257 research outputs found

    Importancia de la investigación psicosocial de la salud sexual y reproductiva

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    Human sexuality and reproduction is a field of interest and research for the development of several prevention, promotion and attention health programs in some countries, as well as the design and implementation of public policies in local and worldwide environments.Como campo de atención e investigación, la sexualidad y la reproducción de los seres humanos son temas de interés para el desarrollo de diversos programas de prevención, promoción y atención de la salud en los países, así como para el diseño e implementación de políticas públicas en los ámbitos local y mundial

    Estudio de carga laboral en la Secretaría de Planeación Alcaldía municipio de Marinilla

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    El estudio de cargas laborales tiene sus raíces en la organización científica del trabajo, cuyo precursor fue Frederick W. Taylor, quien mejoró los estándares de trabajo mediante el estudio detallado de los tiempos y movimientos. En la actualidad la medición de cargas de trabajo es un concepto más evolucionado para el cual se utilizan técnicas cuantitativas y cualitativas dependiendo de la naturaleza y necesidades de la Empresa, ya que se aplican en Privadas y Públicas. Para este caso, el estudio de cargas laborales se realiza en la Secretaría de Planeación del Municipio de Marinilla, quien al igual que las otras Secretarías presenta dificultades en la distribución óptima de las funciones, así como excesiva carga laboral de algunas personas y subutilización de otras, lo que genera inconformidad en la comunidad y estrés en los funcionarios. Se aplicó una técnica de estándares subjetivos que establece el Departamento Administrativo de la Función Públicas versión 2009, por medio de esta y en el Formulario N. 1 se registró la información relacionada con las funciones y tiempos de cada uno de los empleados. Una vez consolidada la información correspondiente, se obtuvieron resultados reales acerca de la carga laboral de los funcionarios de la Secretaría de Planeación y las dependencias de Sisbén y catastro, por tanto el número de personas requeridas para cada cargo de acuerdo con las a funciones a cumplir y el número de cargos a crear. Finalmente se realizan las conclusiones del trabajo realizado y una serie de recomendaciones, dentro de las cuales se sugiere continuar con el estudio de cargas laborales en todas las Secretarías y dependencias de la Administración Municipal, para que se garantice la atención oportuna a la comunidad, la eficiencia en los procesos y la calidad de vida laboral.The origin of the workload study comes from the scientific organization of work, who’s pioneer was Frederick W. Taylor, who improved the work standards with a detailed study of times and movements. Today, the workload measurement is a concept more evolved in which quantitative and qualitative techniques are used depending on the nature and requirements of the Organization, which can be from private or public sector. In this case, the workload study is carried out at the Secretaría de Planeación of the Marinilla Municipality, which as in all the other Secretarías it has difficulties to distribute the duties in an optimal way, as well there is excessive workload for some of the personnel and underutilization of others, which creates disagreement in the community and stress in the personnel. The information related to the duties and times of the each employee was recorded using the subjective standards technique, which had been established by Departamento Administrativo of the Función Pública version 2009, and using the form (Formulario N. 1). When all the information was collected, it was possible to obtain real results of the workload of the employees at the Secretaría de Planeación and it departments, Sisbén and Catastro, which means the number of personnel required for each position in accordance with the duties to be carried out and the number of positions that need to be created. Finally, the conclusions for the study carried out and a series of recommendations are set, among which is suggested to continue with the workload study in all the Secretarías and departments of the Municipal Administration, to ensure timely service to the community

    Application of M. Heidenhain’s ferric haematoxylin for the study of semi-thin sections (human adenohypophysis)

