350 research outputs found

    Cytomegalovirus Infection of the Eye in a Case of Renal Homotransplantation

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    Ocular involvement in cytomegalic inclusion disease, a viral infection usually seen in infants, is rarely seen in adults except as a terminal infection complicating diseases such as malignant lymphoma and leukemia. In infants, chorioretinitis and the frequent finding of intracranial calcification make clinical differentiation from toxoplasmosis difficult. This report presents a case of cytomegalic inclusion disease involving the eyes of an adult who had received a renal homotransplant

    Parenting, the other oldest profession in the world - a cross-sectional study of parenting and child outcomes in South Africa and Malawi.

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    Background Parenting quality is important in child development. In the presence of HIV poverty and life stress, parenting may be challenged and child development affected. Methods This study examines cross-sectional associations of situational factors such as poverty, mental health, HIV status, living with a biological parent, and stigma with good parenting and child outcomes (n=989; age=4-13 years) within the Child Community Care study (South Africa and Malawi). A parenting measure was created from 10 variables comprising 6 child and 4 parent ratings. These were highly correlated. Total parenting score was generated on a 10 point continuous scale, with a good parenting cut off then defined as >=8 out of a possible 10. Results Five factors were associated with good parenting. Positively associated with good parenting were being the biological parent of the child, parental mental health and dwelling in households with multiple adults. Poverty and stigma were negatively associated with good parenting. Using multiple mediation analysis, a positive direct effect of good parenting was found on child self-esteem, child behaviour and educational risks with a partial mediation via child depression and trauma. Conclusions These data highlight possible intervention points. Influences on parenting could be seen through being the biological parent, parental mental health, poverty and stigma. In these challenging environments, health, nutrition, mental health, education, and treatment to keep parents alive are all clearly identified as potential pathways to ensure child well-being. 19 </p

    Health-related Quality of Life among hospitalized older people awaiting residential aged care

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    BACKGROUND: Health related quality of life (HRQoL) in very late life is not well understood. The aim of the present study was to assess HRQoL and health outcomes at four months follow-up in a group of older people awaiting transfer to residential aged care. METHODS: Secondary analysis of data from a randomized controlled trial conducted in three public hospitals in Adelaide. A total of 320 patients in hospital beds awaiting a residential aged care bed participated. Outcome measurements included HRQoL (Assessment of Quality of Life; AQoL), functional level (Modified Barthel Index), hospital readmission rates, survival, and place of residence at four months follow-up. RESULTS: In this frail group the median AQoL was poor at baseline (median 0.02; 95%CI -0.01 - 0.04) and at follow-up (0.05; 95%CI 0.03 - 0.06). On leaving hospital, more than one third of participants who were moving for the first time into nursing home care rated themselves in a state worse than death (AQoL < or = 0.0). Poor HRQoL at discharge from hospital (AQoL < or = 0.0) was a significant predictor of mortality (HR 1.7; 95%CI 1.2 - 2.7), but not hospital readmission nor place of residence at four months follow-up. Improved function was a predictor of improved HRQoL among the surviving cohort. CONCLUSION: People making the transition to residential aged care from hospital have very poor HRQoL, but small gains in function seem to be related to improvement. While functional gains are unlikely to change discharge destination in this frail group, they can contribute to improvements in HRQoL. These gains may be of great significance for individuals nearing the end of life and should be taken into account in resource allocation.Lynne C. Giles, Graeme Hawthorne and Maria Crott

