98 research outputs found

    El envejecimiento de las poblaciones: los casos de España y México

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    Spain and Mexico are countries in different demographic transition stages, but in both countries the ageing process is characterized by its intensity and high pace. The number of aged (over 65 years and over 80 years) people is growing and they face problems believed by everybody to be inherent to ageing. Both countries have the same concern for the increasing «load» aged people represent for the economically active population and for the impact that increasingly retirement pensions exercise on social welfare and general economy. A better understanding of aged population on different geographical environments, of their residential, leisure and consumption preferences, of their needs and of their social and spacial behaviours may contribute to the so-needed inter-generation solidarity, one of the challenges set for the 21st century.España y México son dos países en estadios diferentes de la transición demográfica, pero en ambos países el proceso de envejecimiento se ha caracterizado por su rapidez e intensidad. La creciente población mayor de 65 años y sobre todo la de más de 80 años se enfrenta a diversas dificultades que la misma población considera que son inherentes a su edad. La preocupación por incremento de la «carga» que este grupo representa para la población económicamente activa, así como por el impacto de la creciente demanda de pensiones de jubilación que afectan al gasto social y la economía en general es común en ambos países. El conocimiento más detallado de la población mayor de 65 años en entornos geográficos diferentes, de sus preferencias residenciales y de ocio y consumo, de sus necesidades, de sus comportamientos socioespaciales puede contribuir a la necesaria solidaridad intergeneracional que constituye uno de los retos del siglo XXI

    Cytotoxic Effect and Mechanisms from Some Plant-Derived Compounds in Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer (BrC) is a major health problem in women all around the world. A growing knowledge about these alterations and their associated molecular signaling pathways offers opportunities for therapeutic strategies; chemotherapy is one of the most utilized treatments; however, because of the adverse side effects and multidrug resistance that patients may present, there has been great advancement in search of new alternatives as the use of plant-derived natural compounds. This review describes information on the progress and development of cytotoxic compounds against BrC belonging to the families of flavonoids, terpenes, and alkaloids that through in vitro and in vivo studies have demonstrated to induce cellular death mainly through apoptosis, activating the intrinsic pathway. The in vitro IC50 and the in vivo EC50 dose-response relationship can vary depending on various factors, including the choice of cell line and/or the model used. Also, the association of some of these compounds with nanoparticles or paclitaxel with antibodies has clearly shown a potential improvement in its effect. The clinical studies that are being conducted with some of them show promising results; however, it is necessary to continue with the effort to develop new and more effective drugs against different types of BrC

    Microdosimetry in low energy proton beam at therapeutic-equivalent fluence rate with silicon 3D-cylindrical microdetectors

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    In this work we show the first microdosimetry measurements on a low energy proton beam with therapeutic-equivalent fluence rates by using the second generation of 3D-cylindrical microdetectors. The sensors belong to an improved version of a novel silicon-based 3D-microdetector design with electrodes etched inside silicon, which were manufactured at the National Microelectronics Centre (IMB-CNM, CSIC) in Spain. A new microtechnology has been employed using quasi-toroid electrodes of 25μm diameter and a depth of 20μm within the silicon bulk, resulting in a well-defined cylindrical radiation sensitive volume. These detectors were tested at the 18 MeV proton beamline of the cyclotron at the National Accelerator Centre (CNA, Spain). They were assembled into an in-house low-noise readout electronics to assess their performance at a therapeutic-equivalent fluence rate. Microdosimetry spectra of lineal energy were recorded at several proton energies starting from 18 MeV by adding 50μm thick tungsten foils gradually at the exit-window of the cyclotron external beamline, which corresponds to different depths along the Bragg curve. The experimentalyF¯values in silicon cover from (5.7 ± 0.9) to (8.5 ± 0.4) keV μm-1in the entrance to (27.4 ± 2.3) keV μm-1in the distal edge. Pulse height energy spectra were crosschecked with Monte Carlo simulations and an excellent agreement was obtained. This work demonstrates the capability of the second generation 3D-microdetectors to assess accurate microdosimetric distributions at fluence rates as high as those used in clinical centers in proton therapy