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    La hematoxilina férrica de Heidenhain ha sido una de las técnicas citológicas clásicas de mayor utilidad. Su capacidad de teñir múltiples estructuras celulares y extracelulares al mismo tiempo la convierte en una técnica histológica general. En el presente trabajo se describe su aplicación a cortes semifinos tomando como ejemplo la adenohipófisis humana, discutiendo sus mecanismos de tinción y demostrándose su utilidad para evidenciar la variabilidad citológica y realizar análisis de imagen.Heidenhain´s iron hematoxylin has been one of the most useful methods of classical cytology. Its ability to stain simultaneously many cell and extracellular structures makes it a general purpose histological technique. This current work describes its application to semithin sections, using human adenohypophysis, discussing the staining mechanism and showing his usefulness to evidence cytological variability and to perform image analysis

    Implicaciones ambientales y económicas asociadas al comercio de carbono en Colombia, relacionado con la agroindustria de la caña de azúcar

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    El Protocolo de Kyoto establece acciones para frenar el cambio climático, entre estas, el Mecanismo de Desarrollo Limpio (MDL), que genera oportunidades para Colombia de participar en el comercio de carbono. Sin embargo la vinculación del país en este mercado, debe estudiarse desde sus implicaciones económicas y ambientales con el fin de tomar decisiones adecuadas que favorezcan el desarrollo sostenible del país. De acuerdo con el Informe anual de la Junta Ejecutiva del mecanismo para un desarrollo limpio del año 2014, se ha registrado una participación de América Latina y el Caribe del 17,2%, en programas de MDL. Después de realizar el trabajo investigativo de estudio de caso, se encontró que del sector agroindustrial de la caña de azúcar en Colombia, únicamente ha participado de proyectos MDL el Ingenio del Cauca S.A., con el proyecto denominado “Fuel Switchfrom Coal to Green HarvestResidues”. Se logró determinar que a pesar de que el sector agroindustrial de la caña de azúcar posee grandes ventajas para aportar a la reducción de emisiones de CO2 y al desarrollo sostenible del país, resulta complejo la presentación y ejecución de proyectos MDL. Porque los estímulos económicos han disminuido considerablemente desde el comienzo de la implementación de este mecanismo a la fecha de hoy. Los procesos llevados a cabo en este sector agroindustrial, son generadores de gases de efecto invernadero, identificando como los más nocivos campo y cosecha. El proceso de fábrica en cambio no representa impactos ambientales de consideración, esto gracias al uso de energías renovables en casi un 70% de sus procesos. Evidenciándose las mejoras tecnológicas enfocadas a disminuir estos efectos adversosKyoto protocol establishes actions to stop the climate change, among these, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), which generates opportunities for Colombia to take part in the trade of carbon. Nevertheless, to entail the country on this market must be studied from its economic and environmental implications in order to take suitable decisions that favor the sustainable development of the country. According to the annual Report of the Executive Meeting of the Clean Development Mechanism 2014, there has registered a participation of Latin America and the Carib of 17,2 %, in the CDM's programs. After doing a research work, a case study, we found that in the agroindustrial sector of the sugar cane, only the “Ingenio del Cauca S.A” has participated in projects with the CDM. The project was called "Fuel Switch From Coal to Green Harvest Residues". It determined that despite of the fact that the sector possesses big advantages to reach the reduction of CO2 emissions and the sustainable development of the country, it turns out to be complex the presentation and the execution of the program CDM. The economic stimulus has diminished considerably from the beginning of the implementation of this mechanism until today. The processes carried out in this agroindustrial sector are generators of greenhouse gases, which have been identified like the most harmful for fields and crops. However, the process of factory does not represent environmental impacts of consideration thanks to the use of renewable energies in almost 70 % of its processes. As a result, technological improvements have been noticed for diminishing these adverse effects

    Propuesta de optimización para la red de telecomunicaciones del Colegio Sur Oriental de Pereira

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    En nuestros días las redes de datos son el punto de partida de las comunicaciones y por ende pieza clave en el funcionamiento de cualquier espacio de trabajo o de educación que se pueda concebir. Es por esto que en este documento se presenta una solución profesional que se acopla a las necesidades actuales y futuras en lo que respecta a comunicación para el Colegio Sur Oriental de Pereira. Partiendo de la base de las redes existentes en el plantel, se sugiere una mejora significativa que se verá reflejada en el mejor desempeño de las labores académicas de todo el personal que a diario reside en las instalaciones de esta prestigiosa institución educativa, ya que contarán con mejores herramientas de comunicación a través de sistemas informáticos interconectados y con aplicaciones centralizadas que garantizarán mayor agilidad en el avance de todos los procesos

