153 research outputs found

    Synthetic Elastography using B-mode Ultrasound through a Deep Fully-Convolutional Neural Network

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    Shear-wave elastography (SWE) permits local estimation of tissue elasticity, an important imaging marker in biomedicine. This recently-developed, advanced technique assesses the speed of a laterally-travelling shear wave after an acoustic radiation force "push" to estimate local Young's moduli in an operator-independent fashion. In this work, we show how synthetic SWE (sSWE) images can be generated based on conventional B-mode imaging through deep learning. Using side-by-side-view B-mode/SWE images collected in 50 patients with prostate cancer, we show that sSWE images with a pixel-wise mean absolute error of 4.5+/-0.96 kPa with regard to the original SWE can be generated. Visualization of high-level feature levels through t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding reveals substantial overlap between data from two different scanners. Qualitatively, we examined the use of the sSWE methodology for B-mode images obtained with a scanner without SWE functionality. We also examined the use of this type of network in elasticity imaging in the thyroid. Limitations of the technique reside in the fact that networks have to be retrained for different organs, and that the method requires standardization of the imaging settings and procedure. Future research will be aimed at development of sSWE as an elasticity-related tissue typing strategy that is solely based on B-mode ultrasound acquisition, and the examination of its clinical utility.Comment: (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Reversal of Hartmann's procedure through the stomal side: A new even more minimal invasive technique

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    Background: Several minimal invasive, mainly laparoscopic-assisted, techniques for reversal of Hartmann's procedure (HP) have been published. The purpose of this pilot study was to assess a minimal invasive procedure through the stomal site that may compare favorably with open or laparoscopic-assisted procedures in terms of operative time, hospital stay and postoperative complications. Methods: HP reversal through the stomal side was attempted in 13 consecutive patients. Lysis of intra-abdominal adhesions was done manually through an incision at the formal stoma side, without direct vision between thumb and index finger. The rectal stump was identified intra-abdominally using a transanal rigid club. A manually controlled stapled end-to-end colorectal anastomosis was created. Results: Mean duration of operation was 81 min (range 58-109 min); mean hospital stay was 4.2 days (range 2-7 days). In two patients the procedure was converted because of strong adhesions in the lower pelvic cavity around the rectal stump that could not be lysed manually safely. No complications occurred in the patients in whom reversal was completely done through the stomal site. Conclusions: In our opinion, restoration of intestinal continuity through the stomal side after HP is a feasible operation, without need for additional incisions. In the hands of a specialist gastrointestinal surgeon this technique can be attempted in all patients, as conversion to a laparoscopic-assisted or an open procedure can be performed when necessary

    Recommendations for cardiovascular magnetic resonance in adults with congenital heart disease from the respective working groups of the European Society of Cardiology

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    This paper aims to provide information and explanations regarding the clinically relevant options, strengths, and limitations of cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) in relation to adults with congenital heart disease (CHD). Cardiovascular magnetic resonance can provide assessments of anatomical connections, biventricular function, myocardial viability, measurements of flow, angiography, and more, without ionizing radiation. It should be regarded as a necessary facility in a centre specializing in the care of adults with CHD. Also, those using CMR to investigate acquired heart disease should be able to recognize and evaluate previously unsuspected CHD such as septal defects, anomalously connected pulmonary veins, or double-chambered right ventricle. To realize its full potential and to avoid pitfalls, however, CMR of CHD requires training and experience. Appropriate pathophysiological understanding is needed to evaluate cardiovascular function after surgery for tetralogy of Fallot, transposition of the great arteries, and after Fontan operations. For these and other complex CHD, CMR should be undertaken by specialists committed to long-term collaboration with the clinicians and surgeons managing the patients. We provide a table of CMR acquisition protocols in relation to CHD categories as a guide towards appropriate use of this uniquely versatile imaging modality

    Intervju: akademik Jakša Barbić

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    Over the past 20 years evidence has accumulated confirming the immunomodulatory role of the appendix in ulcerative colitis (UC). This led to the idea that appendectomy might alter the clinical course of established UC. The objective of this body of research is to evaluate the short-term and medium-term efficacy of appendectomy to maintain remission in patients with UC, and to establish the acceptability and cost-effectiveness of the intervention compared to standard treatment. These paired phase III multicenter prospective randomised studies will include patients over 18 years of age with an established diagnosis of ulcerative colitis and a disease relapse within 12 months prior to randomisation. Patients need to have been medically treated until complete clinical (Mayo score <3) and endoscopic (Mayo score 0 or 1) remission. Patients will then be randomised 1:1 to a control group (maintenance 5-ASA treatment, no appendectomy) or elective laparoscopic appendectomy plus maintenance treatment. The primary outcome measure is the one year cumulative UC relapse rate - defined both clinically and endoscopically as a total Mayo-score ≥5 with endoscopic subscore of 2 or 3. Secondary outcomes that will be assessed include the number of relapses per patient at 12 months, the time to first relapse, health related quality of life and treatment costs, and number of colectomies in each arm. The ACCURE and ACCURE-UK trials will provide evidence on the role and acceptability of appendectomy in the treatment of ulcerative colitis and the effects of appendectomy on the disease course. NTR2883 ; ISRCTN5652301