77 research outputs found

    Rebellion in the Backlands: Landscape with Figures

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    Brazil’s historical situation in the period immediately preceding the writing of Os Sertões informs the very conception of the book. The Republic was proclaimed in 1889, one year after the abolition of slavery, and the early years of republican period were marked by a number of more or less serious and protracted insurrections, as well as small local uprisings. It took some time for the new regime to consolidate and begin to function properly. The Canudos War, which took place in the hinterland of Bahia in 1896-1897, is just one among the various revolts that punctuated the period of transition. Os Sertões is a chronicle of this historical event, to which the author was an eyewitness

    Portraits of Brazil

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    The period of Modernism (from 1922 onwards) was also one which exhaustively attempted to understand and explain Brazil through literary works of various genres: fiction, poetry, essay. This paper attributes to these works the general category of “Portraits of Brazil”. It is important to highlight its central issue: the miscegenation of three races (indigenous peoples, white Europeans and African slaves) has formed the Brazilian population. We examine here the sources of different diagnoses and proposals.Keywords: Brazilian Modernism; Paulo Prado; Mário de Andrade; Oswaldde Andrade

    Saudação a Marilena

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    [1] Saudação oferecida a Marilena Chaui no colóquio “Republicanismo e democracia”, realizado em sua homenagem na Universidade de São Paulo, entre 7 e 10 de novembro de 2011. Os artigos publicados neste volume da revista Discurso foram apresentados naquela ocasião


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    Here and there, all over Antonio Candido’s work, we find many profiles of people: people he knew, or even people he did not know at all. This fine art of the portraiture celebrates not only influential intellectuals in the sphere of culture and thought, but also to political activists and to obscure people whose traces are dim. The interplay among memory, remembrance and exemplarity, though a discreet one, brings up many relevant questions.Na obra de Antonio Candido, a toda hora repontam retratos de pessoas que conheceu – e até, em alguns casos, que não conheceu. Essa fina arte retratística brinda tanto intelectuais de alto relevo na esfera da cultura e do pensamento, quanto militantes políticos ou pessoas cujos rastros se esfumaram. O jogo entre memória, reminiscência e exemplaridade, embora discreto, traz importantes questões para primeiro plano


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    Antonio Candido e o mundo caipira

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    Antônio Cândid

    Democracia, Populismos, Revolucionarismos

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    Metamorfoses do sertão

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    The SYMBOLIC complex we know in our culture under the name of "sertão", and its chief character the cangaceiro, has known different approaches, since the initial nativistic project . It was absorbed later by the "romance de 30", in which social critique would be predominant. And it was crucial in the great epoch of the rise of Cinema Novo. Although it has been in decline since then, we cannot deny its persistency, under many forms.O COMPLEXO simbólico constituído pelo sertão, tendo por protagonista o cangaceiro, conheceria diferentes abordagens, a partir do amplo projeto nativista. Depois, absorveu-o o romance da década de 1930, no qual predominaria a denúncia social. Foi central na época de fastígio do Cinema Novo. Desde então em acentuado declínio, apesar de sua persistência, conheceria outros avatares


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    Para uma melhor compreensão de Os Sertões, é preciso ter em mente a conjuntura em que foi concebido e escrito: trata-se de reportagem sobre uma rebelião sertaneja, desencadeada no fundo do sertão da Bahia, sob a liderança de um beato chamado Antonio Conselheiro. A origem da rebelião se assenta na passagem do Império para a República, sendo uma das muitas que costumam assinalar uma mudança de regime. A mudança é motivo de dores e perdas para a população mais pobre e desassistida, que então se amotina, tendo, no caso, uma bandeira religiosa. O autor da reportagem, o engenheiro militar Euclides da Cunha, recente egresso da Escola Militar da Praia Vermelha, fora enviado ao palco dos acontecimentos como correspondente de guerra pelo jornal O Estado de S. Paulo. Cinco anos depois seu livro viria à luz, abalando a opinião pública com suas denúncias e ocupando um lugar duradouro na cultura brasileira.For a better understanding of Os Sertões, it is necessary to bear in mind the context in which it was conceived and written: it is a report on a countryside rebellion, unleashed in the backlands of Bahia, under the leadership of a blessed man named Antonio Conselheiro. The origin of the rebellion is based on the transition from the Empire to the Republic, being one of the many that usually signal a change of regime. The change is a reason for pain and loss for the poorest and most unassisted population, which then riots, having, in this case, a religious banner. The author of the report, military engineer Euclides da Cunha, recently graduated from the Praia Vermelha Military School, had been sent to the stage of events as a war correspondent by the newspaper O Estado de S. Paulo. Five years later, his book would come to light, shaking public opinion with its denunciations and occupying a lasting place in Brazilian culture

    Antonio Candido, Paulo Betti e o cururu: um inédito

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