72 research outputs found

    Gene editing in translational research

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    DNA read and write technologies have accelerated biotechnology at an unprecedented pace. This enhanced capacity to engineer living beings has accelerated not only scientific research, but also the translation into novel therapies. New approved medicinal products include the correction of the diseased genome and synthetic enhancement to fight diseases. These practices are widely supported socially and scientifically. Applications beyond therapy have also be attempted. In 2018, researcher He Jiankui reported on the edition of human germline during the Second International Summit on Human Genome Editing. On the other hand, during the last years, there have also been attempts at somatic genetic enhancement without the provision of detailed outcomes. Reading and writing DNA empowers us to change our world, even ourselves. The social benefits may be enormous. We need to accelerate the debate, including the stakeholders, to foster a responsible use of these technologies and maximize the positive impact on society

    D1.3 List of available solutions

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    This report has been submitted by Tempesta Media SL as deliverable D1.3 within the framework of H2020 project "SO-CLOSE: Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations" Grant No. 870939.This report aims to conduct research on the specific topics and needs of the SO-CLOSE project, addressing the available solutions through a state-of-the-art digital tools analysis, applied in the cultural heritage and migration fields. More specifically the report's scope is:To define proper tools and proceedings for the interview needs -performing, recording, transcription, translation. To analyse potential content gathering tools for the co-creation workshops. To conduct a state-of-the-art sharing tools analysis, applied in the cultural heritage and migration fields, and propose a critically adjusted and innovative digital approach

    Disseny d’una estructura de recol·lecció de dades d’un robot ABB140

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    Amb el present treball s’exposa el desenvolupament i implementació d’un sistema de monitorització de les dades manipulades per la controladora S4 del robot IRB140 del laboratori de robòtica i CIM de l’edifici TR11 de la ETSEIAT. Les dades s’adquiriran des d’una aplicació que actuant com a client OPC accedirà a les dades de la controladora S4 la qual actuarà com a servidor OPC. També es desenvoluparà i implementarà una base de dades amb les seves respectives taules on es desaran totes les dades monitoritzades segons el tipus de dades. Al mateix temps, l’aplicació permetrà visualitzar la base de dades en qualsevol moment sempre i quan no s’estigui realitzant la monitorització

    Disseny d'un sistema de filtrat d'àudio

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    Tant el medi transmissor com els equips d'enregistrament o reproducció de so introdueixen components de soroll d'alta freqüència als senyals. En aquest treball de final de carrera (TFC), s'ha dissenyat i implementat un sistema de filtrat d'àudio encaminat a filtrar aquestes components d'alta freqüència. Donat que l'oïda humana no pot percebre sons de més de 20 kHz, s'ha considerat aquest límit com a freqüència màxima a mantenir en la senyal. S'ha començat estudiant el senyal problema a través del seu espectre de freqüències simulat mitjançant la transformada discreta de Fourier (DFT, en anglès). Una vegada identificades les components d'alta freqüència a atenuar, s'han estudiat les diferents opcions de filtre passabaix. Inicialment, s'ha valorat la possibilitat del disseny de filtres analògics de Butterworth o Chebyshev, o de filtres digitals de tipus IIR (Infinite Impulse Response) basats en els primers. Tanmateix, malgrat assolir les especificacions en magnitud, mitjançant aquest filtres no s'obté una fase lineal en la banda de pas. Per això, s'ha realitzat un disseny de filtre digital tipus FIR (Finite Infinite Response) que compleix estrictament amb les especificacions i presenta una fase lineal en la banda de pas. S'ha simulat el comportament d'aquest filtre amb el senyal problema per tal d'assegurar el seu correcte funcionament. A continuació, s'ha implementat aquest últim disseny en llenguatge C i compilat per un microcontrolador de l'empresa Microchip. S'han realitzat proves de simulació mitjançant Stimulus del programa MPLAB. En definitiva, s'ha dissenyat un filtre passabaix de tipus FIR per acondicionar una senyal d'àudio que posteriorment s'ha implementat en un microcontrolador de Microchip.Tanto el medio transmisor como los equipos de grabación o reproducción de sonido introducen componentes de ruido de alta frecuencia en las señales. En este trabajo de final de carrera (TFC), ha diseñado e implementado un sistema de filtrado de audio encaminado a filtrar estos componentes de alta frecuencia. Dado que el oído humano no puede percibir sonidos de más de 20 kHz, se ha considerado este límite como frecuencia máxima a mantener en la señal.Transmitting medium and recording and sound reproduction equipments put components of high frequency noise into the signals. In this bachelor thesis, it has been designed and implemented an audio filtering system to filter these high frequency components. Since the human ear can not hear sounds above 20 kHz, this limit was considered as maximum frequency to keep the signal

