490 research outputs found

    Fedosov Quantization of Lagrange-Finsler and Hamilton-Cartan Spaces and Einstein Gravity Lifts on (Co) Tangent Bundles

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    We provide a method of converting Lagrange and Finsler spaces and their Legendre transforms to Hamilton and Cartan spaces into almost Kaehler structures on tangent and cotangent bundles. In particular cases, the Hamilton spaces contain nonholonomic lifts of (pseudo) Riemannian / Einstein metrics on effective phase spaces. This allows us to define the corresponding Fedosov operators and develop deformation quantization schemes for nonlinear mechanical and gravity models on Lagrange- and Hamilton-Fedosov manifolds.Comment: latex2e, 11pt, 35 pages, v3, accepted to J. Math. Phys. (2009

    Non-linear Simulations of MHD Instabilities in Tokamaks Including Eddy Current Effects and Perspectives for the Extension to Halo Currents

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    The dynamics of large scale plasma instabilities can strongly be influenced by the mutual interaction with currents flowing in conducting vessel structures. Especially eddy currents caused by time-varying magnetic perturbations and halo currents flowing directly from the plasma into the walls are important. The relevance of a resistive wall model is directly evident for Resistive Wall Modes (RWMs) or Vertical Displacement Events (VDEs). However, also the linear and non-linear properties of most other large-scale instabilities may be influenced significantly by the interaction with currents in conducting structures near the plasma. The understanding of halo currents arising during disruptions and VDEs, which are a serious concern for ITER as they may lead to strong asymmetric forces on vessel structures, could also benefit strongly from these non-linear modeling capabilities. Modeling the plasma dynamics and its interaction with wall currents requires solving the magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) equations in realistic toroidal X-point geometry consistently coupled with a model for the vacuum region and the resistive conducting structures. With this in mind, the non-linear finite element MHD code JOREK has been coupled with the resistive wall code STARWALL, which allows to include the effects of eddy currents in 3D conducting structures in non-linear MHD simulations. This article summarizes the capabilities of the coupled JOREK-STARWALL system and presents benchmark results as well as first applications to non-linear simulations of RWMs, VDEs, disruptions triggered by massive gas injection, and Quiescent H-Mode. As an outlook, the perspectives for extending the model to halo currents are described.Comment: Proceeding paper for Theory of Fusion Plasmas (Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop), Varenna, Italy (September 1-5, 2014); accepted for publication in: to Journal of Physics: Conference Serie

    Mechanism of Neutralization of Herpes Simplex Virus by Antibodies Directed at the Fusion Domain of Glycoprotein B

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    Glycoprotein B (gB), the fusogen of herpes simplex virus (HSV), is a class III fusion protein with a trimeric ectodomain of known structure for the postfusion state. Seen by negative-staining electron microscopy, it presents as a rod with three lobes (base, middle, and crown). gB has four functional regions (FR), defined by the physical location of epitopes recognized by anti-gB neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (MAbs). Located in the base, FR1 contains two internal fusion loops (FLs) and is the site of gB-lipid interaction (the fusion domain). Many of the MAbs to FR1 are neutralizing, block cell-cell fusion, and prevent the association of gB with lipid, suggesting that these MAbs affect FL function. Here we characterize FR1 epitopes by using electron microscopy to visualize purified Fab-gB ectodomain complexes, thus confirming the locations of several epitopes and localizing those of MAbs DL16 and SS63. We also generated MAb-resistant viruses in order to localize the SS55 epitope precisely. Because none of the epitopes of our anti-FR1 MAbs mapped to the FLs, we hyperimmunized rabbits with FL1 or FL2 peptides to generate polyclonal antibodies (PAbs). While the anti-FL1 PAb failed to bind gB, the anti-FL2 PAb had neutralizing activity, implying that the FLs become exposed during virus entry. Unexpectedly, the anti-FL2 PAb (and the anti-FR1 MAbs) bound to liposome-associated gB, suggesting that their epitopes are accessible even when the FLs engage lipid. These studies provide possible mechanisms of action for HSV neutralization and insight into how gB FR1 contributes to viral fusion. IMPORTANCE: For herpesviruses, such as HSV, entry into a target cell involves transfer of the capsid-encased genome of the virus to the target cell after fusion of the lipid envelope of the virus with a lipid membrane of the host. Virus-encoded glycoproteins in the envelope are responsible for fusion. Antibodies to these glycoproteins are important biological tools, providing a way of examining how fusion works. Here we used electron microscopy and other techniques to study a panel of anti-gB antibodies. Some, with virus-neutralizing activity, impair gB-lipid association. We also generated a peptide antibody against one of the gB fusion loops; its properties provide insight into the way the fusion loops function as gB transits from its prefusion form to an active fusogen

