64 research outputs found

    Variabilidad intraespecífica de la respuesta electroantenográfica en Cerambyx welensii Küster (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae). Influencia de factores anatómicos, fisiológicos y experimentales

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    Intraspecific variability of EAG responses in Cerambyx welensii has been studied.We have not found significant differences of EAG responses neither between sexes nor types of solvent, paraffin oil and hexane, but there was a highly significant variability of responses between individuals (0,92 mV +/- 0,6. Mean +/- DT) to (E)-2-hexenal (50% v/v). More than 68% of individual variability can be explained by the combination of the previous aptitude of insects, its physiological state (vitality at the moment of study) and the capillary's diameter in the reference electrode. Anatomical features of the individuals had not influence in the response. In order to avoid or minimize the effect caused for this variability, it is advisable to carry out EAG tests with insects obtained under controlled conditions. In other case, the EAG responses must be standardized using a standard stimulus, as well as to homogenize the tip diameter of the reference electrode.En este trabajo se estudia la variabilidad intraespecífica de la respuesta electroantenográfica de Cerambyx welensii. No se han encontrado diferencias de respuestas entre sexos, ni entre el tipo de solvente empleado, hexano o aceite de parafina; pero sí se encontró variabilidad entre individuos (0,92 mV +/- 0,6. Media +/- DT) frente al (E)-2-hexenal (50% v/v). Más del 68% de esta variabilidad pudo ser explicada considerando tres factores: la aptitud previa de los insectos, su estado fisiológico (vigor en el momento del estudio) y el diámetro en punta fina del capilar del electrodo de referencia. Las características anatómicas de los individuos no influyeron sobre su respuesta electroantenográfica. La variabilidad de respuesta intraespecífica encontrada en C. welensii puede distorsionar la caracterización del comportamiento olfativo de esta especie, por lo que es deseable realizar las pruebas electroantenográficas a partir de insectos obtenidos en condiciones controladas o bien estandarizar las respuestas a partir de un estímulo estándar, además de normalizar el diámetro del capilar del electrodo de referencia

    Identification of gastric cancer from speckle patterns

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    Speckle technique is based on the light intensity distribution randomly formed when a laser light is reflected on a rough surface, creating a pattern of illuminated grains (constructively) and dark (destructive) on scales of 1 μm. When the samples are displaced or deformed, the speckle pattern is altered. In this paper we present speckle patterns obtained from samples of gastric mucosa that is physically altered for the carcinogenesis process. Biopsies were studied with different diagnoses and were grouped according to the characteristics of speckle patterns. Speckle patterns were obtained by illuminating the samples with green laser. Morphological parameters of the speckle patterns reveal existence of 3 descriptors: the average grain size, hydraulic radius and the radio of the Weddel disc, which showed a high, intermediate and low value. The comparison shows agreement between the histopathological diagnosis and the values obtained by the speckle technique, making this technique emerge as a new classification system for quantitative diagnosis of precancerous lesions.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Identification of gastric cancer from speckle patterns

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    Speckle technique is based on the light intensity distribution randomly formed when a laser light is reflected on a rough surface, creating a pattern of illuminated grains (constructively) and dark (destructive) on scales of 1 μm. When the samples are displaced or deformed, the speckle pattern is altered. In this paper we present speckle patterns obtained from samples of gastric mucosa that is physically altered for the carcinogenesis process. Biopsies were studied with different diagnoses and were grouped according to the characteristics of speckle patterns. Speckle patterns were obtained by illuminating the samples with green laser. Morphological parameters of the speckle patterns reveal existence of 3 descriptors: the average grain size, hydraulic radius and the radio of the Weddel disc, which showed a high, intermediate and low value. The comparison shows agreement between the histopathological diagnosis and the values obtained by the speckle technique, making this technique emerge as a new classification system for quantitative diagnosis of precancerous lesions.Facultad de Ingenierí

