40 research outputs found

    French cinematographic resonances of "Quo vadis" by Henryk Sienkiewicz

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    “Quo Vadis?” a famous narrative about the time of Nero, by the first Polish Nobel Prize winner, Henryk Sienkiewicz. It has attained phenomenal popularity all over the word. Very quickly the best-seller transposed and gradually gained all domains of cultural and artistic life. The article presents the French adaptations of Sienkiewicz’s novel to the screen. The author also wonders about the relationship among the novel and the first film versions of “Quo Vadis?” and whether the French movies were accessible to Polish viewersQuo vadis ?, le grand roman historique des temps nĂ©roniens de Henryk Sienkiewicz, le premier Prix Nobel polonais, a connu dans le monde entier une immense popularitĂ©. Ce succĂšs de librairie est vite devenu une sorte de caisse de rĂ©sonance et ses nombreuses transpositions ont envahi toutes les sphĂšres de la vie culturelle et artistique. L’article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sonances cinĂ©matographiques françaises du roman sienkiewiczien. L’auteur s’interroge Ă©galement sur le rapport unissant les premiers Quo vadis portĂ©s Ă  l’écran et l’Ɠuvre dont ils s’inspirent ainsi que sur la disponibilitĂ© de ces transpositions sur le territoire polonai

    L’infinitif indĂ©pendant dans les actes directifs en face-Ă -face en polonais et ses Ă©quivalents fonctionnels français

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    This article discusses the Polish independent infinitive, which constitutes a predicate in imperative utterances, and its French functional equivalents. The analysis was conducted at two levels. In the first part, the author describes the independent infinitive in the Polish language referring to the Polish formal structural syntax (Saloni, ƚwidziƄski 2012). This is to determine which place is occupied by this unit in a sentence, both in relation to other uses of the infinitive and in comparison to other units with the function of a predicate in statements of the same modality. The French structural equivalent has been determined on the basis of the same criterion of syntax dependency. However, even though both languages have corresponding structures, they do not use them in the same way. Only in Polish it is possible to form sentences with infinitive predicates in the spoken language, in face-to-face conversation. What are the factors that favour choosing this form? The author answers this question in her semantic and pragmatic analysis, conducted in the methodological framework of speech act theory (Searle 1979, Vanderveken 1988). She presents imperatives as a class of speech acts, which are extensively developed and specifies those, which can be executed by means of utterances with infinitive predicates. Additionally, factors of social and psychological character have been taken into consideration, as those which favour selecting the discussed form. What structure constitutes its functional equivalent in the French language? An analysis of a body composed of examples originating primarily from dialogues in contemporary literary works and their approved translations has allowed, on the one hand, to confirm the intuitive belief that grammar forms perform this function, in face-to-face oral communication the French language has only the command mode forms (l’impĂ©ratif in French). On the other hand, we can launch a discussion about possibilities to translate them into a language which does not allow for an analogous use of the available infinitive structure. Cette Ă©tude est consacrĂ©e Ă  l’infinitif indĂ©pendant polonais, pivot des Ă©noncĂ©s injonctifs, et Ă  ses Ă©quivalents français. L’analyse s’effectue Ă  deux niveaux. Dans un premier temps, l’auteure dĂ©crit la forme polonaise prĂ©citĂ©e dans le cadre mĂ©thodologique de la syntaxe formelle (Saloni et ƚwidziƄski 2012) afin de la comparer aux autres emplois de l’infinitif ainsi qu’aux autres verbes prĂ©dicats rĂ©servĂ©s Ă  l’expression de la modalitĂ© injonctive. La forme française correspondante est dĂ©gagĂ©e par la suite selon un seul et mĂȘme critĂšre, celui de la dĂ©pendance syntaxique. NĂ©anmoins, si les langues Ă©tudiĂ©es disposent toutes les deux d’un infinitif injonctif, elles n’en font pas le mĂȘme usage. Seul le polonais y recourt Ă  l’oral, dans des situations de face-Ă -face. Mais quels facteurs favorisent cet emploi ? L’auteure rĂ©pond Ă  cette question dans une analyse sĂ©mantico-pragmatique menĂ©e dans le cadre gĂ©nĂ©ral de la thĂ©orie des actes de langage (Searle 1979, Vanderveken 1988). Elle y prĂ©sente l’injonction en tant que ‘famille’ d’actes directifs et montre ceux qui peuvent ĂȘtre rĂ©alisĂ©s par un infinitif. Leur description prend Ă©galement en compte les facteurs sociaux et psychologiques favorisant l’apparition de la forme Ă©tudiĂ©e. Quelle forme française apparaĂźt le plus souvent dans les traductions du polonais en français ? L’analyse du corpus, constituĂ© d’exemples tirĂ©s principalement des parties dialogales d’Ɠuvres littĂ©raires polonaises contemporaines et de leurs traductions françaises attestĂ©es, a permis, d’une part, de confirmer l’hypothĂšse que le français n’a pour Ă©quivalent fonctionnel (grammatical) que le mode impĂ©ratif, et d’autre part, d’entamer une rĂ©flexion sur les possibilitĂ©s de traduction dans une langue qui n’exploite pas dans les contextes analysĂ©s la structure Ă©quivalente

