519 research outputs found

    Aspectos epidemiológicos del dolor en pacientes con cefalea tensional

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    Fundamento. La cefalea tensional es la más prevalente de las cefaleas primarias tanto en atención primaria, como en medicina del trabajo o en las consultas de neurología, con importantes repercusiones en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Para efectuar un tratamiento de fisioterapia, es necesario conocer las características de la cefalea y su posible etiología, valorar los aspectos que pueden ser modificados, seleccionando así el más eficaz. El objetivo es analizar los aspectos epidemiológicos de la cefalea tensional en una muestra de pacientes, características de su dolor, diferencias sociodemográficas observadas e intensidad de sus crisis de dolor. Métodos. La muestra está formada por 84 pacientes diagnosticados de cefalea tensional, de entre 18-65 años, evaluados mediante entrevista clínica estructurada. No-validada, con selección previa y participación voluntaria. Resultados y Conclusiones. De los 84 pacientes, todos ellos cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y respondieron a la entrevista, el 81% eran mujeres con edad media de 39,76 años (dt 11,38). El 36,9% siente dolor en la zona occipital, el 35,7% en la zona interparietal y el 27,4% en la región frontal. El 97,6% padecían dolor bilateralmente, el 81% refirieron dolor no pulsátil, y de severidad media a moderada el 92,9%. En el 71,4% el dolor no aumentaba con la actividad física. La intensidad media del dolor fue de 6,49 (dt 1,69). La mitad de los pacientes refirieron que el dolor se desencadena por la tos, al sonarse, al esfuerzo, o con la ingesta de alcohol. El mayor factor de agravación es el estrés (70,2%), aliviándoles la relajación en el 50% de los casos. La cefalea tensional es más frecuente en las mujeres, con edades en torno a los 40 años y con antecedentes familiares de cefaleas primarias. El dolor es de características holocraneales por lo general, aunque con predominio de irradiación en la zona occipital e interparietal, afectan con intensidad media, se agravan por el estrés, y se alivian con las técnicas de relajación y con el sueño.Background. Tension-type headache is the most prevalent type of primary headaches, both in primary health care and occupational medicine or in neurology consultations, with important repercussions on patients’ quality of life. To carry out a physiotherapy treatment, it is necessary to know the characteristics of the headache and its probable etiology, and take into account the aspects that can be modified, in order to choose the most effective treatment. The objective is to analyse the epidemiological aspects of tension-type headache in a sample of patients, characteristics of their pain, observed socio-demographic differences and intensity of their pain crises. Methods. The sample is made up of 84 patients diagnosed with tension-type headache, assessed through structured clinical interview. Not validated, with previous selection and voluntary participation. Results and Conclusions. Out of 84 patients, all of them met the inclusion criteria and replied to the interview), 81% were women, with mean age of 39,76 years (sd 11,38); 36,9% feeling pain in the occipital region, 35,7% in the interparietal area and 27.4% in the frontal region. 97,6% suffered from bilateral pain, 81% described non-throbbing pain, and 92,9% related pain of medium to moderate severity. In 71,4% of cases pain did not increase with physical activity. The average intensity of pain was 6,49 (sd 1,69). Half the patients related that the pain was triggered off by cough, during exertion and when blowing their nose, or with alcohol intake. The biggest aggravation factor was stress (70,2%), and patients were relieved by relaxation techniques in 50% of cases. Tension-type headache is more frequent in women, with approximate mean age of 40 years and with history of primary headaches in their family. The generalised characteristics of the pain affect with medium intensity pain to the whole head, with more predominance in interparietal and occipital regions, gets worse with stress and is relieved by relaxation and sleep

    Effects of intake of different concentrations of carbohydrate on performance cycle ergometer: preliminary study

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    Resumen basado en el de la publicaciónDe acuerdo al papel de los carbohidratos en el ejercicio físico prolongado e intenso, se investigan los efectos en la ingesta de soluciones de baja y alta concentración en carbohidratos comprobando si pueden proveer de más energía para mejorar el rendimiento. Se utilizaron tres tipos de soluciones en las mismas condiciones: placebo, baja y alta concentración de carbohidratos en tres sujetos con una prueba de intensidad máxima de 45 minutos en cicloergómetro. Los resultados mostraron que la suplementación de carbohidratos no mejora el rendimiento en un ejercicio durante 45 minutos de intensidad moderada-alta en cicloergómetro. No se encontraron cambios en el rendimiento durante los primeros diez minutos de ejercicio intenso, aunque sí se encontraron mejoras en algunas variables que influyen en el rendimiento, como el ritmo cardiaco, el mantenimiento de altos niveles de glucosa en sangre, una menor producción de lactato y una menor percepción del esfuerzo durante la actividad.AndalucíaES