    Constitutively Active Canonical NF-κB Pathway Induces Severe Bone Loss in Mice

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    Physiologic osteoclastogenesis entails activation of multiple signal transduction pathways distal to the cell membrane receptor RANK. However, atypical osteoclastogenesis driven by pro-inflammatory stimuli has been described. We have reported recently a novel mechanism whereby endogenous mutational activation of the classical NF-κB pathway is sufficient to induce RANKL/RANK-independent osteoclastogenesis. Here we investigate the physiologic relevance of this phenomenon in vivo. Using a knock-in approach, the active form of IKK2, namely IKK2SSEE, was introduced into the myeloid lineage with the aid of CD11b-cre mice. Phenotypic assessment revealed that expression of IKK2SSEE in the myeloid compartment induced significant bone loss in vivo. This observation was supported by a dramatic increase in the number and size of osteoclasts in trabecular regions, elevated levels of circulating TRACP-5b, and reduced bone volume. Mechanistically, we observed that IKK2SSEE induced high expression of not only p65 but also p52 and RelB; the latter two molecules are considered exclusive members of the alternative NF-κB pathway. Intriguingly, RelB and P52 were both required to mediate the osteoclastogenic effect of IKK2SSEE and co-expression of these two proteins was sufficient to recapitulate osteoclastogenesis in the absence of RANKL or IKK2SSEE. Furthermore, we found that NF-κB2/p100 is a potent inhibitor of IKK2SSEE-induced osteoclastogenesis. Deletion of p52 enabled more robust osteoclast formation by the active kinase. In summary, molecular activation of IKK2 may play a role in conditions of pathologic bone destruction, which may be refractory to therapeutic interventions targeting the proximal RANKL/RANK signal

    Self-harm in young people with perinatal HIV and HIV negative young people in England: cross sectional analysis.

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    BACKGROUND: Self-harm in adolescents is of growing concern internationally but limited evidence exists on the prevalence of self-harm in those living with HIV, who may be at higher risk of poor mental health outcomes. Therefore our aim was to determine the prevalence and predictors of self-harm among young people with perinatally-acquired HIV (PHIV) and HIV negative (with sibling or mother living with HIV) young people living in England. METHODS: 303 PHIV and 100 HIV negative young people (aged 12-23 years) participating in the Adolescents and Adults Living with Perinatal HIV cohort study completed an anonymous self-harm questionnaire, as well as a number of standardised mental-health assessments. Logistic regression investigated predictors of self-harm. RESULTS: The median age was 16.7 years in both groups, and 40.9% of the PHIV and 31.0% of the HIV negative groups were male. In total 13.9% (56/403) reported having ever self-harmed, with no difference by HIV status (p = 0.089). Multivariable predictors of self-harm were female sex (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 5.3, (95% confidence interval 1.9, 14.1), p = 0.001), lower self-esteem (AOR 0.9 (0.8, 0.9) per 1 point increase, p < 0.001) and having ever used alcohol (AOR 3.8 (1.8, 7.8), p < 0.001). Self-esteem z-scores for both PHIV and HIV negative participants were 1.9 standard deviations below the mean for population norms. CONCLUSIONS: Self-harm is common among PHIV and HIV negative adolescents in England. Reassuringly however, they do not appear to be at an increased risk compared to the general adolescent population (15-19% lifetime prevalence). The low level of self-esteem (compared to available normative data) in both groups is worrying and warrants further attention

    Clinician-rated mental health in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services: associations with parent, teacher and adolescent ratings

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Clinician-rated measures are used extensively in child and adolescent mental health services (CAMHS). The Health of the Nation Outcome Scales for Children and Adolescents (HoNOSCA) is a short clinician-rated measure developed for ordinary clinical practice, with increasing use internationally. Several studies have investigated its psychometric properties, but there are few data on its correspondence with other methods, rated by other informants. We compared the HoNOSCA with the well-established Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) questionnaires: the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Teacher's Report Form (TRF), and the Youth Self-Report (YSR).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Data on 153 patients aged 6-17 years at seven outpatient CAMHS clinics in Norway were analysed. Clinicians completed the HoNOSCA, whereas parents, teachers, and adolescents filled in the ASEBA forms. HoNOSCA <it>total score </it>and nine of its scales were compared with similar ASEBA scales. With a multiple regression model, we investigated how the ASEBA ratings predicted the clinician-rated HoNOSCA and whether the different informants' scores made any unique contribution to the prediction of the HoNOSCA scales.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found moderate correlations between the total problems rated by the clinicians (HoNOSCA) and by the other informants (ASEBA) and good correspondence between eight of the nine HoNOSCA scales and the similar ASEBA scales. The exception was HoNOSCA scale 8 <it>psychosomatic symptoms </it>compared with the ASEBA s<it>omatic problems </it>scale. In the regression analyses, the CBCL and TRF <it>total problems </it>scores together explained 27% of the variance in the HoNOSCA <it>total scores </it>(23% for the age group 11-17 years, also including the YSR). The CBCL provided unique information for the prediction of the HoNOSCA <it>total score</it>, HoNOSCA scale 1 <it>aggressive behaviour</it>, HoNOSCA scale 2 <it>overactivity or attention problems</it>, HoNOSCA scale 9 <it>emotional symptoms</it>, and HoNOSCA scale 10 <it>peer problems; </it>the TRF for all these except HoNOSCA scale 9 <it>emotional symptoms; </it>and the YSR for HoNOSCA scale 9 <it>emotional symptoms </it>only.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This study supports the concurrent validity of the HoNOSCA. It also demonstrates that parents, teachers and adolescents all contribute unique information in relation to the clinician-rated HoNOSCA, indicating that the HoNOSCA ratings reflect unique perspectives from multiple informants.</p

