446 research outputs found

    Topical nicotinamide for seborrheic dermatitis: an open randomized study.

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    Background: Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis (SD) includes various options with different success and safety limitations. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of topical nicotinamide (NCT) in the treatment of SD. Methods: A total of 48 patients with mild to moderate SD of the face were enrolled in the study (36 males and 12 females; age 20-50 years). Patients were randomized into two groups A and B, who were treated once a day with topical administration of NCT 4% cream and with the vehicle without NCT (placebo), respectively. Clinical measures were assessed by erythema, scaling, and infiltration, which were evaluated using a four-point scale 0-3 before starting treatment and after 2, 6, and 12 weeks' therapy. Results: In comparison with baseline, a reduction of 75% of the total score was observed in patients treated with NCT, whereas for placebo-treated patients the reduction was of 35% (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Topical NCT 4% can have a potential for the treatment of SD

    Looking for imprints of the first stellar generations in metal-poor bulge field stars

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    © 2016 ESO. Context. Efforts to look for signatures of the first stars have concentrated on metal-poor halo objects. However, the low end of the bulge metallicity distribution has been shown to host some of the oldest objects in the Milky Way and hence this Galactic component potentially offers interesting targets to look at imprints of the first stellar generations. As a pilot project, we selected bulge field stars already identified in the ARGOS survey as having [Fe/H] 1 and oversolar [α/Fe] ratios, and we used FLAMES-UVES to obtain detailed abundances of key elements that are believed to reveal imprints of the first stellar generations. Aims. The main purpose of this study is to analyse selected ARGOS stars using new high-resolution (R ∼ 45 000) and high-signal-tonoise (S=N > 100) spectra. We aim to derive their stellar parameters and elemental ratios, in particular the abundances of C, N, the α-elements O, Mg, Si, Ca, and Ti, the odd-Z elements Na and Al, the neutron-capture s-process dominated elements Y, Zr, La, and Ba, and the r-element Eu. Methods. High-resolution spectra of five field giant stars were obtained at the 8 m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the UVES spectrograph in FLAMES-UVES configuration. Spectroscopic parameters were derived based on the excitation and ionization equilibrium of Fe i and Fe ii. The abundance analysis was performed with a MARCS LTE spherical model atmosphere grid and the Turbospectrum spectrum synthesis code. Results.We confirm that the analysed stars are moderately metal-poor (-1:04≤[Fe/H]≤-0:43), non-carbon-enhanced (non-CEMP) with [C/Fe] ≤+0:2, and α-enhanced.We find that our three most metal-poor stars are nitrogen enhanced. The α-enhancement suggests that these stars were formed from a gas enriched by core-collapse supernovae, and that the values are in agreement with results in the literature for bulge stars in the same metallicity range. No abundance anomalies (Na-O, Al-O, Al-Mg anti-correlations) were detected in our sample. The heavy elements Y, Zr, Ba, La, and Eu also exhibit oversolar abundances. Three out of the five stars analysed here show slightly enhanced [Y/Ba] ratios similar to those found in other metal-poor bulge globular clusters (NGC 6522 and M 62). Conclusions. This sample shows enhancement in the first-to-second peak abundance ratios of heavy elements, as well as dominantly s-process element excesses. This can be explained by different nucleosynthesis scenarios: (a) the main r-process plus extra mechanisms, such as the weak r-process; (b) mass transfer from asymptotic giant branch stars in binary systems; (c) an early generation of fast-rotating massive stars. Larger samples of moderately metal-poor bulge stars, with detailed chemical abundances, are needed to better constrain the source of dominantly s-process elements in the early Universe

    Fauna edáfica como indicadora de contaminação do solo.

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    Recentemente, o solo tem se tornado foco de preocupação devido à gradativa contaminação de ambientes terrestres e aquáticos, decorrente do progresso e avanços sócio-econômicos no país. Diante dessa realidade, a demanda por atividades antrópicas menos agressivas ao ambiente é cada vez maior. Os possíveis impactos ambientais, portanto, devem ser monitorados, controlados e remediados, a fim de evitar problemas irreversíveis ao meio ambiente e à sociedade. A ecotoxicologia estuda os efeitos dos poluentes sobre os organismos e a interação destes com o habitat. Para se avaliar o impacto de uma substância no solo, ensaios ecotoxicológicos com metodologia padronizada internacionalmente podem ser realizados com invertebrados edáficos, tais como as minhocas, enquitreídeos e colêmbolos, por serem importantes na decomposição da matéria orgânica do solo. Esses ensaios de laboratório, no entanto, precisam ser adaptados, pois a metodologia padrão se baseia em espécies e condições de clima temperado que não condizem com a realidade do Brasil. Adaptações aos ensaios de efeito agudo (mortalidade), efeito crônico (reprodução) e de fuga (comportamento) têm sido estudados por vários grupos e os resultados têm sido positivos com relação ao uso do substrato com o pó da fibra da casca do côco e utilização de temperaturas maiores que 20ºC. Algumas espécies encontradas no Brasil também têm sido testadas, algumas delas apresentando resultados promissores, outras, com limitações. De modo geral, os métodos para avaliação da contaminação do solo em laboratório têm apresentado avanços, entretanto, mais estudos se fazem necessários para o estabelecimento de espécies nativas recomendadas para cada tipo de ensaio.Resumo expandido