    CPT device: redesign to making it useful

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    PFC del programa Erasmus elaborat a Universität Breme

    Assistent personal per a web de comerç electrònic

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2018, Director: Laura Igual Muñoz[en] In the last past years, there has been a noticeable increase in online sales, thus incrementing the numbers of web sites for e-commerce and the diversity of products that the user can acquire. There is too much information that difficults the decision making when choosing a specific product. This problem originates when neither have a clear idea of what you want to buy and how to search for it among all the available products. For this reason, it is necessary to develop tools that can help the user finding the product that he/she will be more satisfied with. Recommenders are responsible for filtering the information according to the interests of the user in order to recommend the product or service that suits the costumer best. On the other hand, personal assistants or conversational chats in e-commerce web sites are designed to break the barrier between the machine and the human to guide this last one throughout the search of a product or service in a more pleasant way. This project is based on the study of different recommendation systems, which personal assistants denominated conversational chats can be found on the market and how the assistant conversational of IBM (Watson Assistant) has been combined with a recommender system based on critiques

    D5.8-Policy Paper 3-Policy recommendationstopromote mutual understanding between refugees andlocal communities in Europe

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    This report has been submitted by Greek Forum of Refugees as deliverable D5.8 within the framework of H2020 project "SO-CLOSE: Enhancing Social Cohesion through Sharing the Cultural Heritage of Forced Migrations" Grant No. 870939.Based on the project's activities and the tools implementation and considering the experiences and perceptions of selected stakeholders, this policy paper attempts to assess needs, identify challenges, and draw policy relevant recommendations about the shared experience of forced displacement between refugees and the local communities in Europe. Specifically, the paper draws from the four pilots organised between 2021-2022 and the 15 focus groups and 197 semi-structured individual interviews conducted in 2020 across the following four EU Member States: Italy, Spain, Poland, and Greece. The historical background and the socio-political and cultural context of each country configure a unique local context for each pilot case. Through the development of digital tools and cultural products, SO CLOSE aims at facilitating physical and virtual cultural exchanges between forcefully displaced populations from past and contemporary conflicts as well as local communities and amplifying rich, and emotional co-created narratives

    PdO and PtO doped WS2 boosts NO2 gas sensing characteristics at room temperature

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    In this work tungsten disulphide nanostructures loaded with platinum-oxide (PtO), or palladium-oxide (PdO) were grown directly onto alumina substrates. This was achieved using a combination of aerosol-assisted chemical vapour deposition (AA-CVD) method with atmospheric pressure CVD technique. At first, tungsten oxide nanowires loaded with either PtO or PdO nanoparticles were successfully co-deposited via AA-CVD followed by sulfurization at 900 °C in the next step. The morphological, structural, and chemical characteristics were investigated using FESEM, TEM, XRD, XPS and Raman spectroscopy. The results confirm the presence of PdO and PtO in the WS2 host matrix. Gas sensing attributes of loaded and pristine WS2 sensors were investigated, at room temperature, towards different analytes (NO2, NH3, H2 etc.). Both pristine and metal-oxide loaded WS2 gas sensors show remarkable responses at room temperature towards NO2 detection. Further, the loaded sensors demonstrated stable, reproducible, ultrasensitive, and enhanced gas sensing response, with a detection limit below 25 ppb. Additionally, the effect of ambient humidity on the sensing response of both loaded and pristine sensors was investigated for NO2 gas. The response of PtO loaded sensor considerably decreased in humid environments, while the response for pristine and PdO loaded sensors increased. However, slightly heating (at 100 °C) the sensors, suppresses the influence of humidity. Finally, the long-term stability of different sensors is investigated, and the results demonstrate high stability with repeatable results after 6 weeks of gas sensing tests. This work exploits an attractive pathway to add functionality in the transition metal dichalcogenide host matrix

    Collaborative digital strategies in times of pandemic. Application in archaeological museum networks of a shared platform of collections

