265 research outputs found

    Image processing and data reduction of Apollo low light level photographs

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    The removal of the lens induced vignetting from a selected sample of the Apollo low light level photographs is discussed. The methods used were developed earlier. A study of the effect of noise on vignetting removal and the comparability of the Apollo 35mm Nikon lens vignetting was also undertaken. The vignetting removal was successful to about 10% photometry, and noise has a severe effect on the useful photometric output data. Separate vignetting functions must be used for different flights since the vignetting function varies from camera to camera in size and shape

    Mutations at position 184 of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 reverse transcriptase affect virus titer and viral DNA synthesis

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    AbstractMethionine at position 184 of human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) reverse transcriptase (RT) was changed to valine, isoleucine, threonine, or alanine in an HIV-1-based vector. The vectors were analyzed for replication capacity and for resistance to the nucleoside analog 2′,3′-dideoxy-3′thiacytidine (3TC) using a single-cycle assay. Viruses containing the valine or isoleucine mutations were highly resistant to 3TC and replicated almost as well as the wild-type virus. The virus containing the threonine mutation was resistant to 3TC, but replicated about 30% as well as the wild-type. The alanine mutation conferred partial resistance to 3TC, but replicated poorly. The amounts of viral DNA synthesized decreased in 3TC-treated cells when the cells were infected with wild-type virus and the M184A mutant. The effect of these mutations on the generation of the ends of the linear viral DNA was determined using the sequence of the 2-LTR circle junctions. The M184T mutation increased the proportion of 2-LTR circle junctions containing a tRNA insertion, suggesting that the mutation affected the RNase H activity of RT

    Application of Volcano Plots in Analyses of mRNA Differential Expressions with Microarrays

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    Volcano plot displays unstandardized signal (e.g. log-fold-change) against noise-adjusted/standardized signal (e.g. t-statistic or -log10(p-value) from the t test). We review the basic and an interactive use of the volcano plot, and its crucial role in understanding the regularized t-statistic. The joint filtering gene selection criterion based on regularized statistics has a curved discriminant line in the volcano plot, as compared to the two perpendicular lines for the "double filtering" criterion. This review attempts to provide an unifying framework for discussions on alternative measures of differential expression, improved methods for estimating variance, and visual display of a microarray analysis result. We also discuss the possibility to apply volcano plots to other fields beyond microarray.Comment: 8 figure

    New Conceptual Toxicokinetic Model to Assess Synergistic Mixture Effects between the Aromatic Hydrocarbon β-Naphthoflavone and the Azole Nocodazole on the CYP1A Biomarker in a Fish Cell Line

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    Toxicokinetic interactions with catabolic cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzymes can inhibit chemical elimination pathways and cause synergistic mixture effects. We have created a mathematical bottom-up model for a synergistic mixture effect where we fit a multidimensional function to a given data set using an auxiliary nonadditive approach. The toxicokinetic model is based on the data from a previous study on a fish cell line, where the CYP1A enzyme activity was measured over time after exposure to various combinations of the aromatic hydrocarbon β-naphthoflavone and the azole nocodazole. To describe the toxicokinetic mechanism in this pathway and how that affects the CYP1A biomarker, the model uses ordinary differential equations. Local sensitivity and identifiability analyses revealed that all the 10 parameters estimated in the model were identified uniquely while fitting the model to the data for measuring the CYP1A enzyme activity. The model has a good prediction power and is a promising tool to test the synergistic toxicokinetic interactions between different chemicals

    A mathematical modelling tool for predicting survival of individual patients following resection of glioblastoma: a proof of principle

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    The prediction of the outcome of individual patients with glioblastoma would be of great significance for monitoring responses to therapy. We hypothesise that, although a large number of genetic-metabolic abnormalities occur upstream, there are two ‘final common pathways' dominating glioblastoma growth – net rates of proliferation (ρ) and dispersal (D). These rates can be estimated from features of pretreatment MR images and can be applied in a mathematical model to predict tumour growth, impact of extent of tumour resection and patient survival. Only the pre-operative gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted (T1-Gd) and T2-weighted (T2) volume data from 70 patients with previously untreated glioblastoma were used to derive a ratio D/ρ for each patient. We developed a ‘virtual control' for each patient with the same size tumour at the time of diagnosis, the same ratio of net invasion to proliferation (D/ρ) and the same extent of resection. The median durations of survival and the shapes of the survival curves of actual and ‘virtual' patients subjected to biopsy or subtotal resection (STR) superimpose exactly. For those actually receiving gross total resection (GTR), as shown by post-operative CT, the actual survival curve lies between the ‘virtual' results predicted for 100 and 125% resection of the T1-Gd volume. The concordance between predicted (virtual) and actual survivals suggests that the mathematical model is realistic enough to allow precise definition of the effectiveness of individualised treatments and their site(s) of action on proliferation (ρ) and/or dispersal (D) of the tumour cells without knowledge of any other clinical or pathological information

    Effects of noise exposure on young adults with normal audiograms II: Behavioral measures

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    An estimate of lifetime noise exposure was used as the primary predictor of performance on a range of behavioral tasks: frequency and intensity difference limens, amplitude modulation detection, interaural phase discrimination, the digit triplet speech test, the co-ordinate response speech measure, an auditory localization task, a musical consonance task and a subjective report of hearing ability. One hundred and thirty-eight participants (81 females) aged 18–36 years were tested, with a wide range of self-reported noise exposure. All had normal pure-tone audiograms up to 8 kHz. It was predicted that increased lifetime noise exposure, which we assume to be concordant with noise-induced cochlear synaptopathy, would elevate behavioral thresholds, in particular for stimuli with high levels in a high spectral region. However, the results showed little effect of noise exposure on performance. There were a number of weak relations with noise exposure across the test battery, although many of these were in the opposite direction to the predictions, and none were statistically significant after correction for multiple comparisons. There were also no strong correlations between electrophysiological measures of synaptopathy published previously and the behavioral measures reported here. Consistent with our previous electrophysiological results, the present results provide no evidence that noise exposure is related to significant perceptual deficits in young listeners with normal audiometric hearing. It is possible that the effects of noise-induced cochlear synaptopathy are only measurable in humans with extreme noise exposures, and that these effects always co-occur with a loss of audiometric sensitivity

    Caloric vestibular stimulation modulates nociceptive evoked potentials

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    Vestibular stimulation has been reported to alleviate central pain. Clinical and physiological studies confirm pervasive interactions between vestibular signals and somatosensory circuits, including nociception. However, the neural mechanisms underlying vestibular-induced analgesia remain unclear, and previous clinical studies cannot rule out explanations based on alternative, non-specific effects such as distraction or placebo. To investigate how vestibular inputs influence nociception, we combined caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) with psychophysical and electrocortical responses elicited by nociceptive-specific laser stimulation in humans (laser-evoked potentials, LEPs). Cold water CVS applied to the left ear resulted in significantly lower subjective pain intensity for experimental laser pain to the left hand immediately after CVS, relative both to before CVS and to 1 h after CVS. This transient reduction in pain perception was associated with reduced amplitude of all LEP components, including the early N1 wave reflecting the first arrival of nociceptive input to primary somatosensory cortex. We conclude that cold left ear CVS elicits a modulation of both nociceptive processing and pain perception. The analgesic effect induced by CVS could be mediated either by subcortical gating of the ascending nociceptive input, or by direct modulation of the primary somatosensory cortex