179 research outputs found

    Tracking EEG changes to alpha and beta binaural beats

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    A binaural beat can be produced by presenting two tones of differing frequency, one to each ear. Such auditory stimulation has been suggested to influence behaviour and cognition via the process of cortical entrainment. However, research so far has only shown frequency following responses in the traditional EEG frequency ranges of delta, theta and gamma. Hence a primary aim of this research was to ascertain whether it would be possible to produce clear changes in the EEG in either the alpha or beta frequency ranges. Such changes, if possible, would have a number of important implications as well as potential applications. A secondary goal was to track any observable changes in EEG throughout the entrainment epoch to gain some insight into the nature of the entrainment effects any changes in an effort to identify more effective entrainment regimes. Twenty two healthy participants were recruited and randomly allocated to one of two groups, each of which was exposed to a distinct binaural beat frequency for ten 1-minute epochs. The first group listened to an alpha binaural beat of 10Hz and the second to a beta binaural beat of 20Hz. EEG was recorded from the left and right temporal regions during pre-exposure baselines, stimulus exposure epochs and post-exposure baselines. Analysis of changes in broad-band and narrow-band amplitude, and frequency showed no effect of either binaural beat frequency eliciting a frequency following effect in the EEG. Possible mediating factors are discussed and a number of recommendations are made regarding future studies, exploring entrainment effects from binaural beat presentation

    Using intervention mapping to develop a culturally appropriate intervention to prevent childhood obesity: the HAPPY (Healthy and Active Parenting Programme for Early Years) study.

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    INTRODUCTION: Interventions that make extensive use of theory tend to have larger effects on behaviour. The Intervention Mapping (IM) framework incorporates theory into intervention design, implementation and evaluation, and was applied to the development of a community-based childhood obesity prevention intervention for a multi-ethnic population. METHODS: IM was applied as follows: 1) Needs assessment of the community and culture; consideration of evidence-base, policy and practice; 2) Identification of desired outcomes and change objectives following identification of barriers to behaviour change mapped alongside psychological determinants (e.g. knowledge, self-efficacy, intention); 3) Selection of theory-based methods and practical applications to address barriers to behaviour change (e.g., strategies for responsive feeding); 4) Design of the intervention by developing evidence-based interactive activities and resources (e.g., visual aids to show babies stomach size). The activities were integrated into an existing parenting programme; 5) Adoption and implementation: parenting practitioners were trained by healthcare professionals to deliver the programme within Children Centres. RESULTS: HAPPY (Healthy and Active Parenting Programme for Early Years) is aimed at overweight and obese pregnant women (BMI > 25); consists of 12 × 2.5 hr. sessions (6 ante-natal from 24 weeks; 6 postnatal up to 9 months); it addresses mother's diet and physical activity, breast or bottle feeding, infant diet and parental feeding practices, and infant physical activity. CONCLUSION: We have demonstrated that IM is a feasible and helpful method for providing an evidence based and theoretical structure to a complex health behaviour change intervention. The next stage will be to assess the impact of the intervention on behaviour change and clinical factors associated with childhood obesity. The HAPPY programme is currently being tested as part of a randomised controlled feasibility trial

    Runoff of Silvicultural Herbicides Applied Using Best Management Practices

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    Nine small (2.2 to 2.9 ha) and four large (70 to 135 ha) watersheds in East Texas, USA, were instrumented to compare herbicide runoff under different silvicultural systems with best management practices (BMPs). Two treatments were evaluated: conventional, with clearcutting, aerial herbicide site preparation, and hand-applied banded herbaceous release; and intensive, in which subsoiling, aerial fertilization, and a second-year aerial herbicide application were added. Herbicides were applied as operational tank mixes. The highest imazapyr concentration found in stream water was 39 mg L‑1 during the first storm after application (23 days after treatment, DAT) and in-stream concentrations during runoff events dropped to L‑1 in all streams by 150 DAT. The highest hexazinone concentration was 8 mg L‑1 for the banded application and 35 mg L‑1 for the broadcast application the following year and fell to L‑1 in all streams by 140 DAT. The highest sulfometuron methyl concentration found during a runoff event was 4 mg L‑1 and fell to L‑1 in all streams by 80 DAT. About 1 to 2% of applied imazapyr and less than 1% of hexazinone and sulfometuron methyl were measured in storm runoff. Herbicide was found in streams during storm events only (all herbicides were”g/L in all true baseflow samples), and peak concentrations during runoff events persisted for relatively short times (\u3c 24 h). These results suggest that silvicultural herbicide applications implemented with contemporary BMPs are unlikely to result in chronic exposure of aquatic biota; therefore, herbicide use under these conditions is unlikely to degrade surface waters