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    [EN] Arqueoxarxa is a network that, since 2010, brings together the main archaeological museums and museum sites in Catalonia, as well as other local museums with collections of archaeological interest. From this network, led by the Museu d'Arqueologia de Catalunya, collaborative work and the maximization of resources have been promoted from the beginning. Among its main objectives is to publicize the different museums and their extensive archaeological collections. That’s the reason why wee launch a transversal program with the purpose of grouping the archaeological collections and making them available to the public online. This project comes at a particularly critical time, due to the difficulties imposed by the COVID19 pandemic to access in person to the Heritage, that is in addition widely distributed in the territory. The format chosen for the presentation of archaeological collections is a collective virtual catalogue equipped with facets and controllers to be able to filter and obtain results in a dynamic way. It is a first step in the desire to give access to the collections through enriched formats oriented to the consultation and discovery of archaeological heritage: georeferencing maps, digital narratives (storytelling), annotations on 3D objects and linking of historical documentation (photography, intervention sheets...). The development of this common platform has required an effort to overcome some systemic obstacles such as the different approaches in document management, the diversity of management programs, the scarcity of common criteria and guidelines, the lack of financial resources... Likewise, this project has made it possible to link and value some of the crosscutting lines of work promoted in recent years, such as, for example, document standardization efforts or the 3D digitization of objects that can now be consulted as part of the online catalogue, linking the records with LOD. The use of free software (OMEKA S) has made it easier to extend the project to a large number of institutions and professionals without the added cost of user licenses, thus creating economies of scale. It has also made it possible to empower both the museum network and its different members -who are responsible for updating and improving their own data- and pooling the documentation effort by sharing specialized knowledge on a common platform. Territory, innovation, accessibility and transversality are the values that guide this project of a common platform for archaeological collections.[ES] Arqueoxarxa es una red que, desde el año 2010, aglutina a los principales museos de arqueología, equipamientos y yacimientos museizados de Cataluña, así como otros museos de ámbito local con colecciones de interés arqueológico. Desde esta red, encabezada por el Museu d’Arqueologia de Catalunya, se ha promocionado desde el inicio el trabajo colaborativo y la maximización de los recursos. Entre sus principales objetivos se encuentra el de dar a conocer los diferentes museos y sus extensas colecciones arqueológicas; por este motivo se ha puesto en marcha un programa transversal con el propósito de agrupar las colecciones arqueológicas y ponerlas en línea a disposición de toda la ciudadanía. Este proyecto llega en un momento especialmente crítico, debido a las dificultades que impone la pandemia COVID19 para acceder presencialmente a un patrimonio ya de por sí muy distribuido en el territorio. El formato inicial escogido para la presentación de las colecciones arqueológicas es un catálogo virtual colectivo dotado de las facetas y controladores para poder filtrar y obtener resultados de manera dinámica. Se trata de un primer paso en la voluntad de dar acceso a las colecciones mediante formatos enriquecidos orientados a la consulta y el descubrimiento del patrimonio arqueológico: mapas de georreferenciación, narrativas digitales (storytelling), anotaciones en objetos 3D y vinculación de documentación histórica (fotografía , fichas de intervención...). El desarrollo de esta plataforma común ha requerido de un esfuerzo para poder superar algunos obstáculos sistémicos como los distintos enfoques en la gestión de la documentación, la diversidad de programas de gestión, la escasez de criterios y pautas comunes, la falta de recursos económicos… Asimismo, este proyecto ha permitido enlazar y poner en valor algunas de las líneas de trabajo transversales impulsadas en los últimos años como, por ejemplo, los esfuerzos de normalización documental o el escaneo 3D de determinadas piezas que forman parte del catálogo en línea, la vinculación de los registros con LOD. El uso de software libre (OMEKA S) ha permitido extender el proyecto a un gran número de instituciones y profesionales sin el coste añadido de las licencias de usuario creando de este modo economías de escala. También ha permitido empoderar tanto la red de museos como sus diferentes miembros y mancomunar el esfuerzo de documentación compartiendo el conocimiento especializado en una plataforma común. Territorio, innovación, accesibilidad y transversalidad son los valores que guian este proyecto de plataforma común de colecciones arqueológicos.Garrido Ferrer, A.; Hernandez Güell, M.; Hernandez Pastor, E.; Molist Capella, N. (2022). Estrategias digitales colaborativas en tiempos de pandemia. Aplicación en redes de museos arqueológicos de una plataforma compartida de colecciones. En CIMED21 - I Congreso internacional de museos y estrategias digitales. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 555-564. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIMED21.2021.1264855556
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