111 research outputs found

    An Alternative Time Metric to Modified Tau for Unmanned Aircraft System Detect And Avoid

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    A new horizontal time metric, Time to Protected Zone, is proposed for use in the Detect and Avoid (DAA) Systems equipped by unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). This time metric has three advantages over the currently adopted time metric, modified tau: it corresponds to a physical event, it is linear with time, and it can be directly used to prioritize intruding aircraft. The protected zone defines an area around the UAS that can be a function of each intruding aircraft's surveillance measurement errors. Even with its advantages, the Time to Protected Zone depends explicitly on encounter geometry and may be more sensitive to surveillance sensor errors than modified tau. To quantify its sensitivity, simulation of 972 encounters using realistic sensor models and a proprietary fusion tracker is performed. Two sensitivity metrics, the probability of time reversal and the average absolute time error, are computed for both the Time to Protected Zone and modified tau. Results show that the sensitivity of the Time to Protected Zone is comparable to that of modified tau if the dimensions of the protected zone are adequately defined

    Measurement of the Transverse Beam Spin Asymmetry in Elastic Electron Proton Scattering and the Inelastic Contribution to the Imaginary Part of the Two-Photon Exchange Amplitude

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    We report on a measurement of the asymmetry in the scattering of transversely polarized electrons off unpolarized protons, A_\perp, at two Q2^2 values of \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)2^2 and \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)2^2 and a scattering angle of 30<θe<4030^\circ < \theta_e < 40^\circ. The measured transverse asymmetries are A_{\perp}(Q2^2 = \qsquaredaveragedlow (GeV/c)2^2) = (\experimentalasymmetry alulowcorr ±\pm \statisticalerrorlowstat_{\rm stat} ±\pm \combinedsyspolerrorlowalucorsys_{\rm sys}) ×\times 106^{-6} and A_{\perp}(Q2^2 = \qsquaredaveragedhighII (GeV/c)2^2) = (\experimentalasymme tryaluhighcorr ±\pm \statisticalerrorhighstat_{\rm stat} ±\pm \combinedsyspolerrorhighalucorsys_{\rm sys}) ×\times 106^{-6}. The first errors denotes the statistical error and the second the systematic uncertainties. A_\perp arises from the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange amplitude and is zero in the one-photon exchange approximation. From comparison with theoretical estimates of A_\perp we conclude that π\piN-intermediate states give a substantial contribution to the imaginary part of the two-photon amplitude. The contribution from the ground state proton to the imaginary part of the two-photon exchange can be neglected. There is no obvious reason why this should be different for the real part of the two-photon amplitude, which enters into the radiative corrections for the Rosenbluth separation measurements of the electric form factor of the proton.Comment: 4 figures, submitted to PRL on Oct.

    Evidence for Strange Quark Contributions to the Nucleon's Form Factors at Q2Q^2 = 0.108 (GeV/c)2^2

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    We report on a measurement of the parity violating asymmetry in the elastic scattering of polarized electrons off unpolarized protons with the A4 apparatus at MAMI in Mainz at a four momentum transfer value of Q2Q^2 = \Qsquare (GeV/c)2^2 and at a forward electron scattering angle of 30<θe<40^\circ < \theta_e < 40^\circ. The measured asymmetry is ALR(ep)A_{LR}(\vec{e}p) = (\Aphys ±\pm \Deltastatstat_{stat} ±\pm \Deltasystsyst_{syst}) ×\times 106^{-6}. The expectation from the Standard Model assuming no strangeness contribution to the vector current is A0_0 = (\Azero ±\pm \DeltaAzero) ×\times 106^{-6}. We have improved the statistical accuracy by a factor of 3 as compared to our previous measurements at a higher Q2Q^2. We have extracted the strangeness contribution to the electromagnetic form factors from our data to be GEsG_E^s + \FakGMs GMsG_M^s = \GEsGMs ±\pm \DeltaGEsGMs at Q2Q^2 = \Qsquare (GeV/c)2^2. As in our previous measurement at higher momentum transfer for GEsG_E^s + 0.230 GMsG_M^s, we again find the value for GEsG_E^s + \FakGMs GMsG_M^s to be positive, this time at an improved significance level of 2 σ\sigma.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Measurement of Strange Quark Contributions to the Nucleon's Form Factors at Q^2=0.230 (GeV/c)^2

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    We report on a measurement of the parity-violating asymmetry in the scattering of longitudinally polarized electrons on unpolarized protons at a Q2Q^2 of 0.230 (GeV/c)^2 and a scattering angle of \theta_e = 30^o - 40^o. Using a large acceptance fast PbF_2 calorimeter with a solid angle of \Delta\Omega = 0.62 sr the A4 experiment is the first parity violation experiment to count individual scattering events. The measured asymmetry is A_{phys} =(-5.44 +- 0.54_{stat} +- 0.27_{\rm sys}) 10^{-6}. The Standard Model expectation assuming no strangeness contributions to the vector form factors is A0=(6.30+0.43)106A_0=(-6.30 +- 0.43) 10^{-6}. The difference is a direct measurement of the strangeness contribution to the vector form factors of the proton. The extracted value is G^s_E + 0.225 G^s_M = 0.039 +- 0.034 or F^s_1 + 0.130 F^s_2 = 0.032 +- 0.028.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters on Dec 11, 200

    Kinetochore fiber formation in animal somatic cells : dueling mechanisms come to a draw

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    Author Posting. © The Author, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Chromosoma 114 (2005): 310-318, doi:10.1007/s00412-005-0028-2.The attachment to and movement of a chromosome on the mitotic spindle is mediated by the formation of a bundle of microtubules (MTs) that tethers the kinetochore on the chromosome to a spindle pole. The origin of these “kinetochore fibers” (K-fibers) has been investigated for over 125 years. As noted in 1944 by Schrader, there are only three possible ways to form a K-fiber: either it a) grows from the pole until it contacts the kinetochore; b) grows directly from the kinetochore; or c) it forms as a result of an interaction between the pole and the chromosome. Since Schrader’s time it has been firmly established that K-fibers in centrosome-containing animal somatic cells form as kinetochores capture MTs growing from the spindle pole (route a). It is now similarly clear that in cells lacking centrosomes, including plants and many animal oocytes, K-fibers “self-assemble” from MTs generated by the chromosomes (route b). Can animal somatic cells form K-fibers in the absence of centrosomes by the “self-assembly” pathway? In 2000 the answer to this question was shown to be a resounding “yes”. With this result, the next question became whether the presence of a centrosome normally suppresses K-fiber self-assembly, or if this route works concurrently with centrosome-mediated K-fiber formation. This question, too, has recently been answered: observations on untreated live animal cells expressing GFP-tagged tubulin clearly show that kinetochores can nucleate the formation of their associated MTs in the presence of functional centrosomes. The concurrent operation of these two “dueling” routes for forming K-fibers in animals helps explain why the attachment of kinetochores and the maturation of K-fibers occur as quickly as it does on all chromosomes within a cell.The work is sponsored by NIH grant GMS 40198

    An analysis of binary microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0060

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    We present the analysis of stellar binary microlensing event OGLE-2015-BLG-0060 based on observations obtained from 13 different telescopes. Intensive coverage of the anomalous parts of the light curve was achieved by automated follow-up observations from the robotic telescopes of the Las Cumbres Observatory. We show that, for the first time, all main features of an anomalous microlensing event are well covered by follow-up data, allowing us to estimate the physical parameters of the lens. The strong detection of second-order effects in the event light curve necessitates the inclusion of longer-baseline survey data in order to constrain the parallax vector. We find that the event was most likely caused by a stellar binary-lens with masses M⋆1=0.87±0.12M⊙ and M⋆2=0.77±0.11M⊙⁠. The distance to the lensing system is 6.41 ± 0.14 kpc and the projected separation between the two components is 13.85 ± 0.16 AU. Alternative interpretations are also considered

    The Protective Action Encoding of Serotonin Transients in the Human Brain

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    The role of serotonin in human brain function remains elusive due, at least in part, to our inability to measure rapidly the local concentration of this neurotransmitter. We used fast-scan cyclic voltammetry to infer serotonergic signaling from the striatum of fourteen brains of human patients with Parkinson's disease. Here we report these novel measurements and show that they correlate with outcomes and decisions in a sequential investment game. We find that serotonergic concentrations transiently increase as a whole following negative reward prediction errors, while reversing when counterfactual losses predominate. This provides initial evidence that the serotonergic system acts as an opponent to dopamine signaling, as anticipated by theoretical models. Serotonin transients on one trial were also associated with actions on the next trial in a manner that correlated with decreased exposure to poor outcomes. Thus, the fluctuations observed for serotonin appear to correlate with the inhibition of over-reactions and promote persistence of ongoing strategies in the face of short-term environmental changes. Together these findings elucidate a role for serotonin in the striatum, suggesting it encodes a protective action strategy that mitigates risk and modulates choice selection particularly following negative environmental events