176 research outputs found

    El enfriamiento evaporativo y las pozas de aspersión

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    La transferencia acoplada de calor y masa en una poza de enfriamiento por aspersión es descrita y calculada a través de las ecuaciones básicas de continuidad y energía. Se establecen las relaciones que describen el movimiento y distribución espacial de gotas, la interacción de éstas con el aire circundante y los coeficientes de transferencia de calor y masa. El sistema álgebro diferencial de ecuaciones modela los campos de temperatura y humedad absoluta, mientras que el campo de velocidad del aire es supuesto constante y se estima a partir de valores obtenidos de literatura. Esta simplificación permite desacoplar, en el cálculo numérico, las variables de velocidad y temperatura. El tratamiento acoplado de estas variables es reportado en otro trabajo de los autores [18]. El modelo obtenido se aplica a una poza circular de enfriamiento por aspersión con viento nulo. Los perfiles de velocidad del aire se proponen invariables y su magnitud y sentido se obtienen de otros trabajos de los autores. La solución simultánea de los campos térmicos y másico se obtiene por medio del método numérico de diferencias finitas. Las ecuaciones de transporte se resuelven usando el método matricial de dirección alternada implícita (ADI). La estabilidad numérica del sistema se alcanza utilizando un factor de amortiguamiento en los coeficientes de la matriz de coeficientes de las ecuaciones discretizadas. Se analizan los resultados que entrega el modelo al variar la viscosidad turbulenta del aire, puesto que influye en los valores de temperatura y humedad del aire, con el correspondiente impacto sobre las características de disipación de la poza

    Convección natural asociada a pozas de enfriamiento por aspersión

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    Las pozas de enfriamiento por aspersión son intercambiadores de calor de tipo evaporativo de contacto directo agua-aire. Así, agua de proceso a alta temperatura se enfrla mediante la aspersión en pequeñas gotas, consiguiendo un aumento considerable del área de transferencia de calor y masa, resultando en una mayor cantidad de energía que las gotas entregan al aire debido al efecto convectivo y al calor latente de vaporización de la masa de agua que se evapora. Las transferencias que se producen alteran la temperatura y humedad del aire circundante, dando origen a fuerzas de empuje que inducen a una convección natural de aire en la poza de aspersión. En otro trabajo de los autores (10) se estudia este efecto, considerando que la convección natural inducida es conocida, con ello se consigue una considerable simplificación del problema planteado. En el presente trabajo no se considera esta simplificación, y el estudio se realiza acoplando numéricamente las ecuaciones de continuidad, transporte de momemtum y la ecuación de Poisson, para el campo dinámico y las ecuaciones de transporte de energfa y transporte de masa para los campos térmico y másico. Ambos campos están ligados principalmente a través de la fuerza de empuje del aire caliente y hlímedo que atraviesa la zona de aspersión, como también de las propiedades del aire. Se presenta el estudio, modelación y resolución numérica de tipo discreta de una poza cilíndrica, atendiendo las ventajas que este tipo de coordenadas presenta para el modelo. El sistema de ecuaciones álgebra diferencia/no lineal resultante, se resuelve por el método numérico de diferencias finitas

    Structural correlations in heterogeneous electron transfer at monolayer and multilayer graphene electrodes

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    As a new form of carbon, graphene is attracting intense interest as an electrode material with widespread applications. In the present study, the heterogeneous electron transfer (ET) activity of graphene is investigated using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM), which allows electrochemical currents to be mapped at high spatial resolution across a surface for correlation with the corresponding structure and properties of the graphene surface. We establish that the rate of heterogeneous ET at graphene increases systematically with the number of graphene layers, and show that the stacking in multilayers also has a subtle influence on ET kinetics. © 2012 American Chemical Society

    Pseudo-single crystal electrochemistry on polycrystalline electrodes : visualizing activity at grains and grain boundaries on platinum for the Fe2+/Fe3+ redox reaction