    What do primary care staff think about patients accessing electronic health records? A focus group study

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    Background Patients have expressed a growing interest in having easy access to their personal health information, and internationally there has been increasing policy focus on patient and care records being more accessible. Limited research from the UK has qualitatively explored this topic from the primary care staff perspective. This study aimed to understand what primary care staff think about patients accessing electronic health records, highlighting errors in electronic health records, and providing feedback via online patient portals. Methods A focus group study involving 19 clinical and non-clinical primary care staff. Primary care practices were purposively sampled based on practice size and the percentage of patients using online services. Data were analysed inductively using reflexive thematic analysis. Results Three themes were generated: (1) Information – what, why and when? (2) Changing behaviours and protecting relationships, and (3) Secure access and safeguarding. The emotional considerations and consequences for staff and patients featured prominently in the data as an overarching theme. Conclusions Primary care staff described being invested and supportive of patients accessing their electronic health records, and acknowledged the numerous potential benefits for safety. Uncertainty around the parameters of access, the information available and what this might look like in the future, processes for patients highlighting errors in records, relational issues, security and safeguarding and equitable access, were key areas warranting examination in future research

    Exploring nurses’ experiences of value congruence and the perceived relationship with wellbeing and patient care and safety: a qualitative study

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    Background Values are of high importance to the nursing profession. Value congruence is the extent to which an individual’s values align with the values of their organisation. Value congruence has important implications for job satisfaction. Aim This study explored nurse values, value congruence and potential implications for individual nurses and organisations in terms of wellbeing and patient care and safety. Method Fifteen nurses who worked in acute hospital settings within the UK participated in semi-structured telephone interviews. Thematic analysis was utilised to analyse the data. Results Four themes were identified: organisational values incongruent with the work environment; personal and professional value alignment; nurse and supervisor values in conflict; nurses’ values at odds with the work environment. Perceived value incongruence was related to poorer wellbeing, increased burnout and poorer perceived patient care and safety. The barriers identified for nurses being able to work in line with their values are described. Conclusions Value congruence is important for nurse wellbeing and patient care and safety. Improving the alignment between the values that organisations state they hold, and the values implied by the work environment may help improve patient care and safety and support nurses in practice

    Pretravel plans and discrepant trip experiences among travelers attending a tertiary care centre family travel medicine clinic

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    Background International travel can expose travelers to a number of health risks. Pretravel consultation (PC) helps mitigate risk and prepare travelers for health concerns that might arise. The assessment of risk, mitigation strategies, and relevance of pretravel advice is dependent on how closely travelers adhere to their planned travel itinerary and activities. We determined the proportion of returned travelers whose completed travel experiences differed from their stated travel itineraries, and identified discrepancies that significantly altered the traveler\u27s health risk and would have required alternative counseling during their PC. Methods We conducted a prospective cohort study at the SickKids\u27 Family Travel Clinic between October 2014 and November 2015. Returned travelers who completed a post-travel survey were included. Pretravel consultation assessments and post-trip surveys were compared to identify discrepant trip experiences. Results A total of 389 travelers presented to the clinic for a PC during the study period and 302 (77.6%) were enrolled. Post-travel surveys were received from 119 (39.4%) participants, representing 101 unique itineraries. The median participant age was 36.3 years (IQR 26.6- 47.5) and there were 73 female travelers (61%). Most participants (n = 87,73%) were healthy as well as Canadian born (n = 84, 71%). A quarter of travelers were visiting friends and relatives (VFR) (n = 30, 25.2%). The vast majority of returned travelers (n = 109, 92%) reported discrepant trip experiences involving trip duration, countries visited, accommodations, environmental surroundings and/or activities. Almost two thirds of these individuals (n = 68, 62%) would have required alternative pretravel counseling. We did not identify any demographic or planned trip characteristics that predicted discrepant trip experiences requiring alternative pretravel counseling. Conclusions The majority of travelers reported discrepant trip experiences and the discrepancies often affected health risk. Therefore, clinicians should consider providing broader counselling during the PC as discrepancies from planned travel are common

    Exploring patient safety outcomes for people with learning disabilities in acute hospital settings: a scoping review

