848 research outputs found

    Use of Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometry for independent determination of the refractive index and physical thickness of wafers

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    We present a method to independently measure the refractive index and the thickness of materials having flat and parallel sides by using a combination of Michelson and Fabry-Perot interferometry techniques. The method has been used to determine refractive-index values in the infrared with uncertainties in the third decimal place and thicknesses accurate to within Ϯ5 m for materials at room and cryogenic temperatures. © 2005 Optical Society of America OCIS codes: 120.2230, 120.3180, 120.4290, 160.4760. The refractive index, n, and the thermo-optic coefficient, dn͞dT, of materials are often determined by one's interferometrically measuring the phase change that light undergoes in passing through a plane-parallel slab of the material. Because the phase change depends on the value of n as well as the slab thickness, d, to obtain accurate values of n and dn͞dT, it is important to know d accurately. FabryPerot etalon interferometry has been used to optically measure d, 5 but the precision of thickness measurements with this method is limited by the precision of the known refractive-index value. Recent research by Coppala et al. 6 demonstrated that independent values for n and d can be obtained with interferometry and a continuously tunable laser source. In this paper we demonstrate that the Michelson and the Fabry-Perot interferometric methods can be used sequentially to determine independent and absolute values of both the material's thickness and the material's refractive index over a wide range of temperatures of practical interest. The method does not require that either quantity be initially well known. With this method, both n and d can be determined by use of a fixed-wavelength laser source. First, by use of data from both experiments, the material's physical thickness is determined. Then the thickness value is used to determine the material's refractive index (and thermo-optic coefficient) with either of the interferometric methods. We present experimental verification of this method by measuring n and d for a range of common infrared materials at both room temperature and cryogenic temperatures. The intensity of a coherent collimated beam of light transmitted by a plane-parallel transparent plate is given by the Airy formula 7 : where I o is the incident intensity, r is the reflection coefficient for the electric field, and f is the phase difference accumulated by the light beam in a double traversal through the plate. As the sample is rotated in the path of the laser light, the net transmitted intensity will modulate owing to the changing phase, f . The angle-dependent phase difference between subsequent transmitted light paths through the sample is given by 7 f () ϭ 4nd cos t ϭ 4d ͙n 2 Ϫ sin 2 , where d is the sample thickness, is the laser wavelength, t is the angle of refraction, and is the angle of incidence of the laser path with respect to the normal of the sample surface

    What do we know about the risks for young people moving into, through and out of inpatient mental health care? Findings from an evidence synthesis.

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    Background Young people with complex or severe mental health needs sometimes require care and treatment in inpatient settings. There are risks for young people in this care context, and this study addressed the question: ‘What is known about the identification, assessment and management of risk in young people (aged 11–18) with complex mental health needs entering, using and exiting inpatient child and adolescent mental health services in the UK?’ Methods In phase 1 a scoping search of two electronic databases (MEDLINE and PsychINFO) was undertaken. Items included were themed and presented to members of a stakeholder advisory group, who were asked to help prioritise the focus for phase 2. In phase 2, 17 electronic databases (EconLit; ASSIA; BNI; Cochrane Library; CINAHL; ERIC; EMBASE; HMIC; MEDLINE; PsycINFO; Scopus; Social Care Online; Social Services Abstracts; Sociological Abstracts; OpenGrey; TRiP; and Web of Science) were searched. Websites were explored and a call for evidence was circulated to locate items related to the risks to young people in mental health hospitals relating to ‘dislocation’ and ‘contagion’. All types of evidence including research, policies and service and practice responses relating to outcomes, views and experiences, costs and cost-effectiveness were considered. Materials identified were narratively synthesised. Results In phase 1, 4539 citations were found and 124 items included. Most were concerned with clinical risks. In phase 2, 15,662 citations were found, and 40 addressing the risks of ‘dislocation’ and ‘contagion’ were included supplemented by 20 policy and guidance documents. The quality of studies varied. Materials were synthesised using the categories: Dislocation: Normal Life; Dislocation: Identity; Dislocation: Friends; Dislocation: Stigma; Dislocation: Education; Dislocation: Families; and Contagion. No studies included an economic analysis. Although we found evidence of consideration of risk to young people in these areas we found little evidence to improve practice and services. Conclusions The importance to stakeholders of the risks of ‘dislocation’ and ‘contagion’ contrasted with the limited quantity and quality of evidence to inform policy, services and practice. The risks of dislocation and contagion are important, but new research is needed to inform how staff might identify, assess and manage them

    Pattern formation during the evaporation of a colloidal nanoliter drop: a numerical and experimental study

