214 research outputs found

    Highly-improved lattice field-strength tensor

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    We derive an O(a^4)-improved lattice version of the continuum field-strength tensor. Discretization errors are reduced via the combination of several clover terms of various sizes, complemented by tadpole improvement. The resulting improved field-strength tensor is used to construct O(a^4)-improved topological charge and action operators. We compare the values attained by these operators as we cool several configurations to self-duality with a previously defined highly-improved action and assess the relative scale of the remaining discretization errors.Comment: 22 pages, 7 postscript figure

    Comparison of |Q|=1 and |Q|=2 gauge-field configurations on the lattice four-torus

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    It is known that exactly self-dual gauge-field configurations with topological charge |Q|=1 cannot exist on the untwisted continuum 4-torus. We explore the manifestation of this remarkable fact on the lattice 4-torus for SU(3) using advanced techniques for controlling lattice discretization errors, extending earlier work of De Forcrand et. al. for SU(2). We identify three distinct signals for the instability of |Q|=1 configurations, and show that these manifest themselves early in the cooling process, long before the would-be instanton has shrunk to a size comparable to the lattice discretization threshold. These signals do not appear for our |Q|=2 configurations. This indicates that these signals reflect the truly global nature of the instability, rather than local discretization effects. Monte-Carlo generated SU(3) gauge field configurations are cooled to the self-dual limit using an O(a^4)-improved gauge action chosen to have small but positive O(a^6) errors. This choice prevents lattice discretization errors from destroying instantons provided their size exceeds the dislocation threshold of the cooling algorithm. Lattice discretization errors are evaluated by comparing the O(a^4)-improved gauge-field action with an O(a^4)-improved action constructed from the square of an O(a^4)-improved lattice field-strength tensor, thus having different O(a^6) discretization errors. The number of action-density peaks, the instanton size and the topological charge of configurations is monitored. We observe a fluctuation in the total topological charge of |Q|=1 configurations, and demonstrate that the onset of this unusual behavior corresponds with the disappearance of multiple-peaks in the action density. At the same time discretization errors are minimal.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Topological Charge Evolution in the Markov-Chain of QCD

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    The topological charge is studied on lattices of large physical volume and fine lattice spacing. We illustrate how a parity transformation on the SU(3) link-variables of lattice gauge configurations reverses the sign of the topological charge and leaves the action invariant. Random applications of the parity transformation are proposed to traverse from one topological charge sign to the other. The transformation provides an improved unbiased estimator of the ensemble average and is essential in improving the ergodicity of the Markov chain process.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    FLIC Fermions and Hadron Phenomenology

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    A pedagogical overview of the formulation of the Fat Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action and its associated phenomenology is described. The scaling analysis indicates FLIC fermions provide a new form of nonperturbative O(a) improvement where near-continuum results are obtained at finite lattice spacing. Spin-1/2 and spin-3/2, even and odd parity baryon resonances are investigated in quenched QCD, where the nature of the Roper resonance and Lambda(1405) are of particular interest. FLIC fermions allow efficient access to the light quark-mass regime, where evidence of chiral nonanalytic behavior in the Delta-baryon mass is observed.Comment: Invited plenary session talk at QNP 2002, International Conference on Quark-Nuclear Physics, 9-14 June 2002, Forschungszentrum Julich, German

    Spin-3/2 Nucleon and Delta Baryons in Lattice QCD

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    We present first results for masses of spin-3/2 N and Delta baryons in lattice QCD using Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermions. Spin-3/2 interpolating fields providing overlap with both spin-3/2 and spin-1/2 states are considered. In the isospin-1/2 sector, we observe, after appropriate spin and parity projection, a strong signal for the J^P=3/2^- state together with a weak but discernible signal for the 3/2^+ state with a mass splitting near that observed experimentally. We also find good agreement between the 1/2^+/- masses and earlier nucleon mass simulations with the standard spin-1/2 interpolating field. For the isospin-3/2 Delta states, clear mass splittings are observed between the various 1/2^+/- and 3/2^+/- channels, with the calculated level orderings in good agreement with those observed empirically.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 2 table

    Particle Creation from Vacuum by Lorentz Violation

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    It is shown that the vacuum state in presence of Lorentz violation can be followed by a particle-full universe that represents the current status of the universe. In this model the modification in dispersion relation (Lorentz violation) is picked up representing the regime of quantum gravity. The result can be interpreted such that the existence of the particles is an evidence for quantum effects of gravity in the past. It is concluded that only the vacuum state is sufficient to appear the matter fields spontaneously after the process of semi-classical analysis.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Quantum gravity and the standard model

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    We show that a class of background independent models of quantum spacetime have local excitations that can be mapped to the first generation fermions of the standard model of particle physics. These states propagate coherently as they can be shown to be noiseless subsystems of the microscopic quantum dynamics. These are identified in terms of certain patterns of braiding of graphs, thus giving a quantum gravitational foundation for the topological preon model proposed by one of us. These results apply to a large class of theories in which the Hilbert space has a basis of states given by ribbon graphs embedded in a three-dimensional manifold up to diffeomorphisms, and the dynamics is given by local moves on the graphs, such as arise in the representation theory of quantum groups. For such models, matter appears to be already included in the microscopic kinematics and dynamics.Comment: 12 pages, 21 figures, improved presentation, results unchange

    Excited Baryons in Lattice QCD

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    We present first results for the masses of positive and negative parity excited baryons calculated in lattice QCD using an O(a^2)-improved gluon action and a fat-link irrelevant clover (FLIC) fermion action in which only the irrelevant operators are constructed with APE-smeared links. The results are in agreement with earlier calculations of N^* resonances using improved actions and exhibit a clear mass splitting between the nucleon and its chiral partner. An correlation matrix analysis reveals two low-lying J^P=(1/2)^- states with a small mass splitting. The study of different Lambda interpolating fields suggests a similar splitting between the lowest two Lambda1/2^- octet states. However, the empirical mass suppression of the Lambda^*(1405) is not evident in these quenched QCD simulations, suggesting a potentially important role for the meson cloud of the Lambda^*(1405) and/or a need for more exotic interpolating fields.Comment: Correlation matrix analysis performed. Increased to 400 configurations. 22 pages, 13 figures, 15 table

    Hadron Properties with FLIC Fermions

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    The Fat-Link Irrelevant Clover (FLIC) fermion action provides a new form of nonperturbative O(a)-improvement in lattice fermion actions offering near continuum results at finite lattice spacing. It provides computationally inexpensive access to the light quark mass regime of QCD where chiral nonanalytic behaviour associated with Goldstone bosons is revealed. The motivation and formulation of FLIC fermions, its excellent scaling properties and its low-lying hadron mass phenomenology are presented.Comment: 29 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Contribution to lecure notes in 2nd Cairns Topical Workshop on Lattice Hadron Physics 2003 (LHP 2003), Cairns, Australia, 22-30 Jul 200
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