    On the Degree of Team Cooperation in CD Grammar Systems.

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    In this paper, we introduce a dynamical complexity measure, namely the degree of team cooperation, in the aim of investigating "how much" the components of a grammar system cooperate when forming a team in the process of generating terminal words. We present several results which strongly suggest that this measure is trivial in the sense that the degree of team cooperation of any language is bounded by a constant. Finally, we prove that the degree of team cooperation of a given cooperating/distributed grammar system cannot be algorithmically computed and discuss a decision problem

    Glycoprotein L sets the neutralization profile of murid herpesvirus 4

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    Antibodies readily neutralize acute, epidemic viruses, but are less effective against more indolent pathogens such as herpesviruses. Murid herpesvirus 4 (MuHV-4) provides an accessible model for tracking the fate of antibody-exposed gammaherpesvirus virions. Glycoprotein L (gL) plays a central role in MuHV-4 entry: it allows gH to bind heparan sulfate and regulates fusion-associated conformation changes in gH and gB. However, gL is non-essential: heparan sulfate binding can also occur via gp70, and the gB–gH complex alone seems to be sufficient for membrane fusion. Here, we investigated how gL affects the susceptibility of MuHV-4 to neutralization. Immune sera neutralized gL− virions more readily than gL+ virions, chiefly because heparan sulfate binding now depended on gp70 and was therefore easier to block. However, there were also post-binding effects. First, the downstream, gL-independent conformation of gH became a neutralization target; gL normally prevents this by holding gH in an antigenically distinct heterodimer until after endocytosis. Second, gL− virions were more vulnerable to gB-directed neutralization. This covered multiple epitopes and thus seemed to reflect a general opening up of the gH–gB entry complex, which gL again normally restricts to late endosomes. gL therefore limits MuHV-4 neutralization by providing redundancy in cell binding and by keeping key elements of the virion fusion machinery hidden until after endocytosis

    Nonholonomic Ricci Flows, Exact Solutions in Gravity, and Symmetric and Nonsymmetric Metrics

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    We provide a proof that nonholonomically constrained Ricci flows of (pseudo) Riemannian metrics positively result into nonsymmetric metrics (as explicit examples, we consider flows of some physically valuable exact solutions in general relativity). There are constructed and analyzed three classes of solutions of Ricci flow evolution equations defining nonholonomic deformations of Taub NUT, Schwarzschild, solitonic and pp--wave symmetric metrics into nonsymmetric ones.Comment: latex2e, 12pt, 40 pages, version 2 with minor modifications, to be published in Int. J. Theor. Phy

    Ceruloplasmin Protects Against Rotenone-Induced Oxidative Stress and Neurotoxicity

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    To clarify the neuroprotective property of ceruloplasmin and the pathogenesis of aceruloplasminemia, we generated ceruloplasmin-deficient (CP−/−) mice on the C57BL/10 genetic background and further treated them with a mitochondrial complex I inhibitor, rotenone. There was no iron accumulation in the brains of CP−/− mice at least up to 60 weeks of age. Without rotenone treatment, CP−/− mice showed slight motor dysfunction compared with CP+/+ mice, but there were no detectable differences in the levels of oxidative stress markers between these two groups. A low dose of rotenone did not affect the mitochondrial complex I activity in our mice, however, it caused a significant change in motor behavior, neuropathology, or the levels of oxidative stress markers in CP−/− mice, but not in CP+/+ mice. Our data support that ceruloplasmin protects against rotenone-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxicity, probably through its antioxidant properties independently of its function of iron metabolism

