357 research outputs found

    Smart monitoring system based on adaptive current control for superconducting cable test

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    A smart monitoring system for superconducting cable test is proposed with an adaptive currentcontrol of asuperconductingtransformer secondary. The design, based on Fuzzy Gain Scheduling, allows thecontrollerparameters to adapt continuously, and finely, to the working variations arising fromtransformer nonlineardynamics. The control system is integrated in a fully digital control loop, with all therelated benefits, i.e., high noise rejection, ease of implementation/modification, and soon. In particular, an accurate model of the system,controlled by aFuzzy Gain Scheduler of the superconducting transformer, was achieved by an experimental campaignthrough the working domain at several current ramp rates. The model performance wascharacterized by simulation, under all the main operating conditions, in order to guidethe controllerdesign. Finally, the proposed monitoring system was experimentally validated at EuropeanOrganization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in comparison to the state-of-the-artcontrol system[P. Arpaia, L. Bottura, G. Montenero, and S. LeNaour, “Performance improvement of a measurement station forsuperconductingcable test,” Rev. Sci. Instrum.83, 095111 (2012)] of theFacility for the Research on Superconducting Cables, achieving a significant performanceimprovement: a reduction in the system overshoot by 50%, with a related attenuationof the corresponding dynamic residual error (both absolute and RMS) up to 52%

    Intronic determinants coordinate charme lncRNA nuclear activity through the interaction with MATR3 and PTBP1

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    Chromatin architect of muscle expression (Charme) is a muscle-restricted long noncoding RNA (lncRNA) that plays an important role in myogenesis. Earlier evidence indicates that the nuclear Charme isoform, named pCharme, acts on the chromatin by assisting the formation of chromatin domains where myogenic transcription occurs. By combining RNA antisense purification (RAP) with mass spectrometry and loss-of-function analyses, we have now identified the proteins that assist these chromatin activities. These proteins—which include a sub-set of splicing regulators, principally PTBP1 and the multifunctional RNA/DNA binding protein MATR3—bind to sequences located within the alternatively spliced intron-1 to form nuclear aggregates. Consistent with the functional importance of pCharme interactome in vivo, a targeted deletion of the intron-1 by a CRISPR-Cas9 approach in mouse causes the release of pCharme from the chromatin and results in cardiac defects similar to what was observed upon knockout of the full-length transcript

    Company ‘Emigration’ and EC Freedom of Establishment: Daily Mail Revisited

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    Following the ECJ’s recent case law on EC freedom of establishment (the Centros, Überseering and Inspire Art cases), regulatory competition for corporate law within the European Union takes place at an early stage of the incorporation of new companies. In contrast, as regards the ‘moving out’ of companies from the country of incorporation, the ECJ once considered a tax law restriction against the transfer abroad of a company’s administrative seat as compatible with EC freedom of establishment (the Daily Mail case). For years, this decision has been regarded as applicable to all restrictions imposed by countries of incorporation, even the forced liquidation of the ‘emigrating’ company. This paper addresses the question whether EC freedom of establishment really allows Member States to place any limit on the ‘emigration’ of nationally registered companies. It argues that EC freedom of establishment covers the transfer of the administrative seat as well as the transfer of the registered office and, therefore, that the country of incorporation cannot liquidate ‘emigrating’ companies. In addition, it addresses the question whether a new Directive is needed to allow the transfer of a com- pany’s registered office and the identity-preserving company law changes. It argues that such a Directive is necessary to avoid legal uncertainty and to protect the interests of employees, creditors and minority shareholders, among others, who could be detrimentally affected by the ‘emigration’ of national companies

    Design of small molecule-responsive microRNAs based on structural requirements for Drosha processing

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are prevalent regulatory RNAs that mediate gene silencing and play key roles in diverse cellular processes. While synthetic RNA-based regulatory systems that integrate regulatory and sensing functions have been demonstrated, the lack of detail on miRNA structure–function relationships has limited the development of integrated control systems based on miRNA silencing. Using an elucidated relationship between Drosha processing and the single-stranded nature of the miRNA basal segments, we developed a strategy for designing ligand-responsive miRNAs. We demonstrate that ligand binding to an aptamer integrated into the miRNA basal segments inhibits Drosha processing, resulting in titratable control over gene silencing. The generality of this control strategy was shown for three aptamer–small molecule ligand pairs. The platform can be extended to the design of synthetic miRNAs clusters, cis-acting miRNAs and self-targeting miRNAs that act both in cis and trans, enabling fine-tuning of the regulatory strength and dynamics. The ability of our ligand-responsive miRNA platform to respond to user-defined inputs, undergo regulatory performance tuning and display scalable combinatorial control schemes will help advance applications in biological research and applied medicine

    Analysis of Fe(Se,Te) Films Deposited On Unbuffered Invar 36

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    In this paper, the feasibility of producing Fe(Se,Te)-coated conductors on cost-effective, unbuffered Invar 36 substrates is studied. A suitable substrate with a sharp 001 texture and a misorientation angle lower than 10\ub0 was developed, and the possibility of growing epitaxial thin films without any buffer layer was demonstrated. It was also shown that the presence of a Fe(Se,Te) seed layer can improve the in- and out-of-plane orientation of the film. A high-resolution scanning electron microscopy study was performed, and the absence of a superconducting transition has been attributed to Ni poisoning based on X-ray microanalysis

    Tandem plasmaferesi-emodialisi in bambini e giovani adulti

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    In pazienti che necessitino sia di plasmaferesi (PLF) che di emodialisi (ED), l'applicazione simultanea delle due metodiche, nota come tandem PLF-ED (TPE) può costituire una soluzione vantaggiosa. Tuttavia esiste scarsa esperienza circa il suo utilizzo, in particolare in età pediatrica. Abbiamo esaminato in modo retrospettivo le sedute di TPE eseguite negli ultimi 5 anni nel nostro Centro. I trattamenti di TPE sono stati 67 in 7 pazienti, di età mediana 16.2 anni (5–34) e peso mediano di 37 kg (17.0– 59.0). Le indicazioni per TPH erano: sindrome emolitica uremica atipica da deficit di fattore H, fattore I o da mutazioni non definite, nella maggior parte delle sedute (64/67 sedute), vasculite, glomerulosclerosi focale (prima del trapianto) e iperimmunizzazione in pazienti in lista per trapianto di rene. In 66/67 trattamenti la procedura è stata completata con successo, raggiungendo i volumi di sostituzione e ultrafiltrazione desiderati. La durata della PLF è stata inferiore a quella di ED, e non ha quindi comportato un prolungamento della seduta dialitica. Un unico trattamento è stato interrotto a causa di un episodio ipotensivo, in una paziente nota per ipotensioni ricorrenti. In conclusione la TPE è una procedura sicura e ben tollerata, anche in bambini e adolescenti stabili dal punto di vista emodinamico