterim reanalysis). The method exhibits strong performance as evidenced from the experiments carried out. The solutions obtained show that the more significant measuring points are mainly located over the Atlantic ocean, which is consistent with the wind speed climatology of the Northern hemisphere midlatitudes. We have also analyzed the set of least representative points to reconstruct the wind power field (less informative points for whole reconstruction of the field), obtaining points mainly located at the North of Scandinavia (which may be associated with the circumpolar circulation), and some points in the Eastern Mediterranean, which seem to be related to the Etesian winds. Reconstructions at seasonal scales show similar results, which provides confidence on the robustness of the proposed method. The proposed methodology can be further applied to alternative energy-related problems, such as the selection of critical energy infra-structures or the selection of critical points for climate change studies, among others

    Prognostic Factors in Patients with Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever

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    Background: Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) is a disease with a high mortality rate, caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, a bacteria transmitted to humans by infected ticks. In 2008 there was a Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (RMSF) outbreak in the city of Mexicali, México, resulting in an increased mortality rate amongst the area population. Methods: Case-series study of patients admitted to the General Hospital of Mexicali between 2014 and 2019 with a confirmed diagnosis of RMSF. Mortality was compared dividing the population on those ?20 and younger than ?21 years of age. Results: A total of 129 patients’ records during a 5-year period whose diagnosis was RMSF confirmed with PCR were included. Mortality was compared among patients admitted who were younger than ?20 years of age with that among patients who were older than ?20 years of age (61 versus 68 respectively), the latter being higher with an OR 4.2 (p<0.0001). Conclusion: RMSF in hospitalized patients has a high mortality rate in spite of early treatment in all age groups, without showing any predominance in gender. However, patients older than 20 years of age had a higher mortality rate than those younger than 20 years, without any predominance in gender