2,376 research outputs found

    The validity of Rhetorical categories in audiovisual culture

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    Los ámbitos de la comunicación, la sociedad y el arte han evolucionado como consecuencia de los cambios culturales y del progreso de las nuevas tecnologías. Sin embargo, en la cultura audiovisual dominante hoy, la Retórica clásica sigue vigente y ha sabido adaptarse a los nuevos modelos de comunicación que integran elementos visuales, lingüísticos y acústicos que pueden ser analizados y entendidos a través de la Retórica CulturalCommunication, Society, and Art evolve as a consequence of cultural change and new technologies’ development. However, in current audiovisual mainstream Culture, Classical Rhetoric is still useful. It adapts itself to new communicative models incorporating visual, linguistic, and acoustic elements, which can be studied and understood through Cultural RhetoricEste trabajo es resultado de la investigación realizada en el proyecto METAPHORA (Referencia FFI2014-53391-P), proyecto de investigación financiado por la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovació

    Servidor de Logs Centralizado

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    Mi proyecto consiste en un servidor centralizado de logs, es decir un equipo capaz de recoger, almacenar y mostrar los distintos ‘eventos’ o logs generados por otros equipos para así poder llevar un seguimiento del funcionamiento general de los servicios o analizar posibles incidencias. Para la realización del proyecto cuento con un equipo con GNU Linux Ubuntu Server 12 sobre el cual configuré un servidor web Apache con soporte PHP y MYSQL para la creación y manipulación de bases de datos. En dicho equipo se instala la herramienta Rsyslog, que permite tanto el envío como la recepción de logs de forma remota. Rsyslog es un software de logging de mensajes que implemente el protocolo básico de Syslog y lo extiende agregando filtros, con una configuración flexible, una herramienta muy potente que trabaja con protocolos TCP y UDP (el utilizado en mi caso). Así mismo este servicio crea sus propias tablas MySQL dónde se almacenarán y clasificarán los logs. Finalmente con una aplicación web creada a partir del framework Yii, podremos visualizar los logs desde cualquier navegador.Gómez Navarro, JC. (2014). Servidor de Logs Centralizado. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/43428.Archivo delegad

    Prediction of the effect of temperature on impact damage in carbon/epoxy laminates

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    6 pages, 10 figures.-- Issue title: "EURODYMAT 2003 - 7th International Conference on Mechanical and Physical Behaviour of Materials under Dynamic Loading" (Porto, Portugal, Sep 8-10, 2003).The effect of temperature on impact damage in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastic (CFRP) tape laminates produced by low velocity impact was studied by numerical simulations made to model drop weight tower impact tests on carbon/epoxy laminate composites. The damage model was implemented into a user subroutine of the finite element code ABAQUS. The model takes into account the thermal stresses resulting form the different thermal expansion coefficients in each ply of the laminate. The tests and simulations show how temperature affects the propagation of each damage mode. Matrix cracking and delamination are greatly affected by low temperature, white matrix crushing and fibre failure appear only in a small region at all the impact energies and test temperatures.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (Project MAT-98/0273) for the financial support of this work.Publicad

    Weathering of serpentinite stone due to in situ generation of calcium and magnesium sulfates.

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    [EN]This paper presents a thorough study of the main features and the decay causes and mechanisms of serpentinites both freshly quarried and after centuries exposure at the main façade of the sixteenth century Royal Chancery (Granada, Spain). In particular, the process of in situ formation of calcium and magnesium sulfates has been studied. Several decay factors are identified, all of them acting synergistically in the deterioration of slabs made of serpentinite. Among them, chemical weathering of sulfides such as pyrite present in the original serpentinite induces the formation of sulfate salts such as gypsum or epsomite, salts which are considered the main cause of decay. In addition, unsuitable restoration treatments involving the use of Portland cement to fill up cracks and surface lacunae, the polluted environment of the surrounding area, and the location of the slabs close to the ground, favoring capillary rise of water, all contributed to their deterioration. This work helps to gain knowledge on the deterioration process of ornaments made of serpentinite, allowing us to propose the most appropriate measures to guarantee their conservation.GIR CHARROC

    Anfípodos en sedimentos de cuevas submarinas del Sur de la Península Ibérica: diversidad y distribución ecológica

