954 research outputs found

    The effect that municipal ordinances have on alarm calls

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    Examines the effectiveness in decreasing the number of false alarms when municipalities have alarm control ordinances

    Beam asymmetry Sigma for pi(+) and pi(0) photoproduction on the proton for photon energies from 1.102 to 1.862 GeV

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    Beam asymmetries for the reactions gamma p -\u3e p pi(0) and gamma p -\u3e n pi(+) have been measured with the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) and a tagged, linearly polarized photon beam with energies from 1.102-1.862 GeV. A Fourier moment technique for extracting beam asymmetries from experimental data is described. The results reported here possess greater precision and finer energy resolution than previous measurements. Our data for both pion reactions appear to favor the SAID and Bonn-Gatchina scattering analyses over the older Mainz MAID predictions. After incorporating the present set of beam asymmetries into the world database, exploratory fits made with the SAID analysis indicate that the largest changes from previous fits are for properties of the Delta(1700)3/2(-) and Delta(1905) 5/2(+) states

    NNηN^*\to N \eta^\prime decays from photoproduction of η\eta^\prime-mesons off protons

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    A study of the partial-wave content of the γpηp\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction in the fourth resonance region is presented, which has been prompted by new measurements of polarization observables for that process. Using the Bonn-Gatchina partial-wave formalism, the incorporation of new data indicates that the N(1895)1/2N(1895)1/2^-, N(1900)3/2+N(1900)3/2^+, N(2100)1/2+N(2100)1/2^+, and N(2120)3/2N(2120)3/2^- are the most significant contributors to the photoproduction process. New results for the branching ratios of the decays of these more prominent resonances to NηN\eta^\prime final states are provided; such branches have not been indicated in the most recent edition of the Review of Particle Properties. Based on the analysis performed here, predictions for the helicity asymmetry EE for the γpηp\gamma p\to \eta^\prime p reaction are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    The homotopy theory of dg-categories and derived Morita theory

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    The main purpose of this work is the study of the homotopy theory of dg-categories up to quasi-equivalences. Our main result provides a natural description of the mapping spaces between two dg-categories CC and DD in terms of the nerve of a certain category of (C,D)(C,D)-bimodules. We also prove that the homotopy category Ho(dgCat)Ho(dg-Cat) is cartesian closed (i.e. possesses internal Hom's relative to the tensor product). We use these two results in order to prove a derived version of Morita theory, describing the morphisms between dg-categories of modules over two dg-categories CC and DD as the dg-category of (C,D)(C,D)-bi-modules. Finally, we give three applications of our results. The first one expresses Hochschild cohomology as endomorphisms of the identity functor, as well as higher homotopy groups of the \emph{classifying space of dg-categories} (i.e. the nerve of the category of dg-categories and quasi-equivalences between them). The second application is the existence of a good theory of localization for dg-categories, defined in terms of a natural universal property. Our last application states that the dg-category of (continuous) morphisms between the dg-categories of quasi-coherent (resp. perfect) complexes on two schemes (resp. smooth and proper schemes) is quasi-equivalent to the dg-category of quasi-coherent complexes (resp. perfect) on their product.Comment: 50 pages. Few mistakes corrected, and some references added. Thm. 8.15 is new. Minor corrections. Final version, to appear in Inventione

    Sex-based differences in Adélie Penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chick growth rates and diet

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    Sexually size-dimorphic species must show some difference between the sexes in growth rate and/or length of growing period. Such differences in growth parameters can cause the sexes to be impacted by environmental variability in different ways, and understanding these differences allows a better understanding of patterns in productivity between individuals and populations. We investigated differences in growth rate and diet between male and female Adélie Penguin ( Pygoscelis adeliae ) chicks during two breeding seasons at Cape Crozier, Ross Island, Antarctica. Adélie Penguins are a slightly dimorphic species, with adult males averaging larger than adult females in mass (~11%) as well as bill (~8%) and flipper length (~3%). We measured mass and length of flipper, bill, tibiotarsus, and foot at 5-day intervals for 45 male and 40 female individually-marked chicks. Chick sex was molecularly determined from feathers. We used linear mixed effects models to estimate daily growth rate as a function of chick sex, while controlling for hatching order, brood size, year, and potential variation in breeding quality between pairs of parents. Accounting for season and hatching order, male chicks gained mass an average of 15.6 g d -1 faster than females. Similarly, growth in bill length was faster for males, and the calculated bill size difference at fledging was similar to that observed in adults. There was no evidence for sex-based differences in growth of other morphological features. Adélie diet at Ross Island is composed almost entirely of two species--one krill ( Euphausia crystallorophias ) and one fish ( Pleuragramma antarctica ), with fish having a higher caloric value. Using isotopic analyses of feather samples, we also determined that male chicks were fed a higher proportion of fish than female chicks. The related differences in provisioning and growth rates of male and female offspring provides a greater understanding of the ways in which ecological factors may impact the two sexes differently

    Baryon Resonance Analysis from SAID

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    We discuss the analysis of data from piN elastic scattering and single pion photo- and electroproduction. The main focus is a study of low-lying non-strange baryon resonances. Here we concentrate on some difficulties associated with resonance identification, in particular the Roper and higher P11 states.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figures; Nstar2009 Conf Proceedings; small revisio

    Towers and fibered products of model categories

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    Given a left Quillen presheaf of localized model structures, we study the homotopy limit model structure on the associated category of sections. We focus specifically on towers and fibered products of model categories. As applications we consider Postnikov towers of model categories, chromatic towers of spectra and Bousfield arithmetic squares of spectra. For spectral model categories, we show that the homotopy fiber of a stable left Bousfield localization is a stable right Bousfield localization