166 research outputs found

    Активность лептина и интерлейкина­-6 в сыворотке крови у больных полиэндокринопатией

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    Установлена взаимосвязь лептина с метаболическими и некоторыми иммунологическими показателями у больных сахарным диабетом 2−го типа в сочетании с аутоиммунным тиреоидитом. Выявлены наличие иммуносупрессии и повышение уровней интерлейкина−6 и лептина при сопутствующем ожирении и дислипидемии.Встановлено взаємозв’язок лептину з метаболічними і деякими імунологічними показниками у хворих на цукровий діабет 2−го типу у поєднанні з аутоімунним тиреоідитом. Виявлено наявність імуносупресії та підвищення рівнів інтерлейкіну−6 і лептину при супутньому ожирінні та дисліпідемії.Association between leptin and some immunological parameters in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus accompanied by autoimmune thyroiditis was established. The presence of immune suppression and increased levels of interleukin−6 and leptin was revealed at accompanying obesity and dyslipidemias

    Shallow rainwater lenses in deltaic areas with saline seepage

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    In deltaic areas with saline seepage, freshwater availability is often limited to shallow rainwater lenses lying on top of saline groundwater. Here we describe the characteristics and spatial variability of such lenses in areas with saline seepage and the mechanisms that control their occurrence and size. Our findings are based on different types of field measurements and detailed numerical groundwater models applied in the south-western delta of the Netherlands. By combining the applied techniques we could extrapolate measurements at point scale (groundwater sampling, temperature and electrical soil conductivity (TEC)-probe measurements, electrical cone penetration tests (ECPT)) to field scale (continuous vertical electrical soundings (CVES), electromagnetic survey with EM31), and even to regional scale using helicopter-borne electromagnetic measurements (HEM). The measurements show a gradual mixing zone between infiltrating fresh rainwater and upward flowing saline groundwater. The mixing zone is best characterized by the depth of the centre of the mixing zone <i>D</i><sub>mix</sub>, where the salinity is half that of seepage water, and the bottom of the mixing zone <i>B</i><sub>mix</sub>, with a salinity equal to that of the seepage water (Cl-conc. 10 to 16 g l<sup>−1</sup>). <i>D</i><sub>mix</sub> is found at very shallow depth in the confining top layer, on average at 1.7 m below ground level (b.g.l.), while <i>B</i><sub>mix</sub> lies about 2.5 m b.g.l. The model results show that the constantly alternating upward and downward flow at low velocities in the confining layer is the main mechanism of mixing between rainwater and saline seepage and determines the position and extent of the mixing zone (<i>D</i><sub>mix</sub> and <i>B</i><sub>mix</sub>). Recharge, seepage flux, and drainage depth are the controlling factors

    Bend it like Beckham: embodying the motor skills of famous athletes.

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    Observing an action activates the same representations as does the actual performance of the action. Here we show for the first time that the action system can also be activated in the complete absence of action perception. When the participants had to identify the faces of famous athletes, the responses were influenced by their similarity to the motor skills of the athletes. Thus, the motor skills of the viewed athletes were retrieved automatically during person identification and had a direct influence on the action system of the observer. However, our results also indicated that motor behaviours that are implicit characteristics of other people are represented differently from when actions are directly observed. That is, unlike the facilitatory effects reported when actions were seen, the embodiment of the motor behaviour that is not concurrently perceived gave rise to contrast effects where responses similar to the behaviour of the athletes were inhibited

    Time-to-birth prediction models and the influence of expert opinions

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    Preterm birth is the leading cause of death among children under five years old. The pathophysiology and etiology of preterm labor are not yet fully understood. This causes a large number of unnecessary hospitalizations due to high--sensitivity clinical policies, which has a significant psychological and economic impact. In this study, we present a predictive model, based on a new dataset containing information of 1,243 admissions, that predicts whether a patient will give birth within a given time after admission. Such a model could provide support in the clinical decision-making process. Predictions for birth within 48 h or 7 days after admission yield an Area Under the Curve of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (AUC) of 0.72 for both tasks. Furthermore, we show that by incorporating predictions made by experts at admission, which introduces a potential bias, the prediction effectiveness increases to an AUC score of 0.83 and 0.81 for these respective tasks

    Top-down social modulation of interpersonal observation-execution.

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    Cyclical upper limb movement can involuntarily deviate from its primary movement axis when the performer concurrently observes incongruent biological motion (i.e. interpersonal observation-execution). The current study examined the social modulation of such involuntary motor interference using a protocol that reflected everyday social interactions encountered in a naturalistic social setting. Eighteen participants executed cyclical horizontal arm movements during the observation of horizontal (congruent) or curvilinear (incongruent) biological motion. Both prior to, and during the interpersonal observation-execution task, participants also received a series of social words designed to prime a pro-social or anti-social attitude. The results showed greater orthogonal movement deviation, and thus interference, for the curvilinear compared to horizontal stimuli. Importantly, and opposite to most of the previous findings from work on automatic imitation and mimicry, there was a greater interference effect for the anti-social compared to pro-social prime condition. These findings demonstrate the importance of interpreting the context of social primes, and strongly support predictions of a comparison between the prime construct and the self-concept/-schema and the top-down response modulation of social incentives

