186 research outputs found

    Metaphoric Perceptions of the Students of the Sports Sciences Faculty Regarding the Concept of Fair-play

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    The objective of this study is to reveal the perceptions of the students of the sports sciences faculty regarding the concept of “Fair-Play” by means of metaphors. 275 students [male(n=173), female(n=102)] studying at the Sports Sciences Faculty of Seljuk University in the fall semester of the 2016-2017 educational year took part in the study voluntarily.The data of the study were obtained by making the students complete the sentence of “Fair-Play is like………….. because………..” Every student was expected to create a metaphor regarding the concept of Fair-Play in that way. In this study, the research design of phenomenology was used and the analysis of the data was conducted by using the content analysis method.The perceptions of the students of the Sports Sciences Faculty for the concept of “Fair-Play” were scrutinized by way of the metaphor analysis method. In this scope, the process of analysis and construal of the metaphors developed by the students took place in five stages as (1) determination of the metaphors, (2) classification of the metaphors, (3) category development, (4) ensuring validity and reliability, and (5) transfer of the data to the SPSS package program for quantitative data analysis.According to the findings of the study, the students created totally 119 valid metaphors regarding the concept of “Fair-Play.”The metaphors were analyzed in terms of their common traits and brought together under seven conceptual categories. At the end of the study, it was determined that students have perceived Fair Play as the “Expression of Wisdom” by 27%; as the “Expression of Nature” by 25%; “as a Guide” by 19%; as the “Expression of Humanly Qualifications” by 13%; as the “Expression of Cleanness” by 8%; as the “Expression of Contradiction” by 5%; and as “Important Persons” by 3%

    Label-free biosensors for the detection and quantification of cardiovascular risk markers

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    This paper presents a biosensor implementation for the detection of protein molecules using specific antibodies. Affinity sensors allow the detection and quantification of target molecules in complex mixtures by affinity-based interactions. Immobilized antibody molecules are the probes that bind to specific protein molecules (targets) in biological fluids. In this study, inter-digitated electrodes in the form of capacitance on glass slide were designed, fabricated and used to measure the changes in the dielectric properties of the inter-digitated capacitances. Our results in this study present that with a careful design of micro-interdigitated capacitors, a wider dynamic range and higher sensitivity can be achieved for the detection and quantification of C-Reeactive Protein

    Comparison of Value-at-Risk using various empirical methods for the portfolios of BRICT and G-7 countries in the long run

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    This master's thesis deals with Value-at-Risk for equity portfolios. The distribution of daily returns of equity returns is not perfectly normal. Therefore, the use of the Delta- Normal Value-at-Risk (VaR) method is misleading. Accuracy of estimation may turn out to be failure for portfolios to measure VaR time to time. Therefore, two further methods, Modified VaR and Filtered Historical Simulation, are used for VaR estimation. The former estimates using Cornish-Fisher (1937) expansion and then the latter estimates using autoregressive model for mean equation, EGARCH for volatility and Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS) for VaR estimation i.e. AR (1) - EGARCH (1,1) - FHS methods; and also the performance of both the VaR estimates with Delta- Normal VaR estimate are compared. Last but not the least the implementation of various methods are discussed and analyzed on the two passive historical index portfolios, which represent some of the most attractive financial markets in the world economy.This master's thesis deals with Value-at-Risk for equity portfolios. The distribution of daily returns of equity returns is not perfectly normal. Therefore, the use of the Delta- Normal Value-at-Risk (VaR) method is misleading. Accuracy of estimation may turn out to be failure for portfolios to measure VaR time to time. Therefore, two further methods, Modified VaR and Filtered Historical Simulation, are used for VaR estimation. The former estimates using Cornish-Fisher (1937) expansion and then the latter estimates using autoregressive model for mean equation, EGARCH for volatility and Filtered Historical Simulation (FHS) for VaR estimation i.e. AR (1) - EGARCH (1,1) - FHS methods; and also the performance of both the VaR estimates with Delta- Normal VaR estimate are compared. Last but not the least the implementation of various methods are discussed and analyzed on the two passive historical index portfolios, which represent some of the most attractive financial markets in the world economy.Institute of Economic StudiesInstitut ekonomických studiíFaculty of Social SciencesFakulta sociálních vě

    Protein engineering of rhizopus oryzae lipase for improved thermostability

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    Protein engineering provides tools for understanding the structure function relationship and deduces the rules governing this relationship. Enzymes catalyze several types of reactions and have wide range of applications ranging from the textile industry to the pharmaceutical industry. Today one of the most important topics in biotechnology industry focus on replacing chemicals with enzymes accordingly turning all the industrial processes into green industry. Especially lipases have great importance in such processes. Unfortunately currently available active lipases do not function well under the harsh industrial conditions such as high temperature and extreme pH. In this thesis I have focused on the thermostability of Rhizopus oryzae lipase and tried to deduce the rules that make it stable at high temperatures while preserving their activity. I have developed a protocol involving the computational analysis predicting beneficial point mutations, and analyzed the effects of predicted mutations in silico. I have cloned, expressed and purified the mutant proteins to verify the predictions. I showed that the P195G mutation in Rhizopus oryzae lipase sustained 80.5 percent of the activity at high temperatures in comparison to the native lipase

