664 research outputs found

    Uniformity of the pseudomagnetic field in strained graphene

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    We present a study on the uniformity of the pseudomagnetic field in graphene as a function of the relative orientation between the graphene lattice and straining directions. For this, we strained a regular micron-sized graphene hexagon by deforming it symmetrically by displacing three of its edges. By simulations, we found that the pseudomagnetic field is strongest if the strain is applied perpendicular to the armchair direction of graphene. For a hexagon with a side length of 1 μ{\rm \mu}m, the pseudomagnetic field has a maximum of 1.2 T for an applied strain of 3.5% and it is uniform (variance <1< 1%) within a circle with a diameter of ∼520\sim 520 nm. This diameter is on the order of the typical diameter of the laser spot in a state-of-the-art confocal Raman spectroscopy setup, which suggests that observing the pseudomagnetic field in measurements of shifted magneto-phonon resonance is feasible.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Friction as Contrast Mechanism in Heterodyne Force Microscopy

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    The nondestructive imaging of subsurface structures on the nanometer scale has been a long-standing desire in both science and industry. A few impressive images were published so far that demonstrate the general feasibility by combining ultrasound with an Atomic Force Microscope. From different excitation schemes, Heterodyne Force Microscopy seems to be the most promising candidate delivering the highest contrast and resolution. However, the physical contrast mechanism is unknown, thereby preventing any quantitative analysis of samples. Here we show that friction at material boundaries within the sample is responsible for the contrast formation. This result is obtained by performing a full quantitative analysis, in which we compare our experimentally observed contrasts with simulations and calculations. Surprisingly, we can rule out all other generally believed responsible mechanisms, like Rayleigh scattering, sample (visco)elasticity, damping of the ultrasonic tip motion, and ultrasound attenuation. Our analytical description paves the way for quantitative SubSurface-AFM imaging.Comment: 7 pages main paper + 11 pages supplementary material

    Interplay between nanometer-scale strain variations and externally applied strain in graphene

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    We present a molecular modeling study analyzing nanometer-scale strain variations in graphene as a function of externally applied tensile strain. We consider two different mechanisms that could underlie nanometer-scale strain variations: static perturbations from lattice imperfections of an underlying substrate and thermal fluctuations. For both cases we observe a decrease in the out-of-plane atomic displacements with increasing strain, which is accompanied by an increase in the in-plane displacements. Reflecting the non-linear elastic properties of graphene, both trends together yield a non-monotonic variation of the total displacements with increasing tensile strain. This variation allows to test the role of nanometer-scale strain variations in limiting the carrier mobility of high-quality graphene samples

    Pulsar timing analysis in the presence of correlated noise

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    Pulsar timing observations are usually analysed with least-square-fitting procedures under the assumption that the timing residuals are uncorrelated (statistically "white"). Pulsar observers are well aware that this assumption often breaks down and causes severe errors in estimating the parameters of the timing model and their uncertainties. Ad hoc methods for minimizing these errors have been developed, but we show that they are far from optimal. Compensation for temporal correlation can be done optimally if the covariance matrix of the residuals is known using a linear transformation that whitens both the residuals and the timing model. We adopt a transformation based on the Cholesky decomposition of the covariance matrix, but the transformation is not unique. We show how to estimate the covariance matrix with sufficient accuracy to optimize the pulsar timing analysis. We also show how to apply this procedure to estimate the spectrum of any time series with a steep red power-law spectrum, including those with irregular sampling and variable error bars, which are otherwise very difficult to analyse.Comment: Accepted by MNRA

    Fabrication of comb-drive actuators for straining nanostructured suspended graphene

