481 research outputs found

    Europäische Lektüren jenseits von Europa: Weltliteratur, literarischer Kanon und die Bildung in Europa

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    European Readings beyond Europe: World Literature, Literary Canon and Education in Europe. The present essay discusses the concepts “literary canon”, “world literature”, “classic authors”, and “literary masterworks”. Moreover, it summarises their origins and describes the usage of these concepts. The aim is to update these terms to current validity and to suggest an appropriate use of them in the educational and academic realm. For this purpose, some major works of European literature are contrasted with modern bestseller books (e.g. “high literature” as for instance “Bildungsroman” with “amusement novels”, fantasy, etc.). In addition to that, the article contrasts private with educational and academic readings (literary works read by students at universities and schools). Merging the conclusions together with the pertinent anthropological criteria, the essay suggests a programme of European readings that does not refuse to take into account the concepts of classic authors (Calvino) and of Bildung (Schwanitz). At the same time, it responds to the social reality of our time and of our European cities. Overall, this approach mediates between Italo Calvino’s justification of reading classic authors and Harold Bloom’s idea of reading as a lonely, quiet, and profound exercise, at the same time emotional as well as existential, carried out with a certain dose of (self-)irony. On his part, Calvino refused aesthetic criteria, such as outstanding unity and exemplary harmony, to characterise a reading as an extreme experience and process of initiation at the interfaces where classic authors, canon, and ‘Weltliteratur’ connect with the reader’s individual experience. In doing so, Calvino sticks to the individual practice of reading and provides 15 arguments in favour of books that are, on the one hand, sustainably present in the collective memory as well as in the individual subconscious and, on the other hand, contribute to individual and collective self-determination. They assign a fund of readings with permanent validity because of their constant renewal and enduring effect over the centuries, in combination with their impact on the individual biographies of single persons. In this sense, the article argues in favour of establishing humanistic canons at universities and schools that can make use of the performative impulses a reference system like this offers, in order to contribute to more complex ideas than those texts that are produced by the consumer society and the mass media day by day. Getting to know oneself and the others, deepening the mutual understanding – this could be supported by a canon of European literature

    Determining the accuracy in image supervised classification problems

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    A large number of accuracy measures for crisp supervised classification have been developed in supervised image classification literature. Overall accuracy, Kappa index, Kappa location, Kappa histo and user accuracy are some well-known examples. In this work, we will extend and analyze some of these measures in a fuzzy framework to be able to measure the goodness of a given classifier in a supervised fuzzy classification system with fuzzy reference data. In addition with this, the measures here defined also take into account the preferences of the decision maker in order to differentiate some errors that must not be considered equal in the classification process

    Modelos de clasificación difusa para Teledetección

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    En esta comunicacion, se consideran imágenes tomadas mediante teledeteccion, y se propone un modelo de clasificación no supervisado para obtener una clasificación difusa. Nuestro procedimiento busca en primer lugar regiones homogeneas,analizando las variaciones de un pixel con respecto a sus vecinos Esto se realiza mediante una estimacion de la variacion entre pixels. Teniendo en cuenta diferentes direcciones, se determinan las regiones homogeneas. Una vez determinados que pixels son homogeneos, se propone una clasificacion nítida de la imagen digital. Finalmente cada una de estas regiones son analizadas determinando el grado con el que cada pixel pertenece a cada una de esas regiones

    Fuzzy weakest precondition and fuzzy invariants

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    Design and formal verification of algorithms can be translated into a fuzzy framework introducing fuzzy logic and assert transformations. Following the classical scheme, and in order to develop codes with good behavior, this paper defines the concepts of fuzzy algorithm specification and fuzzy weakest precondition operator which are then applied to a fuzzy decision making algorithm. Keywords: Fuzzy algorithms and programming,decision making

    A new modularity measure for Fuzzy Community detection problems based on overlap and grouping functions

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    One of the main challenges of fuzzy community detection problems is to be able to measure the quality of a fuzzy partition. In this paper, we present an alternative way of measuring the quality of a fuzzy community detection output based on n-dimensional grouping and overlap functions. Moreover, the proposed modularity measure generalizes the classical Girvan–Newman (GN) modularity for crisp community detection problems and also for crisp overlapping community detection problems. Therefore, it can be used to compare partitions of different nature (i.e. those composed of classical, overlapping and fuzzy communities). Particularly, as is usually done with the GN modularity, the proposed measure may be used to identify the optimal number of communities to be obtained by any network clustering algorithm in a given network. We illustrate this usage by adapting in this way a well-known algorithm for fuzzy community detection problems, extending it to also deal with overlapping community detection problems and produce a ranking of the overlapping nodes. Some computational experiments show the feasibility of the proposed approach to modularity measures through n-dimensional overlap and grouping functions.Supported by the Government of Spain (grant TIN2012-32482), the Government of Madrid (grant S2013/ICCE-2845)Peer reviewe

    Lectura y escucha del mundo: la escritura de Andrés Sánchez Robayna ante la tradición mística

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    Andres Sánchez Robayna takes us on a journey around the world to show us how to read the world and then how to listen to it. We follow the path of mysticism, in the footsteps of Juan de la Cruz and Teresa de Avila. And yet his poetry is very contemporary poetry since  he tries to reconcile mysticism with silence. To read this book of poetry is to seek knowledge by listening to nature. To listen to nature is to listen to unsaid words, and yet these “unsaid words” are the path to the “said words” , that is, the total knowledge which sheds light on our human existence. The circle of poems comes to a close when we  realize this journey has taken us toAndrés Sánchez Robayna nos lleva  a un viaje por la escucha del mundo a través de su lectura. Este camino se inicia por un sendero místico donde no es difícil remontarnos a la literatura de Santa Teresa o San Juan. Todo este pensamiento está llevado por una poesía moderna que busca una convergencia entre lo místico y el silencio. Adentrarse en este poemario es llegar a un conocimiento del mundo a través de la escucha de la naturaleza. Seguidamente, se avanza a una traducción de lo que transmite esa escucha del mundo (lo indecible) para llegar al conocimiento pleno (lo decible), como esa luz que ilumina al hombre. Se cierra así, una serie de poemas haciendo una estructura cíclica, un viaje por el conocimiento del mundo a través de lo que éste nos ofrece

    Fuzzy Image Segmentation based upon Hierarchical Clustering

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    In this paper we introduce the concept of Fuzzy Image Segmentation, providing an algorithm to build fuzzy boundaries based on the existing relations between the fuzzy boundary set problem and the (crisp) hierarchical image segmentation problem. In particular, since a crisp image segmentation can be characterized in terms of the set of edges that separates the adjacent regions of the segmentation, from these edges we introduce the concept of fuzzy image segmentation. Hence,each fuzzy image segmentation is characterized by means of a fuzzy set over the set of edges, which can be then understood as the fuzzy boundary of the image. Some computational experiences are included in order to show the obtained fuzzy boundaries of some digital images