    Histological Study of Glandular Variability in the Skin of the Natterjack Toad-Epidalea calamita (Laurenti, 1768)-Used in Spanish Historical Ethnoveterinary Medicine and Ethnomedicine

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    Simple Summary Common toads, including the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita), have been used since ancient times for remedies, and thus constitute excellent biological material for pharmacological and natural product research. After a previous analysis of the historical-folk therapeutic use of amphibians in Spain, a histological study was carried out to provide a complementary ethnopharmacological view through the analysis of the integumentary heterogeneity of the serous (venom) and mucous glands from two adult specimens. Plastic-embedded semi-thin sections showed that serous/venom glands are cytologically homogeneous in spite of their genetic and biochemical complexity, leading to a cocktail that remains stored until extrusion. On the contrary, mucous glands, working continuously, show a more complex cytological variation and regional heterogeneity, which suggests an adaptive variability, leading to an invisible topographic map of skin toxicity. Natterjack toad-based folk remedies are usually extracted from the whole animal as a therapeutic unit in ethnoveterinary practice. However, a new ethnopharmacological vision could emerge from the study of tegumentary regional variation. Common toads have been used since ancient times for remedies and thus constitute excellent biological material for pharmacological and natural product research. According to the results of a previous analysis of the therapeutic use of amphibians in Spain, we decided to carry out a histological study that provides a complementary view of their ethnopharmacology, through the natterjack toad (Epidalea calamita). This species possesses a characteristic integument, where the parotoid glands stand out, and it has been used in different ethnoveterinary and ethnomedical practices. This histological study of their glandular variability allow us to understand the stages through which the animal synthesises and stores a heterogeneous glandular content according to the areas of the body and the functional moment of the glands. To study tegumentary cytology, a high-resolution, plastic embedding, semi-thin (1 micron) section method was applied. Up to 20 skin patches sampled from the dorsal and ventral sides were processed from the two adult specimens collected, which were roadkill. Serous/venom glands display a genetic and biochemical complexity, leading to a cocktail that remains stored (and perhaps changes over time) until extrusion, but mucous glands, working continuously to produce a surface protection layer, also produce a set of active protein (and other) substances that dissolve into mucous material, making a biologically active covering. This study provides a better understanding of the use of traditional remedies in ethnoveterinary medicine

    Production of Sponge Iron Powder by Reduction of a By-product of the Steelmaking Industry

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    Ref. Revista/libro: Proceedings of the International Powder Metallurgy Congress & Exhibition (PM2010). Volumen I. Editors: European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA). Florencia (Italia), October 2010.Rolling mill scale is a solid steelmaking by-product that contains metallic iron (Fe), wustite (FeO), hematite (α-Fe2O3) and magnetite (Fe3O4). It also contains traces of non-ferrous metals, alkaline compounds and oils from the rolling process. A study is made of the reduction of mill scale to sponge iron, in covered crucibles, using coke at different temperatures (1050º-1150ºC) and times (3-12 h). The final treatment of the samples was carried out in a hydrogen atmosphere furnace at 900ºC for 0.5 h. The reduced samples are studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Oxygen analysis is carried out by combustion in a LECO oven. The reduction of mill scale allows the new use and development of this material to obtain sponge iron that can be re-used to the electric furnace as metallic load in steel manufacturing or as a raw material in the production of iron-base powder metallurgy parts.European Powder Metallurgy Association (EPMA).Peer reviewe

    Preguntas y desafíos para la salud colectiva : reflexiones desde las ciencias sociales

