6,568 research outputs found

    Temporary factors that condition innovation: comparison between family and non-family businesses

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    Studies conducted on innovation in family businesses have offered very diverse and sometimes contradictory results. The objective of this paper is to analyze the influence of time-related variables on the innovative behavior of companies. Furthermore, we compare the behavior of family and non-family companies, the influence of the generation and the transference of management. To do this, companies are classified according to the stage of life in which they are and are compared using a mean difference test (Anova). Subsequently, already focused on family businesses, the effects of generating control in the case of family businesses are analyzed, considering the foundational and subsequent periods. The results show that the behavior towards the innovation of family businesses is conditioned by the temporal dimension

    Concentration of power at the editorial boards of economics journals

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    State Research Agency (Spain), Grant/Award Number: Project PID2019-111708GA-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033Using a unique dataset covering 106 economics journals over the period 1990–2011, we document trends in the incidence of multiple positions, editorial duration and institutional background for 6192 board members. We put these figures into perspective using the literature on boards of directors and measures of market concentration. The picture that emerges is of a discipline with a high concentration of institutional and individual power, especially at the more prestigious journals. Evidence suggests this indeed matters: there is a strong negative association between editorial duration and journal impact.State Research Agency (Spain) PID2019-111708GA-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    When a coauthor joins an editorial board

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    Using novel and large-scale data at the individual level, we find that when a coauthor joins an editorial board of an economics journal an author publishes more articles in the “coauthor’s”journal. This increase is larger, the less experienced the author is, and the more editorial power the coauthor obtains. It disappears quickly once the coauthor leaves the journal’s board. A less experienced author whose coauthor joins an editorial board also publishes more in journals different from the coauthor’s journal. We find that the connections-as-signals hypothesis and the identity-independent information hypoth- esis explain more patterns in the data than the other hypotheses we consider. Only the favoritism hypothesis can explain that, at journals with low board turnover, articles pub- lished during a coauthor’s stint on the editorial board receive less citations than articles published during other years. This finding suggests that editors and publishers can address a cause of favoritism by stimulating editorial rotation.Massey UniversityMiddlesex UniversityEC Research Innovation Action under the H2020 Programme INFRAIA-2016-1-730897State Research Agency (Spain) PID2019-111708GA-I0 0/SRAUniversidad de Granada/CBU

    The U.S. Public Diplomacy. A Historical Review

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    La proyección de Estados Unidos hacia el exterior ha estado indisociablemente unida a la auto-percepción de la sociedad norteamericana como un modelo de libertad, progreso y modernización, cuya irradiación sólo podía ser beneficiosa para otros países del mundo. Tal mesianismo impregnó la actuación tanto de los actores privados como estatales en el ámbito cultural y de su diplomacia pública. Este artículo aborda la progresiva implicación de Estados Unidos en esa materia, que alcanzó su cénit en el contexto de la guerra fría. Esa trayectoria, entre otros elementos, moduló el paso de la diplomacia cultural a la diplomacia pública. Simultáneamente, se aspira a ofrecer un balance sintético de una historiografía que se ha incrementado sustancialmente en las últimas dos décadas.America’s self-portrait as a beacon of freedom, progress, and modernization is central to understand her interaction with the rest of the world. The country’s messianic impulse has shaped the foreign cultural action of U.S. private and public institutions alike. This article will explore the development of U.S. cultural relations and public diplomacy, which reached its zenith in the Cold War. Among other things, the article will look at the diverse issues that explain the evolution from “cultural diplomacy” to “public diplomacy”. It will also offer a tentative account of the historiography in the field

    Analysis of critical moments in the league ACB 2007-08

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    The aim of this paper was to identify the variables that determine winning or losing in the critical moments of the basketball games. A total of forty one critical moments were analyzed, corresponding to 30 games of the regular season from the Spanish Professional League (ACB, season 2007-2008). Games were selected according to the definition of critical moments (described in the available literature), which corresponded to overtime and the last 5 minutes of games with score differences equal or below to six points. The results revealed better values in the winners in defensive rebounds and successful free-throws

    Las relaciones culturales entre España y Estados Unidos, de la Guerra Mundial a los Pactos de 1953