    Two-Frequency Jahn-Teller Systems in Circuit QED

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    We investigate the simulation of Jahn-Teller models with two non-degenerate vibrational modes using a circuit QED architecture. Typical Jahn-Teller systems are anisotropic and require at least a two-frequency description. The proposed simulator consists of two superconducting lumped-element resonators interacting with a common flux qubit in the ultrastrong coupling regime. We translate the circuit QED model of the system to a two-frequency Jahn-Teller Hamiltonian and calculate its energy eigenvalues and the emission spectrum of the cavities. It is shown that the system can be systematically tuned to an effective single mode Hamiltonian from the two-mode model by varying the coupling strength between the resonators. The flexibility in manipulating the parameters of the circuit QED simulator permits isolating the effective single frequency and pure two-frequency effects in the spectral response of Jahn-Teller systems.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, figures revise


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    Ambulanslar; hastane dışında olay yerinden hasta ve/veya yaralı taşımaya uygun özel ekip ve ekipmanla donatılmış, kendine özgü uyarıcı sitemleri ve haberleşme aygıtları bulunduran özelleşmiş araçlardır. Çeşitli yasa ve yönetmelikler ile ambulanslar sınıflandırılmış ve standartları oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ambulanslarda, hasta ve yaralılara Temel ve İleri Yaşam Desteğinin sağlanabilmesi için gerekli ekip, ekipman ve acil ilaçlar bulunur. Ambulanslar Komuta Kontrol Merkezleri tarafından aktive edilir ve çağrıyı alan ekip olay yerinde hasta ve yaralılara temel ve ileri yaşam desteği vermekle sorumludurlar. Ancak; ambulansların kendileri diğer taşıtlara oranla daha sık olarak kazaya karışmakta yada kaza nedeni olmaktadır. Acil araç operasyonda iken trafik kurallarıyla ilgili bazı ayrıcalıklara, hız limitlerini aşmaya yetkili olmakla birlikte bütün bu yetkiler güvenlik sınırları içinde kullanılmalı; temel hedef personelin, hastanın ve diğer kişilerin güvenliği olmalıdır. Her çağrı rutin olarak "acil" kabul edilmemelidir. Ambulansların karıştığı kazalarda; kavşaklarda yavaşlamama, ışık ve kural ihlalleri, ani manevralar, yakın izleme gibi karakteristik özellikler dikkat çekmektedir. Ambulans sürücülerine trafikteki rol ve sorumluluklarını kapsayan eğitimlerin verilmesi gerekmektedir. Bunun için acil birimlerin güvenli sürüş teknikleri ile ilgili bir eğitim programı olmalı, bu eğitim programının ayrıntılı müfredatı, eğitim ekipmanları ve lisanslı eğitimcileri bulunmalıdır. Eğitimin kavramsal çerçevesi akademisyenlerin katkısı ile hazırlanmalı, meslek derneği temsilcilerinden görüş alınmalıdır. Ayrıca acil araçlarda sürücülük yapacak kişilerin eğitimleri gereği acil tıbbi bakım protokolleri ve ambulansın donanımını bilen tekniker (paramedik) ve/veya Acil Tıp Teknisyenleri içinden seçilmesi, acil araç ilişkili kazaların oranını azaltabilir. Ambulances are specialized vehicles supplied with appropriate crew and equipment to transport the ill and injured from the field to healthcare facilities, and with communication devices, sirens, lights etc. Various regulations and legal documents have been published to classify and standardize ambulances. Medical supplies necessary in an ambulance include all emergency drugs and equipment needed to be used in basic and advanced life support for both trauma and cardiac care. The vehicles are directed by dispatcher centers and the ambulance receiving the call is in charge of delivering basic and advanced life support as appropriate in the field. However, there is concrete evidence that these life-saving vehicles are involved in car accidents themselves, even more commonly than any other type of vehicles. Although there are certain privileges defined for ambulances in emergency operations which allow them to violate speed limits and some other strict rules in traffic, these exceptions are to be used cautiously within safety limits. Safety of the crew and the victims along with emergency medical vehicle should always take the priority. Only a minority of the calls are real ‘emergencies'. Failure to slow down in corners, violations of traffic lights and other rules, sudden maneuvers, following the next vehicle too closely are some of prominent features in the accidents in which the ambulances are engaged. Ambulance drivers should receive appropriate training with special regard to their role and responsibilities in the traffic. This mandates specific training programmes adopted by emergency medical services units regarding driving safety including core curriculum, equipment needed for training and licensed trainers. Conceptual framework should be delineated by academicians, and professional associations must be consulted. Paramedic and emergency medical technicians who are trained on emergency care protocols and use of ambulances should be the first choice to be employed as drivers of emergency medical vehicles in order to alleviate the rate of untoward events involved by these vehicles

    Türkiye’de Çevre Eğitimi Araştırmalarının İrdelenmesi: Yapılandırmacılık ya da Kuramsız Düşünme “İndoktrinasyon” mu?