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    The present study explores the amphipod assemblages of six marine caves on the Mediterranean coast of southern Spain. Replicate samples were taken both inside and outside each marine cave in order to characterize the amphipod fauna and the physicochemical properties of the sediment. As a result, 44 amphipods species were identified. The high number of species found in a relatively limited area highlighted the richness of the Alboran Sea fauna, which is mainly due to the mixture of species from different biogeographic areas. Harpinia genus was the dominant amphipod taxa inside marine caves and Perioculodes longimanus was also very abundant in the caverns. On the other hand, external communities were dominated by Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni and Photis longipes. There was a high degree of variability in both the internal and the external stations. Only the external station situated at low-medium depth showed a relatively homogeneous amphipod assemblage. The structure and behaviour of soft-bottom communities inside marine caves is difficult to predict because their environmental conditions depend on a particular combination of factors such as topography, depth and orientation. Therefore, no constant patterns were observed for species richness, Shannon diversity and abundance of amphipods in marine caves in comparison with open habitats. According to canonical correspondence analysis, sediment granulometry, organic matter and nitrogen concentration were the parameters that best explained the distribution of amphipods. Species were also classified by their tolerance to environmental pollution according to criteria followed by the Azti Marine Biotic Index and the BENTIX index. The great abundance of sensitive species at both the internal and external stations indicates the good ecological quality of the soft bottom studied. However, the suitability of biotic indices in marine caves should be tested in future studies.En el presente trabajo se estudia la fauna de anfípodos presente en el sustrato blando de seis cuevas submarinas de la costa Mediterránea del sur de España. Con el objetivo de caracterizar tanto la comunidad biótica como las características físico-químicas del sedimento, se tomaron muestras de sedimento a la salida y en el interior de las cuevas submarinas. Como resultado, se identificaron un total de cuarenta y cuatro especies de anfípodos diferentes. Este elevado número de especies encontrado en un área relativamente limitada pone de manifiesto la riqueza faunística del Mar de Alborán, la cual se atribuye principalmente a la mezcla de especies de diferentes áreas biogeográficas. El género Harpinia fue el taxón dominante en el interior de las cuevas, junto con Perioculodes longimanus. Por otro lado, la comunidad en las zonas externas estaba dominada por Siphonoecetes sabatieri, Metaphoxus fultoni y Photis longipes. Se observó un alto grado de variabilidad tanto en las estaciones internas como externas. Solo las estaciones externas situadas a profundidades bajas-medias mostraron una fauna relativamente homogénea. La estructura y el comportamiento de las comunidades que habitan los sustratos blandos en el interior de cuevas submarinas es difícil de predecir, ya que las condiciones ambientales dependen de sus particulares características en cuanto a topografía, profundidad y orientación. Por ello, no ha podido extraerse ningún patrón constante de la comparación de comunidades internas y externas para el número de especies, diversidad de Shannon o abundancia de anfípodos. La granulometría y los porcentajes de materia orgánica y nitrógeno en el sedimento fueron los parámetros que mejor explicaban la distribución de los anfípodos, de acuerdo con los resultados del análisis CCA. Las especies también fueron clasificadas en base a su tolerancia a la polución ambiental, siguiendo los criterios establecidos por los índices AMBI y BENTIX. La gran abundancia de especies sensibles refleja el buen estado ecológico de los sedimentos estudiados. Sin embargo, la aplicabilidad de los índices bióticos en cuevas submarinas debería ser testada en futuros estudios.Financial support for this work was provided by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Project CGL 2011-22474, internal reference 2011-707). It was cofinanced by FEDER funds of the European Union and by the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucía (Project P11-RNM-7041)

    Damage in CFRPs due to low velocity impact at low temperature

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    10 pages, 21 figures.This work examines the response of carbon fibre-reinforced epoxy matrix (CFRP) laminates at low impact velocity and in low temperature conditions. Square specimens of carbon fibre/epoxy laminates with different stacking sequences (unidirectional, cross-ply, quasi-isotropic and woven laminates) were tested using a Drop Weight Tower device. The test temperature ranged from 20 down to −150 °C. After the impact tests, the damage extension was measured by C-Scan ultrasonic inspection and the damage mechanisms were studied by optical and scanning electron microscopy. Results showed the influence of temperature, of ply reinforcement architecture and of stacking sequence on the mechanical behaviour of the CFRP laminates subjected to low velocity impulsive loads.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (Project MAT 98/0273) for the financial support of this work, and to the Department of Engineering Science of the University of Oxford for their assistance in the C Scan inspection tests.Publicad

    Dynamic tensile behaviour at low temperature of CFRP using a split Hopkinson pressure bar

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    11 pages, 17 figures.This paper deals with the effect of temperature (room and low temperatures) on the tensile properties at high strain rates of CFRP laminates. Dynamic tests were performed on different carbon/epoxy laminates configurations: unidirectional, [0]10 and [90]10, and quasi-isotropic [±45/0/90]S. All these tests were carried out at two temperatures: 20 and −60 °C. Validation of Hopkinson bar theory using one-dimensional wave propagation theory was performed by analysing the effect of low temperature on elastic wave propagation along the bars of the experimental device, and the subsequent wave dispersion phenomena. The value of the strain on the specimen derived from the signals recorded at the bar gauges was compared with that obtained from a gauge glued on the specimen. All the experimental results of the response of CFRPs at high strain rates and low temperature are analysed and discussed.The authors are indebted to the Spanish Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (Project MAT-98/0273) for the financial support of this work.Publicad