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    Civil War provoked a hard breaking in Spain-United States relations. Both countries became rivals in Latin America during World War II, though after their entry into war, the United States established a propaganda apparatus in Spain, with informative and cultural purposes, which continued working long after the conflict was over. Nevertheless, the political nature of Franco’s regime prevented Spain from being inserted into the cultural, educative and scientific interchange circuits created by the United States during the postwar era. The insertion did not take place unit the development of Cold War increased the value of Spain’s strategic position, pushing into the background former ideological prejudices against Franco’s regime.The bilateral pact of 1953 were immediately preceeded by cultural agreements, in order to make easier for the United States to fulfill their objectives in Spain, by preparing selected sectors of Spanish society.La guerra civil provocó una brusca ruptura en las relaciones culturales entre España y Estados Unidos. Durante la guerra mundial ambos países se convirtieron en rivales en el escenario latinoamericano, si bien la incorporación de Estados Unidos al conflicto fue acompañada por el establecimiento de un aparato de propaganda informativa y cultural en España que iba a perdurar más allá de la conclusión de la guerra. La naturaleza política del régimen franquista impidió, no obstante, que España fuera incluida inicialmente en los circuitos de intercambio cultural, educativo y científico erigidos por Estados Unidos en la postguerra mundial. Esa incorporación no tuvo lugar hasta que el contexto de la guerra fría puso en valor la posición estratégica española y relegó los prejuicios ideológicos hacia el franquismo. Los primeros acuerdos de índole cultural precedieron, con escasa antelación, a la firma de los pactos bilaterales de 1953, con el objetivo de ir preparando a sectores escogidos de la sociedad española para facilitar la consecución de los objetivos norteamericanos

    Los compromisos internacionales de España en materia de cultura

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    Este documento pretende rastrear con el mayor rigor posible la trayectoria de los acuerdos culturales suscritos por España en materia de cultura, para trazar un panorama tentativo de cuál ha sido su evolución y centros fundamentales de interés

    Estudio espectroelectroquímico de componentes de sales orgánicas conductoras. Electrocristalización y espectroelectroquímica

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    II Encuentro sobre nanociencia y nanotecnología de investigadores y tecnólogos de la Universidad de Córdoba. NANOUC

    Design and performance of a space-time virtual element method for the heat equation on prismatic meshes

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    We present a space-time virtual element method for the discretization of the heat equation, which is defined on general prismatic meshes and variable degrees of accuracy. Strategies to handle efficiently the space-time mesh structure are discussed. We perform convergence tests for the hh- and hphp-versions of the method in case of smooth and singular solutions, and test space-time adaptive mesh refinements driven by a residual-type error indicator

    Fluctuations in global output volatility

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    We thank the editor Mark M. Spiegel and two anonymous referees for excellent useful comments and suggestions that helped to improve this article. We would like to thank Maximo Camacho, Luciano Campos, Alessandro Galessi, Domenico Giannone, Daryna Grechyna, Carlos Thomas, Gabriel Perez-Quiros, Iryna Sikora, Francesco Zanetti and the participants at the 2018 ASSA meetings, the Econometric Society meeting of Latin American, the International Association for Applied Econometrics Conference, the VIII Zaragoza Workshop on Time Series Econometrics, and at the internal seminar series of the Banco de Espana for helpful comments and suggestions. The views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and are in no way the responsibility of the Banco de Espana or Eurosystem. Project PID2019-111708GA-I00 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033.In this paper, we dissect the time-varying output volatility of the main world economies to study its dynamics, spillovers, and determinants, from a global perspective. Our analysis relies on a hierarchical volatility factor model and Bayesian model averaging. We show that the increasing comovement observed in international macroeconomic volatility is substantially larger in developing than in developed countries. Instead, developed countries have exhibited more asymmetric volatility shocks than developing countries in recent times. We also show that, although the downward trend in global volatility is related with increasing trade, idiosyncratic changes in volatility are highly influenced by domestic monetary policies. However, due to the declining role played by these idiosyncratic components over time, policymakers currently face greater constraints when it comes to stabilizing output fluctuations.Banco de Espana or Eurosystem PID2019-111708GA-I00 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/50110001103