40 research outputs found
Relationship between perceived organizational support, job crafting, and job performance: A mediated model
Purpose: This study discusses perceived organizational support, job performance, and job crafting, and aims to determine the relationships between these variables with a mediated model.
Methodology: In line with the purpose of the study, a literature review was first carried out and research hypotheses were developed based on both theoretical and empirical findings. The data required to test the hypotheses (222 data) were obtained from a company operating in the manufacturing sector in Konya (Turkey). Data were analyzed using the SPSS, AMOS, and PROCESS Macro software.
Results: The analysis showed that perceived organizational support positively affects job crafting and job crafting positively affects job performance. Furthermore, job crafting was observed to have a mediating role in the effect of perceived organizational support on job performance.
Conclusion: Perceived organizational support increases job performance both directly and indirectly. Therefore, the perception of support in the organization increases job crafting and ultimately job performance
Karotid arter intima-media kalınlığı ve brakial arter akıma bağlı genişleme testinin birlikte kullanımının damarsal kökenli erektil disfonksiyonu saptamadaki rolü
Increased mean platelet volume in patients with infective endocarditis and embolic events
Background: Platelet activation appears to play an important role in thromboembolic complications of infective endocarditis (IE). Mean platelet volume (MPV) is a potentially useful marker of platelet activity and a quick and easy determinant of thrombotic risk. Hence the aim of this study was to investigate the baseline platelet volume indices (MPV and platelet distribution width [PDW]) in IE patients who developed embolic events in the follow-up period and who did not. Methods: The study group consisted of 76 consecutive patients (female: 55, male: 21, mean age: 26 years old, ranged: 8–64 years) with definite IE according to Duke Criteria. Thirty four healthy subjects, who were age and gender adjusted, served as the control group. The mean duration of hospital stay was 44 days. Results: Among the IE patients, 13 (13/76, 17.1%) had major embolic events. Significantly larger vegetations were observed in patients with embolic events as compared to non-embolic group (1.4 vs. 1.0 cm, p = 0.03). MPV at hospital admission was higher in patients who had embolic events in the follow-up period compared to both those who did not and the control subjects (10.62 ± 1.13 vs. 9.25 ± 0.97 and 8.93 ± 0.82 fL, p < 0.001, respectively). Similarly, the patients with embolic events had increased PDW compared to the non-embolic ones and the control group (16.31 ± 2.42 vs. 14.35 ± 1.97 and 14.04 ± 1.82%, p < 0.001, respectively). Conclusions: The present study demonstrated that IE patients with embolic events had increased MPV and PDW values, compared to non-embolics. Future prospective studies with standardized measurements may clarify the clinical role of platelet volume indices in thromboembolic complications of IE
PD-L1 expression in immune cells is a favorable prognostic factor for nasopharyngeal carcinoma
Background: Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) has been determined as a reliable prognostic factor for various malignancies. In this study, we aimed to determine the prognostic effect of PD-L1 expression in tumor-infiltrating immune cells (TIICs) of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) patients.Methods: Seventy patients diagnosed with non-metastatic NPC were included in the study. PD-L1 expression on immune cells was analyzed by immunohistochemical method. Patients were categorized into two groups according to the PD-L1 expression level in TIICs (level of PD-L1 staining ≥5% positive vs <5% negative).Results: Median follow-up period was 34 months (range = 1 - 188). 1 and 2 years survival rate were found as 75% and 63% in PD-L1 negative TIICs group (47%), and 85% and 83% in PD-L1 positive TIICs group (53%), respectively. PD-L1 positivity in immune cells (ICs) was detected in 53% of the patients. The survival rate was found better in the PD- L1 positive group compared to the negative group (P = 0.049).Discussion: In conclusion, the survival rate was found significantly better in the PD-L1 positive TIICs group, compared to the negative group
Deneysel meme kanseri modelinde süt proteinlerinin koruyucu etkisi
Amaç: Süt serumu proteinlerinin insan sağlığına üzerine birçok yararlı etkileri olduğu bilinmektedir. Çalışmamızda, sıçanlarda N-metil-N-nitrozure ile indüklenen meme kanseri modelinde süt serumu proteinlerinin koruyucu etkileri araştırılmıştır.
