6,127 research outputs found

    Understanding the internet topology evolution dynamics

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    The internet structure is extremely complex. The Positive-Feedback Preference (PFP) model is a recently introduced internet topology generator. The model uses two generic algorithms to replicate the evolution dynamics observed on the internet historic data. The phenomenological model was originally designed to match only two topology properties of the internet, i.e. the rich-club connectivity and the exact form of degree distribution. Whereas numerical evaluation has shown that the PFP model accurately reproduces a large set of other nontrivial characteristics as well. This paper aims to investigate why and how this generative model captures so many diverse properties of the internet. Based on comprehensive simulation results, the paper presents a detailed analysis on the exact origin of each of the topology properties produced by the model. This work reveals how network evolution mechanisms control the obtained topology properties and it also provides insights on correlations between various structural characteristics of complex networks.Comment: 15 figure

    Monovalent counterion distributions at highly charged water interfaces: Proton-transfer and Poisson-Boltzmann theory

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    Surface sensitive synchrotron-X-ray scattering studies reveal the distributions of monovalent ions next to highly charged interfaces. A lipid phosphate (dihexadecyl hydrogen-phosphate) was spread as a monolayer at the air-water interface, containing CsI at various concentrations. Using anomalous reflectivity off and at the L3L_3 Cs+^+ resonance, we provide, for the first time, spatial counterion distributions (Cs+^+) next to the negatively charged interface over a wide range of ionic concentrations. We argue that at low salt concentrations and for pure water the enhanced concentration of hydroniums H3_3O+^+ at the interface leads to proton-transfer back to the phosphate group by a high contact-potential, whereas high salt concentrations lower the contact-potential resulting in proton-release and increased surface charge-density. The experimental ionic distributions are in excellent agreement with a renormalized-surface-charge Poisson-Boltzmann theory without fitting parameters or additional assumptions

    Direct Experimental Evidence for Differing Reactivity Alterations of Minerals following Irradiation: The Case of Calcite and Quartz

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    Concrete, a mixture formed by mixing cement, water, and fine and coarse mineral aggregates is used in the construction of nuclear power plants (NPPs), e.g., to construct the reactor cavity concrete that encases the reactor pressure vessel, etc. In such environments, concrete may be exposed to radiation (e.g., neutrons) emanating from the reactor core. Until recently, concrete has been assumed relatively immune to radiation exposure. Direct evidence acquired on Ar+^+-ion irradiated calcite and quartz indicates, on the contrary, that, such minerals, which constitute aggregates in concrete, may be significantly altered by irradiation. Specifically, while quartz undergoes disordering of its atomic structure resulting in a near complete lack of periodicity, i.e., similar to glassy silica, calcite only experiences random rotations, and distortions of its carbonate groups. As a result, irradiated quartz shows a reduction in density of around 15%, and an increase in chemical reactivity, described by its dissolution rate, similar to a glassy silica; i.e., an increase of around 3 orders of magnitude. Calcite however, shows little change in dissolution rates - although its density noted to reduce by around 9%. These differences are correlated with the nature of bonds in these minerals, i.e., being dominantly ionic or covalent, and the rigidity of the mineral's atomic network that is characterized by the number of topological constraints (nc_c) that are imposed on the atoms in the network. The outcomes are discussed within the context of the durability of concrete structural elements formed with calcitic/quartzitic aggregates in nuclear power plants

    An Exact Characterization of the Generalization Error for the Gibbs Algorithm

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    Various approaches have been developed to upper bound the generalization error of a supervised learning algorithm. However, existing bounds are often loose and lack of guarantees. As a result, they may fail to characterize the exact generalization ability of a learning algorithm.Our main contribution is an exact characterization of the expected generalization error of the well-known Gibbs algorithm (a.k.a. Gibbs posterior) using symmetrized KL information between the input training samples and the output hypothesis. Our result can be applied to tighten existing expected generalization error and PAC-Bayesian bounds. Our approach is versatile, as it also characterizes the generalization error of the Gibbs algorithm with data-dependent regularizer and that of the Gibbs algorithm in the asymptotic regime, where it converges to the empirical risk minimization algorithm. Of particular relevance, our results highlight the role the symmetrized KL information plays in controlling the generalization error of the Gibbs algorithm

    Embracing corruption burstiness: Fast error recovery for ZigBee under wi-Fi interference

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.The ZigBee communication can be easily and severely interfered by Wi-Fi traffic. Error recovery, as an important means for ZigBee to survive Wi-Fi interference, has been extensively studied in recent years. The existing works add upfront redundancy to in-packet blocks for recovering a certain number of random corruptions. Therefore the bursty nature of ZigBee in-packet corruptions under Wi-Fi interference is often considered harmful, since some blocks are full of errors which cannot be recovered and some blocks have no errors but still requiring redundancy. As a result, they often use interleaving to reshape the bursty errors, before applying complex FEC codes to recover the re-shaped random distributed errors. In this paper, we take a different view that burstiness may be helpful. With burstiness, the in-packet corruptions are often consecutive and the requirement for error recovery is reduced as ”recovering any k consecutive errors” instead of ”recovering any random k errors”. This lowered requirement allows us to design far more efficient code than the existing FEC codes. Motivated by this implication, we exploit the corruption burstiness to design a simple yet effective error recovery code using XOR operations (called ZiXOR). ZiXOR uses XOR code and the delay is significantly reduced. More, ZiXOR uses RSSI-hinted approach to detect in packet corruptions without CRC, incurring almost no extra transmission overhead. The testbed evaluation results show that ZiXOR outperforms the state-of-the-art works in terms of the throughput (by 47%) and latency (by 22%)This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61602095 and No. 61472360), the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (No. ZYGX2016KYQD098 and No. 2016FZA5010), National Key Technology R&D Program (Grant No. 2014BAK15B02), CCFIntel Young Faculty Researcher Program, CCF-Tencent Open Research Fund, China Ministry of Education—China Mobile Joint Project under Grant No. MCM20150401 and the EU FP7 CLIMBER project under Grant Agreement No. PIRSES-GA- 2012-318939. Wei Dong is the corresponding author

    Effects of anisotropic composite skin on electrothermal anti-icing system

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    To study the effects of anisotropic thermal conductivity of composite aircraft skin on the heat transfer characteristics of electrothermal anti-icing system, the differential equation of anisotropic heat conduction was established using coordinate transformation of principal anisotropy axis. In addition, it was coupled with the heat and mass transfer model of the runback water film on the anti-icing surface to perform numerical simulation of the electrothermal anti-icing system. The temperature results of the vertical and cylindrical orthotropic thermal conduction in the rectangular and semi-cylindrical composite skin were consistent with those obtained by the traditional orthotropic model, which verified the anisotropic heat conduction model. The temperature distribution of anti-icing surface agreed well with the literature data, which validated the coupled heat and mass model of the runback water flow and the anisotropic skin. The anisotropic thermal conductivity of composite skin would make temperature change more gradual, and the effect was more significant where the curvature of the temperature curve was greater. However, the anti-icing surface of the electrothermal anti-icing system was slightly affected by the anisotropic heat conduction of the multilayered composite skin

    Enhanced glutathione peroxidases (GPx) activity in young barley seedlings enriched with selenium

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    To assess whether young barley seedlings could be used as a selenium-enriched food material, a field experiment was carried out. Barley seeds were soaked in aqueous solutions at 20°C for 24 h. The solutions contained selenium in the form of sodium selenite and were at 0, 10, 20 and 30 μg/ml, respectively. Then the seeds were sowed in a non-selenium-fertilized field. Seedlings were harvested 2, 3, 4, and 5 weeks after sowing. Results show that selenium treatment did not affect (P>0.05) the biomass yield, height and stem diameter of young barley seedlings but significantly increased (P<0.05) selenium content and enhanced chlorophyll accumulation and glutathione peroxidases (GPx) activity in young barley seedlings. This study indicates that the method of soaking seeds in selenium solutions was feasible in enhancing selenium content in young barley seedlings which could be used as a  seleniumenriched food material.Key words: Selenium, young barley seedlings, growth, chlorophyll, glutathione peroxidases
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