    Desarrollo de software para la gestión de un terminal punto de venta

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    En este proyecto se va a desarrollar una parte del software TPV a medida para una empresa del sector de la hostería. La necesidad de dicho software surge de la necesidad de mejorar, modernizar y completar la funcionalidad del software que hasta ahora posee la empresa. La parte a desarrollar en este proyecto consiste en el diseño e implementación tanto de la base de datos como de una aplicación para proveer de una interfaz gráfica a los empleados. Dicha aplicación gráfica debe servir para permitir gestionar las ventas de los empleados. Así mismo, se añadirá un sistema de replicación de bases de datos, con el fin de mantener varios equipos en los establecimientos del cliente, los cuales mantendrán los datos actualizados en tiempo real sobre las ventas recogidas en todos los terminales. Con ello, se aporta tanto comodidad como una mayor disponibilidad de los datos. Para la implementación de la aplicación se ha escogido el modelo de programación orientado a objetos utilizando el lenguaje de programación JAVA. Como Sistema Gestor de Base de Datos se ha empleado PostgreSQL con una base de datos relacional para el almacenamiento masivo de pedidos y servicios. Se ofrece también control horario y de rendimiento de los empleados mediante el registro de estadísticas tales como hora de entrada y salida, o ventas realizadas.Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónUniversdiad Politécnica de Cartagen

    A systematic review (1990–2021) of wild animals infected with zoonotic leishmania

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    Leishmaniasis are neglected diseases caused by several species of Leishmania that affect humans and many domestic and wild animals with a worldwide distribution. The objectives of this review are to identify wild animals naturally infected with zoonotic Leishmania species as well as the organs infected, methods employed for detection and percentage of infection. A literature search starting from 1990 was performed following the PRISMA methodology and 161 reports were included. One hundred and eighty‐nine species from ten orders (i.e., Carnivora, Chiroptera, Cingulata, Didelphimorphia, Diprotodontia, Lagomorpha, Eulipotyphla, Pilosa, Primates and Rodentia) were reported to be infected, and a few animals were classified only at the genus level. An exhaustive list of species; diagnostic techniques, including PCR targets; infected organs; number of animals explored and percentage of positives are presented. L. infantum infection was described in 98 wild species and L. (Viania) spp. in 52 wild animals, while L. mexicana, L. amazonensis, L. major and L. tropica were described in fewer than 32 animals each. During the last decade, intense research revealed new hosts within Chiroptera and Lagomorpha. Carnivores and rodents were the most relevant hosts for L. infantum and L. (Viannia) spp., with some species showing lesions, although in most of the studies clinical signs were not reported

    Debromination and Reusable Glass Fiber Recovery from Large Waste Circuit Board Pieces in Subcritical Water Treatment

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    The great economic, social, and environmental interest that favors an effective management of the recycling of waste printed circuit boards (WCBs) encourages research on the improvement of processes capable of mitigating their harmful effects. In this work, the debromination of large WCBs was first performed through a hydrothermal process employing potassium carbonate as an additive. A total of 32 runs were carried out at 225 °C, various CO32–/Br– anionic ratios of 1:1, 2:1, 4:1, and 6:1, treatment times from 30 to 360 min, proportion of submerged WCBs in the liquid of 100, 50, and 25% that corresponded with the use of three WCB sizes of 20 mm × 16.5 mm, 20 mm × 33 mm, and 80 mm × 33 mm, respectively, and solid/liquid ratios of 1:2 and 1:1 g/mL without other metallic catalysts. A debromination efficiency of 50 wt % was reached at only 225 °C (limited by mechanical reasons) and 360 min, using a CO32–/Br– anionic ratio of 4:1 and a solid/liquid ratio of 1:2 for a large WCB with only 25% of its volume submerged in the liquid. This means conservation of water and energy compared to previous studies. A muffle furnace was used later to thermally treat a total of 101 debrominated samples, at constant temperature or following a temperature scaling program. An estimated decrease in resistance to rupture of glass fibers of only around 50% was accomplished by following a temperature scaling program up to 475 °C, obtaining clean glass fibers of large size. The simple techniques proposed to obtain reusable glass fibers from WCBs as large as the size of the reactor allows (as it might be in their original size) could significantly improve interest in the industry.Support for this work was granted by the PID2019-105359RB-I00 project and the scholarship BES-2017-080382 from the Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain and project UAUSTI20-05 from the University of Alicante

    Reusable plastic crates (RPCs) for fresh produce (case study on cauliflowers): Sustainable packaging but potential salmonella survival and risk of cross-contamination

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    The handling of fresh fruits and vegetables in reusable plastic crates (RPCs) has the potential to increase the sustainability of packaging in the fresh produce supply chain. However, the utilization of multiple-use containers can have consequences related to the microbial safety of this type of food. The present study assessed the potential cross-contamination of fresh cauliflowers with Salmonella enterica via different contact materials (polypropylene from RPCs, corrugated cardboard, and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) from wooden boxes). Additionally, the survival of the pathogenic microorganism was studied in cauliflowers and the contact materials during storage. The life cycle assessment (LCA) approach was used to evaluate the environmental impact of produce handling containers made from the different food-contact materials tested. The results show a higher risk of cross-contamination via polypropylene compared with cardboard and MDF. Another outcome of the study is the potential of Salmonella for surviving both in cross-contaminated produce and in contact materials under supply chain conditions. Regarding environmental sustainability, RPCs have a lower environmental impact than single-use containers (cardboard and wooden boxes). To exploit the potential environmental benefits of RPCs while ensuring food safety, it is necessary to guarantee the hygiene of this type of container.his research was funded by the Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (FEDER/MICINN-AEI), project RTI2018- 099139-B-C21. Laura Rasines is grateful for the financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación through the “Ayudas para contratos predoctorales para la formación de doctors 2019” Program [PRE2019-090573]