    Identification of gastric cancer from speckle patterns

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    Speckle technique is based on the light intensity distribution randomly formed when a laser light is reflected on a rough surface, creating a pattern of illuminated grains (constructively) and dark (destructive) on scales of 1 μm. When the samples are displaced or deformed, the speckle pattern is altered. In this paper we present speckle patterns obtained from samples of gastric mucosa that is physically altered for the carcinogenesis process. Biopsies were studied with different diagnoses and were grouped according to the characteristics of speckle patterns. Speckle patterns were obtained by illuminating the samples with green laser. Morphological parameters of the speckle patterns reveal existence of 3 descriptors: the average grain size, hydraulic radius and the radio of the Weddel disc, which showed a high, intermediate and low value. The comparison shows agreement between the histopathological diagnosis and the values obtained by the speckle technique, making this technique emerge as a new classification system for quantitative diagnosis of precancerous lesions.Facultad de Ingenierí


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    Phenol can be degraded to almost 100 % within a few minutes via Fenton and photo-Fenton processes. Its degradation and the ratio of initial molar concentrations of oxidant and catalyst increase in inverse senses, and a ratio of 38.4 was optimal for aqueous solutions contaminated with 20 ppm of phenol. In addition to this, the use of ultraviolet-A light enhanced degradation when compared to shorter wavelengths.Fenol puede ser degradado a casi 100 % en pocos minutos vía los procesos Fenton y fotoFenton. Su degradación y la relación entre las concentraciones molares iniciales de oxidante y catalizador utilizadas aumentan en sentidos inversos, y una relación de 38,4 fue óptima para soluciones acuosas contaminadas con 20 ppm de fenol. Asimismo, el uso de luz ultravioleta del tipo A aumentó la degradación comparado a menores longitudes de onda

    SIVA UAV: A Case Study for the EMC Analysis of Composite Air Vehicles

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    [EN] The increased use of carbon-fiber composites in unmanned aerial vehicles is a challenge for their EMC assessment by numerical solvers. For accurate and reliable simulations, numerical procedures should be tested not only for individual components, but also within the framework of complete systems. With this aim, this paper presents a benchmark test case based on experimental measurements coming from direct-current injection tests in the SIVA unmanned air vehicle, reproduced by a numerical finite-difference-time-domain solver that employs a new subgridding scheme to treat lossy composite thin panels. Validation was undertaken by applying the feature selective validation method, which quantifies the agreement between experimental and numerical data.This work was supported by the Projects TEC2013-48414C3-{ 1,2,3}-R, TEC2016-79214-C3-{1,2,3}-R, and TEC2015-68766-REDC (Spanish MINECO, EU FEDER), P12-TIC-1442 (J. de Andalucia, Spain), Alhambra-UGRFDTD (AIRBUS DS), and by the CSIRC alhambra.ugr.es supercomputing center.Cabello, MR.; Fernández, S.; Pous, M.; Pascual-Gil, E.; Angulo, LD.; López, P.; Riu, PJ.... (2017). SIVA UAV: A Case Study for the EMC Analysis of Composite Air Vehicles. IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 59(4):1103-1113. https://doi.org/10.1109/TEMC.2017.2648507S1103111359

    Centros de apoyo y desarrollo educativo profesional para la observación y disminución de la deserción universitaria

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    Este artículo ha presentado el estado del arte de la deserción universitaria en Europa y América Latina, y el modelo de Centro de Apoyo y Desarrollo Educativo Profesional (CADEP) para observar y tratar de disminuir la deserción estudiantil. Fue un estudio cualitativo con un enfoque hermenéutico donde se analizaron textos de libros, artículos científicos, informes de congresos, artículos de prensa, leyes, políticas y normas institucionales. Los resultados mostraron: que la deserción universitaria en Europa, América Latina y el Caribe oscila del 30% al 60%, centrada en factores como lo económico, familiar, ambiente pedagógico-didáctico, motivacional y afectivos, y que todos estos factores influyen en el rendimiento académico del estudiantado y propician el abandono de la universidad. Todo este planteamiento, permite al proyecto ACACIA ofrecer un sistema articulado de atención integral, que parte de un enfoque diferencial y con acciones que cubre no sólo las necesidades del estudiantado (de accesibilidad y afectividad en la experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje) y sus preferencias, sino también acciones y formación dirigidas al profesorado como al personal técnico y administrativo universitario, sin olvidar a la familia y el entorno social en el que se inscribela universidad incluyendo al tejido empresarial, con una perspectiva integra-dora y aplicada de la innovación desarrollada

