70 research outputs found

    Local exact exchange potentials within the all-electron FLAPW method and a comparison with pseudopotential results

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    We present a general numerical approach to construct local Kohn-Sham potentials from orbital-dependent functionals within the all-electron full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave (FLAPW) method, in which core and valence electrons are treated on an equal footing. As a practical example, we present a treatment of the orbital-dependent exact-exchange (EXX) energy and potential. A formulation in terms of a mixed product basis, which is constructed from products of LAPW basis functions, enables a solution of the optimized-effective-potential (OEP) equation with standard numerical algebraic tools and without shape approximations for the resulting potential. We find that the mixed product and LAPW basis sets must be properly balanced to obtain smooth and converged EXX potentials without spurious oscillations. The construction and convergence of the exchange potential is analyzed in detail for diamond. Our all-electron results for C, Si, SiC, Ge, GaAs semiconductors as well as Ne and Ar noble-gas solids are in very favorable agreement with plane-wave pseudopotential calculations. This confirms the adequacy of the pseudopotential approximation in the context of the EXX-OEP formalism and clarifies a previous contradiction between FLAPW and pseudopotential results.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Precise response functions in all-electron methods: Application to the optimized-effective-potential approach

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    The optimized-effective-potential (OEP) method is a special technique to construct local Kohn-Sham potentials from general orbital-dependent energy functionals. In a recent publication [M. Betzinger, C. Friedrich, S. Bl\"ugel, A. G\"orling, Phys. Rev. B 83, 045105 (2011)] we showed that uneconomically large basis sets were required to obtain a smooth local potential without spurious oscillations within the full-potential linearized augmented-plane-wave method (FLAPW). This could be attributed to the slow convergence behavior of the density response function. In this paper, we derive an incomplete-basis-set correction for the response, which consists of two terms: (1) a correction that is formally similar to the Pulay correction in atomic-force calculations and (2) a numerically more important basis response term originating from the potential dependence of the basis functions. The basis response term is constructed from the solutions of radial Sternheimer equations in the muffin-tin spheres. With these corrections the local potential converges at much smaller basis sets, at much fewer states, and its construction becomes numerically very stable. We analyze the improvements for rock-salt ScN and report results for BN, AlN, and GaN, as well as the perovskites CaTiO3, SrTiO3, and BaTiO3. The incomplete-basis-set correction can be applied to other electronic-structure methods with potential-dependent basis sets and opens the perspective to investigate a broad spectrum of problems in theoretical solid-state physics that involve response functions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, 3 table

    A simple, efficient, and general treatment of the singularities in Hartree-Fock and exact-exchange Kohn-Sham methods for solids

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    We present a general scheme for treating the integrable singular terms within exact exchange (EXX) Kohn-Sham or Hartree-Fock (HF) methods for periodic solids. We show that the singularity corrections for treating these divergencies depend only on the total number and the positions of k-points and on the lattice vectors, in particular the unit cell volume, but not on the particular positions of atoms within the unit cell. The method proposed here to treat the singularities constitutes a stable, simple to implement, and general scheme that can be applied to systems with arbitrary lattice parameters within either the EXX Kohn-Sham or the HF formalism. We apply the singularity correction to a typical symmetric structure, diamond, and to a more general structure, trans-polyacetylene. We consider the effect of the singularity corrections on volume optimisations and k-point convergence. While the singularity corrections clearly depends on the total number of k-points, it exhibits a remarkably small dependence upon the choice of the specific arrangement of the k-points.Comment: 24 pages, 5 Figures, re-submitted to Phys. Rev. B after revision

    Competition for Graphene: Graphynes with Direction-Dependent Dirac Cones

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    The existence of Dirac cones in the band structure of two-dimensional materials accompanied by unprecedented electronic properties is considered to be a unique feature of graphene related to its hexagonal symmetry. Here, we present other two-dimensional carbon materials, graphynes, that also possess Dirac cones according to first-principles electronic structure calculations. One of these materials, 6,6,12-graphyne, does not have hexagonal symmetry and features two self-doped nonequivalent distorted Dirac cones suggesting electronic properties even more amazing than that of graphene

