480 research outputs found

    Photoactivation and photoregeneration of TiO2/PAC mixture applied in suspension in water treatments: approach to a real application

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    The process TiO2/PAC/UV-vis has been under study and compared with the isolated treatments of adsorption and photocatalysis determining possible synergies between adsorption and photocatalysis of target antibiotics: amoxicillin, enrofloxacin, sulfadiazine, and trimethoprim. The characterization of the TiO2/PAC mixture was carried out via FESEM and FTIR. Moreover, a kinetic study has been performed. The effect of UV-vis radiation and the type of matrix was analyzed in TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process. The performance of this treatment has been monitored during three cycles, evaluating also the regeneration of TiO2/PAC mixture by UV-vis light. TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process allowed the removal of the antibiotics in the range 90–100% (an average removal of 93% of the initial concentration) after 60 min of treatment. However, only amoxicillin showed a significant synergy applying TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process. Regarding matrix effect, no influence of the matrix type (ultrapure water or treated wastewater) was observed. Since PAC tends to be deactivated gradually, the TiO2/PAC/UV-vis process performance decreases after each cycle in a 15% average. Finally, regeneration via UV-vis light started to be effective after a total of 4 h of regeneration

    Origin and function of short-latency inputs to the neural substrates underlying the acoustic startle reflex

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    The acoustic startle reflex (ASR) is a survival mechanism of alarm, which rapidly alerts the organism to a sudden loud auditory stimulus. In rats, the primary ASR circuit encompasses three serially connected structures: cochlear root neurons (CRNs), neurons in the caudal pontine reticular nucleus (PnC), and motoneurons in the medulla and spinal cord. It is well-established that both CRNs and PnC neurons receive short-latency auditory inputs to mediate the ASR. Here, we investigated the anatomical origin and functional role of these inputs using a multidisciplinary approach that combines morphological, electrophysiological and behavioral techniques. Anterograde tracer injections into the cochlea suggest that CRNs somata and dendrites receive inputs depending, respectively, on their basal or apical cochlear origin. Confocal colocalization experiments demonstrated that these cochlear inputs are immunopositive for the vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (VGLUT1). Using extracellular recordings in vivofollowed by subsequent tracer injections, we investigated the response of PnC neurons after contra-, ipsi-, and bilateral acoustic stimulation and identified the source of their auditory afferents. Our results showed that the binaural firing rate of PnC neurons was higher than the monaural, exhibiting higher spike discharges with contralateral than ipsilateral acoustic stimulations. Our histological analysis confirmed the CRNs as the principal source of short-latency acoustic inputs, and indicated that other areas of the cochlear nucleus complex are not likely to innervate PnC. Behaviorally, we observed a strong reduction of ASR amplitude in monaural earplugged rats that corresponds with the binaural summation process shown in our electrophysiological findings. Our study contributes to understand better the role of neuronal mechanisms in auditory alerting behaviors and provides strong evidence that the CRNs-PnC pathway mediates fast neurotransmission and binaural summation of the ASR. © 2014 Gómez-Nieto, Horta-Júnior, Castellano, Millian-Morell, Rubio and López

    GTM-3, an extra-large pore enantioselective chiral zeolitic catalyst

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    The development of chiral zeolitic catalysts possessing extra-large pores and endowed with the capability of enantioselectively processing bulky products represents one of the greatest challenges in chemistry. Here, we report the discovery of GTM-3, an enantio-enriched extra-large pore chiral zeolite material with -ITV framework structure, obtained using a simple enantiopure organic cation derived from the chiral pool, N,N-ethyl-methyl-pseudoephedrinium, as the chiral-inductor agent. We demonstrate the enantio-enrichment of GTM-3 in one of the two enantiomorphic polymorphs using the two enantiomers of the organic cation. Interestingly, we prove the ability of this zeolitic material to perform enantioselective catalytic operations with very large substrates, here exemplified by the catalytic epoxide aperture of the bulky trans-stilbene oxide with alcohols, yielding unprecedented product enantiomeric excesses up to 30%. Our discovery opens the way for the use of accessible chiral zeolitic materials for the catalytic asymmetric synthesis of chiral pharmaceutical compounds

    Strong magnetic response of submicron Silicon particles in the infrared

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    High-permittivity dielectric particles with resonant magnetic properties are being explored as constitutive elements of new metamaterials and devices in the microwave regime. Magnetic properties of low-loss dielectric nanoparticles in the visible or infrared are not expected due to intrinsic low refractive index of optical materials in these regimes. Here we analyze the dipolar electric and magnetic response of loss-less dielectric spheres made of moderate permittivity materials. For low material refractive index there are no sharp resonances due to strong overlapping between different multipole contributions. However, we find that Silicon particles with refractive index 3.5 and radius approx. 200nm present a dipolar and strong magnetic resonant response in telecom and near-infrared frequencies, (i.e. at wavelengths approx. 1.2-2 micrometer). Moreover, the light scattered by these Si particles can be perfectly described by dipolar electric and magnetic fields, quadrupolar and higher order contributions being negligible.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    ONTOGENERATION: Reusing Domain and Linguistic Ontologies for Spanish Text Generation

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    A significant problem facing the reuse of ontologies is to make their content more widely accessible to any potential user. Wording all the information represented in an ontology is the best way to ease the retrieval and understanding of its contents. This article proposes a general approach to reuse domain and linguistic ontologies with natural language generation technology, describing a practical system for the generation of Spanish texts in the domain of chemical substances. For this purpose the following steps have been taken: (a) an ontology in the chemicals domain developed under the METHONTOLOGY framework and the Ontology Design Environment (ODE) has been taken as knowledge source; (b) the linguistic ontology GUM (Generalized Upper Model) used in other languages has been extended and modified for Spanish; (c) a Spanish grammar has been built following the systemic-functional model by using the KPML (Komet-Penman Multilingual) environment. As result, the final system named Ontogeneration permits the user to consult and retrieve all the information of the ontology in Spanish

    Ontogeneration: Arquitectura basada en ontologías para la generación de textos en castellano

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    En este trabajo se presenta Ontogeneration, una arquitectura para generar textos en castellano utilizando ontologías lingüísticas y de dominio con la tecnología KPML de generación de lenguaje natural. Además se ha construido un sistema que genera textos en castellano en el dominio de las sustancias químicas. Para alcanzar tales resultados, se han seguido los siguientes pasos: a) se ha tomado como fuente de conocimiento una ontología en el dominio químico construida usando la metodología de desarrollo de ontologías llamada METHONTOLOGY y el Entorno de Diseño de Ontologías (Ontology Design Environment: ODE), b) se ha extendido y modificado la ontología lingüística GUM (Generalized Upper Model) para el castellano, c) se ha construido una gramática para el castellano siguiendo el modelo sistémico-funcional usando el entorno KPML (Komet Penman Multilingual). Se consigue, así, que los contenidos almacenados en la ontología de dominio sean accesibles por usuarios legos en la materia

    Resonant radiation pressure on neutral particles in a waveguide

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    A theoretical analysis of electromagnetic forces on neutral particles in an hollow waveguide is presented. We show that the effective scattering cross section of a very small (Rayleigh) particle can be strongly modified inside a waveguide. The coupling of the scattered dipolar field with the waveguide modes induce a resonant enhanced backscattering state of the scatterer-guide system close to the onset of new modes. The particle effective cross section can then be as large as the wavelength even far from any transition resonance. As we will show, a small particle can be strongly accelerated along the guide axis while being highly confined in a narrow zone of the cross section of the guide.Comment: RevTeX,4 pages,3 PS figure

    Quality criteria of physiotherapy grade (diploma): report provided by the Spanish Association and Physiotherapists

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    [Resumen] El informe sobre criterios de calidad específicos de recursos materiales y profesorado para el título de grado de Fisioterapia ha sido elaborado por la Asociación Española de Fisioterapeutas que convocó, con tal finalidad, a una comisión de expertos en Educación en Fisioterapia. El documento, realizado a propuesta de la Dirección General de Universidades en diciembre de 2004, tiene por objetivo el establecer los criterios mínimos de recursos materiales y humanos derivados de la especificidad de la titulación de Fisioterapia, que permita cubrir las nuevas demandas de la sociedad. En relación a los recursos materiales, se ha procurado darle un suficiente grado de especificación cuantitativa y cualitativa a los instrumentos que constituyen los recursos materiales específicos. La intención es, así mismo, facilitar su valoración en el momento de acreditar la titulación. Se abordan, por una parte, los recursos específicos de la titulación para la docencia teórico-práctica en el centro, dentro de los laboratorios destinados a tal efecto. Por otra parte, se definen las características o perfil de los centros sociosanitarios donde debe impartirse la formación clínica del alumno. En relación a los recursos humanos, se hace especial hincapié en el perfil y la experiencia del profesorado para la docencia, así como en el ratio profesor-alumno en la formación práctica y en la formación clínica.[Abstract] The report about specific quality criteria of resources material (items) and teaching profession to obtain the Physiotherapy Grade, has been elaborated by the Spanish Association of Physiotherapists, which aimed to convoke a Physiotherapy Education experts commission. The document was carried out on Universities General Chairmene’s proposal, aiming to establish the minimum criteria of human and Material (Items) resources, derived from the specific Physical Therapy Grade (Diploma), Which may cover the latest Society requirements. According to the Material resources, there has been a serious attempt to give the instruments, which constitute the specific material resources, an appropriate degree, quantitative and qualitative specification. The main intention by itself, consists of providing its assessment when the time to accredit the title comes. On the one hand the specific resources of the Physiotherapy Grade for the Theoric-practical Teaching in the Centre are taken up even in the laboratories aimed to get such goal. On the other hand we define the characteristics or the profile of the social. Health centres, where Pupils’ Clinical Education, must be carried out. Relating to the Human Resources, we do underline the Teaching Profession experience and profile, as well as the rate Teacher-Pupil, both in the practical Training and the Clinical Education, too

    Conflictos Socioambientales en Jalisco

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    El PAP Alter CÓDIGO, en su periodo de otoño, trabajó en colaboración con la Escuela para Defensoras del Territorio Benita Galeana, para dar continuación al proyecto de la creación de una campaña de fondeo que busca recaudar fondos que se destinen a la mejora del diseño estructural y del servicio que brindan. Se fijaron objetivos para la creación de contenido, que sea coherente con los valores de la Escuela y con los objetivos de la campaña. Esto se hizo para que se le de reconocimiento a la Escuela para Defensoras, al Mercadito Flor de Luna, a la situación socioambiental en la que vivimos y a las alternativas que existen. Por otro lado, se fijaron objetivos específicos internos para la organización del equipo PAP. Este proyecto se realizó a partir y a la par de una metodología: la etnografía. Esta ayuda a que comprendamos mejor la forma en la que las personas se desarrollan, cómo viven, qué quieren expresar, y nos da bases para poder adaptar el contenido a esto. Al final del proyecto, se entregó toda la producción de la campaña, es decir, la programación y contenidos listos para que se lance la campaña, además de manuales que explican cada uno de los segmentos de la creación de la misma para que pueda ser replicable tanto por el mismo PAP como por las integrantes de la Escuela de Defensoras