300 research outputs found

    Methodology in molecular genetics and its applications to diabetology

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    Screw press merupakan komponen utama pada mesin pengekstraksi minyak mentah sawit (CPO) dari tandan buah segar.Masa pakai produk lokal dinilai masih rendah yaitu sekitar 600 jam operasi dan produk lokal dapat mencapai masa pakai sekitar 800 jam operasi. Pada kegiatan ini telah dilakukan supervisi manufaktur screw press dengan menggunakan nickel chromium molybdenum steel, dari hasil uji coba dapat diketahui bahwa masa pakai melebihi masa pakai screw press import dengan kisaran 1000 s/d 1800 jam operasi. Terjadinya ketidak konsistenan masa pakai screw press ini dapat diakibatkan oleh komposisi material dan proses heat treatmen yang digunakan. Tujuan dari kegiatan kerekayasaan ini adalah untuk peningkatan mutu dan menjamin masa pakai screw press yang konsisten sekitar 1300 s/d 1500 jam operasi.  Metode yang akan digunakan pada perbaikan mutu screw press ini adalah melakukan manufaktur screw press dari  nickel chromium molybdenum steel dan  dikombinasikan dengan proses heat treatment.                          The screw press is a major component of the crude palm oil (CPO) extraction machine from fresh fruit bunches. The life span of local products is still considered low at around 600 hours of operation and local products can reach a lifetime of around 800 hours of operation. In this activity the supervision of screw press manufacturing was carried out using nickel chromium molybdenum steel, from the results of the test it was found that the service life exceeded the lifetime of the screw press with a range of 1000 to 1800 operating hours. The occurrence of screw press lifetime inconsistency can be caused by the composition of the material and the heat treatment process used. The purpose of this engineering activity is to improve quality and ensure a consistent screw press life of around 1300 to 1500 hours of operation. The method to be used in the repair of the quality of the screw press is manufacturing a screw press from nickel chromium molybdenum steel and combined with a heat treatment process


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    Screw presshasil produk unit Foundry Dolok Ilir milik PTPN-4 di laporkan memiliki umur pakai yang tidak konsisten danmerupakan komponen utama pada mesin pengekstraksi minyak mentah sawit (CPO) dari tandan buah segar.Pada tahun 2018 Balai Riset dan Standardisasi Industri Medan melakukan rekayasa material screw pressmenggunakannickel chromium molybdenum steeldengan metode pengecoran logam serta melakukan heat treatmen, diperolehumur pakai 1300-1500 jam. Hasil dari rekayasa material tersebut maka dilanjutkan dengan melakukan scale up pada industri pengecoran logam, dan melakukan uji coba pada lingkungan sebenarnya di Pabrik Kelapa Sawit, hasil di capai umur pakai 1500-1600 jam


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    Cacat pengecoran merupakan masalah yang sering di jumpai pada industri pengecoran logam. Permasalahan ini dapatmenimbulkan naiknya biaya produksi untuk melakukan perbaikan bahkan produksi ulang. Salah satu faktor yang mengakibatkan cacat produk cor adalah masalah sistem salurandan penambah. Untuk mengurangi masalah cacat tersebut di perlukan perhitungan sistem saluran dan penambah yang sesuaisehingga dimensi dari sistem saluran dapat memperlancar aliran material cair yang masuk ke dalam rongga cetak dengan tepat dan cukup untuk menghasilkan produk coran

    Effect of simple, targeted diet in pregnant women with metabolic risk factors on maternal and fetal outcomes (ESTEEM): study protocol for a pragmatic multicentre randomised trial

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    This work was supported by Bart’s Charity. The California Walnut Commission and Blue Diamond Growers donated with thanks the mixed nuts provided to the ESTEEM participants. The trial sponsor is Queen Mary University of London

    Acceptability and adherence to a Mediterranean diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes in women with gestational diabetes in the UK: a protocol for a single-arm feasibility study (MERIT)

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    Introduction: Women with gestational diabetes are at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. In at-risk general populations, Mediterranean-style diet helps prevent type 2 diabetes. But its effect on postnatal women with a history of gestational diabetes is not known. Prior to a full-scale trial on Mediterranean-style diet in the postnatal period to prevent type 2 diabetes, a feasibility study is required to assess the acceptability of the diet and evaluate the trial processes. Methods and analysis: MEditerranean diet for pReventIon of type 2 diabeTes is a single-arm feasibility study (65 women) with qualitative evaluation of women who have recently given birth and had gestational diabetes. The intervention is a Mediterranean-style diet supplemented with nuts and olive oil, with dietary advice and an action plan. A dedicated Health Coach will interact with participants through an interactive lifestyle App. Women will follow the intervention from 6 to 13 weeks post partum until 1 year post partum. The primary outcomes are rates of recruitment, follow-up, adherence and attrition. The secondary outcomes are maternal dysglycaemia, cost and quality of life outcomes, and acceptability of the intervention to participants, and to healthcare professionals delivering the intervention. Feasibility outcomes will be reported using descriptive statistics. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approval was obtained through the South Central—Berkshire Research Ethics Committee (19/SC/0064). Study findings will be disseminated via publication in peer-reviewed journals, as well as via newsletters made available to participants and members of Katie’s Team (a women’s health patient and public advisory group). Trial registration number: ISRCTN40582975

    The thorny problems of Covid-19 Contact Tracing Apps: The need for a holistic approach

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    Once we accept the potential advantages that may arise from investing in contact tracing apps (CTA) as a response to the current COVID-19 crisis, we need to consider the different challenges that arise, and how they can be solved. In so doing, and to make the job surmountable, we must understand the challenging class of problems that spans both technical and behavioral issues (thorny issues). In thinking about the value of contact tracing, and the potential resolutions to some of the core problems, this short piece outlines what policy makers may need to consider, especially if we are to successfully deal with the predicted second wave
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