197 research outputs found

    Introducción a la genética en la enseñanza secundaria y bachillerato : I. Contenidos de enseñanza y conocimientos de los alumnos

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    In this paper an analysis is made of some of the causes which can hinder the students' learning of genetics at Secondary Leve1 (12-17 years). This research study highlights the need of introducing changes in content at syllabus design level, and shows that students have a slight knowledge of heredity, although the basic tenets are very often wrong, even before they have their first contact with the subject as academic content at school

    Alternativas a la enseñanza de la genética en Educación Secundaria

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    En este artículo se analizan algunas referencias importantes para la enseñanza de la genética en la ESO. Considerando que los estudiantes aprenden a partir de lo que ya saben, se examinan sus concepciones cuando inician sus contactos académicos con la herencia biológica, se aportan criterios para seleccionar y secuenciar los contenidos relacionados con la localización, la transmisión y los cambios de la herencia biológica y se analizan las características que podrían tener las actividades de enseñanza para favorecer el aprendizaje de los estudiantes.In this paper we analyse some important issues related with teaching Genetics in secondary school. Starting from the premise that students' learning is based on prior knowledge, we examine the students' ideas on the location, transmission and changes in biological inheritance, before starting their first academic course on Genetics. Taking into account such knowledge, we establish several criteria for selecting and sequencing the teaching contents and analyse any characteristics that the learning activities might have to improve students' knowledge of Genetics

    Introducción a la genética en la enseñanza secundaria y bachillerato : II. ¿Resolución de problemas o realización de ejercicios?

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    In this paper we analize the level of knowledge students have at different educational levels (15-18 years), about some basic concepts related to genetic inheritance. The strategies developed by students when solving, successfully, genetic problems have also been studied. The results show the difficulties in learning through problem-solving activities. Consequently, very often, their posings (even those of cause-effect approach) allow them to find the right solution by applying the correspondent algorithm. As a conclusion, some suggestions to change the students' position on genetic problems are presented

    West Nile Virus in Morocco, 2003

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    West Nile virus (WNV) reemerged in Morocco in September 2003, causing an equine outbreak. A WNV strain isolated from a brain biopsy was completely sequenced. On the basis of phylogenetic analyses, Moroccan WNV strains isolated during the 1996 and 2003 outbreaks were closely related to other strains responsible for equine outbreaks in the western Mediterranean basin

    Magpies as Hosts for West Nile Virus, Southern France

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    European magpies (Pica pica) from southern France were tested for antibodies to West Nile virus (WNV) and viral shedding in feces during spring–autumn 2005. Results suggest that this peridomestic species may be a suitable sentinel species and a relevant target for additional investigations on WNV ecology in Europe

    Selling Streetness as Experience. The Role of Street Art Tours in Branding the Creative City

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    This article looks at the street art tours industry in London, and its function in constructing the geographic, economic and symbolic value of street art. The street art world of the capital has reached a substantial level of institutional endorsement as a proper urban creative practice, through backing such as by local councils and private developers, art galleries and book publishers. This article examines the role of walking tours in holding up street art as a cultural product of the creative city. It argues that London’s street art scene is constructed and legitimated by these tours through the strategic deployment of an authoritative discourse. Street art tours’ routes and locations are then integrated into a longer lineage of endorsements for the cultural field of street art, and interpreted as branding strategies for the creative city. In the conclusion, the role of walking tours in gentrification and urban change is discussed, with a focus on how street art works and murals contribute to performing Shoreditch as a hub of vibrancy and urban creativity

    Overcoming the novelty effect in online gamified learning systems: an empirical evaluation of student engagement and performance

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    Learners in the Higher Education context who engage with computer-based gamified learning systems often experience the novelty effect: a pattern of high activity during the gamified system’s introduction followed by a drop in activity a few weeks later, once its novelty has worn off. We applied a two-tiered motivational, online gamified learning system over two years to a total number of 333 students. In a mixed methods research design, we used three-years’ worth of longitudinal data (333 students for the treatment group and 175 in the control group) to assess students’ engagement and performance in that period. Quantitative results established that students engaged and performed better in the gamified condition vis-à-vis the non- gamified. Furthermore, students exhibited higher levels of engagement in the second year compared to the first year of the gamified condition. Our qualitative data suggests that students in the second year of the gamified delivery exhibited sustained engagement, overcoming the novelty effect. Thus, our main contribution is in suggesting ways of making the engagement meaningful and useful for the students thus sustaining their engagement with computer-based gamified learning systems and overcoming the novelty effect

    Ensembl 2007

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    The Ensembl () project provides a comprehensive and integrated source of annotation of chordate genome sequences. Over the past year the number of genomes available from Ensembl has increased from 15 to 33, with the addition of sites for the mammalian genomes of elephant, rabbit, armadillo, tenrec, platypus, pig, cat, bush baby, common shrew, microbat and european hedgehog; the fish genomes of stickleback and medaka and the second example of the genomes of the sea squirt (Ciona savignyi) and the mosquito (Aedes aegypti). Some of the major features added during the year include the first complete gene sets for genomes with low-sequence coverage, the introduction of new strain variation data and the introduction of new orthology/paralog annotations based on gene trees

    Ensembl 2008.

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    The Ensembl project (http://www.ensembl.org) is a comprehensive genome information system featuring an integrated set of genome annotation, databases and other information for chordate and selected model organism and disease vector genomes. As of release 47 (October 2007), Ensembl fully supports 35 species, with preliminary support for six additional species. New species in the past year include platypus and horse. Major additions and improvements to Ensembl since our previous report include extensive support for functional genomics data in the form of a specialized functional genomics database, genome-wide maps of protein-DNA interactions and the Ensembl regulatory build; support for customization of the Ensembl web interface through the addition of user accounts and user groups; and increased support for genome resequencing. We have also introduced new comparative genomics-based data mining options and report on the continued development of our software infrastructure