811 research outputs found

    Costs Associated with Malaria in Pregnancy in the Brazilian Amazon, a Low Endemic Area Where Plasmodium vivax Predominates.

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    BACKGROUND: Information on costs associated with malaria in pregnancy (MiP) in low transmission areas where Plasmodium vivax predominates is so far missing. This study estimates health system and patient costs of MiP in the Brazilian Amazon. METHODS/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Between January 2011 and March 2012 patient costs for the treatment of MiP were collected through an exit survey at a tertiary referral hospital and at a primary health care centre in the Manaus metropolitan area, Amazonas state. Pregnant and post-partum women diagnosed with malaria were interviewed after an outpatient consultation or at discharge after admission. Seventy-three interviews were included in the analysis. Ninety-six percent of episodes were due to P. vivax and 4% to Plasmodium falciparum. In 2010, the total median costs from the patient perspective were estimated at US 45.91andUS45.91 and US 216.29 for an outpatient consultation and an admission, respectively. When multiple P. vivax infections during the same pregnancy were considered, patient costs increased up to US 335.85,representingthecostsofanadmissionplusanoutpatientconsultation.Providerdirectandoverheadcostdatawereobtainedfromseveralsources.Theprovidercostassociatedwithanoutpatientcase,whichincludesseveralconsultationsatthetertiaryhospitalwasUS335.85, representing the costs of an admission plus an outpatient consultation. Provider direct and overhead cost data were obtained from several sources. The provider cost associated with an outpatient case, which includes several consultations at the tertiary hospital was US 103.51 for a P. vivax malaria episode and US 83.59foraP.falciparummalariaepisode.Thecostofaninpatientdayandaverageadmissionof3dayswasUS83.59 for a P. falciparum malaria episode. The cost of an inpatient day and average admission of 3 days was US 118.51 and US 355.53,respectively.TotalprovidercostsforthediagnosisandtreatmentofallmalariacasesreportedinpregnantwomeninManausin2010(N=364)wereUS355.53, respectively. Total provider costs for the diagnosis and treatment of all malaria cases reported in pregnant women in Manaus in 2010 (N = 364) were US 17,038.50, of which 92.4% (US$ 15,741.14) due to P. vivax infection. CONCLUSION: Despite being an area of low risk malaria transmission, MiP is responsible for a significant economic burden in Manaus. Especially when multiple infections are considered, costs associated with P. vivax are higher than costs associated with P. falciparum. The information generated may help health policy decisions for the current control and future elimination of malaria in the area

    The end of the demographic dividend in Latin America: challenges for economic and social policies

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    Artículo de revistaPopulation ageing is a major global challenge. The Latin American economies have a younger population structure than other emerging and advanced economies, which has allowed them to enjoy the so-called demographic dividend (a favourable working age/non-working age population ratio). However, according to the latest demographic projections of the United Nations (UN), it is estimated that in 2020 the Latin American population pyramid will resemble that of the advanced economies in 1990 and that, by around 2050, both groups will have similar population profiles. This article documents the current demographic trends in Latin America and discusses the main related challenges, in particular, those arising from the adaptation of social welfare systems to population ageing

    Transcription of Leishmania major U2 small nuclear RNA gene is directed by extragenic sequences located within a tRNA-like and a tRNA-Ala gene

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    Sequence comparisons of U2 snRNA genes and flanking regions from T. cruzi (CL Brener Non-Esmeraldo-like). Sequences from the genes located on chromosomes 23, 37 and 6 are shown. The U2 snRNA gene from chromosome 23 is presented in blue font. The position of boxes A and B is indicated. Sequence numbers are relative to the TSS (+1) from the U2 snRNA. (PDF 1404 kb

    Transmission of Helium through Graphynes Pores: First Principles Calculations and Quantum Mechanical Simulations

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    AMOC 2015, Anharmonicity in médium-sized molecules and cluster, CSIC, Madrid (Spain), 26-30 April 2015; http://tct1.iem.csic.es/AMOC2015.htmPeer Reviewe

    Incidence of complications in breast reconstruction with autologous tissue in a third level hospital

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    Background: The objective of this study is to analyze the incidence of complications after breast reconstruction with pedicled or free flaps at the hospital general de Mexico "Dr. Eduardo Liceaga”. Methods: A retrospective, single-center study, including 44 female patients, who underwent immediate or delayed breast reconstruction after breast cancer, between 2019 and 2020, and had at least a 2-year follow up, evaluating the association between patient risk factors (age, history of radiotherapy, presence of overweight or obesity and immediate or delayed reconstruction) with the presence of complications such as seroma, hematoma, wound infection or wound dehiscence. We analyzed data with SPSS software, v23.0. Results: There was no statistically significant difference for the presence of complications associated with risk factors studied. Conclusions: We need more prospective, multicenter studies, including larger sample and strict follow up of patients

    Screen-printed nanoparticles as anti-counterfeiting tags

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    Metallic nanoparticles with different physical properties have been screen printed as authentication tags on different types of paper. Gold and silver nanoparticles show unique optical signatures, including sharp emission bandwidths and long lifetimes of the printed label, even under accelerated weathering conditions. Magnetic nanoparticles show distinct physical signals that depend on the size of the nanoparticle itself. They were also screen printed on different substrates and their magnetic signals read out using a magnetic pattern recognition sensor and a vibrating sample magnetometer. The novelty of our work lies in the demonstration that the combination of nanomaterials with optical and magnetic properties on the same printed support is possible, and the resulting combined signals can be used to obtain a user-configurable label, providing a high degree of security in anti-counterfeiting applications using simple commercially-available sensors

    A cryptic variation in a member of the Ovate Family Proteins is underlying the melon fruit shape QTL fsqs8.1

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    Melon cultivars have a wide range of fruit morphologies. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) have been identifed underlying such diversity. This research focuses on the fruit shape QTL fsqs8.1, previously detected in a cross between the accession PI 124112 (CALC, producing elongated fruit) and the cultivar ‘Piel de Sapo’ (PS, producing oval fruit). The CALC fsqs8.1 allele induced round fruit shape, being responsible for the transgressive segregation for this trait observed in that population. In fact, the introgression line CALC8-1, carrying the fsqs8.1 locus from CALC into the PS genetic background, produced perfect round fruit. Following a map-based cloning approach, we found that the gene underlying fsqs8.1 is a member of the Ovate Family Proteins (OFP), CmOFP13, likely a homologue of AtOFP1 and SlOFP20 from Arabidopsis thaliana and tomato, respectively. The induction of the round shape was due to the higher expression of the CALC allele at the early ovary development stage. The fsqs8.1 locus showed an important structural variation, being CmOFP13 surrounded by two deletions in the CALC genome. The deletions are present at very low frequency in melon germplasm. Deletions and single nucleotide polymorphisms in the fsqs8.1 locus could not be not associated with variation in fruit shape among diferent melon accessions, what indicates that other genetic factors should be involved to induce the CALC fsqs8.1 allele efects. Therefore, fsqs8.1 is an example of a cryptic variation that alters gene expression, likely due to structural variation, resulting in phenotypic changes in melon fruit morphology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Long-range pollution transport during the MILAGRO-2006 campaign: a case study of a major Mexico City outflow event using free-floating altitude-controlled balloons

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    One of the major objectives of the Megacities Initiative: Local And Global Research Observations (MILAGRO-2006) campaign was to investigate the long-range transport of polluted Mexico City Metropolitan Area (MCMA) outflow and determine its downwind impacts on air quality and climate. Six research aircraft, including the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) C-130, made extensive chemical, aerosol, and radiation measurements above MCMA and more than 1000 km downwind in order to characterize the evolution of the outflow as it aged and dispersed over the Mesa Alta, Sierra Madre Oriental, Coastal Plain, and Gulf of Mexico. As part of this effort, free-floating Controlled-Meteorological (CMET) balloons, commanded to change altitude via satellite, made repeated profile measurements of winds and state variables within the advecting outflow. In this paper, we present an analysis of the data from two CMET balloons that were launched near Mexico City on the afternoon of 18 March 2006 and floated downwind with the MCMA pollution for nearly 30 h. The repeating profile measurements show the evolving structure of the outflow in considerable detail: its stability and stratification, interaction with other air masses, mixing episodes, and dispersion into the regional background. Air parcel trajectories, computed directly from the balloon wind profiles, show three transport pathways on 18–19 March: (a) high-altitude advection of the top of the MCMA mixed layer, (b) mid-level outflow over the Sierra Madre Oriental followed by decoupling and isolated transport over the Gulf of Mexico, and (c) low-level outflow with entrainment into a cleaner northwesterly jet above the Coastal Plain. The C-130 aircraft intercepted the balloon-based trajectories three times on 19 March, once along each of these pathways; in all three cases, peaks in urban tracer concentrations and LIDAR backscatter are consistent with MCMA pollution. In comparison with the transport models used in the campaign, the balloon-based trajectories appear to shear the outflow far more uniformly and decouple it from the surface, thus forming a thin but expansive polluted layer over the Gulf of Mexico that is well aligned with the aircraft observations. These results provide critical context for the extensive aircraft measurements made during the 18–19 March MCMA outflow event and may have broader implications for modelling and understanding long-range transport

    Dhvar5-chitosan nanogels and their potential to improve antibiotics activity

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    Infection is one of the main causes of orthopedic implants failure, with antibiotic-resistant bacteria playing a crucial role in this outcome. In this work, antimicrobial nanogels were developed to be applied in situ as implant coating to prevent orthopedic-device-related infections. To that regard, a broad-spectrum antimicrobial peptide, Dhvar5, was grafted onto chitosan via thiol-norbornene "photoclick" chemistry. Dhvar5-chitosan nanogels (Dhvar5-NG) were then produced using a microfluidic system. Dhvar5-NG (1010 nanogels (NG)/mL) with a Dhvar5 concentration of 6 μg/mL reduced the burden of the most critical bacteria in orthopedic infections - methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) - after 24 h in medium supplemented with human plasma proteins. Transmission electron microscopy showed that Dhvar5-NG killed bacteria by membrane disruption and cytoplasm release. No signs of cytotoxicity against a pre-osteoblast cell line were verified upon incubation with Dhvar5-NG. To further explore therapeutic alternatives, the potential synergistic effect of Dhvar5-NG with antibiotics was evaluated against MRSA. Dhvar5-NG at a sub-minimal inhibitory concentration (109 NG/mL) demonstrated synergistic effect with oxacillin (4-fold reduction: from 2 to 0.5 μg/mL) and piperacillin (2-fold reduction: from 2 to 1 μg/mL). This work supports the use of Dhvar5-NG as adjuvant of antibiotics to the prevention of orthopedic devices-related infections.The authors B. Costa, P.M. Alves and D. R. Fonseca would like to thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Refs. SFRH/BD/147027/2019, SFRH/BD/145471/2019 and SFRH/BD/146890/2019), FCT/MCTES (Ref. CEECIND/01921/2017). C. Monteiro Thanks FCT by her contract-program (art. 23 of Law no. 57/2016 & 57/2017). Paula Gomes thanks FCT/MCTES for financial support to the LAQV-REQUIMTE Research Unit (UIDB/50006/2020; DOI 10.54499/UIDB/50006/2020) through national funds. A. Gomes thanks FCT/MCTES for Junior Researcher Contract 2022.08044.CEECIND/CP1724/CT0004 (DOI:10.54499/2022.08044.CEECIND/CP1724/CT0004). M.C.L. Martins also acknowledges FCT (LA/P/0070/2020) and MOBILIsE Project, which has received funding from the European Union’’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement no. 951723

    Prospective multicenter study of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae from 83 hospitals in Spain reveals high in vitro susceptibility to colistin and meropenem

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    The aim of this study was to determine the impact of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae (CPE) in Spain in 2013 by describing the prevalence, dissemination, and geographic distribution of CPE clones, and their population structure and antibi- otic susceptibility. From February 2013 to May 2013, 83 hospitals (about 40,000 hospital beds) prospectively collected nondupli- cate Enterobacteriaceae using the screening cutoff recommended by EUCAST. Carbapenemase characterization was performed by phenotypic methods and confirmed by PCR and sequencing. Multilocus sequencing types (MLST) were determined for Kleb- siella pneumoniae and Escherichia coli. A total of 702 Enterobacteriaceae isolates met the inclusion criteria; 379 (54%) were CPE. OXA-48 (71.5%) and VIM-1 (25.3%) were the most frequent carbapenemases, and K. pneumoniae (74.4%), Enterobacter cloacae (10.3%), and E. coli (8.4%) were the species most affected. Susceptibility to colistin, amikacin, and meropenem was 95.5%, 81.3%, and 74.7%, respectively. The most prevalent sequence types (STs) were ST11 and ST405 for K. pneumoniae and ST131 for E. coli. Forty-five (54.1%) of the hospitals had at least one CPE case. For K. pneumoniae, ST11/OXA-48, ST15/OXA-48, ST405/ OXA-48, and ST11/VIM-1 were detected in two or more Spanish provinces. ST11 isolates carried four carbapenemases (VIM-1, OXA-48, KPC-2, and OXA-245), but ST405 isolates carried OXA-48 only. A wide interregional spread of CPE in Spain was ob- served, mainly due to a few successful clones of OXA-48-producing K. pneumoniae (e.g., ST11 and ST405). The dissemination of OXA-48-producing E. coli is a new finding of public health concern. According to the susceptibilities determined in vitro, most of the CPE (94.5%) had three or more options for antibiotic treatment