27 research outputs found

    The socio-economic and business relationships between Turkish and Nigeria

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    Abstract. Nigeria is a country colonized by Britain in 19th century and got its independence in 1960 with the condition of remaining as one of the Commonwealth of Nations. Nigeria is a West African Nation with apopulation of 200 million people. Is a country endowed with many natural resources and at the same time the highest petrol exporter among African countries. Nigeria has also huge amount of Natural Gas. The country has 910.802 km2 of land mass. %49.9 of Nigerians live in urban centres while %51.1 live in village areas. As a result of the fall of petrol prices in 2014 Nigeria’s economy has decreased by -%6.3 and later appreciated a litle bit by %2.7. In 2016 the economy has decreased by -%2.2. The inflation rate in 2015 was %9 while it doubled to %18.8 in 2016. The major challenges of Nigeria’s economic growth are the lack of enough investors, energy bottleneck, bad leadership and inadequate Access to fund for private sector. Another problem faced by the economy of Nigeria is bribery and corruption. Additionally, the Boko Haram crises make foreign investors to run away from the country. The attacks on oil companies, wells and installation in the oil-rich Niger Delta region together with the abduction of foreign nationals have negatively affected Nigeria’s economy. As a result of these poverty and joblessness become the order of the day. Nigeria being rich in petrol and natural gas resources can be said to become Turkey’s strategic business partner. Turkey Nigeria relationship dated back to 1960s. Since this period to date, Turkey and Nigeria cooperated in the areas of economic development, education and defence. There are almost 3 thousand Nigerian studentsstudying in different Universities across Turkey. In 2015 25 thousand Nigerian tourists visited Turkey. In the last years due to the ability of 19 Turkish Universities to be among the best Universities in the world, Turkey has experinced great flood of foreign students. Due to this the review of the economic resources of the two countries will benefit both. In this work Turkey-Nigeria economic relationships would be examined and analysed. Keywords. Education, Health, Trade and socio-economic relationship, Nigeria, Turkey.JEL. F10, F13, F18

    Trakya Bölgesinde Organik Şaraplık Üzüm Yetiştiriciliği ve Şarap Yapımı

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    Dünyada geniş alanlarda uygulanan klasik tarımın giderek doğal dengeyi bozması sonucu örgütlenen üreticiler doğayı tahrip etmeyen, insan sağlığında yan etki yapmayan tarımsal ürünleri tercih etmeye başlamışlardır. AB ve FAO tarafından da klasik üretime alternatif olacak tarzda ortaya çıkan bu üretim şekli ekolojik veya organik tarım olarak isimlendirilmektedir. Ülkemizde 1985 yılında başlayan organik tarım ürünleri üretimi 2000’li yıllarda Dünya organik tarım pazarlarına talep yaratma çabaları ile yen bir boyut kazanmıştır.1999 yılında 92 tarım ürünü organik olarak üretilmiş olup bu üretimde üzümün payı 7182 ton’dur. Pestisit kalıntısı bulunmayan çevre dostu ürünlere, şarap sektörü de ilgi duymuş ve ekolojik şarapçılık gündeme gelmiştir. Ülkemizde şaraplık üzüm üretiminde büyük bir paya sahip Trakya Bölgesinde ekolojik ürün sertifikasyonuna sahip bağlar ve bu bağlardan elde edilen üzümlerden uygun yöntemlerle ekolojik şarap elde edilmesi için Enstitümüz tarafından proje bazında çalışmalar başlatılmıştır. Böyle çalışmaların üretici koşullarında ve çiftlik sistemleri araştırmaları kapsamında yürütülmesinin gerçekçi sonuçlar ortaya koyacağı düşünülmektedir

    Recent Advances in Health Biotechnology During Pandemic

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    The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), which emerged in 2019, cut the epoch that will make profound fluctuates in the history of the world in social, economic, and scientific fields. Urgent needs in public health have brought with them innovative approaches, including diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. To exceed the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, various scientific authorities in the world have procreated advances in real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) based diagnostic tests, rapid diagnostic kits, the development of vaccines for immunization, and the purposing pharmaceuticals for treatment. Diagnosis, treatment, and immunization approaches put for- ward by scientific communities are cross-fed from the accrued knowledge of multidisciplinary sciences in health biotechnology. So much so that the pandemic, urgently prioritized in the world, is not only viral infections but also has been the pulsion in the development of novel approaches in many fields such as diagnosis, treatment, translational medicine, virology, mi- crobiology, immunology, functional nano- and bio-materials, bioinformatics, molecular biol- ogy, genetics, tissue engineering, biomedical devices, and artificial intelligence technologies. In this review, the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the development of various scientific areas of health biotechnology are discussed

    Ülkelerin Kalkınmasında ve İşbirliğinde Eğitimin Rolü: Türkiye ve Polonya Örneği

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    anemonEğitim, ülkelerin ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal gelişmişlik düzeylerini belirleyen enönemli faktörden biridir. Eğitimin amacı bilgi üretmektir. Eğitim bireyleresağladığı özel yararlar yanında toplumsal açıdan ortaya koyduğu dışsallıklarnedeniyle de ülkelerin ekonomik kalkınmalarında ciddi rol oynamaktadır.Bireylerin eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe nitelikli iş gücü dar boğazı aşılmakta, bilimsel ve teknolojik yenilikler hız kazanmaktadır. Eğitim sayesinde emeğinverimliliğinin artması sonucu olarak milli gelir düzeyi hızla artmaktadır.Eğitim düzeyi yüksek toplumlarda veya ülkelerde yönetim daha demokratik birnitelik kazandığı, ekonomik ve siyasi istikrarı sağlamak kolaylaştığı ve suçunsurları düştüğü için eğitime yapılan yatırımların geri dönüş hızı fizikselsermaye yatırımlarından daha yüksek olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ülkeler içinekonomik açıdan eğitimin ve eğitim yatırımlarının niçin önem taşıdığı üzerindedurulacak ve eğitimin iktisadi kalkınmadaki rolü analiz edilecektir.Education is one of the most important factors which determineseconomic, social and political development level of countries. The purpose ofeducation is to produce information. In addition to providing special benefitsto people, education has an important role in economic development of countriessince it puts forward externalities from the point of social aspect. Poverty ofskilled labor is overcome and scientific and technological innovations gainspeed when training level of people goes up. As the result of laborproductivity raises, level of national income increases rapidly and createdincome is distributed more fairly. The return speed of investment in educationis higher than the return speed of investment in physical capital, becauseadministration becomes more democratic, providing economic and politicalstability gets easier and criminal rates decrease in communities having a highlevel of education. In this study, it will be focused on why education andeducational investments are economically important for countries and the roleof education in economic development will be analyzed.   29719

    The Role of Education in Economic Development and Cooperation in Countries: the Case of Turkey and Poland

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    anemonEğitim, ülkelerin ekonomik, sosyal ve siyasal gelişmişlik düzeylerini belirleyen enönemli faktörden biridir. Eğitimin amacı bilgi üretmektir. Eğitim bireyleresağladığı özel yararlar yanında toplumsal açıdan ortaya koyduğu dışsallıklarnedeniyle de ülkelerin ekonomik kalkınmalarında ciddi rol oynamaktadır.Bireylerin eğitim seviyesi yükseldikçe nitelikli iş gücü dar boğazı aşılmakta, bilimsel ve teknolojik yenilikler hız kazanmaktadır. Eğitim sayesinde emeğinverimliliğinin artması sonucu olarak milli gelir düzeyi hızla artmaktadır.Eğitim düzeyi yüksek toplumlarda veya ülkelerde yönetim daha demokratik birnitelik kazandığı, ekonomik ve siyasi istikrarı sağlamak kolaylaştığı ve suçunsurları düştüğü için eğitime yapılan yatırımların geri dönüş hızı fizikselsermaye yatırımlarından daha yüksek olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, ülkeler içinekonomik açıdan eğitimin ve eğitim yatırımlarının niçin önem taşıdığı üzerindedurulacak ve eğitimin iktisadi kalkınmadaki rolü analiz edilecektir.Education is one of the most important factors which determineseconomic, social and political development level of countries. The purpose ofeducation is to produce information. In addition to providing special benefitsto people, education has an important role in economic development of countriessince it puts forward externalities from the point of social aspect. Poverty ofskilled labor is overcome and scientific and technological innovations gainspeed when training level of people goes up. As the result of laborproductivity raises, level of national income increases rapidly and createdincome is distributed more fairly. The return speed of investment in educationis higher than the return speed of investment in physical capital, becauseadministration becomes more democratic, providing economic and politicalstability gets easier and criminal rates decrease in communities having a highlevel of education. In this study, it will be focused on why education andeducational investments are economically important for countries and the roleof education in economic development will be analyzed.   29719

    An evaluation on studies regarding protection of consumers nowadays and in ‘’Akhism’’ organization

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    Tüketicinin korunması son yıllarda önem kazanmış ve bugün de en çok tartışılan konulardan biri olmuştur. Tüketicinin korunması ile ilgili hukuk sistemi 20. yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren ortaya çıkmıştır. Türkiye’de ise Cumhuriyet döneminde dolaylıda olsa tüketicileri koruyan bazı yasalar yürürlüğe girmiştir. Devletin tüketicileri korumasının bir anayasal görev olduğu 1982 Anayasasında belirtilmiştir. Böylece başlayan süreç, 1995 yılında yürürlüğe giren 4077 sayılı “Tüketicinin Korunması Hakkında Kanun”la önemli bir mesafe kazanmıştır. Bu süreci, Osmanlı devletinde sosyal ve ekonomik yaşamda, hem üreticileri hem de tüketicileri korumak amacıyla başarıyla uygulanan Ahilik teşkilatı ile ilişkilendirmek mümkündür. Bu çalışmada, Ahilik teşkilatının günümüzde tüketicilerin korunmasına yönelik olası yansımaları üzerinde durmaya çalıştık.Consumer protection has gained importance in recent years, and today has become one of the most discussed issues. The legal system protection of consumer emerged from the second half of the twenty century onwards. In Turkey, some laws protecting consumers went into effect in the Republican Era. In the 1982 Constitution, it was reported that it is a constitutional duty of the State to protect the consumers. Thus, this process has gained a considerable momentum through "Consumer Protection Law", which came into force in 1995, No. 4077. It is therefore possible to relate this process with Akhism Organization, which was implemented successfully in the Ottoman Empire in order to protect both manufacturers and consumers. In this study, we tried to deal with the likely effects of the Akhism Organization on the protection of consumers today

    Methods and preliminary outcomes of pediatric auditory brainstem implantation

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    Objective: The objective was to provide information about methods used and preliminary outcomes for pediatric ABI (auditory brainstem implant). Study Design: An analysis of outcome was performed in children who received an ABI. Methods: Twelve children received a MED-EL ABI system. Progress in audition and language was monitored through parental reports, questionnaires, profiles, and closed-set tests. Results: The median number of active electrodes was 9 of 12. Seven of 12 users consistently respond to sound, and 5 of 12 do not. Highest performers can recognize words in small sets and have begun to use some words. Conclusion: Auditory brainstem implants appear to be beneficial for some pediatric patients who cannot benefit from traditional cochlear implant surgery. Benefits in the short term can be recognition of environmental sounds, recognition of some words and very commonly used phrases, and the beginning use of words. Although some of our ABI users demonstrate no response to sound, they do want to wear their sound processors all waking hours. The cause of lack of response may be related to the second intervention, which might have led to displacement of the electrode array, or presence of additional handicaps or syndromes. However, the results are less than optimal. The relatively short postoperative follow-up duration is a considered weakness of this study

    Genetic diversity and population structure of Anatolian Hair goats, an ancient breed

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    Abstract. This study aimed to investigate the genetic characterization and diversity of Hair goats from 10 regions using 20 microsatellite markers. A total of 522 alleles were observed. The INRA0023 locus exhibited the greatest number of alleles (48), while the DRBP1 locus had the highest effective allele number (16.27), and the BM1818 and DRBP1 loci had the highest polymorphic information content value (0.94). The expected heterozygosity value ranged from 0.85 (ILSTS011) to 0.94 (BM1818, SRCRSP15, and DRBP1). The Hair goat populations in Konya and Hatay displayed the lowest and highest allele numbers, with values of 10.40 and 16.25, respectively. The fixation index (FIS) values are significant in defining population structures and determining the extent of heterozygosity losses. The FIS values exhibited a range of 0.031 in Muǧla to 0.226 in Burdur. A total of 107 unique alleles were identified in Hair goat populations. However, it is noteworthy that, out of all the alleles, only 25 had a frequency exceeding 5 %. The results indicate that the microsatellite markers utilized demonstrate sufficient levels of polymorphism, making them appropriate for efficiently investigating the genetic variability of Hair goat populations. </jats:p