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    ABSTRACT: On September 24th and 25th of 2015, in the city of Medellin, the Public Health Masters at the University of Antioquia (Colombia) commemorated two decades of existence. This paper highlights some of the ideas presented in the central forum of the event "20 years building collective health", and aims to stablish some reflection axes concerning collective health, from our teaching experience as the main viewpoint. Initially, some ideas are drawn to identify the way the central arguments that support the social component in health have been historically built, and also to give importance to the relation between social sciences and health. Then, some questions and challenges are outlined for the actors in this field of knowledge and practices, particularly the ones referred to the need of rethinking the epistemological and theoretical positions, method- related issues, and of measuring the ethical-political by its self-criticism posibilities and its condition to account for relevance and pertinence to the practice in the Latin American Social Medicine/Collective Health field. As closure, it is emphatically suggested that the critical current is strenghtened, in order to continue gaining ground, persisting, and confronting those postures that, in the name of the counter-hegemonic, maintain and reproduce conservative models to look, think and act in the world, with great lack in reflective and transformative potential.RESUMEN: La Maestría en Salud Colectiva de la Universidad de Antioquia-Colombia ha conmemorado dos décadas de existencia, los días 24 y 25 de septiembre de 2015 en la ciudad de Medellín. Este escrito destaca algunas de las ideas presentadas en el foro central del evento “20 años construyendo la Salud Colectiva” y tiene por objeto plantear algunos ejes de reflexión en torno a la salud colectiva, a partir de nuestra experiencia docente. Inicialmente se trazan algunas ideas para identificar la manera como se han tejido históricamente los argumentos centrales que soportan el pensamiento social y dan relevancia a la relación entre ciencias sociales y salud. Posteriormente se esbozan algunas preguntas y desafíos para los actores de este campo de conocimientos y prácticas, particularmente lo referido a la necesidad de repensar las posturas epistemológicas, teóricas, asuntos relacionados con el método y dimensionar lo ético-político por sus posibilidades de autocrítica y condición para dar cuenta de la vigencia y pertinencia a la praxis en el campo de la Medicina Social Latinoamericana/Salud Colectiva. A manera de cierre, se insiste en robustecer la corriente crítica para seguir ganando espacios, persistir y confrontar aquellas posturas que a nombre de lo contra-hegemónico mantienen y reproducen modelos conservadores para mirar, pensar y actuar en el mundo, sin mayor potencial reflexivo y transformador

    The Emotional Experience of Mexican Women with SARS-CoV-2 during Pregnancy―A Qualitative Study

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    Pregnant women have been considered a high-risk group for SARS-CoV-2 infection; the impact of the disease on the health of a mother and her child is still being studied. The emotional impact of the pandemic on pregnant women has been extensively studied. Emotional distress is proposed as a perspective to explain the emotional manifestations in women during this stage as something common rather than pathological. The objective of this study was to explore the emotional experience of women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 towards the end of their pregnancy, during the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Mexico. A qualitative study was carried out: 18 pregnant women with COVID-19 were interviewed. A thematic analysis of the data was performed, resulting in 3 main themes and 14 subthemes. The COVID-19-infected mothers-to-be experienced mild to moderate emotional distress. It was more intense for those with comorbidities. This distress was aggravated during obstetrical complications and comorbidities, as well as during COVID-19 and postpartum. The emotional distress was appeased by both the perception of medical care and social support. The emotional distress of pregnant women with COVID-19 requires emotional support to reduce its impact

    Procedimiento de obtención de esponjas metálicas

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    Titulares: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. - Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientíficasProcedimiento de obtención de esponjas metálicas. La presente invención proporciona un procedimiento para obtener una esponja metálica a partir de un material metálico que comprende: i) reducción de un material metálico mediante tratamiento con un material carbonoso en horno con atmósfera de aire; y ii) reducción del producto obtenido en la etapa anterior mediante tratamiento en horno de atmósfera de hidrógeno. En particular, la invención describe la obtención de esponja de hierro a partir de cascarilla por el procedimiento anterior.Peer reviewe