    New planetary systems from the Calan–Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search

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    We report the discovery of eight new giant planets, and updated orbits for four known planets, orbiting dwarf and subgiant stars using the CORALIE, HARPS, and MIKE instruments as part of the Calan–Hertfordshire Extrasolar Planet Search. The planets have masses in the range 1.1–5.4 MJ’s, orbital periods from 40 to 2900 d, and eccentricities from 0.0 to 0.6. They include a double-planet system orbiting the most massive star in our sample (HD147873), two eccentric giant planets (HD128356b and HD154672b), and a rare 14 Herculis analogue (HD224538b). We highlight some population correlations from the sample of radial velocity detected planets orbiting nearby stars, including the mass function exponential distribution, confirmation of the growing body of evidence that low-mass planets tend to be found orbiting more metal-poor stars than giant planets, and a possible period–metallicity correlation for planets with masses >0.1 MJ, based on a metallicity difference of 0.16 dex between the population of planets with orbital periods less than 100 d and those with orbital periods greater than 100 d

    Centros de Apoyo y Desarrollo Educativo Profesional para la observación y disminución de la deserción universitaria

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    Este artículo ha presentado el estado del arte de la deserción universitaria en Europa y América Latina, y el modelo de Centro de Apoyo y Desarrollo Educativo Profesional (CADEP) para observar y tratar de disminuir la deserción estudiantil. Fue un estudio cualitativo con un enfoque hermenéutico donde se analizaron textos de libros, artículos científicos, informes de congresos, artículos de prensa, leyes, políticas y normas institucionales. Los resultados mostraron: que la deserción universitaria en Europa, América Latina y el Caribe oscila del 30% al 60%, centrada en factores como lo económico, familiar, ambiente pedagógico-didáctico, motivacional y afectivos, y que todos estos factores influyen en el rendimiento académico del estudiantado y propician el abandono de la universidad. Todo este planteamiento, permite al proyecto ACACIA ofrecer un sistema articulado de atención integral, que parte de un enfoque diferencial y con acciones que cubre no sólo las necesidades del estudiantado (de accesibilidad y afectividad en la experiencia de enseñanza y aprendizaje) y sus preferencias, sino también acciones y formación dirigidas al profesorado como al personal técnico y administrativo universitario, sin olvidar a la familia y el entorno social en el que se inscribe la universidad incluyendo al tejido empresarial, con una perspectiva integradora y aplicada de la innovación desarrollada. Summary This article presents the state of art of the college desertion in Europe and Latin America, as well as the model of the Support Center and Professional Educational Development (CADEP) in order to observe and try to reduce student’s desertion. The study was qualitative with a hermeneutic approach in which we analyzed different texts books, scientific articles, congress reports, press articles, laws, policies and institutional rules. The results revealed that the college desertion in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean ranges from 30% to 60%, and it is focus on factors such as economic, family, educational, motivational and emotional environment, but most importantly is that all these factors influence the academic performance of students and contribute to the desertion from the university. This whole approach allows the ACACIA project to provide an articulated system of integral attention, that is based on differential approach which includes actions covering not only the needs of the students (accessibility and affection in the experience of teaching and learning) and its preferences, but also actions and training aimed at teachers as well as to the technical and administrative university staff, not forgetting family and the social environment in which the university is a fundamental part, including the business sector, with an integrated perspective of the developed innovation