11 research outputs found

    Yapılandırmacı Sınıflarda Öğretmen - Öğrenen Rolleri ve Etkileşim Sistemi

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the roles of the teacher and the learner, and teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions in constructivist learning environments. The experimental period of the study lasted for 14 weeks in the “Development and Learning” course. The Constructivist learning approach was applied throughout the course. Qualitative research techniques (learning diaries, observations and interviews) were used. The result of the study showed that the important roles of constructivist teachers are to design authentic learning tasks, to help students learn to think and to guide learning. The learners’ roles in constructivist classes are to be responsible for their own learning and to build their knowledge bases. Teacher-learner and learner-learner interactions are very intensive in these classes.Bu çalışmada, yapılandırman öğrenme sınıflarındaki öğretmen-öğrenen rolleri ile etkileşim sisteminin özelliklerini belirlemek amaçlanmıştır. 14 hafta süren deneysel çalışmada, “Gelişim ve Öğrenme” dersinde yapılandırman öğrenme planları uygulanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yönteminin kullanıldığı araştırmada veriler, öğrencilerin her hafta tuttuğu öğrenme günlükleri, yapılandırman yaklaşımla ilgili eğitim almış bir gözlemci tarafından sınıfta yapılan gözlemler ve öğrencilerle yapılan görüşmelerle toplanmıştır. Araştırma sonunda, yapılandırman öğretmenlerin en önemli rollerinin, özgün öğrenme görevleri planlamak, düşünmeye yardımcı olmak, öğrenmeye rehberlik yapmak, öğrenenlerin rollerinin ise sorumluluklarını yerine getirmek ve kendi bilgi yapılarını etkin biçimde oluşturmak olduğu görülmüştür. Yapılandırmacı sınıflarda öğretmen-öğrenen ve öğrenen-öğrenen etkileşimi oldukça yoğundur

    The library use habits of student teachers

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    AbstractHabit of reading is lifelong continuous and regular performance of the act of reading as a result of the perception of reading as a necessity. Habit of using libraries, however, means continuous and regular use of a library by the individual with the purpose of meeting his/her intellectual requirements. Particularly for the student teachers constituting the teachers of the future having their education in the education faculties, it is expected that they have gained the habit of reading and developed the skill of using libraries efficiently. However, studies found in the literature shows that students do not have much positive attitudes for reading and using libraries. Starting from these ideas, it was attempted in the present study to determine the habits of the students of Gazi University Vocational Educational Faculty (GUVEF). Participants of the study was the first and fourth grade students of GUVEF. Sampling of the study consisted of total 406 students, out of which 205 were students of the first grade and 201 of the fourth grade of five department.With the purpose of determining the library use habits of the students, a Likert-type scale was developed by the investigators. The questionnaire consists of two parts. Demographic characteristics are included in the first part, and questions directed at the habits of using libraries were asked in the second part. Five students were selected among the first and fourth grade of each department and group interviews were performed with these students. In these interviews, ideas and feelings regarding use of libraries were asked to the students. In addition, numbers of books borrowed yearly from the Central Library of Gazi University were examined. Answers to the questionnaire were examined after the application, and percentage, frequency, t-test analysis methods were used in the analysis of data. Interviews were examined and were used support habits results. Interpretations were made according to the results obtained, and recommendations were given for the development of habits of students teachers


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    Liberal arts courses (LACs) have been introduced in education faculties for high quality teacher education. This study aims to examine the views of education faculty lecturers, graduates and senior year students about the place and implementation of LACs in teacher education. The study group of the qualitative study includes lecturers (17), senior year students (21) and graduates (19) who volunteered to participate in the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. One-to-one interviews were held with lecturers and graduates, and 30-45 minute focus group interviews were held with groups of 3 to 5 senior year students. Data analysis involved the formation of a list of codes. Related codes were gathered together for thematic coding. The following themes emerged from LAC-related lecturer and student comments: General perceptions, contents, implementation, lecturer quality, measurement and evaluation in LACs, recommendations and desired LACs. The study ends with recommendations for teacher education.   Article visualizations

    A needs analysis study on technological pedagogical content knowledge of faculty members

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    The primary aim of this study is to determine the current state in education faculties and faculty members' needs for a professional training program that would be prepared for their TPACK development. Case study design, a qualitative research method, was employed, and semi-structured and in-depth interviews were conducted with 20 faculty members. The data were analysed through the content analysis method. The faculty members' views were grouped into four themes that are prior knowledge and perceptions of TPACK, instructional practices, professional characteristics, and needs of self-development. According to the results, the faculty members perceived themselves incompetent in terms of TPACK because they thought they had limited knowledge of technology. Although they emphasised that they had sufficient pedagogical knowledge, they were found to use mainly teacher-centred instructional methods by means of PowerPoint presentations. In conclusion, students are positioned as passive recipients of knowledge, there is no interaction outside the classroom and assessment is carried out through traditional methods, and thus faculty members need a professional training program towards TPACK. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature

    Professional Development Program to Develop Teacher Educators’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge

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    This study aimed to prepare, implement and evaluate the effectiveness of a professional development program that develops Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge ( TPACK) of teacher educators. Qualitative research methods were used. The research was carried out with 10 teacher educators from different departments. Pre- and post-interviews were conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. The program was found to have positive effects. Teacher educators stated that while transferring the knowledge they gained to the classroom environment, the methods they used could affect the education positively and attract the attention of students. Therefore, they planned to use the knowledge they acquired later on. They realized that with the knowledge they gained through this program, they would be a role model for the teachers of the future. At the end of the program, each participant’s TPACK development was in line with their own cognitive readiness

    Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Sertifika Programı Öncesi ve Sonrası Öğretmen Adaylarının İdeal Öğretmen Algıları

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı Pedagojik Formasyon Eğitimi Sertifika Programına (PFESP) katılan öğretmen adaylarının programa başlamadan önceki ideal öğretmen algıları ile program sonundaki algılarını betimlemektir. Bu araştırmaya 12 farklı lisans programından mezun ve son sınıf öğrencisi olan toplam 171 aday katılmıştır. Öğretmen adaylarının PFSEP öncesi ve sonrası ideal öğretmen algıları açık uçlu görüşme formları ile elde edilmiştir. Veri çözümlemesi için içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Bulguların şu temalarda toplandığı görülmektedir%253A Mesleki donanım, kişisel özellikler ve iletişim becerileri. Temaların altındaki kodlar ağırlıklı görüşlere göre sıralanmıştır. Mesleki donanım%253A Güçlü bir pedagojik formasyon bilgisi, alanda uzmanlık, mesleki gelişime ayak uydurma, eğlenceli ders işleme, mesleği sevme, etkili sınıf yönetimi, öğrenciye rehber olma, öğrenciyi tanıma, öğrenciye örnek olma, problem çözme, genel kültüre sahip olma, düzgün konuşma. Kişisel özellikler%253A Öğrenmeye açık, sevecen, anlayışlı, farklı fikirlere saygılı, sabırlı, sağlam karakterli, çağdaş, çalışkan, adil, coşkulu, güler yüzlü, teknoloji ile ilgili, vatansever, özverili. İletişim becerileri%253A Etkili iletişim kurma, empati kurma, iyi bir dinleyici olma, öğrenci ihtiyaçlarına duyarlı olma. Öğretmen adaylarının ideal öğretmende olması gereken mesleki donanım algılarında PFSEP sonrasında artış olmasına rağmen, kişisel özellikler ve iletişim becerileri algılarında ise fazla bir değişim olmamıştır. Bu sonuçlar PFSEPnın öğretmen yetiştirmedeki niteliğinin tartışılmasında dikkate alınmalıdır