    Structural characteristics and antiviral activity of multiple peptides derived from MDV glycoproteins B and H

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Marek's disease virus (MDV), which is widely considered to be a natural model of virus-induced lymphoma, has the potential to cause tremendous losses in the poultry industry. To investigate the structural basis of MDV membrane fusion and to identify new viral targets for inhibition, we examined the domains of the MDV glycoproteins gH and gB.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Four peptides derived from the MDV glycoprotein gH (gHH1, gHH2, gHH3, and gHH5) and one peptide derived from gB (gBH1) could efficiently inhibit plaque formation in primary chicken embryo fibroblast cells (CEFs) with 50% inhibitory concentrations (IC<sub>50</sub>) of below 12 μM. These peptides were also significantly able to reduce lesion formation on chorioallantoic membranes (CAMs) of infected chicken embryos at a concentration of 0.5 mM in 60 μl of solution. The HR2 peptide from Newcastle disease virus (NDVHR2) exerted effects on MDV specifically at the stage of virus entry (i.e., in a cell pre-treatment assay and an embryo co-treatment assay), suggesting cross-inhibitory effects of NDV HR2 on MDV infection. None of the peptides exhibited cytotoxic effects at the concentrations tested. Structural characteristics of the five peptides were examined further.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The five MDV-derived peptides demonstrated potent antiviral activity, not only in plaque formation assays in vitro, but also in lesion formation assays in vivo. The present study examining the antiviral activity of these MDV peptides, which are useful as small-molecule antiviral inhibitors, provides information about the MDV entry mechanism.</p

    Herpesvirus Glycoproteins Undergo Multiple Antigenic Changes before Membrane Fusion

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    Herpesvirus entry is a complicated process involving multiple virion glycoproteins and culminating in membrane fusion. Glycoprotein conformation changes are likely to play key roles. Studies of recombinant glycoproteins have revealed some structural features of the virion fusion machinery. However, how the virion glycoproteins change during infection remains unclear. Here using conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies we show in situ that each component of the Murid Herpesvirus-4 (MuHV-4) entry machinery—gB, gH/gL and gp150—changes in antigenicity before tegument protein release begins. Further changes then occurred upon actual membrane fusion. Thus virions revealed their final fusogenic form only in late endosomes. The substantial antigenic differences between this form and that of extracellular virions suggested that antibodies have only a limited opportunity to block virion membrane fusion

    Biophysical Characterization and Membrane Interaction of the Two Fusion Loops of Glycoprotein B from Herpes Simplex Type I Virus

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    The molecular mechanism of entry of herpesviruses requires a multicomponent fusion system. Cell invasion by Herpes simplex virus (HSV) requires four virally encoded glycoproteins: namely gD, gB and gH/gL. The role of gB has remained elusive until recently when the crystal structure of HSV-1 gB became available and the fusion potential of gB was clearly demonstrated. Although much information on gB structure/function relationship has been gathered in recent years, the elucidation of the nature of the fine interactions between gB fusion loops and the membrane bilayer may help to understand the precise molecular mechanism behind herpesvirus-host cell membrane fusion. Here, we report the first biophysical study on the two fusion peptides of gB, with a particular focus on the effects determined by both peptides on lipid bilayers of various compositions. The two fusion loops constitute a structural subdomain wherein key hydrophobic amino acids form a ridge that is supported on both sides by charged residues. When used together the two fusion loops have the ability to significantly destabilize the target membrane bilayer, notwithstanding their low bilayer penetration when used separately. These data support the model of gB fusion loops insertion into cholesterol enriched membranes