    International prevalence of adolescent non-suicidal self-injury and deliberate self-harm

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The behaviours of non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and deliberate self-harm (DSH) are prevalent among adolescents, and an increase of rates in recent years has been postulated. There is a lack of studies to support this postulation, and comparing prevalence across studies and nations is complicated due to substantial differences in the methodology and nomenclature of existing research.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We conducted a systematic review of current (2005 - 2011) empirical studies reporting on the prevalence of NSSI and DSH in adolescent samples across the globe.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Fifty-two studies fulfilling the inclusion criteria were obtained for analysis. No statistically significant differences were found between NSSI (18.0% SD = 7.3) and DSH (16.1% SD = 11.6) studies. Assessment using single item questions led to lower prevalence rates than assessment with specific behaviour checklists. Mean prevalence rates have not increased in the past five years, suggesting stabilization.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>NSSI and DSH have a comparable prevalence in studies with adolescents from different countries. The field would benefit from adopting a common approach to assessment to aide cross-cultural study and comparisons.</p

    Impulsivity and self-harm in adolescence: a systematic review

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    Research supports an association between impulsivity and self-harm, yet inconsistencies in methodology across studies have complicated understanding of this relationship. This systematic review examines the association between impulsivity and self-harm in community-based adolescents aged 11-25 years and aims to integrate findings according to differing concepts and methods. Electronic searches of EMBASE, MEDLINE, PsychINFO, CINAHL, PubMed and The Cochrane Library, and manual searches of reference lists of relevant reviews, identified 4,496 articles published up to July 2015, of which 28 met inclusion criteria. Twenty-four of the studies reported an association between broadly specified impulsivity and self-harm. However, findings varied according to the conception and measurement of impulsivity and the precision with which self-harm behaviours were specified. Specifically, lifetime non-suicidal self-injury was most consistently associated with mood-based impulsivity related traits. However, cognitive facets of impulsivity (relating to difficulties maintaining focus or acting without forethought) differentiated current self-harm from past self-harm. These facets also distinguished those with thoughts of self-harm (ideation) from those who acted on thoughts (enaction). The findings suggested that mood-based impulsivity is related to the initiation of self-harm, while cognitive facets of impulsivity are associated with the maintenance of self-harm. In addition, behavioural impulsivity is most relevant to self-harm under conditions of negative affect. Collectively, the findings indicate that distinct impulsivity facets confer unique risks across the life-course of self-harm. From a clinical perspective, the review suggests that interventions focusing on reducing rash reactivity to emotions or improving self-regulation and decision-making may offer most benefit in supporting those who self-harm

    Schools, families, and social reproduction

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    Neoliberal educational discourse across the Global North is marked by an increasing homogeneity, but this masks significant socio-spatial differences in the enactment of policy. The authors focus on four facets of roll-out neoliberalism in English education policy that have expanded the function of primary schools, and redrawn the boundary between state and family responsibilities. Specifically, these are increased state support for: (1) working parenthood through provision of wraparound childcare; (2) parent-child relationships through school-led provision of parenting classes; (3) parental involvement in children’s learning; and (4) child development through schools’ fostering of extracurricular activities. The politics of policies that both enhance state responsibility for, and influence in, matters that were previously within the purview of families are complex. The collective impact of these developments has been both to reform how the work of daily and generational social reproduction is done, and to reshape the social reproduction of a classed and gendered society