    Accesibilidad en los espacios públicos urbanizados

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    El libro, coordinado por el Director de ACCEPLAN, Fernando Alonso López, viene a ser un reflejo de los avances entorno a la búsqueda de accessibilidad universal en los espacios públicos urbanizados. Para aproximarse a la realidad normativa y técnica de la Orden Ministerial el libro se estructura en artículos referentes al contexto normativo, a los contenidos de la Orden, y a reflexiones y criterios en torno a la accesibilidad en la ciudad. Del conjunto de artículos, por su variedad y por su carácter multidiciplinar, se extrae un libro de referencia que ofrece la variedad de enfoques del tema y que ayuda a interpretar mejor la Orden Ministerial, su contribución a los objetivos de la Ley 51/2003 de Igualdad de Oportunidades No Discriminación y Accesibilidad Universal, LIONDAU, y su utilidad en la comformación de unas ciudades cada vez más abiertas a la diversidad funcional y a la convivencia.El llibre, coordinat pel director de ACCEPLAN, Fernando Alonso López, ve a ser un reflex dels avenços entorn de la recerca d'accessibilitat universal en els espais públics urbanitzats. Per conèixer un realitat normativa i tècnica de l'Ordre Ministerial el llibre s'estructura en articles referents al context normatiu, als continguts de l'Ordre, ja reflexions i criteris al voltant de l'accessibilitat a la ciutat. Del conjunt d'articles, per la seva varietat i pel seu caràcter multidiciplinar, s'extreu un llibre de referència que ofereix la varietat d'enfocaments del tema i que ajuda a interpretar millor l'Ordre Ministerial, la seva contribució als objectius de la Llei 51/2003 de Igualtat d'Oportunitats No Discriminació i Accessibilitat Universal, LIONDAU, i la seva utilitat en la comformación d'unes ciutats cada vegada més obertes a la diversitat funcional ia la convivència

    Innovaciones y mejoras en el proyecto tutoría entre compañeros. Curso 2015-2016

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    Memoria ID-0137. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2015-2016

    Next Generation Flow for highly sensitive and standardized detection of minimal residual disease in multiple myeloma

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    [EN]Flow cytometry has become a highly valuable method to monitor minimal residual disease (MRD) and evaluate the depth of complete response (CR) in bone marrow (BM) of multiple myeloma (MM) after therapy. However, current flow-MRD has lower sensitivity than molecular methods and lacks standardization. Here we report on a novel next generation flow (NGF) approach for highly sensitive and standardized MRD detection in MM. An optimized 2-tube 8-color antibody panel was constructed in five cycles of design-evaluation-redesign. In addition, a bulk-lysis procedure was established for acquisition of ⩾107 cells/sample, and novel software tools were constructed for automatic plasma cell gating. Multicenter evaluation of 110 follow-up BM from MM patients in very good partial response (VGPR) or CR showed a higher sensitivity for NGF-MRD vs conventional 8-color flow-MRD -MRD-positive rate of 47 vs 34% (P=0.003)-. Thus, 25% of patients classified as MRD-negative by conventional 8-color flow were MRD-positive by NGF, translating into a significantly longer progression-free survival for MRD-negative vs MRD-positive CR patients by NGF (75% progression-free survival not reached vs 7 months; P=0.02). This study establishes EuroFlow-based NGF as a highly sensitive, fully standardized approach for MRD detection in MM which overcomes the major limitations of conventional flow-MRD methods and is ready for implementation in routine diagnostics.This work has been supported by the International Myeloma Foundation-Black Swan Research Initiative, the Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Cáncer (RTICC); grant SA079U14 from the Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León, Valladolid, Spain and; grant DTS15/00119 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Madrid, Spain