    High-resolution abundance analysis of red giants in the globular cluster NGC 6522

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    The [Sr/Ba] and [Y/Ba] scatter observed in some galactic halo stars that are very metal-poor stars and in a few individual stars of the oldest known Milky Way globular cluster NGC 6522,have been interpreted as evidence of early enrichment by massive fast-rotating stars (spinstars). Because NGC 6522 is a bulge globular cluster, the suggestion was that not only the very-metal poor halo stars, but also bulge stars at [Fe/H]~-1 could be used as probes of the stellar nucleosynthesis signatures from the earlier generations of massive stars, but at much higher metallicity. For the bulge the suggestions were based on early spectra available for stars in NGC 6522, with a medium resolution of R~22,000 and a moderate signal-to-noise ratio. The main purpose of this study is to re-analyse the NGC 6522 stars previously reported using new high-resolution (R~45,000) and high signal-to-noise spectra (S/N>100). We aim at re-deriving their stellar parameters and elemental ratios, in particular the abundances of the neutron-capture s-process-dominated elements such as Sr, Y, Zr, La, and Ba, and of the r-element Eu. High-resolution spectra of four giants belonging to the bulge globular cluster NGC 6522 were obtained at the 8m VLT UT2-Kueyen telescope with the UVES spectrograph in FLAMES-UVESconfiguration. The spectroscopic parameters were derived based on the excitation and ionization equilibrium of \ion{Fe}{I} and \ion{Fe}{II}. Our analysis confirms a metallicity [Fe/H] = -0.95+-0.15 for NGC 6522, and the overabundance of the studied stars in Eu (with +~0.2 < [Eu/Fe] < +~0.4) and alpha-elements O and Mg. The neutron-capture s-element-dominated Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La now show less pronounced variations from star to star. Enhancements are in the range 0.0 < [Sr/Fe] < +0.4, +0.23 < [Y/Fe] < +0.43, 0.0 < [Zr/Fe] < +0.4, 0.0 < [La/Fe] < +0.35,and 0.05 < [Ba/Fe] < +0.55.Comment: date of acceptation: 31/07/2014, in press, 24 pages, 19 figures,Astronomy & Astrophysics, 201

    Duodenal-jejunal Bypass Normalizes Pancreatic Islet Proliferation Rate And Function But Not Hepatic Steatosis In Hypothalamic Obese Rats

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    Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Modifications in life-style and/or pharmacotherapies contribute to weight loss and ameliorate the metabolic profile of dietinduced obese humans and rodents. Since these strategies fail to treat hypothalamic obesity, we have assessed the possible mechanisms by which duodenal-jejunal bypass (DJB) surgery regulates hepatic lipid metabolism and the morphophysiology of pancreatic islets, in hypothalamic obese (HyO) rats. During the first 5 days of life, male Wistar rats received subcutaneous injections of monosodium glutamate (4 g/kg body weight, HyO group), or saline (CTL). At 90 days of age, HyO rats were randomly subjected to DJB (HyO DJB group) or sham surgery (HyO Sham group). HyO Sham rats were morbidly obese, insulin resistant, hypertriglyceridemic and displayed higher serum concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and hepatic triglyceride (TG). These effects were associated with higher expressions of the lipogenic genes and fatty acid synthase (FASN) protein content in the liver. Furthermore, hepatic genes involved in beta-oxidation and TG export were down-regulated in HyO rats. In addition, these rats exhibited hyperinsulinemia, beta-cell hypersecretion, a higher percentage of islets and beta-cell area/pancreas section, and enhanced nuclear content of Ki67 protein in islet-cells. At 2 months after DJB surgery, serum concentrations of TG and NEFA, but not hepatic TG accumulation and gene and protein expressions, were normalized in HyO rats. Insulin release and Ki67 positive cells were also normalized in HyO DJB islets. In conclusion, DJB decreased islet-cell proliferation, normalized insulinemia, and ameliorated insulin sensitivity and plasma lipid profile, independently of changes in hepatic metabolism.505Fundacao Araucaria [155/2013, 393/2013]Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES)Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [2015/12611-0]Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP