314 research outputs found

    Effect of Antiretroviral Therapy on Apoptosis Markers and Morphology in Peripheral Lymph Nodes of HIV-Infected Individuals

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    Background:: CD4+ T cell depletion and destruction and the involution of the lymphoid tissue are hallmarks of HIV infection. Although the underlying mechanisms are still unclear, apoptosis appears to play a central role. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of antiretroviral therapy on the lymph node tissue, particularly with respect to morphology and apoptosis. Patients and Methods:: Between 1997 and 1999, two inguinal lymph nodes were excised from 31 previously untreated individuals who were in an early stage of HIV infection, the first one prior to treatment and the second after 16 to 20 months of treatment. Paraffin sections were investigated for lymph node architecture, distribution of cellular and viral markers, apoptosis, and expression of apoptotic key molecules which indirectly reflect apoptotic processes. Results:: After 16-20 months of antiretroviral therapy, a significant decrease in highly activated HIV-driven immune response was observed in the lymph node tissue as a marked reduction in follicular hyperplasia, a normalization of the follicular dendritic cell network, a significant increase in the number of CD4+ T cells, and a significant decrease in the number of CD8+ T cells. The expression of several proapoptotic (Fas, TRAIL, and active caspase 3) and antiapoptotic (Bcl-2 and IL-7Rα) molecules that were reconstituted in the tissues during therapy resembled their expression in lymph nodes of HIV-negative individuals. Limitations of the study are (a) the lack of untreated patients in the late stages, (b) for ethical reasons, the lack of a control group with untreated patients, and (c) for methodological reasons, the restriction of sequential measurements of apotpotic markers to one-third of the patients. Conclusion:: Antiretroviral therapy initiated in the early stages in HIV infection may halt the irreversible destruction of the lymph node tissue and may partially normalize apoptotic processe

    Quantification of the impact in mid-latitudes of chemical ozone depletion in the 1999/2000 Arctic polar vortex prior to the vortex breakup

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    International audienceFor the winter 1999/2000 transport of air masses out of the vortex to mid-latitudes and ozone destruction inside and outside the northern polar vortex is studied to quantify the impact of earlier winter (before March) polar ozone destruction on mid-latitude ozone. Nearly 112 000 trajectories are started on 1 December 1999 on 6 different potential temperature levels between 500?600 K and for a subset of these trajectories photo-chemical box-model calculations are performed. We linked a decline of ?0.9% of mid-latitude ozone in this layer occurring in January and February 2000 to ozone destruction inside the vortex and successive transport of these air masses to mid-latitudes. Further, the impact of denitrification, PSC-occurrence and anthropogenic chlorine loading on future stratospheric ozone is determined by applying various scenarios. Lower stratospheric temperatures and denitrification were found to play the most important role in the future evolution of polar ozone depletion

    Un campus en mouvement : Les pratiques de mobilité des étudiant-e-s et du personnel de l'Université de Lausanne

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    Les universités génèrent d’importants flux de mobilité et la gestion des transports constitue un défi majeur pour leur fonctionnement. Cette recherche aborde cette problématique dans le cas de l’Université de Lausanne. Dans un premier temps, l’étude porte sur l’évolution du campus et de son accessibilité. Elle montre comment ce site suburbain a été relié au reste de l’agglomération et aborde les mesures prises pour réguler la mobilité. Deuxièmement, elle s’intéresse à la demande, soit aux choix modaux des 18’000 personnes qui travaillent et étudient à l’Université de Lausanne. Des enquêtes réalisées chaque année depuis 2005 permettent de mesurer les pratiques de mobilité et les différences au sein de la communauté universitaire. En conclusion sont esquissées les tendances qui influenceront à terme les flux de mobilité à destination du campus