Yöntemler: Çalışmamızda deneysel meme kanseri modeli oluşturmak üzere 130 günlük Sprague-Dawley türü, dişi, virjin sıçanlara 100 gün ara ile iki kez N-metil-N-nitrozüre enjekte edildi. Çalışma boyunca sıçanlara haftada iki kez orogastrik gavajla süt serumu proteinleri verildi. Sıçanlar 180 gün sonunda sakrifiye edildi doku örnekleri toplandı. Karaciğer, böbrek ve meme dokularındaki glutatyon, malondialdehit ve protein karbonil değerleri karşılaştırıldı.
Bulgular: Tüm dokularda en yüksek malondialdehit ve protein karbonil değerleri N-metil-N-nitrozüre grubundaki sıçanlarda en düşük malondialdehit ve protein karbonil değerleri de kontrol grubunda gözlendi. N-metil-N-nitrozüre ile birlikte süt serumu proteinleri verildiğinde ise bu değerlerdeki artışların baskılanarak kontrol grubu değerlerine yaklaştığı gözlendi.
Sonuç: Çalışmamızda N-metil-N-nitrozüre ile oluşturulan meme kanseri modelinde N-metil-N-nitrozüre etkisiyle oluşan biyokimyasal değişikliklere karşı süt serumu proteinlerinin koruyucu etkisi olduğu gözlenmiştir
Predictive factor for lymph node metastasis in non-metastatic colorectal adenocarcinomas
Objectives: To evaluate the predictive factors of lymph node involvement in non-metastatic colorectal adenocarcinomas (nmCRC). Methods: A total of 453 patients diagnosed with nmCRC were analyzed regarding T stage, lymphovascular invasion status, tumor grade and proposed risk score (RS), determined by the combination of these three factors for lymph node metastasis. Results: The median age was 62 (25-90 years), M/F ratio was 1.4:1 and majority of the patients had tumors localized on the left colon (70.6%). The number of excised lymph nodes was ≥12 in 77% of the cases. The postoperative pathological assessments revealed that 57.2% of patie,nts had N0 disease, 29.1% had N1 disease, and 13.7% had N2 disease. The T stages (p=0.007), grade (p<0.001), lymphovascular invasion (p=0.002), RS (p<0.001), and number of excised lymph nodes (p=0.029) were significantly different between N0, N1, and N2 patients. Higher RS was associated with lymph node metastasis (p<0.001). Conclusion: The risk score may predict lymph node metastasis in patients with nmCRC and if validated may be helpful in the decision-making of adjuvant chemotherapy, especially in the elderly and patients with inadequate lymph node dissection
Türkiye'de koroner yoğun bakım ünitelerindeki hastane içi mortalite (MORCOR-TURK) çalışmasında hasta temel karakteristikleri ve öngördürücüleri
OBJECTIVE: The MORtality in CORonary Care Units in Türkiye (MORCOR-TURK) trial is a national registry evaluating predictors and rates of in-hospital mortality in coronary care unit (CCU) patients in Türkiye. This report describes the baseline demographic characteristics of patients recruited for the MORCOR-TURK trial. METHODS: The study is a multicenter, cross-sectional, prospective national registry that included 50 centers capable of 24-hour CCU service, selected from all seven geographic regions of Türkiye. All consecutive patients admitted to CCUs with cardiovascular emergencies between September 1-30, 2022, were prospectively enrolled. Baseline demographic characteristics, admission diagnoses, laboratory data, and cardiovascular risk factors were recorded. RESULTS: A total of 3,157 patients with a mean age of 65 years (range: 56-73) and 2,087 (66.1%) males were included in the analysis. Patients with arterial hypertension [1,864 patients (59%)], diabetes mellitus (DM) [1,184 (37.5%)], hyperlipidemia [1,120 (35.5%)], and smoking [1,093 (34.6%)] were noted. Non-ST elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) was the leading cause of admission [1,187 patients (37.6%)], followed by ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) in 