867 research outputs found

    Structural changes at the semiconductor-insulator phase transition in the single layered La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 perovskite

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    The semiconductor-insulator phase transition of the single-layer manganite La0.5Sr1.5MnO4 has been studied by means of high resolution synchrotron x-ray powder diffraction and resonant x-ray scattering at the Mn K edge. We conclude that a concomitant structural transition from tetragonal I4/mmm to orthorhombic Cmcm phases drives this electronic transition. A detailed symmetry-mode analysis reveals that condensation of three soft modes -Delta_2(B2u), X1+(B2u) and X1+(A)- acting on the oxygen atoms accounts for the structural transformation. The Delta_2 mode leads to a pseudo Jahn-Teller distortion (in the orthorhombic bc-plane only) on one Mn site (Mn1) whereas the two X1+ modes produce an overall contraction of the other Mn site (Mn2) and expansion of the Mn1 one. The X1+ modes are responsible for the tetragonal superlattice (1/2,1/2,0)-type reflections in agreement with a checkerboard ordering of two different Mn sites. A strong enhancement of the scattered intensity has been observed for these superlattice reflections close to the Mn K edge, which could be ascribed to some degree of charge disproportion between the two Mn sites of about 0.15 electrons. We also found that the local geometrical anisotropy of the Mn1 atoms and its ordering originated by the condensed Delta_2 mode alone perfectly explains the resonant scattering of forbidden (1/4,1/4,0)-type reflections without invoking any orbital ordering.Comment: 3 tables and 10 figures; accepted in Phys. Rev.

    As lideranças e a diferenciação curricular inclusiva: que caminhos para a escola do século XXI?

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    Com este artigo pretende-se analisar num primeiro momento, o conceito de diferenciação curricular no plano conceptual e dentro de um quadro de análise que permita aprofundar e clarificar o seu sentido no contexto da escola para todos e no enquadramento da massificação da escolarização, fazendo referência à globalização a qual traz novos aspectos para o debate em torno da finalidade da escola. Analisa-se num segundo momento, o papel da liderança democrática e participativa no desempenho do binómio curricular (currículo nacional e projectos curriculares) na medida em que a articulação entre níveis centrais e de escola para o desenvolvimento da diferenciação curricular inclusiva se constitui como meta indispensável para algo assim. Considera-se nesta perspectiva a liderança propulsora da diferenciação curricular inclusiva na dimensão da praxis curricular das escolas e dos professores. Por último relaciona-se esta problemática com a perspectiva da teoria crítica no quadro de escolas entendidas como boas escolas

    Tunable Graphene Electronics with Local Ultrahigh Pressure

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    We achieve fine tuning of graphene effective doping by applying ultrahigh pressures (> 10 GPa) using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) diamond tips. Specific areas in graphene flakes are irreversibly flattened against a SiO2 substrate. Our work represents the first demonstration of local creation of very stable effective p-doped graphene regions with nanometer precision, as unambiguously verified by a battery of techniques. Importantly, the doping strength depends monotonically on the applied pressure, allowing a controlled tuning of graphene electronics. Through this doping effect, ultrahigh pressure modifications include the possibility of selectively modifying graphene areas to improve their electrical contact with metal electrodes, as shown by Conductive AFM. Density Functional Theory calculations and experimental data suggest that this pressure level induces the onset of covalent bonding between graphene and the underlying SiO2 substrate. Our work opens a convenient avenue to tuning the electronics of 2D materials and van der Waals heterostructures through pressure with nanometer resolution

    Integral-field near-infrared spectroscopy of two blue dwarf galaxies: NGC 5253 and He 2-10

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    We present integral field spectroscopy in the near infrared (NIR) of He 2-10 and NGC 5253, two well known nearby dwarf irregular galaxies showing high star-formation rates. Our data provide an unprecedented detailed view of the interstellar medium and star formation in these galaxies, allowing us to obtain spatially resolved information from the NIR emission and absorption line tracers. We study the spatial distribution and kinematics of different components of the interstellar medium (ISM) mostly through the Bracket series lines, the molecular hydrogen spectrum, [FeII] emission, and CO absorptions. Although the ISM is mostly photo-excited, as derived by the [FeII]/Bry and H2 line ratios, some regions corresponding to non-thermal radio sources show a [FeII]/Bry excess due to a significant contribution of SN driven shocks. In He 2-10 we find that the molecular gas clouds, as traced by CO(2-1) and H2 infrared line, show consistent morphologies and velocities when studied with the two different tracers. Moreover, there is a clear association with the youngest super star clusters as traced by the ionized gas. In the same galaxy we observe a cavity depleted of gas, which is surrounded by some of the most active regions of star formation, that we interpret as a signature of feedback-induced star formation from older episodes of star formation. Finally, we measured high turbulence in the ISM of both galaxies, sigma~30-80 km/s, driven by the high star-formation activity.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Spitzer view on the evolution of star-forming galaxies from z=0 to z~3

