223 research outputs found

    Reanalyzing Jupiter ISO/SWS Data through a More Recent Atmospheric Model

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    The study of isotopic ratios in planetary atmospheres gives an insight into the formation history and evolution of these objects. The more we can constrain these ratios, the better we can understand the history and future of our solar system. To help in this endeavour, we used Infrared Space Observatory Short Wavelength Spectrometer (ISO/SWS) Jupiter observations in the 793–1500 cm−1 region together with the Nonlinear Optimal Estimator for MultivariatE Spectral analySIS (NEMESIS) radiative transfer suite to retrieve the temperature–pressure profile and the chemical abundances for various chemical species. We also used the 1500–2499 cm−1 region to determine the cloud and aerosol structure of the upper troposphere. We obtained a best-fit simulated spectrum with 2/=0.47 for the 793–1500 cm−1 region and 2/=0.71 for the 1500–2499 cm−1 region. From the retrieved methane abundances, we obtained, within a 1 uncertainty, a 12C/13C ratio of 84 ± 27 and a D/H ratio of (3.5 ± 0.6) × 10−5, and these ratios are consistent with other published results from the literature.This research was funded by the Portuguese Fundação Para a Ciência e Tecnologia through the research grants UIDB/04434/2020 and UIDP/04434/2020 as well as a fellowship grants 2021.04584.BD and 2022.09859.BD

    Seasonal evolution of Titan’s stratosphere during the Cassini mission

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    Titan's stratosphere exhibits significant seasonal changes, including breakup and formation of polar vortices. Here we present the first analysis of midinfrared mapping observations from Cassini's Composite InfraRed Spectrometer to cover the entire mission (Lₛ=293–93°, 2004–2017)—midnorthern winter to northern summer solstice. The north polar winter vortex persisted well after equinox, starting breakup around Lₛ∼60° and fully dissipating by Lₛ∼90°. Absence of enriched polar air spreading to lower latitudes suggests large‐scale circulation changes and photochemistry control chemical evolution during vortex breakup. South polar vortex formation commenced soon after equinox and by Lₛ∼60° was more enriched in trace gases than the northern middle‐winter vortex and had temperatures ∼20 K colder. This suggests that early‐winter and middle‐winter vortices are dominated by different processes—radiative cooling and subsidence‐induced adiabatic heating respectively. By the end of the mission (Lₛ=93°) south polar conditions were approaching those observed in the north at Lₛ=293°, implying seasonal symmetry in Titan's vortices

    Uranus's Northern Polar Cap in 2014

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    In October and November 2014, spectra covering the 1.436 – 1.863-μm wavelength range from the SINFONI Integral Field Unit Spectrometer on the Very Large Telescope showed the presence of a vast bright North polar cap on Uranus, extending northward from about 40ºN and at all longitudes observed. The feature, first detected in August 2014 from Keck telescope images, has a morphology very similar to the southern polar cap that was seen to fade before the 2007 equinox. At strong methane-absorbing wavelengths (for which only the high troposphere or stratosphere is sampled) the feature is not visible, indicating that it is not a stratospheric phenomenon. We show that the observed northern bright polar cap results mainly from a decrease in the tropospheric methane mixing ratio, rather than from a possible latitudinal variation of the optical properties or abundance of aerosol, implying an increase in polar downwelling near the tropopause level

    Latitudinal Variations in Methane Abundance, Aerosol Opacity and Aerosol Scattering Efficiency in Neptune's Atmosphere Determined From VLT/MUSE

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    Spectral observations of Neptune made in 2019 with the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile have been analyzed to determine the spatial variation of aerosol scattering properties and methane abundance in Neptune's atmosphere. The darkening of the South Polar Wave at ∼60°S, and dark spots such as the Voyager 2 Great Dark Spot is concluded to be due to a spectrally dependent darkening (λ 650 nm. We find the properties of an overlying methane/haze aerosol layer at ∼2 bar are, to first-order, invariant with latitude, while variations in the opacity of an upper tropospheric haze layer reproduce the observed reflectivity at methane-absorbing wavelengths, with higher abundances found at the equator and also in a narrow “zone” at 80°S. Finally, we find the mean abundance of methane below its condensation level to be 6%–7% at the equator reducing to ∼3% south of ∼25°S, although the absolute abundances are model dependent.We are grateful to the United Kingdom Science and Technology Facilities Council for funding this research (Irwin: ST/S000461/1, Teanby: ST/R000980/1). Glenn Orton was supported by funding to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004). Leigh Fletcher and Mike Roman were supported by a European Research Council Consolidator Grant (under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, grant agreement no. 723890) at the University of Leicester. Santiago Pérez-Hoyos and Agustin Sánchez-Lavega are supported by the Spanish project PID2019-109467GB-I00 (MINECO/FEDER, UE), Elkartek21/87 KK-2021/00061 and Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT-1742-22