742 patients (23.5%). Other frequent diagnoses included decompensated heart failure (HF) [339 patients (10.7%)] and arrhythmia [272 patients (8.6%)], respectively. Atrial fibrillation (AF) was the most common pathological rhythm [442 patients (14%)], and chest pain was the most common primary complaint [2,173 patients (68.8%)]. CONCLUSION: The most common admission diagnosis was acute coronary syndrome (ACS), particularly NSTEMI. Hypertension and DM were found to be the two leading risk factors, and AF was the most commonly seen pathological rhythm in all hospitalized patients. These findings may be useful in understanding the characteristics of patients admitted to CCUs and thus in taking precautions to decrease CCU admissions
First-line treatment of patients with HER2-positive metastatic gastric and gastroesophageal junction cancer
Fluoropyrimidine+cisplatin/oxaliplatin+trastuzumab therapy is recommended for the first-line treatment of HER2-positive metastatic gastric adenocarcinoma. However, there is no comprehensive study on which platinum-based treatment should be preferred. This study aimed to compare the treatment response and survival characteristics of patients with HER2-positive metastatic gastric or gastroesophageal junction (GEJ) cancer who received fluorouracil, oxaliplatin, and leucovorin (mFOLFOX)+trastuzumab or cisplatin and fluorouracil (CF)+trastuzumab as first-line therapy. It was a multicenter, retrospective study of the Turkish Oncology Group, which included 243 patients from 21 oncology centers. There were 113 patients in the mFOLFOX+trastuzumab arm and 130 patients in the CF+trastuzumab arm. The median age was 62 years in the mFOLFOX+trastuzumab arm and 61 years in the CF+trastuzumab arm (P = 0.495). 81.4% of patients in the mFOLFOX+trastuzumab arm and 83.1% in the CF+trastuzumab arm had gastric tumor localization (P = 0.735). The median progression-free survival (PFS) was significantly higher in the mFOLFOX+trastuzumab arm (9.4 months vs. 7.3 months, P = 0.024). The median overall survival (OS) was similar in both groups (18.4 months vs. 15.1 months, P = 0.640). Maintenance trastuzumab was continued after chemotherapy in 101 patients. In this subgroup, the median OS was 23.3 months and the median PFS was 13.3 months. In conclusion, mFOLFOX+trastuzumab is similar to CF+trastuzumab in terms of the median OS, but it is more effective in terms of the median PFS in the first-line treatment of HER2-positive metastatic gastric and GEJ cancer. The choice of treatment should be made by considering the prominent toxicity findings of the chemotherapy regimens
Coliform bacteria immobilized on titanium dioxide nanoparticles as a biosorbent for trace lead preconcentration followed by atomic absorption spectrometric determination
Yüksek Lisans TeziAlevli atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi (FAAS) çeşitli numunelerdeki eser elementlerin tayininde kullanılan çok popüler yöntemlerden biridir. Fakat FAAS ile eser elementlerin direkt olarak tespitinde, tayin sınırı ve duyarlılığı düzeltmek için ayırma/zenginleştirme yöntemlerinin kullanımını gerektirir. Sıvı-sıvı ekstraksiyonu, birlikte çökme, uçurma, iyon değiştirme, elektroanalitik zenginleştirme, bulut noktası ekstraksiyonu ve katı faz ekstraksiyonu gibi çeşitli ayırma/zenginleştirme teknikleri bu amaçla kullanılmaktadır. Kullanılan bu teknikler arasında, adsorpsiyon yüksek zenginleştirme faktörü, yüksek verim, hızlı faz ayırımı, düşük maliyet, az organik çözelti tüketimi gibi ve on-line (sürekli) ya da off-line (sürekli olmayan) sistemlerle birlikte kullanılabilmesi gibi avantajlarından dolayı çok geniş anlamda kullanılan tekniklerden birisidir. Alevli Atomik