116 research outputs found

    Confinement as a tool to probe amorphous order

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    We study the effect of confinement on glassy liquids using Random First Order Transition theory as framework. We show that the characteristic length-scale above which confinement effects become negligible is related to the point-to-set length-scale introduced to measure the spatial extent of amorphous order in super-cooled liquids. By confining below this characteristic size, the system becomes a glass. Eventually, for very small sizes, the effect of the boundary is so strong that any collective glassy behavior is wiped out. We clarify similarities and differences between the physical behaviors induced by confinement and by pinning particles outside a spherical cavity (the protocol introduced to measure the point-to-set length). Finally, we discuss possible numerical and experimental tests of our predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures and EPAPS (4 pages, 1 figure

    Dynamics of a massive intruder in a homogeneously driven granular fluid

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    A massive intruder in a homogeneously driven granular fluid, in dilute configurations, performs a memory-less Brownian motion with drag and temperature simply related to the average density and temperature of the fluid. At volume fraction ∼10−50\sim 10-50% the intruder's velocity correlates with the local fluid velocity field: such situation is approximately described by a system of coupled linear Langevin equations equivalent to a generalized Brownian motion with memory. Here one may verify the breakdown of the Fluctuation-Dissipation relation and the presence of a net entropy flux - from the fluid to the intruder - whose fluctuations satisfy the Fluctuation Relation.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published on "Granular Matter" in a special issue in honor of the memory of Prof. Isaac Goldhirsc

    A phase-separation perspective on dynamic heterogeneities in glass-forming liquids

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    We study dynamic heterogeneities in a model glass-former whose overlap with a reference configuration is constrained to a fixed value. The system phase-separates into regions of small and large overlap, so that dynamical correlations remain strong even for asymptotic times. We calculate an appropriate thermodynamic potential and find evidence of a Maxwell's construction consistent with a spinodal decomposition of two phases. Our results suggest that dynamic heterogeneities are the expression of an ephemeral phase-separating regime ruled by a finite surface tension

    Fluctuations in partitioning systems with few degrees of freedom

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    We study the behavior of a moving wall in contact with a particle gas and subjected to an external force. We compare the fluctuations of the system observed in the microcanonical and canonical ensembles, at varying the number of particles. Static and dynamic correlations signal significant differences between the two ensembles. Furthermore, velocity-velocity correlations of the moving wall present a complex two-time relaxation which cannot be reproduced by a standard Langevin-like description. Quite remarkably, increasing the number of gas particles in an elongated geometry, we find a typical timescale, related to the interaction between the partitioning wall and the particles, which grows macroscopically.Comment: 10 pages, 12 figure

    Scaling properties of field-induced superdiffusion in Continous Time Random Walks

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    We consider a broad class of Continuous Time Random Walks with large fluctuations effects in space and time distributions: a random walk with trapping, describing subdiffusion in disordered and glassy materials, and a L\'evy walk process, often used to model superdiffusive effects in inhomogeneous materials. We derive the scaling form of the probability distributions and the asymptotic properties of all its moments in the presence of a field by two powerful techniques, based on matching conditions and on the estimate of the contribution of rare events to power-law tails in a field.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, Proceedings of the Conference "Small system nonequilibrium fluctuations, dynamics and stochastics, and anomalous behavior", KITPC, Beijing, Chin

    Rare events and scaling properties in field-induced anomalous dynamics

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    We show that, in a broad class of continuous time random walks (CTRW), a small external field can turn diffusion from standard into anomalous. We illustrate our findings in a CTRW with trapping, a prototype of subdiffusion in disordered and glassy materials, and in the L\'evy walk process, which describes superdiffusion within inhomogeneous media. For both models, in the presence of an external field, rare events induce a singular behavior in the originally Gaussian displacements distribution, giving rise to power-law tails. Remarkably, in the subdiffusive CTRW, the combined effect of highly fluctuating waiting times and of a drift yields a non-Gaussian distribution characterized by long spatial tails and strong anomalous superdiffusion.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Brownian ratchet in a thermal bath driven by Coulomb friction

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    The rectification of unbiased fluctuations, also known as the ratchet effect, is normally obtained under statistical non-equilibrium conditions. Here we propose a new ratchet mechanism where a thermal bath solicits the random rotation of an asymmetric wheel, which is also subject to Coulomb friction due to solid-on-solid contacts. Numerical simulations and analytical calculations demonstrate a net drift induced by friction. If the thermal bath is replaced by a granular gas, the well known granular ratchet effect also intervenes, becoming dominant at high collision rates. For our chosen wheel shape the granular effect acts in the opposite direction with respect to the friction-induced torque, resulting in the inversion of the ratchet direction as the collision rate increases. We have realized a new granular ratchet experiment where both these ratchet effects are observed, as well as the predicted inversion at their crossover. Our discovery paves the way to the realization of micro and sub-micrometer Brownian motors in an equilibrium fluid, based purely upon nano-friction.Comment: main paper: 4 pages and 4 figures; supplemental material joined at the end of the paper; a movie of the experiment can be viewed http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aHrdY4BC71k ; all the material has been submitted for publication [new version with substantial changes in the order of the presentation of the results; differences with previous works have been put in evidence

    Static correlations functions and domain walls in glass-forming liquids: the case of a sandwich geometry

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    The problem of measuring nontrivial static correlations in deeply supercooled liquids made recently some progress thanks to the introduction of amorphous boundary conditions, in which a set of free particles is subject to the effect of a different set of particles frozen into their (low temperature) equilibrium positions. In this way, one can study the crossover from nonergodic to ergodic phase, as the size of the free region grows and the effect of the confinement fades. Such crossover defines the so-called point-to-set correlation length, which has been measured in a spherical geometry, or cavity. Here, we make further progress in the study ofcorrelations under amorphous boundary conditions by analyzing the equilibrium properties of a glass-forming liquid, confined in a planar ("sandwich") geometry. The mobile particles are subject to amorphous boundary conditions with the particles in the surrounding walls frozen into their low temperature equilibrium configurations. Compared to the cavity, the sandwich geometry has three main advantages: i) the width of the sandwich is decoupled from its longitudinal size, making the thermodynamic limit possible; ii) for very large width, the behaviour off a single wall can be studied; iii) we can use "anti-parallel" boundary conditions to force a domain wall and measure its excess energy. Our results confirm that amorphous boundary conditions are indeed a very useful new tool inthe study of static properties of glass-forming liquids, but also raise some warning about the fact that not all correlation functions that can be calculated in this framework give the same qualitative results.Comment: Submited to JCP special issue on the glass transisio

    Non-equilibrium fluctuations in a driven stochastic Lorentz gas

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    We study the stationary state of a one-dimensional kinetic model where a probe particle is driven by an external field E and collides, elastically or inelastically, with a bath of particles at temperature T. We focus on the stationary distribution of the velocity of the particle, and of two estimates of the total entropy production \Delta s_tot. One is the entropy production of the medium \Delta s_m, which is equal to the energy exchanged with the scatterers, divided by a parameter \theta, coinciding with the particle temperature at E=0. The other is the work W done by the external field, again rescaled by \theta. At small E, a good collapse of the two distributions is found: in this case the two quantities also verify the Fluctuation Relation (FR), indicating that both are good approximations of \Delta s_tot. Differently, for large values of E, the fluctuations of W violate the FR, while \Delta s_m still verifies it.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Ueber ein neues elektrisches Akumetermodell

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