7 research outputs found

    Gas Accretion and Star Formation Rates

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    Cosmological numerical simulations of galaxy evolution show that accretion of metal-poor gas from the cosmic web drives the star formation in galaxy disks. Unfortunately, the observational support for this theoretical prediction is still indirect, and modeling and analysis are required to identify hints as actual signs of star-formation feeding from metal-poor gas accretion. Thus, a meticulous interpretation of the observations is crucial, and this observational review begins with a simple theoretical description of the physical process and the key ingredients it involves, including the properties of the accreted gas and of the star-formation that it induces. A number of observations pointing out the connection between metal-poor gas accretion and star-formation are analyzed, specifically, the short gas consumption time-scale compared to the age of the stellar populations, the fundamental metallicity relationship, the relationship between disk morphology and gas metallicity, the existence of metallicity drops in starbursts of star-forming galaxies, the so-called G dwarf problem, the existence of a minimum metallicity for the star-forming gas in the local universe, the origin of the alpha-enhanced gas forming stars in the local universe, the metallicity of the quiescent BCDs, and the direct measurements of gas accretion onto galaxies. A final section discusses intrinsic difficulties to obtain direct observational evidence, and points out alternative observational pathways to further consolidate the current ideas.Comment: Invited review to appear in Gas Accretion onto Galaxies, Astrophysics and Space Science Library, eds. A. J. Fox & R. Dav\'e, to be published by Springe

    Oxygen abundance in local disk and bulge: chemical evolution with a strictly universal IMF

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    The empirical differential oxygen abundance distribution (EDOD) is deduced from subsamples related to two different samples involving solar neighbourhood (SN) thick disk, thin disk, halo, and bulge stars. The EDOD of the SN thick + thin disk is determined by weighting the mass, for assumed SN thick to thin disk mass ratio within the range, 0.1-0.9. Inhomogeneous models of chemical evolution for the SN thick disk, the SN thin disk, the SN thick + thin disk, the SN halo, and the bulge, are computed assuming the instantaneous recycling approximation. The EDOD data are fitted, to an acceptable extent, by their TDOD counterparts provided (i) still undetected, low-oxygen abundance thin disk stars exist, and (ii) a single oxygen overabundant star is removed from a thin disk subsample. In any case, the (assumed power-law) stellar initial mass function (IMF) is universal but gas can be inhibited from, or enhanced in, forming stars at different rates with respect to a selected reference case. Models involving a strictly universal IMF (i.e. gas neither inhibited from, nor enhanced in, forming stars with respect to a selected reference case) can also reproduce the data. The existence of a strictly universal IMF makes similar chemical enrichment within active (i.e. undergoing star formation) regions placed in different environments, but increasing probability of a region being active passing from SN halo to SN thick + thin disk, SN thin disk, SN thick disk, and bulge. On the basis of the results, it is realized that the chemical evolution of the SN thick + thin disk as a whole cannot be excluded.Comment: 26 pages, 10 tables, and 5 figures; tables out of page are splitted in two parts in Appendix B; sects.4 and 5 rewritten for better understanding of the results; further references added. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics & Space Scienc

    The chemical evolution of a Milky Way-like galaxy: the importance of a cosmologically motivated infall law

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    We aim at finding a cosmologically motivated infall law to understand if the LambdaCDM cosmology can reproduce the main chemical characteristics of a Milky Way-like spiral galaxy. In this work we test several different gas infall laws, starting from that suggested in the two-infall model for the chemical evolution of the Milky Way by Chiappini et al., but focusing on laws derived from cosmological simulations which follows a concordance LambdaCDM cosmology. By means of a detailed chemical evolution model for the solar vicinity, we study the effects of the different gas infall laws on the abundance patterns and the G-dwarf metallicity distribution. The cosmological gas infall law predicts two main gas accretion episodes. By means of this cosmologically motivated infall law, we study the star formation rate, the SNIa and SNII rate, the total amount of gas and stars in the solar neighbourhood and the behaviour of several chemical abundances. We find that the results of the two-infall model are fully compatible with the evolution of the Milky Way with cosmological accretion laws. A gas assembly history derived from a DM halo, compatible with the formation of a late-type galaxy from the morphological point of view, can produce chemical properties in agreement with the available observations.Comment: This paper has 26 pages, 19 figures and 5 table

    Thermonuclear destruction of lithium beryllium and boron inside a 1 solar mass star

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    The goal of this paper is to show the interest of combining various text analysis techniques (shallow parsing, semantic analysis, etc.) and some information access techniques (indexing, classification, clustering, mapping)) to developp an information analysis system to be used and customized by non-specialists of documentary languages. The paper shows how these techniques can be integrated to for a process chain including : XML reformating, information extraction, clustering, mapping

    Comparison of capsule deformations induced by radiation asymmetries in spherical and cylindrical hohlraums lighted by the laser MégaJoule

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    The nominal configuration of inertial confinement fusion with the Laser MégaJoule (LMJ) uses a cylindrical hohlraum with two polar holes for the entrance of 60 laser quads. But the LMJ facility makes it possible to use a spherical hohlraum with more than two holes. We have studied two alternate configurations, in which 56 and 44 laser quads enter a spherical hohlraum through four and six holes respectively, with the same wall surface as in the nominal cylindrical hohlraum. We have estimated the intrinsic and random radiation asymmetries on the nominal capsule A1040 in these two configurations

    Primordial nucleosynthesis and nuclear reaction rates uncertainties.

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    The present analysis is devoted to interdiscourse functions in argumentative activities in psychological consulting on radio. The interdiscourse participates in persuasive premises by introducing sentences in relation to doxa and the topic, and the audience or the clients'reactions. it also occurs in interpretative activities according to the psychological consulting's pattern and contributes to creating vulgates in relation to stabilized theories