    Mixed narrative and dialog content planning based on BDI agents

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    There exist various narrative systems, focused on different parts of the complex process of story generation. Some of them are oriented to content planning, and some to sentence planning, with different properties and characteristics. In this paper we propose a system based on BDI agents that generates stories (creating content, performing content planning and simple sentence planning) with narrative parts and dialogs. The content for the story is generated in a multiagent social simulation system, and the content planning is based on rules and a state space search algorithm based on the system representation of the reader’s perception of the story

    Evaluation of Alternatives for Energy Supply from fuel Cells in Compact Cities in the Mediterranean Climate. Case Study: City of Valencia

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    [EN] A study of energy supply alternatives was carried out based on a cogeneration fuel cell system fed from the natural gas network of compact Mediterranean cities. As a case study it was applied to the residential energy demands of the L'Illa Perduda neighbourhood, located in the east of the city of Valencia and consisting of 4194 residential cells. In total, eight different alternatives were studied according to the load curve, the power of the system, the mode of operation and the distribution of the fuel cells. In this way, the advantages and disadvantages of each configuration were found. This information, together with the previous study of the energy characteristics of the neighbourhood, enabled selection of the most promising configuration and to decide whether or not to recommend investment. The chosen configuration was a centralised system of phosphoric acid fuel cells in cogeneration, with approximately 4 MW of thermal power and an operating mode that varied according to the outside temperature. In this way, when heating is required, the plant adjusts its production to the thermal demand, and when cooling is required, the plant follows the electrical demand. This configuration presented the best energy results, as it achieved good coverage of thermal (62.5%) and electrical (88.1%) demands with good primary energy savings (28.36 GWh/year). However, due to the high power of the system and low maturity (i.e., high costs) of this technology, would be necessary to make a large initial economic investment of 15.2 Meuro.This research was funded by Catedra de Transicion Energetica Urbana (UPV-Las NavesFVCiE). Grant number 20210096. This work was supported by a grant of the Cátedra de Transición Energética Urbana UPV-Las Naves-FVCiE, which is chair at Universitat Politència de València (UPV) in collaboration with the city hall of Valencia. (Grant number: 20220027).Martínez Reverte, I.; Gómez-Navarro, T.; Sánchez-Diaz, C.; Montagud- Montalvá, C. (2022). Evaluation of Alternatives for Energy Supply from fuel Cells in Compact Cities in the Mediterranean Climate. Case Study: City of Valencia. Energies. 15(12):1-30. https://doi.org/10.3390/en15124502130151

    The contribution of metropolitan areas to decarbonize the residential stock in Mediterranean cities: A GIS-based assessment of rooftop PV potential in Valencia, Spain

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    [EN] Hundreds of cities worldwide have committed to decarbonizing or becoming carbon neutral by 2030, 2050, or even sooner. The challenge is particularly acute for the dense, compact cities of the European Mediterranean basin. To maximize their energy self-sufficiency, Mediterranean cities seek to scale up PV production within their boundaries and supply themselves from ground-mounted plants in their surroundings. This paper provides an alternative approach based on the energy exchange between cities and their metropolitan areas. The potential of the approach is demonstrated by the results attained under a less favorable (conservative) scenario: supplying the electricity demand of the residential stock exclusively with rooftop PV. Drawing on a combination of spatial analysis (based on cadastral and statistical data) and energy simulation (with HOMER), the approach is applied to Valencia, Spain's city and its metropolitan area. Results show that rooftop PV may increase the PV coverage rate from 61% (Valencia and its first metropolitan ring) to 79.2% (whole metropolitan area) - or about 30% in relative terms. This may encourage Mediterranean cities to develop innovative urban-metropolitan energy exchange models, hopefully under the criteria of spatial justice.This work has been supported by: Modelado, experimentacion y desarrollo de sistemas de gestion optima para microrredes hibridas renovables (CIGE/2021/172) . (01/01/22-31/12/23) . Investigacio'n competitiva proyectos. GENERALITAT VALENCIANA. Renewable Energies System For Cities RES4CITY (101075582) . (01/10/22-30/09/25) . HORIZON-CSA, EUROPEAN COMMISSION. Chair of Urban Energy Transition, UPV-Las Naves and Fundacio Valencia Clima i Energia, Ajuntament de Valencia, Spain.Cuesta-Fernandez, I.; Vargas-Salgado, C.; Alfonso-Solar, D.; Gómez-Navarro, T. (2023). The contribution of metropolitan areas to decarbonize the residential stock in Mediterranean cities: A GIS-based assessment of rooftop PV potential in Valencia, Spain. Sustainable Cities and Society. 97:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2023.1047271129