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    Objectives To produce a narrative synthesis of published academic and grey literature focusing on patient safety outcomes for people with learning disabilities in an acute hospital setting. Design Scoping review with narrative synthesis. Methods The review followed the six stages of the Arksey and O’Malley framework. We searched four research databases from January 2000 to March 2021, in addition to handsearching and backwards searching using terms relating to our eligibility criteria—patient safety and adverse events, learning disability and hospital setting. Following stakeholder input, we searched grey literature databases and specific websites of known organisations until March 2020. Potentially relevant articles and grey literature materials were screened against the eligibility criteria. Findings were extracted and collated in data charting forms. Results 45 academic articles and 33 grey literature materials were included, and we organised the findings around six concepts: (1) adverse events, patient safety and quality of care; (2) maternal and infant outcomes; (3) postoperative outcomes; (4) role of family and carers; (5) understanding needs in hospital and (6) supporting initiatives, recommendations and good practice examples. The findings suggest inequalities and inequities for a range of specific patient safety outcomes including adverse events, quality of care, maternal and infant outcomes and postoperative outcomes, in addition to potential protective factors, such as the roles of family and carers and the extent to which health professionals are able to understand the needs of people with learning disabilities. Conclusion People with learning disabilities appear to experience poorer patient safety outcomes in hospital. The involvement of family and carers, and understanding and effectively meeting the needs of people with learning disabilities may play a protective role. Promising interventions and examples of good practice exist, however many of these have not been implemented consistently and warrant further robust evaluation

    3D dSTORM imaging reveals novel detail of ryanodine receptor localization in rat cardiac myocytes

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    Cardiomyocyte contraction is dependent on Ca2+ release from ryanodine receptors (RyRs). However, the precise localization of RyRs remains unknown, due to shortcomings of imaging techniques which are diffraction limited or restricted to 2D. We aimed to determine the 3D nanoscale organization of RyRs in rat cardiomyocytes by employing direct stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (dSTORM) with phase ramp technology. Initial observations at the cell surface showed an undulating organization of RyR clusters, resulting in their frequent overlap in the z‐axis and obscured detection by 2D techniques. Non‐overlapping clusters were imaged to create a calibration curve for estimating RyR number based on recorded fluorescence blinks. Employing this method at the cell surface and interior revealed smaller RyR clusters than 2D estimates, as erroneous merging of axially aligned RyRs was circumvented. Functional groupings of RyR clusters (Ca2+ release units, CRUs), contained an average of 18 and 23 RyRs at the surface and interior, respectively, although half of all CRUs contained only a single ‘rogue’ RyR. Internal CRUs were more tightly packed along z‐lines than surface CRUs, contained larger and more numerous RyR clusters, and constituted ∌75% of the roughly 1 million RyRs present in an average cardiomyocyte. This complex internal 3D geometry was underscored by correlative imaging of RyRs and t‐tubules, which enabled quantification of dyadic and non‐dyadic RyR populations. Mirroring differences in CRU size and complexity, Ca2+ sparks originating from internal CRUs were of longer duration than those at the surface. These data provide novel, nanoscale insight into RyR organization and function across cardiomyocytes

    How to analyse longitudinal data from multiple sources in qualitative health research : the pen portrait analytic technique

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    BACKGROUND: Longitudinal qualitative research is starting to be used in applied health research, having been popular in social research for several decades. There is potential for a large volume of complex data to be captured, over a span of months or years across several different methods. How to analyse this volume of data - with its inherent complexity - represents a problem for health researchers. There is a previous dearth of methodological literature which describes an appropriate analytic process which can be readily employed. METHODS: We document a worked example of the Pen Portrait analytic process, using the qualitative dataset for which the process was originally developed. RESULTS: Pen Portraits are recommended as a way in which longitudinal health research data can be concentrated into a focused account. The four stages of undertaking a pen portrait are: 1) understand and define what to focus on 2) design a basic structure 3) populate the content 4) interpretation. Instructive commentary and guidance is given throughout with consistent reference to the original study for which Pen Portraits were devised. The Pen Portrait analytic process was developed by the authors, borne out of a need to effectively integrate multiple qualitative methods collected over time. Pen Portraits are intended to be adaptable and flexible, in order to meet the differing analytic needs of qualitative longitudinal health studies. CONCLUSIONS: The Pen Portrait analytic process provides a useful framework to enable researchers to conduct a robust analysis of multiple sources of qualitative data collected over time
