Le chien est sorti. Pies wyszedł / wychodził / był... Mais finalement où est-il ? Quelques remarques sur l’expression de la résultativité en français et en polonais


The purpose of this paper is to show how two languages which have radically different temporal and aspectual systems express the perfect result value. The starting point of this paper is an example in French language taken from an article of two Genevian researchers on the basis of which the author proves that the perfect result, irrespective of its type, is always expressed with passé composé tense. In the second part discussed are Polish contextual equivalents of the example. Their analysis makes it possible to confirm the thesis that the semantic perfect result is expressed with the Polish Past Perfect and the pragmatic perfect result with the Polish Past Imperfect. The author also formulates several additional conclusions regarding lexical, syntax and interpretative choices

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