    Teaching and learning contrastive grammar in Foreign Language Departments : the example of French and Polish demonstratives

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    In this article, the author, a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Foreign Languages at one Polish university, shares her teaching experience in contrastive French-Polish grammar. Having taken the utility of the subject for granted, she wonders about the appropriate program and bibliographic references. Using the example of one word class, the author shows that even where two languages have the same categories, there can be variation in terms of how they are used by speakers. This question is not emphasized enough in the available contrastive grammars.Dans cet article, Ă  partir d’une classe de mots choisie, l’auteur partage son expĂ©rience d’enseignante-chercheuse chargĂ©e de cours de grammaire contrastive polono-française dans un dĂ©partement de langues Ă©trangĂšres d’une universitĂ© polonaise. Tenant l’utilitĂ© de la matiĂšre pour acquise, elle s’interroge sur le contenu et les rĂ©fĂ©rences bibliographiques Ă  proposer. Elle montre que mĂȘme si les deux langues disposent de formes comparables, l’usage qui en est fait n’est pas forcĂ©ment identique ce que les ouvrages comparatifs disponibles ne mettent pas en avant

    Le chien est sorti. Pies wyszedƂ / wychodziƂ / byƂ... Mais finalement oĂč est-il ? Quelques remarques sur l’expression de la rĂ©sultativitĂ© en français et en polonais

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    The purpose of this paper is to show how two languages which have radically different temporal and aspectual systems express the perfect result value. The starting point of this paper is an example in French language taken from an article of two Genevian researchers on the basis of which the author proves that the perfect result, irrespective of its type, is always expressed with passé composé tense. In the second part discussed are Polish contextual equivalents of the example. Their analysis makes it possible to confirm the thesis that the semantic perfect result is expressed with the Polish Past Perfect and the pragmatic perfect result with the Polish Past Imperfect. The author also formulates several additional conclusions regarding lexical, syntax and interpretative choices

    Para um ensino/aprendizagem de gramĂĄtica contrastiva em departamentos de lĂ­ngua estrangeira: o exemplo do demonstrativo em francĂȘs e em polonĂȘs

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    In this article, the author, a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Foreign Languages at one Polish university, shares her teaching experience in contrastive French-Polish grammar. Having taken the utility of the subject for granted, she wonders about the appropriate program and bibliographic references. Using the example of one word class, the author shows that even where two languages have the same categories, there can be variation in terms of how they are used by speakers. This question is not emphasized enough in the available contrastive grammars.Neste artigo, com base numa classe de palavras escolhida, a autora compartilha sua experiĂȘncia como professora-pesquisadora encarregada das aulas de gramĂĄtica contrastiva franco-polonesa, em um departamento de lĂ­ngua estrangeira de uma universidade polonesa. Tendo em conta a utilidade do assunto para a matĂ©ria, ela questiona o conteĂșdo e as referĂȘncias bibliogrĂĄficas a serem propostas. A autora mostra que, embora as duas lĂ­nguas tenham formas comparĂĄveis, a utilização que Ă© feita delas nĂŁo Ă© necessariamente idĂȘntica, assunto que as obras comparativas disponĂ­veis nĂŁo apresentam