    Integration of external and internal dosimetry in Switzerland

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    Individual monitoring regulations in Switzerland are based on the ICRP60 recommendations. The annual limit of 20 mSv for the effective dose applies to the sum of external and internal radiation. External radiation is monitored monthly or quarterly with TLD, DIS or CR-39 dosemeters by 10 approved external dosimetry services and reported as Hp(10) and Hp(0.07). Internal monitoring is done in two steps. At the workplace, simple screening measurements are done frequently in order to recognise a possible incorporation. If a nuclide dependent activity threshold is exceeded then one of the seven approved dosimetry services for internal radiation does an incorporation measurement to assess the committed effective dose E50. The dosimetry services report all the measured or assessed dose values to the employer and to the National Dose Registry. The employer records the annually accumulated dose values into the individual dose certificate of the occupationally exposed person, both the external dose Hp(10) and the internal dose E50 as well as the total effective dose E = Hp(10)+E50. Based on the national dose registry an annual report on the dosimetry in Switzerland is published which contains the statistics for the total effective dose, as well as separate statistics for external and internal exposur

    Mixed Quantum/Classical Approach for Description of Molecular Collisions in Astrophysical Environments

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    An efficient and accurate mixed quantum/classical theory approach for computational treatment of inelastic scattering is extended to describe collision of an atom with a general asymmetric-top rotor polyatomic molecule. Quantum mechanics, employed to describe transitions between the internal states of the molecule, and classical mechanics, employed for description of scattering of the atom, are used in a self-consistent manner. Such calculations for rotational excitation of HCOOCH3 in collisions with He produce accurate results at scattering energies above 15 cm–1, although resonances near threshold, below 5 cm–1, cannot be reproduced. Importantly, the method remains computationally affordable at high scattering energies (here up to 1000 cm–1), which enables calculations for larger molecules and at higher collision energies than was possible previously with the standard full-quantum approach. Theoretical prediction of inelastic cross sections for a number of complex organic molecules observed in space becomes feasible using this new computational tool

    Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs) : I. Cloud morphology and occurrence

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    Subvisible cirrus clouds (SVCs) may contribute to dehydration close to the tropical tropopause. The higher and colder SVCs and the larger their ice crystals, the more likely they represent the last efficient point of contact of the gas phase with the ice phase and, hence, the last dehydrating step, before the air enters the stratosphere. The first simultaneous in situ and remote sensing measurements of SVCs were taken during the APE-THESEO campaign in the western Indian ocean in February/March 1999. The observed clouds, termed Ultrathin Tropical Tropopause Clouds (UTTCs), belong to the geometrically and optically thinnest large-scale clouds in the Earth´s atmosphere. Individual UTTCs may exist for many hours as an only 200--300 m thick cloud layer just a few hundred meters below the tropical cold point tropopause, covering up to 105 km2. With temperatures as low as 181 K these clouds are prime representatives for defining the water mixing ratio of air entering the lower stratosphere

    Single agent rituximab in patients with follicular or mantle cell lymphoma: clinical and biological factors that are predictive of response and event-free survival as well as the effect of rituximab on the immune system: a study of the Swiss Group for Clinical Cancer Research (SAKK)

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    Background: Predictive factors of rituximab efficacy and its effect on the immune system are still not defined. Patients and methods: Three hundred and six patients with follicular or mantle cell lymphoma received four weekly doses of rituximab (induction) and no further treatment (arm A) or four more doses at 2-month intervals (arm B). Results: Response rate to induction was 44%. Independent predictive factors for response were disease bulk <5 cm, follicular histology, normal hemoglobin and low lymphocyte count. Factors associated with event-free survival (EFS) were having responded to induction, having received not more than one line of therapy, Ann Arbor stage I-III, high lymphocyte count, disease bulk <5 cm, Fc-gamma receptor genotype VV and receiving prolonged treatment. B cells were suppressed by treatment but recovered after a median of 12 months in arm A and 18 months in arm B. The median IgM level after 1 year was normal in arm A but was decreased to 73% of baseline in arm B. We observed 24 serious adverse events, equally distributed between arms. Ten patients receiving induction only and six patients receiving prolonged treatment developed a second tumor. Conclusions: We defined the characteristics predicting response and EFS to rituximab. Prolonged treatment results in longer EFS at the cost of a longer reduction in B cell and IgM levels, but without additional clinical toxicit