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    The influence of electrode surface structure on electrochemical reaction rates and mechanisms is a major theme in electrochemical research, especially as electrodes with inherent structural heterogeneities are used ubiquitously. Yet, probing local electrochemistry and surface structure at complex surfaces is challenging. In this paper, high spatial resolution scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) complemented with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is demonstrated as a means of performing ‘pseudo-single-crystal’ electrochemical measurements at individual grains of a polycrystalline platinum electrode, while also allowing grain boundaries to be probed. Using the Fe2+/3+ couple as an illustrative case, a strong correlation is found between local surface structure and electrochemical activity. Variations in electrochemical activity for individual high index grains, visualized in a weakly adsorbing perchlorate medium, show that there is higher activity on grains with a significant (101) orientation contribution, compared to those with (001) and (111) contribution, consistent with findings on single-crystal electrodes. Interestingly, for Fe2+ oxidation in a sulfate medium a different pattern of activity emerges. Here, SECCM reveals only minor variations in activity between individual grains, again consistent with single-crystal studies, with a greatly enhanced activity at grain boundaries. This suggests that these sites may contribute significantly to the overall electrochemical behavior measured on the macroscale

    Intrinsic electrochemical activity of single walled carbon nanotube–Nafion assemblies

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    The intrinsic electrochemical properties and activity of single walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) network electrodes modified by a drop-cast Nafion film have been determined using the one electron oxidation of ferrocene trimethyl ammonium (FcTMA+) as a model redox probe in the Nafion film. Facilitated by the very low transport coefficient of FcTMA+ in Nafion (apparent diffusion coefficient of 1.8 × 10−10 cm2 s−1), SWNTs in the 2-D network behave as individual elements, at short (practical) times, each with their own characteristic diffusion, independent of neighbouring sites, and the response is diagnostic of the proportion of SWNTs active in the composite. Data are analysed using candidate models for cases where: (i) electron transfer events only occur at discrete sites along the sidewall (with a defect density typical of chemical vapour deposition SWNTs); (ii) all of the SWNTs in a network are active. The first case predicts currents that are much smaller than seen experimentally, indicating that significant portions of SWNTs are active in the SWNT–Nafion composite. However, the predictions for a fully active SWNT result in higher currents than seen experimentally, indicating that a fraction of SWNTs are not connected and/or that not all SWNTs are wetted completely by the Nafion film to provide full access of the redox mediator to the SWNT surface

    NLRX1 inhibits the early stages of CNS inflammation and prevents the onset of spontaneous autoimmunity

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    Nucleotide-binding, leucine-rich repeat containing X1 (NLRX1) is a mitochondria-located innate immune sensor that inhibits major pro-inflammatory pathways such as type I interferon and nuclear factor-κB signaling. We generated a novel, spontaneous, and rapidly progressing mouse model of multiple sclerosis (MS) by crossing myelin-specific T-cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mice with Nlrx1−/− mice. About half of the resulting progeny developed spontaneous experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (spEAE), which was associated with severe demyelination and inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS). Using lymphocyte-deficient mice and a series of adoptive transfer experiments, we demonstrate that genetic susceptibility to EAE lies within the innate immune compartment. We show that NLRX1 inhibits the subclinical stages of microglial activation and prevents the generation of neurotoxic astrocytes that induce neuronal and oligodendrocyte death in vitro. Moreover, we discovered several mutations within NLRX1 that run in MS-affected families. In summary, our findings highlight the importance of NLRX1 in controlling the early stages of CNS inflammation and preventing the onset of spontaneous autoimmunity

    Assessment of a primary and tertiary care integrated management model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The diagnosis and treatment of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in Spain continues to present challenges, and problems are exacerbated when there is a lack of coordinated follow-up between levels of care. This paper sets out the protocol for assessing the impact of an integrated management model for the care of patients with COPD. The new model will be evaluated in terms of 1) improvement in the rational utilization of health-care services and 2) benefits reflected in improved health status and quality of life for patients.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>A quasi-experimental study of the effectiveness of a COPD management model called COPD PROCESS. The patients in the study cohorts will be residents of neighborhoods served by two referral hospitals in Barcelona, Spain. One area comprises the intervention group (n = 32,248 patients) and the other the control group (n = 32,114 patients). The study will include pre- and post-intervention assessment 18 months after the program goes into effect. Analyses will be on two datasets: clinical and administrative data available for all patients, and clinical assessment information for a cohort of 440 patients sampled randomly from the intervention and control areas. The main endpoints will be the hospitalization rates in the two health-care areas and quality-of-life measures in the two cohorts.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The COPD PROCESS model foresees the integrated multidisciplinary management of interventions at different levels of the health-care system through coordinated routine clinical practice. It will put into practice diagnostic and treatment procedures that are based on current evidence, multidisciplinary consensus, and efficient use of available resources. Care pathways in this model are defined in terms of patient characteristics, level of disease severity and the presence or absence of exacerbation. The protocol covers the full range of care from primary prevention to treatment of complex cases.</p