    Sur les traces de Boy – Julian RogoziƄski, traducteur de Proust

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    In the footsteps of Boy-Ć»eleƄski – Julian RogoziƄski, translator of Marcel Proust Between 1936 and 1939, Poland’s most famous translator of French literature, Tadeusz Boy-Ć»eleƄski, translated Proust’s cycle of novels, Remembrance of Things Past. Alas, the outbreak of WWII prevented the publication of Boy’s translation of the last two volumes. In 1941 Boy was executed by the Nazis, and in 1944 his unpublished volumes were destroyed by fire during the Warsaw insurrection. In this paper, the author introduces Boy’s successor, Julian RogoziƄski, author of the first published translation into Polish of Time Regained, the final volume of Proust’s novel

    Quelle rupture dans l’imparfait de rupture ?

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    This article proposes a short analysis regarding the reference of the term de rupture used to name one of the rather atypical uses of the French past tense the imparfait. The author shows that the aforementioned term shouldn’t be considered as a generic one and describes all uses of the French past tense imparfait in which the receiver is directed to see the process as completed and / or having a different temporal reference. The term de rupture, even if its meaning changes depending on the approach chosen, is specialized as a parameter which enables us to distinct two major values of this unusual use of the imparfait. Actually, the latter is described nowadays most commonly as imparfait narratif and is considered as a carrier of various meaning effects

    Obraz rĂłĆŒy w dwunastu polskich przekƂadach "MaƂego Księcia" A. de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’ego

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    "MaƂy KsiÄ…ĆŒÄ™" Antoine’a de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’ego jest ksiÄ…ĆŒką, ktĂłra bije wszelkie rekordy w zakresie liczby przekƂadĂłw. W poƂowie lat 90. XX wieku zaczęƂy pojawiać się lawinowo w Polsce kolejne wersje tej pięknej baƛni, co nie mogƂo ujƛć uwadze krytykĂłw przekƂadu. Jednymi z pierwszych opracowaƄ poƛwięconych temu tematowi byƂy prace profesor Urszuli Dąmbskiej-Prokop z Uniwersytetu JagielloƄskiego w Krakowie. Autorka niniejszego artykuƂu uzupeƂnia refleksje badaczki, poddając analizie obraz rĂłĆŒy przedstawiony w dwunastu dostępnych obecnie na rynku przekƂadach baƛni francuskiego autora.Translations of Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry’s "The Little Prince" top all other translated works in numbers. Critics noted several new versions of this beautiful fairy tale which appeared in Poland in the mid 1990’s. We owe the earliest works on this subject to Urszula Dąmbska-Prokop, professor at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow. To complete her research, the author of this article provides a comparative analysis of the Saint-Exuperian rose in twelve Polish translations available today

    W ƛlady Boya : Julian RogoziƄski, tƂumacz Prousta

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    NajsƂynniejszy polski tƂumacz literatury francuskiej Tadeusz Boy-Ć»eleƄski przeƂoĆŒyƂ w latach 1936-1939 cykl powieƛciowy W poszukiwaniu straconego czasu. Niestety wybuch II wojny ƛwiatowej uniemoĆŒliwiƂ wydanie dwĂłch ostatnich częƛci. Autor przekƂadu zginąƂ rozstrzelany przez NiemcĂłw w 1941 roku, a rękopisy niewydanych tomĂłw spƂonęƂy w warszawskim mieszkaniu tƂumacza podczas Powstania Warszawskiego. W niniejszym artykule autorka przybliĆŒa sylwetkę następcy Boya – Juliana RogoziƄskiego, autora pierwszego opublikowanego przekƂadu Czasu odnalezionego, siĂłdmego tomu najsƂynniejszej powieƛci Marcela Prousta.Between 1936 and 1939, Poland’s most famous translator of French literature, Tadeusz Boy-Ć»eleƄski, translated Proust’s cycle of novels, Remembrance of Things Past. Alas, the outbreak of WWII prevented the publication of Boy’s translation of the last two volumes. In 1941 Boy was executed by the Nazis, and in 1944 his unpublished volumes were destroyed by fire during the Warsaw insurrection. In this paper, the author introduces Boy’s successor, Julian RogoziƄski, author of the first published translation into Polish of Time Regained, the final volume of Proust’s novel