1,624 research outputs found

    Nested shells reveal the rejuvenation of the Orion-Eridanus superbubble

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    The Orion-Eridanus superbubble is the prototypical superbubble due to its proximity and evolutionary state. Here, we provide a synthesis of recent observational data from WISE and Planck with archival data, allowing to draw a new and more complete picture on the history and evolution of the Orion-Eridanus region. We discuss the general morphological structures and observational characteristics of the superbubble, and derive quantitative properties of the gas- and dust inside Barnard's Loop. We reveal that Barnard's Loop is a complete bubble structure which, together with the lambda Ori region and other smaller-scale bubbles, expands within the Orion-Eridanus superbubble. We argue that the Orion-Eridanus superbubble is larger and more complex than previously thought, and that it can be viewed as a series of nested shells, superimposed along the line of sight. During the lifetime of the superbubble, HII region champagne flows and thermal evaporation of embedded clouds continuously mass-load the superbubble interior, while winds or supernovae from the Orion OB association rejuvenate the superbubble by sweeping up the material from the interior cavities in an episodic fashion, possibly triggering the formation of new stars that form shells of their own. The steady supply of material into the superbubble cavity implies that dust processing from interior supernova remnants is more efficient than previously thought. The cycle of mass-loading, interior cleansing, and star formation repeats until the molecular reservoir is depleted or the clouds have been disrupted. While the nested shells come and go, the superbubble remains for tens of millions of years.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Predicting Blood Glucose with an LSTM and Bi-LSTM Based Deep Neural Network

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    A deep learning network was used to predict future blood glucose levels, as this can permit diabetes patients to take action before imminent hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia. A sequential model with one long-short-term memory (LSTM) layer, one bidirectional LSTM layer and several fully connected layers was used to predict blood glucose levels for different prediction horizons. The method was trained and tested on 26 datasets from 20 real patients. The proposed network outperforms the baseline methods in terms of all evaluation criteria.Comment: 5 pages, submitted to 2018 14th Symposium on Neural Networks and Applications (NEUREL

    Protostellar Outflow Evolution in Turbulent Environments

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    The link between turbulence in star formatting environments and protostellar jets remains controversial. To explore issues of turbulence and fossil cavities driven by young stellar outflows we present a series of numerical simulations tracking the evolution of transient protostellar jets driven into a turbulent medium. Our simulations show both the effect of turbulence on outflow structures and, conversely, the effect of outflows on the ambient turbulence. We demonstrate how turbulence will lead to strong modifications in jet morphology. More importantly, we demonstrate that individual transient outflows have the capacity to re-energize decaying turbulence. Our simulations support a scenario in which the directed energy/momentum associated with cavities is randomized as the cavities are disrupted by dynamical instabilities seeded by the ambient turbulence. Consideration of the energy power spectra of the simulations reveals that the disruption of the cavities powers an energy cascade consistent with Burgers'-type turbulence and produces a driving scale-length associated with the cavity propagation length. We conclude that fossil cavities interacting either with a turbulent medium or with other cavities have the capacity to sustain or create turbulent flows in star forming environments. In the last section we contrast our work and its conclusions with previous studies which claim that jets can not be the source of turbulence.Comment: 24 pages, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Interaction of Infall and Winds in Young Stellar Objects

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    The interaction of a stellar or disk wind with a collapsing environment holds promise for explaining a variety of outflow phenomena observed around young stars. In this paper we present the first simulations of these interactions. The focus here is on exploring how ram pressure balance between wind and ambient gas and post-shock cooling affects the shape of the resulting outflows. In our models we explore the role of ram pressure and cooling by holding the wind speed constant and adjusting the ratio of the inflow mass flux to the wind mass flux (Mdot_a/Mdot_w) Assuming non-spherical cloud collapse, we find that relatively strong winds can carve out wide, conical outflow cavities and that relatively weak winds can be strongly collimated into jet-like structures. If the winds become weak enough, they can be cut off entirely by the infalling environment. We identify discrepancies between results from standard snowplow models and those presented here that have important implications for molecular outflows. We also present mass vs. velocity curves for comparison with observations.Comment: 35 pages, 11 figures (PNG and EPS

    An S-shaped outflow from IRAS 03256+3055 in NGC 1333

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    The IRAS source 03256+3055 in the NGC 1333 star forming region is associated with extended sub-millimeter emission of complex morphology, showing multiple clumps. One of these is found to coincide with the driving source of a bipolar jet of S-shaped morphology seen in the emission lines of H_alpha and [SII] as well as in the H2 emission lines in the K-band. Detailed images of the driving source at the wavelengths of H_alpha and [SII] and in the I, J, H, and K bands as well as a K-band spectrum and polarimetry are discussed. The near-infrared morphology is characterized by a combination of line emission from the jet and scattered light from a source with a steep continuum spectrum. The morphology and proper motion of the jet are discussed in the context of a binary system with a precessing disk. We conclude that the molecular core associated with IRAS 03256+3055 consists of several clumps, only one of which shows evidence of recent star formation at optical and near-infrared wavelengths.We also briefly discuss a second, newly found near-infrared source associated with a compact sub-millimeter continuum source near IRAS 03256+3055, and conclude that this source may be physically unrelated the cluster of molecular clumps.Comment: 25 pages, including 5 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    The Primary steps in excited-state hydrogen transfer: the phototautomerization of o-nitrobenzyl derivatives

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    The quantum yield for the release of leaving groups from o-nitrobenzyl “caged” compounds varies greatly with the nature of these leaving groups, for reasons that have never been well understood. We found that the barriers for the primary hydrogen-atom transfer step and the efficient nonradiative processes on the excited singlet and triplet surfaces determine the quantum yields. The excited-state barriers decrease when the exothermicity of the photoreaction increases, in accord with Bell–Evans–Polanyi principle, a tool that has never been applied to a nonadiabatic photoreaction. We further introduce a simple ground-state predictor, the radical-stabilization energy, which correlates with the computed excited-state barriers and reaction energies, and that might be used to design new and more efficient photochemical processes

    Outflows and Massive Stars in the protocluster IRAS 05358+3543

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    We present new near-IR H2, CO J=2-1, and CO J = 3-2 observations to study outflows in the massive star forming region IRAS 05358+3543. The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope H2 images and James Clerk Maxwell Telescope CO data cubes of the IRAS 05358 region reveal several new outflows, most of which emerge from the dense cluster of sub-mm cores associated with the Sh 2-233IR NE cluster to the northeast of IRAS 05358. We used Apache Point Observatory (APO) JHK spectra to determine line of sight velocities of the outflowing material. Analysis of archival VLA cm continuum data and previously published VLBI observations reveal a massive star binary as a probable source of one or two of the outflows. We have identified probable sources for 6 outflows and candidate counterflows for 7 out of a total of 11 seen to be originating from the IRAS 05358 clusters. We classify the clumps within Sh 2-233IR NE as an early protocluster and Sh 2-233IR SW as a young cluster, and conclude that the outflow energy injection rate approximately matches the turbulent decay rate in Sh 2-233IR NE.Comment: 15 figures, 42 pages, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. Full size figures are included at http://casa.colorado.edu/~ginsbura/iras05358.htm. Data can be accessed from figshare: http://figshare.com/articles/IRAS_05358_3543_Data_Cubes/80631

    Large Area Mapping at 850 Microns. V. Analysis of the Clump Distribution in the Orion A South Molecular Cloud

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    We present results from a 2300 arcmin^2 survey of the Orion A molecular cloud at 450 and 850 micron using the Submillimetre Common-User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The region mapped lies directly south of the OMC1 cloud core and includes OMC4, OMC5, HH1/2, HH34, and L1641N. We identify 71 independent clumps in the 850 micron map and compute size, flux, and degree of central concentration in each. Comparison with isothermal, pressure-confined, self-gravitating Bonnor-Ebert spheres implies that the clumps have internal temperatures T_d ~ 22 +/- K and surface pressures log (k^-1 P cm^-3 K) = 6.0 +/- 0.2. The clump masses span the range 0.3 - 22 Msun assuming a dust temperature T_d ~ 20 K and a dust emissivity kappa_850 = 0.02 cm^2 g^-1. The distribution of clump masses is well characterized by a power-law N(M) propto M^-alpha with alpha = 2.0 +/- 0.5 for M > 3.0 Msun, indicating a clump mass function steeper than the stellar Initial Mass Function. Significant incompleteness makes determination of the slope at lower masses difficult. A comparison of the submillimeter emission map with an H_2 2.122 micron survey of the same region is performed. Several new Class 0 sources are revealed and a correlation is found between both the column density and degree of concentration of the submillimeter sources and the likelihood of coincident H_2 shock emission.Comment: 44 pages, 17 figures, accepted by Ap
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