Absorpsiyon Spektrometrelerinin sürekli akış enjeksiyonu, sürekli olamayan sistemlere göre çeşitli avantajlara sahiptir: yüksek numune verimi, yüksek zenginleştirme faktörü, düşük numune ve reaktif tüketimi, daha iyi kesinlilik, düşük kontaminasyon ve kolaylıkla otomizasyon gibi. Son yıllarda, bakteri, alg, maya ve mantar gibi biyolojik materyaller, iyi performans ve kantitatif olarak fazla bulunabilirlik, metal iyonlarını seçici olarak adsorbe etme, çeşitli çevre şartlarına geniş anlamda uygulanabilirlik (pH, iyonik kuvvet, sıcaklık), düşük maliyet, bol bulunabilirlik, biyosorbentin tekrar-tekrar kullanımı ve mikroorganizmaların büyük yüzey alanından dolayı yüksek biyosorpsiyon kapasitesi gibi özelliklerinden dolayı ağır metallerin ayrılması/zenginleştirilmesinde kullanılmaktadır. Silika jel, karbon nanotüpler, aktif karbon ve zeolitler gibi çeşitli destek materyaller biyomataryelleri immobilize etmek amacıyla önerilmekte ve kullanılmaktadır. İmmobilize edilmiş hücre sistemleri serbest hücrelere göre çeşitli avantajlara sahiptirler: biyokütlenin tekrar kullanılabilirliği, mükemmel kararlılık ve çözeltiden hücrelerin kolay ayrılması gibi. Bu çalışmada, Edirne Sağlık İl Müdürlüğü, Halk Sağlığı Laboratuarından alınan biyokütle üzerine TiO2 nanopartikülü immobilize edilerek, sorbent madde olarak kullanılmış ve biyokütle üzerinde adsorplanan kurşun on-line olarak alevli atomik absorpsiyon spektrometresi ile tayin öncesi ayırma/zenginleştirilmesi sağlanmıştır.AbstractFlame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) is one of the most popular techniques used in determination of trace elements in variety of samples. However, direct determination of trace elements by FAAS requires the use of separation/preconcentration step in order to improve detection limit and selectivity. There are many kinds of separation preconcentration/ techniques e.g. coprecipitation, liquid-liquid extraction, ion exchange, electrochemical deposition, clooud point extraction and solid phase extraction. Among these techniques, solid phase extraction is one the most widely used techniques because of its advantages of high enrichment factor, high recovery, rapid phase separation, low cost, low consumption of organic solvents and the ability to combine with on-line or off-line systems. In online flow-injection methods solid phase extraction (SPE) with FAAS has several advantages over the corresponding off-line methods: higher sample throughput, higher enrichment factors, lower sample, and reagent consumption, better precision, lower risk of loss or contamination and easy automation. In recent years, biological materials such as bacteria, algae, yeast and fungi have been used as a sorbent for heavy metal separation/preconcentration, because of their good performance and large available quantities, selective adsorption of metal ions, operation over a broad range of environmental conditions (pH, ionic strength, temperature), low cost, free availability and possible reuse of the biosorbent, high biosorption capacity because of large surface area of organism. Numerous support materials such as silica gel, carbon nanotubes, activated carbon and zeolites have been proposed and used to immobilize biomaterials. Immobilized cell systems posses several advantages on freely suspended cells, better capability of re-using the biomass, excellent durability, and easy separation of cells from the solution. In this study, the use of biomass from Edirne Ministry of Health, Public Health Laboratory immobilized on TiO2 nanoparticules has been used as a biosorbent for the on-line flow injection separation and preconcentration of trace lead prior to its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS)