589 research outputs found

    First Order Actions: a New View

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    We analyse systems described by first order actions using the Hamilton-Jacobi (HJ) formalism for singular systems. In this study we verify that generalized brackets appear in a natural way in HJ approach, showing us the existence of a symplectic structure in the phase spaces of this formalism

    The Effects of Material Properties on Building Performance

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    In recent earthquakes during the last two decades, severe damages have been occurred on the existing buildings in Turkey. Destructive earthquakes revealed that the existing building stock in urban regions is significantly vulnerable to seismic hazard. A large number of residential buildings located in regions of high seismicity require performance evaluation before the next big earthquake hits the region. In many earthquake resistant codes, several procedures are proposed to determine the building performance. The investigations on the damaged buildings show that material strengths are very important parameters on the building performance. In this study, material strengths’ effects on the building performance were investigated by using a nonlinear elastic analysis method

    A private contributions game for joint replenishment

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    We study a non-cooperative game for joint replenishment by n firms that operate under an EOQ-like setting. Each firm decides whether to replenish independently or to participate in joint replenishment, and how much to contribute to joint ordering costs in case of participation. Joint replenishment cycle time is set by an intermediary as the lowest cycle time that can be financed with the private contributions of participating firms. We characterize the behavior and outcomes under undominated Nash equilibria. © Springer-Verlag 2011

    Design and analysis of mechanisms for decentralized joint replenishment

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    We consider jointly replenishing multiple firms that operate under an EOQ like environment in a decentralized, non-cooperative setting. Each firm's demand rate and inventory holding cost rate are private information. We are interested in finding a mechanism that would determine the joint replenishment frequency and allocate the joint ordering costs to these firms based on their reported stand-alone replenishment frequencies (if they were to order independently). We first provide an impossibility result showing that there is no direct mechanism that simultaneously achieves efficiency, incentive compatibility, individual rationality and budget-balance. We then propose a general, two-parameter mechanism in which one parameter is used to determine the joint replenishment frequency, another is used to allocate the order costs based on firms’ reports. We show that efficiency cannot be achieved in this two-parameter mechanism unless the parameter governing the cost allocation is zero. When the two parameters are same (a single parameter mechanism), we find the equilibrium share levels and corresponding total cost. We finally investigate the effect of this parameter on equilibrium behavior. We show that properly adjusting this parameter leads to mechanisms that are better than other mechanisms suggested earlier in the literature in terms of fairness and efficiency. © 2016 Elsevier B.V

    Optimal allocation with costly inspection and discrete types under ambiguity

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    We consider the following problem: a principal has a good to allocate among a collection of agents who attach a private value to receiving the good. The principal, instead of using monetary transfers (i.e. charging the agents) to allocate the good, can check the truthfulness of the agents' value declaration at a cost. Under the assumption that the agents' valuations are drawn from a discrete set of values at random, we characterize the class of optimal Bayesian mechanisms which are symmetric, direct and maximizing the expected value of assigning the good to the principal minus the cost of verification using such standard finite-dimensional optimization tools as linear programming and submodular functions, thus extending the work of [R.V. Vohra, Optimization and mechanism design, Math. Program. 134 (2012), pp. 283–303]. Our results are discrete-type analogs of those of [E. Ben-Porath, E. Dekel, and B.L. LipmanBen-Porath, Optimal allocation with costly verification, Amer. Econ. Rev. 104 (2014), pp. 3779–3813]. When the distribution of valuations is not known but can be one of a set of distributions (the case referred to as ambiguity), we compute a robust allocation mechanism by maximizing the worst-case expected value of the principal in two cases amenable to solution with two suitable assumptions on the set of distributions. © 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Grou

    Hamilton-Jacobi treatment of a non-relativistic particle on a curved space

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    In this paper a non-relativistic particle moving on a hypersurface in a curved space and the multidimensional rotator are investigated using the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism. The equivalence with the Dirac Hamiltonian formalism is demonstrated in both Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. The energy spectrum of the multidimensional rotator is equal to that of a pure Laplace-Beltrami operator with no additional constant arising from the curvature of the sphere.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Multi-period supplier selection under price uncertainty

