769 research outputs found

    Música para una celebración literaria: el tercer centenario de Lope de Vega y el Premio Nacional de Música de 1935

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    The celebration of the third centenary of Lope de Vega’s death in 1935, had some interesting consequences in the Spanish music scene. Using music from several times and styles was limited in many cases to the sound setting for homages or music examples from Lope’s days during conferences or theatre performances. The pieces that were normally used were those coming from the musicological research of Jesús Bal y Gay Thirty songs of Lope de Vega that was published that year. But, what encouraged contemporary composers to write music about Lope’s lyrics was the announcement of the National Fine Arts Contest and the homage paid by the Madrid Conservatory of Music to «El Fénix de los Ingenios».La celebración del III centenario de la muerte de Lope de Vega en 1935 tuvo algunas consecuencias interesantes en el ambiente musical español. El uso de músicas de varias épocas y estilos se limitó en muchas ocasiones a la ambientación sonora en actos de homenaje o ilustraciones musicales de la época de Lope en conferencias y representaciones teatrales, en especial las obras contenidas en el trabajo de Jesús Bal y Gay publicado ese mismo año. Pero fue la convocatoria del Concurso Nacional de Bellas Artes y el homenaje que el Conservatorio de Madrid tributó al Fénix de los Ingenios lo que alentó a algunos compositores del momento a escribir música sobre las letras de Lope

    La creencia en fake news y su rol en el acatamiento de medidas contra COVID-19 en México

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    During the COVID-19 pandemic, fake news proliferated along with the concern that they would affect behavior regarding the disease. With a semi-representative survey in Mexico (N= 1211), this study analyzes a mediational process to determine the impact of the use of traditional and social media on compliance with contagion prevention measures, through the perception of veracity of fake news about COVID-19. As anticipated, results indicate that believing fake news leads to less compliance of preventive measures. Likewise, the analysis indicates that, consistent with our hypothesis, using social media leads to more belief in fake news, but contrary to our expectations, consuming traditional media also leads to a greater belief in fake news. In particular, the study explored the mediating role of belief in fake news on the effect that using traditional and social media has on compliance with preventive measures. We found evidence for this indirect effect: use of traditional and social media is a predictor of believing fake news about COVID-19, which then results in lower compliance with measures. In contrast, the direct effect of using traditional and social media on compliance with measures has a positive direction. Thus, this work evinces that fake news can hinder the resolution of the health crisis, by discouraging compliance with preventive strategies.Durante la pandemia por la COVID-19, las fake news proliferaron y con ello la preocupación de que estas afecten el comportamiento ante la enfermedad. Mediante una encuesta semi-representativa en México (N=1211), este estudio analiza un proceso mediacional para determinar el impacto del uso de medios tradicionales y sociales en el acatamiento de medidas de prevención de contagio, a través de la percepción de veracidad de fake news sobre COVID-19. Como se anticipaba, los resultados indican que creer en noticias falsas conduce a un menor cumplimiento de medidas preventivas. Asimismo, el análisis indica que, en congruencia con nuestra hipótesis, usar redes sociales lleva a creer más en fake news, pero contrario a lo esperado, consumir medios tradicionales también deriva en mayor creencia de noticias falsas. Particularmente, el estudio exploró el rol mediador de la creencia en fake news en el efecto del uso de medios tradicionales y sociales en el seguimiento de medidas preventivas. Se encontró evidencia de este efecto indirecto: el uso de medios tradicionales y sociales es un predictor de creer fake news sobre COVID-19, lo cual resulta en un menor acatamiento de medidas. En cambio, el efecto directo de usar medios tradicionales y sociales sobre el acatamiento de medidas tiene una dirección positiva. Así, este trabajo evidencia que las fake news pueden obstaculizar la resolución de la crisis sanitaria, desincentivando el cumplimiento de estrategias precautorias

    Estado crítico de la investigación en la psicología ecuatoriana: el abandono de la estadística como base de la producción científica

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    This article reports a study that analyzed the role of statistics in the scientific production of Ecuadorian psychology based on a mixed methodology study. The sample included 410 participants (students and professionals of different cities of Ecuador). The findings on the quantitative phase included that liking and mastering statistical processes increase the probability of publishing a scientific article. Moreover, when negative belief variables and anxiety related to statistics have a higher score, the mastery of statistical processes and its use for the job of the psychologist decrease. On the qualitative phase, a significance emerged that allowed to better understand quantitative data, and to develop categories on statistics erroneous' believes, procedures, a negative predisposition towards learning statistics and others. The paper concludes by analyzing the scientific reality of Ecuadorian psychology and the need to carry out longitudinal research where it will be possible to restructure subjective constructions on the role of statistics in psychology

    Monte Carlo simulation in a peruvian highway

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    Highways and roads are important for nations' development and life quality. This is not different for Peru. A highway project called Daniel Alcides Carrión is expected to provide a solution to the over-employed Carretera Central road. This is a multimillionaire and important infrastructure project. Hence, it is important to evaluate the possible sustainability risks. In consequence, this study employed the Monte Carlo simulation for such a purpose. First, variables have been chosen and segregated into input and output. Variables like the initial investment, recurrent maintenance, periodical maintenance, savings in the operative cost of vehicles, and time savings employed the triangular distribution. Traffic growth and inflation rate employed the Pert distribution. The project's Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return have been selected as output variables. Crystal Ball software has been employed to perform the Monte Carlo analysis. Consequently, this research found a high probability that the highway can become a profitable project due to its Net Present Value and Internal Rate of Return. Moreover, savings in operative costs of vehicles and traffic growth rate had positive impacts on the project's Net Present Value. However, the initial investment had a negative relationship with the output variable. Hence, the new highway should take prevision policies to maintain traffic flux. Thus, avoid closures that can have both human and natural sources. This study is the first in the Peruvian academic literature regarding highways risk analysis. Moreover, this study provides researchers, state officials, future highway managers, and users' valuable information to elaborate preventive measures to maintain the highway's social sustainability and increase its benefits

    Interactive Model of Executive Functions to Understand Error Correction

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    This article reports an investigation aimed at analyzing an interactive model of executive functions, which seeks to explain the process followed by human beings to correct their mistakes. The method followed was an analysis based on structural equations, considering the maximum likelihood process around a model that considered six executive functions. We worked with a randomized sample of 771 subjects (mean age = 39.86, SD = 15.47; 50.5%, women, 50.50%). The findings suggest that error correction is a complex executive function as it is the product of the internal language capacity that regulates behavior and cognition, adequate regulation of the limbic system, adequate decision-making, and control of automatic impulses, determining how to act and verify the thoughts and behavior of the subject. The contribution of the proposed theoretical model lies in understanding the process by which human beings manage to correct errors. In addition, how this explanatory model could help neuropsychological intervention processes to work on this cognitive ability in individuals with difficulties in correcting errors. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-02-011 Full Text: PD

    Problema, objetivos y análisis de datos: Una reflexión metodológica en la investigación psicológica

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    In this article, the existing relationship between the elements that compose the structure of a research: question, hypotheses, objectives and statistical analyses are analyzed. Emphasis is placed on the interrelation that each of these elements must possess, which become the foundation of each phase that is being built in an investigation. When talking about the research question, mention is made of the scientific question that arises after having identified a gap in a line of research. The next element into consideration are the hypotheses, this article deep into the hypotheses of descriptive type, correlation, comparison of groups, causality and intervention. When comes to talk about the research objectives, there will be mentioned thedegree of complexity of each verb that must be used according to the statistical analyses that will be conducted. The work is closed considering the need for an investigation which must be configured as a machinery, where each gear must allow the study executed have a harmonious presentation.En este artículo se analiza la relación existente entre los elementos que componen la estructura de una investigación: la pregunta, hipótesis, objetivos y análisis estadístico. Se hace énfasis en la interrelación que deben poseer cada uno de estos elementos, los cuales se convierten en fundamento de cada fase que se va construyendo en una investigación. Al hablar de la pregunta de investigación se hace mención al cuestionamiento científico que surge luego de haber identificado un vacío en una línea de investigación. El siguiente elemento es la hipótesis y en el artículo se profundiza en las hipótesis de tipo descriptivo, correlación, comparación de grupos, causales y de intervención. Al hablar de los objetivos de investigación se hace mención al grado de complejidad que posee cada verbo que se utiliza y su relación con el análisis estadístico que se ejecutará posteriormente. Se cierra el trabajo reflexionando sobre la necesidad de que unainvestigación sea configurada como una maquinaria, en donde cada engranaje debe permitir que el estudio ejecutado tenga una presentación armoniosa.&nbsp

    Introducción a la investigación: entre anécdotas musicales y científicas

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    En este libro utilizo la metáfora de aprendizajes musicales para poder explicar saberes esenciales que están implicados en la formación de un investigador, claro que, con una orientación especial en las ciencias psicológicas. No obstante, la lectura de este texto puede ser igual de enriquecedora para profesionales de otras ciencias interesados en formarse como investigadores. De tal manera, creo que es indispensable que inicie por acompañarlo en los primeros pasos al pie de la montaña, dejando en claro los aspectos nucleares de una investigación, su epistemología, características de los diseños de investigación y el planteamiento de la pregunta de investigación, que, desde mi perspectiva, son los saberes medulares que se deben tener presentes al momento de plantear cualquier investigación. Ya como contenido de las temáticas del libro, en el estudio de la epistemología de la investigación, hablaré de los cuatro paradigmas que permiten entender la realidad al momento de investigar, la metodología de investigación y las características de la relación entre el sujeto y el objeto de estudio. Es importante aclararle mi estimada y estimado lector, que dejaré mi perspectiva en cada uno de los párrafos que encontrará en este libro.Universidad Internacional SE

    The intervention of Brain Gym in the mathematical abilities of high-school students: A pilot study

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    IntroductionThe learning process of Mathematics is a challenge in Latin America; therefore, it is of vital importance to conduct actions that improve the performance in this science.MethodsThis article is reporting on quasi-experimental research, where, through the use of Brain Gym, the objective is to improve: the definition of rational numbers, problem-solving ability, mathematical order relationships, and equivalent fractions. We worked with 67 students between 12 and 14 years old, organized into an experimental group (n = 35) and a control group (no participation group; n = 32).ResultsWe made pre and post-test measurements and found that the control group students improved in their problem-solving ability F(1,65) = 8.76, p = 0.04, η2 = 0.12 and equivalent fractions F(1,65) = 4.54, p = 0.03, η2 = 0.06.DiscussionIn conclusion, the importance of applying innovative processes to improve the teaching and learning of Mathematics can be affirmed. It is important to note that both the control and experimental groups improved their learning, however, the experimental group did so to a greater extent than the students in the control group, who received a traditional educational process, and they did learn, but not at the level of the experimental group