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    We report on the fabrication and characterization of an optimized comb-drive actuator design for strain-dependent transport measurements on suspended graphene. We fabricate devices from highly p-doped silicon using deep reactive ion etching with a chromium mask. Crucially, we implement a gold layer to reduce the device resistance from ≈51.6\approx51.6 kΩ\mathrm{\Omega} to ≈236\approx236 Ω\mathrm{\Omega} at room temperature in order to allow for strain-dependent transport measurements. The graphene is integrated by mechanically transferring it directly onto the actuator using a polymethylmethacrylate membrane. Importantly, the integrated graphene can be nanostructured afterwards to optimize device functionality. The minimum feature size of the structured suspended graphene is 30 nm, which allows for interesting device concepts such as mechanically-tunable nanoconstrictions. Finally, we characterize the fabricated devices by measuring the Raman spectrum as well as the a mechanical resonance frequency of an integrated graphene sheet for different strain values.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure

    High speed collision and reconnection of Abelian Higgs strings in the deep type-II regime

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    We study high speed collision and reconnection of cosmic strings in the type-II regime (scalar-to-gauge mass ratios larger than one) of the Abelian Higgs model. New phenomena such as multiple reconnections and clustering of small scale structure have been observed and reported in a previous paper, as well as the fact that the previously observed loop that mediates the second intercommutation is only a loop for sufficiently large beta = m_scalar^2/m_gauge^2. Here we give a more detailed account of our study, involving 3D numerical simulations with beta in the range 1 to 64, the largest value simulated to date, as well as 2D simulations of vortex-antivortex (v-av) collisions to understand the possible relation to the new 3D phenomena. Our simulations give further support to the idea that Abelian Higgs strings never pass through each other, unless this is the result of a double reconnection; and that the critical velocity (v_c) for double reconnection goes down with increasing mass ratio, but energy conservation suggests a lower bound around 0.77c. We discuss the qualitative change in the intermediate state observed for large mass ratios. We relate it to a similar change in the outcome of 2D v-av collisions in the form of radiating bound states. In the deep type-II regime the angular dependence of v_c for double reconnection does not seem to conform to semi-analytic predictions based on the Nambu-Goto approximation. We model the high angle collisions reasonably well by incorporating the effect of core interactions, and the torque they produce on the approaching strings, into the Nambu-Goto description of the collision. An interesting, counterintuitive aspect is that the effective collision angle is smaller because of the torque. Our results suggest differences in network evolution and radiation output with respect to the predictions based on Nambu-Goto or beta = 1 Abelian Higgs dynamics.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures Send For Publication in Physics Review

    Tunable mechanical coupling between driven microelectromechanical resonators

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    We present a microelectromechanical system, in which a silicon beam is attached to a comb-drive actuator, that is used to tune the tension in the silicon beam, and thus its resonance frequency. By measuring the resonance frequencies of the system, we show that the comb-drive actuator and the silicon beam behave as two strongly coupled resonators. Interestingly, the effective coupling rate (~ 1.5 MHz) is tunable with the comb-drive actuator (+10%) as well as with a side-gate (-10%) placed close to the silicon beam. In contrast, the effective spring constant of the system is insensitive to either of them and changes only by ±\pm 0.5%. Finally, we show that the comb-drive actuator can be used to switch between different coupling rates with a frequency of at least 10 kHz.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Tuning dissipation dilution in 2D material resonators by MEMS-induced tension

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    Resonators based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have exceptional properties for application as nanomechanical sensors, which allows them to operate at high frequencies with high sensitivity. However, their performance as nanomechanical sensors is currently limited by their low quality (QQ)-factor. Here, we make use of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS) to apply pure in-plane mechanical strain, enhancing both their resonance frequency and Q-factor. In contrast to earlier work, the 2D material resonators are fabricated on the MEMS actuators without any wet processing steps, using a dry-transfer method. A platinum clamp, that is deposited by electron beam-induced deposition, is shown to be effective in fixing the 2D membrane to the MEMS and preventing slippage. By in-plane straining the membranes in a purely mechanical fashion, we increase the tensile energy, thereby diluting dissipation. This way, we show how dissipation dilution can increase the QQ-factor of 2D material resonators by 91\%. The presented MEMS actuated dissipation dilution method does not only pave the way towards higher QQ-factors in resonators based on 2D materials, but also provides a route toward studies of the intrinsic loss mechanisms of 2D materials in the monolayer limit.Comment: 20 pages, 15 figure
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