2,183 research outputs found

    Bumps and rings in a two-dimensional neural field: splitting and rotational instabilities

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    In this paper we consider instabilities of localised solutions in planar neural field firing rate models of Wilson-Cowan or Amari type. Importantly we show that angular perturbations can destabilise spatially localised solutions. For a scalar model with Heaviside firing rate function we calculate symmetric one-bump and ring solutions explicitly and use an Evans function approach to predict the point of instability and the shapes of the dominant growing modes. Our predictions are shown to be in excellent agreement with direct numerical simulations. Moreover, beyond the instability our simulations demonstrate the emergence of multi-bump and labyrinthine patterns. With the addition of spike-frequency adaptation, numerical simulations of the resulting vector model show that it is possible for structures without rotational symmetry, and in particular multi-bumps, to undergo an instability to a rotating wave. We use a general argument, valid for smooth firing rate functions, to establish the conditions necessary to generate such a rotational instability. Numerical continuation of the rotating wave is used to quantify the emergent angular velocity as a bifurcation parameter is varied. Wave stability is found via the numerical evaluation of an associated eigenvalue problem

    Robustness and Enhancement of Neural Synchronization by Activity-Dependent Coupling

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    We study the synchronization of two model neurons coupled through a synapse having an activity-dependent strength. Our synapse follows the rules of Spike-Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP). We show that this plasticity of the coupling between neurons produces enlarged frequency locking zones and results in synchronization that is more rapid and much more robust against noise than classical synchronization arising from connections with constant strength. We also present a simple discrete map model that demonstrates the generality of the phenomenon.Comment: 4 pages, accepted for publication in PR

    Limits and dynamics of stochastic neuronal networks with random heterogeneous delays

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    Realistic networks display heterogeneous transmission delays. We analyze here the limits of large stochastic multi-populations networks with stochastic coupling and random interconnection delays. We show that depending on the nature of the delays distributions, a quenched or averaged propagation of chaos takes place in these networks, and that the network equations converge towards a delayed McKean-Vlasov equation with distributed delays. Our approach is mostly fitted to neuroscience applications. We instantiate in particular a classical neuronal model, the Wilson and Cowan system, and show that the obtained limit equations have Gaussian solutions whose mean and standard deviation satisfy a closed set of coupled delay differential equations in which the distribution of delays and the noise levels appear as parameters. This allows to uncover precisely the effects of noise, delays and coupling on the dynamics of such heterogeneous networks, in particular their role in the emergence of synchronized oscillations. We show in several examples that not only the averaged delay, but also the dispersion, govern the dynamics of such networks.Comment: Corrected misprint (useless stopping time) in proof of Lemma 1 and clarified a regularity hypothesis (remark 1

    Tamoxifen, aminoglutethimide and danazol: effect of therapy on hormones in post-menopausal patients with breast cancer.

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    Gonadotrophins, oestradiol, androstenedione, testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHAS) were measured sequentially in 72 patients with advanced breast cancer receiving endocrine therapy of various types. Tamoxifen significantly reduced gonadotrophins but did not effect other hormones. Danazol also reduced gonadotrophins. Aminoglutethimide (AGT) reduced oestradiol and DHAS but had not effect on gonadotrophins. The effects of administering tamoxifen, AGT and danazol together (TAD) together were therefore examined. This combination reduced gonadotrophins, oestradiol and DHAS, but no further than tamoxifen and AGT alone. The degree and duration of hormone suppression were similar in both responders and non-responders to tamoxifen, AGT or TAD, though patients responding to AGT showed more complete suppression at the end of the course of treatment, perhaps because they were treated longer. On relapse, adequate gonadotrophin and steroid suppression was demonstrated in patients receiving tamoxifen and AGT respectively. We conclude that (a) response to endocrine therapy is unlikely to be related to the degree of endocrine suppression produced by the therapy; (b) combination endocrine therapy does not further reduce serum-hormone concentrations and (c) relapse is unlikely to be due to escape from the hormone-inhibitory effects of endocrine agents

    Mode-Locking in Driven Disordered Systems as a Boundary-Value Problem

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    We study mode-locking in disordered media as a boundary-value problem. Focusing on the simplest class of mode-locking models which consists of a single driven overdamped degree-of-freedom, we develop an analytical method to obtain the shape of the Arnol'd tongues in the regime of low ac-driving amplitude or high ac-driving frequency. The method is exact for a scalloped pinning potential and easily adapted to other pinning potentials. It is complementary to the analysis based on the well-known Shapiro's argument that holds in the perturbative regime of large driving amplitudes or low driving frequency, where the effect of pinning is weak.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX, Submitte

    Identification of the Regulatory Logic Controlling Salmonella Pathoadaptation by the SsrA-SsrB Two-Component System

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    Sequence data from the past decade has laid bare the significance of horizontal gene transfer in creating genetic diversity in the bacterial world. Regulatory evolution, in which non-coding DNA is mutated to create new regulatory nodes, also contributes to this diversity to allow niche adaptation and the evolution of pathogenesis. To survive in the host environment, Salmonella enterica uses a type III secretion system and effector proteins, which are activated by the SsrA-SsrB two-component system in response to the host environment. To better understand the phenomenon of regulatory evolution in S. enterica, we defined the SsrB regulon and asked how this transcription factor interacts with the cis-regulatory region of target genes. Using ChIP-on-chip, cDNA hybridization, and comparative genomics analyses, we describe the SsrB-dependent regulon of ancestral and horizontally acquired genes. Further, we used a genetic screen and computational analyses integrating experimental data from S. enterica and sequence data from an orthologous regulatory system in the insect endosymbiont, Sodalis glossinidius, to identify the conserved yet flexible palindrome sequence that defines DNA recognition by SsrB. Mutational analysis of a representative promoter validated this palindrome as the minimal architecture needed for regulatory input by SsrB. These data provide a high-resolution map of a regulatory network and the underlying logic enabling pathogen adaptation to a host