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    We consider a problem faced by a procurement manager who needs to purchase a large volume of multiple items over multiple periods from multiple suppliers that provide base prices and discounts. Discounts are contingent on meeting various conditions on total volume or spend, and some are tied to future realizations of random events that can be mutually verified. We formulate a scenario-based multi-stage stochastic optimization model that allows us to consider random events such as a drop in price because o. The most favoured customer clauses, a price change i. The spot market or a new discount offer. We propose certainty-equivalent heuristics and evaluat. The regret of using them. We use our model for three bidding events of a large manufacturing company. The results show that considering most favored customer clauses in supplier offers may create substantial savings that may surpas. The savings from regular discount offers. © 2014 Operational Research Society Ltd. All rights reserved

    Accelerated hand bone mineral density loss is associated with progressive joint damage in hands and feet in recent-onset rheumatoid arthritis

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    Introduction: To investigate whether accelerated hand bone mineral density (BMD) loss is associated with progressive joint damage in hands and feet in the first year of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and whether it is an independent predictor of subsequent progressive total joint damage after 4 years. Methods: In 256 recent-onset RA patients, baseline and 1-year hand BMD was measured in metacarpals 2-4 by digital X-ray radiogrammetry. Joint damage in hands and feet were scored in random order according to the Sharp-van der Heijde method at baseline and yearly up to 4 years. Results: 68% of the patients had accelerated hand BMD loss (>-0.003 g/cm(2)) in the first year of RA. Hand BMD loss was associated with progressive joint damage after 1 year both in hands and feet with odds ratios (OR) (95% confidence intervals [CI]) of 5.3 (1.3-20.9) and 3.1 (1.0-9.7). In univariate analysis, hand BMD loss in the first year was a predictor of subsequent progressive total joint damage after 4 years with an OR (95% CI) of 3.1 (1.3-7.6). Multivariate analysis showed that only progressive joint damage in the first year and anti-citrullinated protein antibody positivity were independent predictors of long-term progressive joint damage. Conclusions: In the first year of RA, accelerated hand BMD loss is associated with progressive joint damage in both hands and feet. Hand BMD loss in the first year of recent-onset RA predicts subsequent progressive total joint damage, however not independent of progressive joint damage in the first year.Pathophysiology and treatment of rheumatic disease

    Associated Charm Production in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions

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    In this paper a search for associated charm production both in neutral and charged current ν\nu-nucleus interactions is presented. The improvement of automatic scanning systems in the {CHORUS} experiment allows an efficient search to be performed in emulsion for short-lived particles. Hence a search for rare processes, like the associated charm production, becomes possible through the observation of the double charm-decay topology with a very low background. About 130,000 ν\nu interactions located in the emulsion target have been analysed. Three events with two charm decays have been observed in the neutral-current sample with an estimated background of 0.18±\pm0.05. The relative rate of the associated charm cross-section in deep inelastic ν\nu interactions, σ(ccˉν)/σNCDIS=(3.622.42+2.95(stat)±0.54(syst))×103\sigma(c\bar{c}\nu)/\sigma_\mathrm{NC}^\mathrm{DIS}= (3.62^{+2.95}_{-2.42}({stat})\pm 0.54({syst}))\times 10^{-3} has been measured. One event with two charm decays has been observed in charged-current νμ\nu_\mu interactions with an estimated background of 0.18±\pm0.06 and the upper limit on associated charm production in charged-current interactions at 90% C.L. has been found to be σ(ccˉμ)/σCC<9.69×104\sigma (c\bar{c} \mu^-)/\sigma_\mathrm{CC} < 9.69 \times 10^{-4}.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Leading order analysis of neutrino induced dimuon events in the CHORUS experiment

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    We present a leading order QCD analysis of a sample of neutrino induced charged-current events with two muons in the final state originating in the lead-scintillating fibre calorimeter of the CHORUS detector. The results are based on a sample of 8910 neutrino and 430 antineutrino induced opposite-sign dimuon events collected during the exposure of the detector to the CERN Wide Band Neutrino Beam between 1995 and 1998. % with Eμ1,Eμ2>5E_{\mu 1},E_{\mu 2} > 5 GeV and Q2>3Q^2 > 3 GeV2^2 collected %between 1995 and 1998. The analysis yields a value of the charm quark mass of \mc = (1.26\pm 0.16 \pm 0.09) \GeVcc and a value of the ratio of the strange to non-strange sea in the nucleon of κ=0.33±0.05±0.05\kappa = 0.33 \pm 0.05 \pm 0.05, improving the results obtained in similar analyses by previous experiments.Comment: Submitted to Nuclear Physics