    Exact-Exchange Kohn-Sham formalism applied to one-dimensional periodic electronic systems

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    The Exact-Exchange (EXX) Kohn-Sham formalism, which treats exchange interactions exactly within density-functional theory, is applied to one-dimensional periodic systems. The underlying implementation does not rely on specific symmetries of the considered system and can be applied to any kind of periodic structure in one to three dimensions. As a test system, transtrans-polyacetylene, both in form of an isolated chain and in the bulk geometry has been investigated. Within the EXX scheme, bandstructures and independent particle response functions are calculated and compared to experimental data as well as to data calculated by several other methods. Compared to results from the local-density approximation, the EXX method leads to an increased value for the band gap, in line with similar observations for three-dimensional semiconductors. An inclusion of correlation potentials within the local density approximation or generalized gradient approximations leads to only negligible effects in the bandstructure. The EXX band gaps are in good agreement with experimental data for bulk transtrans-polyacetylene. Packing effects of the chains in bulk transtrans-polyacetylene are found to lower the band gap by about 0.5 eV

    The contact of graphene with Ni(111) surface: description by modern dispersive forces approaches

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    Here we present a Density Functional Theory (DFT) study on the suitability of modern corrections for the inclusion of dispersion related terms (DFT-D) in treating the interaction of graphene and metal surfaces, exemplified by the graphene/Ni(111) system. The Perdew-Burke-Ernzerhof (PBE) exchange-correlation functional is used as basis, on top of which we tested the family of Grimme corrections (D2 and D3, including Becke-Jonson damping and Andersson approach) as well as different flavors of the approach by Tkatchenko and Scheffler (TS). Two experimentally observed chemisorbed states, top-fcc and bridge-top conformations, were examined, as well as one physisorbed situation, the hcp-fcc state. Geometric, energetic, and electronic properties were compared to sets of experimental data for our model system of graphene/Ni(111), but also for available data of bulk Ni, graphite, and free-standing graphene. Results show that two of the most recent approximations, the fully ab initio TS-MBD, and the semi-empirical Grimme D3 correction are best suited to describe graphene↔metal contacts, yet, comparing to earlier studies, the Rev-vdW-DF2 functional is also a good option, whereas optB86-vdW and optB88b-vdW functionals are fairly close to experimental values to be harmless used. The present results highlight how different approaches for the approximate treatment of dispersive forces yield different results, and so fine-tuning and testing of the envisioned approach for every specific system is advisable. The present survey clears the path for future accurate and affordable theoretical studies of nanotechnologic devices based on graphene-metal contacts

    Exact Kohn-Sham exchange kernel for insulators and its long-wavelength behavior

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    We present an exact expression for the frequency-dependent Kohn-Sham exact-exchange (EXX) kernel for periodic insulators, which can be employed for the calculation of electronic response properties within time-dependent (TD) density-functional theory. It is shown that the EXX kernel has a long-wavelength divergence behavior of the exact full exchange-correlation kernel and thus rectifies one serious shortcoming of the adiabatic local-density approximation and generalized-gradient approximations kernels. A comparison between the TDEXX and the GW-approximation-Bethe-Salpeter-equation approach is also made.Comment: two column format 6 pages + 1 figure, to be publisehd in Physical Review

    Precise determination of graphene functionalization by in situ Raman spectroscopy

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    The verification of a successful covalent functionalization of graphene and related carbon allotropes can easily be carried out by Raman spectroscopy. Nevertheless, the unequivocal assignment and resolution of individual lattice modes associated with the covalent binding of addends was elusive up to now. Here we present an in situ Raman study of a controlled functionalization of potassium intercalated graphite, revealing several new bands appearing in the D-region of the spectrum. The evolution of these bands with increasing degree of functionalization from low to moderate levels provides a basis for the deconvolution of the different components towards quantifying the extent of functionalization. By complementary DFT calculations we were able to identify the vibrational changes in the close proximity of the addend bearing lattice carbon atoms and to assign them to specific Raman modes. The experimental in situ observation of the developing functionalization along with the reoxidation of the intercalated graphite represents an important step towards an improved understanding of the chemistry of graphene