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    An efficient way to precisely pattern particles on solid surfaces is to dispense and evaporate colloidal drops, as for bioassays. The dried deposits often exhibit complex structures exemplified by the coffee ring pattern, where most particles have accumulated at the periphery of the deposit. In this work, the formation of deposits during the drying of nanoliter colloidal drops on a flat substrate is investigated numerically and experimentally. A finite-element numerical model is developed that solves the Navier-Stokes, heat and mass transport equations in a Lagrangian framework. The diffusion of vapor in the atmosphere is solved numerically, providing an exact boundary condition for the evaporative flux at the droplet-air interface. Laplace stresses and thermal Marangoni stresses are accounted for. The particle concentration is tracked by solving a continuum advection-diffusion equation. Wetting line motion and the interaction of the free surface of the drop with the growing deposit are modeled based on criteria on wetting angles. Numerical results for evaporation times and flow field are in very good agreement with published experimental and theoretical results. We also performed transient visualization experiments of water and isopropanol drops loaded with polystyrene microsphere evaporating on respectively glass and polydimethylsiloxane substrates. Measured evaporation times, deposit shape and sizes, and flow fields are in very good agreement with the numerical results. Different flow patterns caused by the competition of Marangoni loops and radial flow are shown to determine the deposit shape to be either a ring-like pattern or a homogeneous bump

    A “Learning Revolution”? Investigating Pedagogic Practices around Interactive Whiteboards in British Primary Classrooms

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    Interactive whiteboards have been rapidly introduced into all primary schools under UK Government initiatives. These large, touch-sensitive screens, which control a computer connected to a digital projector, seem to be the first type of educational technology particularly suited for whole-class teaching and learning. Strong claims are made for their value by manufacturers and policy makers, but there has been little research on how, if at all, they influence established pedagogic practices, communicative processes and educational goals. This study has been designed to examine this issue, using observations in primary (elementary) school classrooms. It is funded by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and builds on the authors’ previous research on ICT in educational dialogues and collaborative activities

    James Hutton’s geological tours of Scotland : romanticism, literary strategies, and the scientific quest

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    This article explores a somewhat neglected part of the story of the emergence of geology as a science and discourse in the late eighteenth century – James Hutton’s posthumously published accounts of the geological tours of Scotland that he undertook in the years 1785 to 1788 in search of empirical evidence in support of his theory of the Earth and that he intended to include in the projected third volume of his Theory of the Earth of 1795. The article brings some of the assumptions and techniques of literary criticism to bear on Hutton’s scientific travel writing in order to open up new connections between geology, Romantic aesthetics and eighteenth-century travel writing about Scotland. Close analysis of Hutton’s accounts of his field trips to Glen Tilt, Galloway and Arran, supplemented by later accounts of the discoveries at Jedburgh and Siccar Point, reveals the interplay between desire, travel and the scientific quest and foregrounds the textual strategies that Hutton uses to persuade his readers that they share in the experience of geological discovery and interpretation as ‘virtual witnesses’. As well as allowing us to revisit the interrelation between scientific theory and discovery, this article concludes that Hutton was a much better writer than he has been given credit for and suggests that if these geological tours had been published in 1795 they would have made it impossible for critics to dismiss him as an armchair geologist

    CoRoT 223992193: Investigating the variability in a low-mass, pre-main sequence eclipsing binary with evidence of a circumbinary disk

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    CoRoT 223992193 is the only known low-mass, pre-main sequence eclipsing binary that shows evidence of a circumbinary disk. The system displays complex photometric and spectroscopic variability over a range of timescales and wavelengths. Using two optical CoRoT runs, and infrared Spitzer 3.6 and 4.5 μ\mum observations (simultaneous with the second CoRoT run), we model the out-of-eclipse light curves. The large scale structure in both CoRoT light curves is consistent with the constructive and destructive interference of starspot signals at two slightly different periods. Using the stellar vsiniv\sin i 's, we infer different rotation periods: the primary is consistent with synchronisation and the secondary is slightly supersynchronous. Comparison of the raw data to the residuals of our spot model in colour-magnitude space indicates additional contributions consistent with variable dust emission and obscuration. We also identify short-duration flux dips preceding secondary eclipse in all three CoRoT and Spitzer bands. We construct a model of the inner regions of the binary and propose that these dips could be caused by partial occultation of the central binary by the accretion stream onto the primary star. Analysis of 15 VLT/FLAMES Hα\alpha profiles reveal an emission profile associated with each star: the majority is consistent with chromospheric emission but higher velocity emission is also seen, which could be due to prominences or accretion-related phenomena. In addition, simultaneous u and r-band observations from CFHT/MEGACam reveal a short-lived u-band excess consistent with either an accretion hot spot or stellar flare. The photometric and spectroscopic variations are complex but are consistent with the picture of two active stars possibly undergoing non-steady, low-level accretion; the system's very high inclination provides a new view of such variability. [Abridged]Comment: 18 pages, 14 figures, 2 tables. Figures 1 & 2 reproduced from Gillen et al. (2014) for clarity. Accepted for publication in A&

    Moving beyond disrespect and abuse: addressing the structural dimensions of obstetric violence

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    AbstractDuring recent decades, a growing and preoccupying excess of medical interventions during childbirth, even in physiological and uncomplicated births, together with a concerning spread of abusive and disrespectful practices towards women during childbirth across the world, have been reported. Despite research and policy-making to address these problems, changing childbirth practices has proved to be difficult. We argue that the excessive rates of medical interventions and disrespect towards women during childbirth should be analysed as a consequence of structural violence, and that the concept of obstetric violence, as it is being used in Latin American childbirth activism and legal documents, might prove to be a useful tool for addressing structural violence in maternity care such as high intervention rates, non-consented care, disrespect and other abusive practices