    Core Proteome of the Minimal Cell: Comparative Proteomics of Three Mollicute Species

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    Mollicutes (mycoplasmas) have been recognized as highly evolved prokaryotes with an extremely small genome size and very limited coding capacity. Thus, they may serve as a model of a ‘minimal cell’: a cell with the lowest possible number of genes yet capable of autonomous self-replication. We present the results of a comparative analysis of proteomes of three mycoplasma species: A. laidlawii, M. gallisepticum, and M. mobile. The core proteome components found in the three mycoplasma species are involved in fundamental cellular processes which are necessary for the free living of cells. They include replication, transcription, translation, and minimal metabolism. The members of the proteome core seem to be tightly interconnected with a number of interactions forming core interactome whether or not additional species-specific proteins are located on the periphery. We also obtained a genome core of the respective organisms and compared it with the proteome core. It was found that the genome core encodes 73 more proteins than the proteome core. Apart of proteins which may not be identified due to technical limitations, there are 24 proteins that seem to not be expressed under the optimal conditions

    Noise regulation by quorum sensing in low mRNA copy number systems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cells must face the ubiquitous presence of noise at the level of signaling molecules. The latter constitutes a major challenge for the regulation of cellular functions including communication processes. In the context of prokaryotic communication, the so-called quorum sensing (QS) mechanism relies on small diffusive molecules that are produced and detected by cells. This poses the intriguing question of how bacteria cope with the fluctuations for setting up a reliable information exchange.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We present a stochastic model of gene expression that accounts for the main biochemical processes that describe the QS mechanism close to its activation threshold. Within that framework we study, both numerically and analytically, the role that diffusion plays in the regulation of the dynamics and the fluctuations of signaling molecules. In addition, we unveil the contribution of different sources of noise, intrinsic and transcriptional, in the QS mechanism.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The interplay between noisy sources and the communication process produces a repertoire of dynamics that depends on the diffusion rate. Importantly, the total noise shows a non-monotonic behavior as a function of the diffusion rate. QS systems seems to avoid values of the diffusion that maximize the total noise. These results point towards the direction that bacteria have adapted their communication mechanisms in order to improve the signal-to-noise ratio.</p

    Electron transfer kinetics on natural crystals of MoS2 and graphite

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    Here, we evaluate the electrochemical performance of sparsely studied natural crystals of molybdenite and graphite, which have increasingly been used for fabrication of next generation monolayer molybdenum disulphide and graphene energy storage devices. Heterogeneous electron transfer kinetics of several redox mediators, including Fe(CN)63−/4−, Ru(NH3)63+/2+ and IrCl62−/3− are determined using voltammetry in a micro-droplet cell. The kinetics on both materials are studied as a function of surface defectiveness, surface ageing, applied potential and illumination. We find that the basal planes of both natural MoS2 and graphite show significant electroactivity, but a large decrease in electron transfer kinetics is observed on atmosphere-aged surfaces in comparison to in situ freshly cleaved surfaces of both materials. This is attributed to surface oxidation and adsorption of airborne contaminants at the surface exposed to an ambient environment. In contrast to semimetallic graphite, the electrode kinetics on semiconducting MoS2 are strongly dependent on the surface illumination and applied potential. Furthermore, while visibly present defects/cracks do not significantly affect the response of graphite, the kinetics on MoS2 systematically accelerate with small increase in disorder. These findings have direct implications for use of MoS2 and graphene/graphite as electrode materials in electrochemistry-related applications