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    We use a 24 micron selected sample containing more than 8,000 sources to study the evolution of star-forming galaxies in the redshift range from z=0 to z~3. We obtain photometric redshifts for most of the sources in our survey using a method based on empirically-built templates spanning from ultraviolet to mid-infrared wavelengths. The accuracy of these redshifts is better than 10% for 80% of the sample. The derived redshift distribution of the sources detected by our survey peaks at around z=0.6-1.0 (the location of the peak being affected by cosmic variance), and decays monotonically from z~1 to z~3. We have fitted infrared luminosity functions in several redshift bins in the range 0<z<~3. Our results constrain the density and/or luminosity evolution of infrared-bright star-forming galaxies. The typical infrared luminosity (L*) decreases by an order of magnitude from z~2 to the present. The cosmic star formation rate (SFR) density goes as (1+z)^{4.0\pm0.2} from z=0 to z=0.8. From z=0.8 to z~1.2, the SFR density continues rising with a smaller slope. At 1.2<z<3, the cosmic SFR density remains roughly constant. The SFR density is dominated at low redshift (z<0.5) by galaxies which are not very luminous in the infrared (L_TIR<1.e11 L_sun, where L_TIR is the total infrared luminosity, integrated from 8 to 1000 micron). The contribution from luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (L_TIR>1.e11 L_sun) to the total SFR density increases steadily from z~0 up to z~2.5, forming at least half of the newly-born stars by z~1.5. Ultraluminous infrared galaxies (L_TIR>1.e12 L_sun) play a rapidly increasing role for z>~1.3.Comment: 28 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Orbital Ordering Structures in (Nd,Pr)0.5Sr0.5MnO3 Manganite Thin Films on Perovskite (011) Substrates

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    Structural study of orbital-ordered manganite thin films has been conducted using synchrotron radiation, and a ground state electronic phase diagram is made. The lattice parameters of four manganite thin films, Nd0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (NSMO) or Pr0.5Sr0.5MnO3 (PSMO) on (011) surfaces of SrTiO3 (STO) or [(LaAlO3){0.3}(SrAl0.5Ta0.5O3){0.7}] (LSAT), were measured as a function of temperature. The result shows, as expected based on previous knowledge of bulk materials, that the films' resistivity is closely related to their structures. Observed superlattice reflections indicate that NSMO thin films have an antiferro-orbital-ordered phase as their low-temperature phase while PSMO film on LSAT has a ferro-orbital-ordered phase, and that on STO has no orbital-ordered phase. A metallic ground state was observed only in films having a narrow region of A-site ion radius, while larger ions favor ferro-orbital-ordered structure and smaller ions stabilize antiferro-orbital-ordered structure. The key to the orbital-ordering transition in (011) film is found to be the in-plane displacement along [0-1 1] direction.Comment: 19pages, 11 figure

    Multiwavelength study of the star formation in the bar of NGC 2903

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    NGC 2903 is a nearby barred spiral with an active starburst in the center and Hii regions distributed along its bar. We aim to analyse the star formation properties in the bar region of NGC 2903 and study the links with the typical bar morphological features. A combination of space and ground-based data from the far-ultraviolet to the sub-millimeter spectral ranges is used to create a panchromatic view of the NGC 2903 bar. We produce two catalogues: one for the current star formation regions, as traced by the halpha compact emission, and a second one for the ultraviolet (UV) emitting knots, containing positions and luminosities. From them we have obtained ultraviolet colours, star formation rates, dust attenuation and halpha EWs, and their spatial distribution have been analysed. Stellar cluster ages have been estimated using stellar population synthesis models (Starburst99). NGC 2903 is a complex galaxy, with a very different morphology on each spectral band. The CO(J=1-0) and the 3.6 micron emission trace each other in a clear barred structure, while the halpha leads both components and it has an s-shape distribution. The UV emission is patchy and does not resemble a bar. The UV emission is also characterised by a number of regions located symmetrically with respect to the galaxy center, almost perpendicular to the bar, in a spiral shape covering the inner ~2.5 kpc. These regions do not show a significant halpha nor 24 micron emission. We have estimated ages for these regions ranging from 150 to 320 Myr, being older than the rest of the UV knots, which have ages lower than 10 Myr. The SFR calculated from the UV emission is ~0.4 M_{\odot}/yr, compatible with the SFR as derived from halpha calibrations (M_{\odot}/yr).Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Integral field spectroscopy in the near infrared of NGC 3125-A and SBS 0335-052

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    We present integral field spectroscopy in the near infrared of the nearby dwarf starburst galaxies NGC 3125-A and of the low metallicity dwarf galaxy SBS 0335-052. The use of adaptive optics in the observations produces sub-arcsecond angular resolution. We pinpoint the star forming cores of both galaxies, identify relevant ISM components such as dust, photo ionized gas, shock excited gas and molecular gas. We relate these components to the large scale star formation process of the galaxies. In particular we find the emission of the near infrared lines of H2 and especially [FeII] does not coincide with the HII region in NGC 3125. We have the first clear detection of [FeII] in SBS 0335-052

    AEGIS: New Evidence Linking Active Galactic Nuclei to the Quenching of Star Formation

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    Utilizing Chandra X-ray observations in the All-wavelength Extended Groth Strip International Survey (AEGIS) we identify 241 X-ray selected Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs, L > 10^{42} ergs/s) and study the properties of their host galaxies in the range 0.4 < z < 1.4. By making use of infrared photometry from Palomar Observatory and BRI imaging from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope, we estimate AGN host galaxy stellar masses and show that both stellar mass and photometric redshift estimates (where necessary) are robust to the possible contamination from AGNs in our X-ray selected sample. Accounting for the photometric and X-ray sensitivity limits of the survey, we construct the stellar mass function of X-ray selected AGN host galaxies and find that their abundance decreases by a factor of ~2 since z~1, but remains roughly flat as a function of stellar mass. We compare the abundance of AGN hosts to the rate of star formation quenching observed in the total galaxy population. If the timescale for X-ray detectable AGN activity is roughly 0.5-1 Gyr--as suggested by black hole demographics and recent simulations--then we deduce that the inferred AGN "trigger" rate matches the star formation quenching rate, suggesting a link between these phenomena. However, given the large range of nuclear accretion rates we infer for the most massive and red hosts, X-ray selected AGNs may not be directly responsible for quenching star formation.Comment: 12 pages. Submitted to ApJ. Comments welcom