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    Bu çalışmada Çevre Eğitimi (ÇE) adı altında Türkiye’de yapılan ve Türkiye’deki hakemli dergilerde basılan 52 alan yazın araştırması ve 55 lisans üstü tez incelenmiştir. Benzer çalışmalar mevcut olsa da bu çalışmada incelenen araştırmaların yöntemleri, konuları, veri toplama yaklaşımları ve önerileri dışında, çalışmaların kuramsal çerçeveleri ve bulguları arasındaki bağları da irdelenmiştir. ÇE teriminin ülkemizdeki popülerliği artmakla birlikte Türk Eğitim sistemine damgasını vuran yapılandırmacılık ÇE çalışmalarını da etkilemiştir. Cinsiyete göre çevreye karşı duyarlılık, uygulanan mekân dışı öğretimin eğitime olumlu katkısı, yapılandırmacı yaklaşıma övgü vb. sonuçları araştırma bulgularında sıklıkla görmekteyiz. Ancak bu çalışmalardaki kuramsal çerçeve eksikliği, neden-sonuç ilişkisine ışık tutmamakta ve nasıl sorusunu yanıtsız bırakmaktadır. Bu araştırmada ise sıklıkla kullanılan yapılandırmacılığın ya da kuramsal çerçeve eksikliğinin indoktrinasyon olup olmadığı tartışılmaktadır. Umulan bu araştırmanın farklı akademik çevrelerde verimli bir tartışma kapısı açmasıdır

    The Effect of Sports on the Psychological Well-being Levels of High School Students

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    The aim of this study is to examine the effect of sports education on psychological well-being levels of high school students in terms of individual, environmental and self-determination.This study group consists oftotally 187 high school students, in other words 97 students (nmale = 48, nfemale= 49) receive education in a high school attached to Provincial National Education Directorate of Konya where they are provided for sports training, while 90 students (nmale= 50, nfemale= 40) receive education in a similar school where they are not provided for sports training in the first half of the 2016-2017 academic year.This study has been carried out in accordance with the pretest-posttest model and the experimental group has been applied the sports activity program 2 days and 2 hours per week during 8 weeks and control group has continued their education and training according to programs included in the curriculum. "Psychological Well-Being Scale" developed by Ryff (1989) and adapted to Turkish by Cenkseven (2004) has been used as data collection tool in this study. In the analysis of the data, independent group t test has been used for the intergroup comparisons and t test (Paired-Samples t test) has been used for the intra-group comparisons. The level of significance has been taken as 0.05 in the study.As a result of the study, it has been determined that the individual development dimensions of the psychological well-being scale related with groups receiving (experimental) and not receiving the sports training (control) become different significantly in favor of the posttest score averages and also it has been understood that there is a difference in favor of the posttest score averages in the dimensions of environmental domination and self-determination but this difference is not significant at 0,05 level

    Sensor based cyber attack detections in critical infrastructures using deep learning algorithms

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    The technology that has evolved with innovations in the digital world has also caused an increase in many security problems. Day by day, the methods and forms of cyberattacks are becoming more complicated; therefore, their detection has become more difficult. In this work, we have used datasets that have been prepared in collaboration with the Raymond Borges and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. These datasets include measurements of the Industrial Control Systems related to chewing attack behavior. These measurements include synchronized measurements and data records from Snort and relays with a simulated control panel. In this study, we developed two models using these datasets. The first is a model we call the DNN model, which was build using the latest deep learning algorithms. The second model was created by adding the AutoEncoder structure to the DNN model. All of the variables used when developing our models were set parametrically. A number of variables such as the activation method, the number of hidden layers in the model, the number of nodes in the layers, and the number of iterations were analyzed to create the optimum model design. When we run our model with optimum settings, we obtained better results than those found in related studies. The learning speed of the model has a 100% accuracy rate, which is also entirely satisfactory. While the training period of the dataset containing about 4 thousand different operations lasts for about 90 seconds, the developed model completes the learning process at a level of milliseconds to detect new attacks. This increases the applicability of the model in the real-world environment

    Detection of attack-targeted scans from the Apache HTTP Server access logs

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    A web application could be visited for different purposes. It is possible for a web site to be visited by a regular user as a normal (natural) visit, to be viewed by crawlers, bots, spiders, etc. for indexing purposes, lastly to be exploratory scanned by malicious users prior to an attack. An attack targeted web scan can be viewed as a phase of a potential attack and can lead to more attack detection as compared to traditional detection methods. In this work, we propose a method to detect attack-oriented scans and to distinguish them from other types of visits. In this context, we use access log files of Apache (or ISS) web servers and try to determine attack situations through examination of the past data. In addition to web scan detections, we insert a rule set to detect SQL Injection and XSS attacks. Our approach has been applied on sample data sets and results have been analyzed in terms of performance measures to compare our method and other commonly used detection techniques. Furthermore, various tests have been made on log samples from real systems. Lastly, several suggestions about further development have been also discussed