    The bodily social self: a link between phenomenal and narrative selfhood

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    The Phenomenal Self (PS) is widely considered to be dependent on body representations, whereas the Narrative Self (NS) is generally thought to rely on abstract cognitive representations. The concept of the Bodily Social Self (BSS) might play an important role in explaining how the high level cognitive self-representations enabling the NS might emerge from the bodily basis of the PS. First, the phenomenal self (PS) and narrative self (NS), are briefly examined. Next, the BSS is defined and its potential for explaining aspects of social cognition is explored. The minimal requirements for a BSS are considered, before reviewing empirical evidence regarding the development of the BSS over the first year of life. Finally, evidence on the involvement of the body in social distinctions between self and other is reviewed to illustrate how the BSS is affected by both the bottom up effects of multisensory stimulation and the top down effects of social identification

    Humans and Insects Decide in Similar Ways

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    Behavioral ecologists assume that animals use a motivational mechanism for decisions such as action selection and time allocation, allowing the maximization of their fitness. They consider both the proximate and ultimate causes of behavior in order to understand this type of decision-making in animals. Experimental psychologists and neuroeconomists also study how agents make decisions but they consider the proximate causes of the behavior. In the case of patch-leaving, motivation-based decision-making remains simple speculation. In contrast to other animals, human beings can assess and evaluate their own motivation by an introspection process. It is then possible to study the declared motivation of humans during decision-making and discuss the mechanism used as well as its evolutionary significance. In this study, we combine both the proximate and ultimate causes of behavior for a better understanding of the human decision-making process. We show for the first time ever that human subjects use a motivational mechanism similar to small insects such as parasitoids [1] and bumblebees [2] to decide when to leave a patch. This result is relevant for behavioral ecologists as it supports the biological realism of this mechanism. Humans seem to use a motivational mechanism of decision making known to be adaptive to a heterogeneously distributed resource. As hypothesized by Hutchinson et al. [3] and Wilke and Todd [4], our results are consistent with the evolutionary shaping of decision making because hominoids were hunters and gatherers on food patches for more than two million years. We discuss the plausibility of a neural basis for the motivation mechanism highlighted here, bridging the gap between behavioral ecology and neuroeconomy. Thus, both the motivational mechanism observed here and the neuroeconomy findings are most likely adaptations that were selected for during ancestral times

    Opties voor een klimaatbestendige zoetwatervoorziening in Laag Nederland, tussentijds integratierapport

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    Dit rapport geeft een tussentijds overzicht van ‘state of the art’ kennis uit lopend onderzoek van het consortium ‘Climate Proof Fresh Water Supply’ (CPFWS) dat in het kader van het onderzoeksprogramma Kennis voor Klimaat wordt uitgevoerd. De focus van dit onderzoek naar een klimaatbestendige zoetwatervoorziening ligt op lokale en regionale oplossingen in Laag Nederland voor land- en tuinbouw en natuur. De zoetwatervoorziening van dit gebied wordt naast droogte vooral bedreigd door verzilting van grond- en oppervlaktewater. In zes samenhangende werkpakketten wordt geanalyseerd hoe dit gebied meer zelfvoorzienend kan worden én hoe aanpassingen in het (hoofd)watersysteem kunnen bijdragen aan de watervoorziening van het gebied. Centraal in de aanpak zijn een 3-tal casestudies in de Hotspots Haaglanden, Rotterdam Regio en Zuidwestelijke delta

    Integraal waterbeheer : kritische zone en onzekerheden : integraal hoofdrapport

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    In het kader van het Nationaal Modellen- en Datacentrum (NMDC) is in 2011 het NMDC innovatieproject 'Integraal waterbeheer - van kritische zone tot kritische onzekerheden' gestart (www.nmdc.eu). Dit project heeft tot doel om de modellen voor bodem, water, vegetatie en klimaat(verandering) door samenwerking beter op elkaar aan te laten sluiten, daarbij beter geschikt te maken om effecten van klimaatverandering te berekenen en om de verschillende typen onzekerheden bij dit soort studies in beeld te brengen. Het project is uitgevoerd door Alterra, Deltares, KNMI, PBL en TNO. In twee cases (Baakse Beek en Walcheren) hebben zij hun state-of-the-art modellen voor meteo, gewasgroei, vegetatie-ontwikkeling, hydrologie en geologie ingezet en aan elkaar gekoppeld. Dit rapport behandelt integraal de resultaten van het innovatieproject. De resultaten van de case voor de Baakse Beek zijn specifiek opgenomen in een NMDC deelrapport (Van Ek et al., 2012). Voor de case Walcheren wordt verwezen naar een artikel in voorbereiding (Kroes, J. et al., 2013). De resultaten bieden nieuwe inzichten in de vocht- en zouthuishouding van de bodem, potenties voor grondwaterafhankelijke natuur en groei van landbouwgewassen in het huidige klimaat en projecties voor klimaatverandering rond 2050. In het project zijn verschillende methoden toegepast om inzicht te krijgen in verschillende onzekerheden, hetgeen voor dergelijke integrale (model)studies praktische aanknopingspunten biedt voor de analyse van onzekerheden en effectieve samenwerking tussen de instituten