235 research outputs found

    Nuevos registros de distribución del gorrión de Worthen Spizella wortheni en San Luis Potosí, México

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    El rango de distribución restringido y el pequeño tamaño poblacional del gorrión de Worthen han ocasionado que esta ave sea considerada una especie amenazada en México y a nivel internacional. Aquí reportamos nuevos registros de esta ave los cuales expanden su rango de distribución conocido en los últimos cuarenta años y abren la posibilidad del uso de hábitats adicionales que no habían sido documentados anteriormente. Por lo tanto es importante realizar esfuerzos para documentar posible actividad reproductiva en estos hábitats

    Dinámica de productos cosméticos y aseo de Colombia en la Alianza del Pacífico

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    This study addresses the dynamics of trade in cosmetics and personal care products between Colombia and the countries of Chile, Mexico and Peru, with which it forms part of the Pacific Alliance (PA), in order to take a look at the projection of intra-regional productive articulation in this sector.  These products are located in tariff headings 3303; 3304; 3305; 3306 and 3307 of the harmonized system.  The intra-regional trade indexes of exports ICI-EXP, and imports ICI-IMP; and Grubel Lloyd index of intra-industry trade (IGLL) are used, for the five product groups, between the years 2017 - 2021. Among the main findings, it is evident that the intra-regional trade of Colombia's ICE-EXP exports with the PA is located between 0.41 and 0.65, i.e. the PA markets are among the main destinations of Colombian exports for the five products. In the case of imports, the ICE-IMP oscillates between 0.10 and 0.60, these figures reveal that not all imported products in this sector come mainly from the PA. The IGLL index reflects Colombia's intra-industry trade with the PA for some products, especially with Mexico.El presente estudio aborda la dinámica de comercio de productos de cosméticos y de aseo personal de Colombia con los países de Chile, México y Perú; con quienes conforma la Alianza del Pacífico (AP); para dar una mirada a la proyección de articulación productiva intrarregional en este sector.  Estos productos se ubican en las partidas arancelarias 3303; 3304; 3305; 3306 y 3307, del sistema armonizado.  Se utilizan los índices de comercio intrarregional de las exportaciones ICI-EXP, y de las importaciones ICI-IMP; y índice de Grubel Lloyd del comercio intraindustrial (IGLL), para los cinco grupos de productos, entre los años 2017 – 2021. Entre los principales hallazgos se evidencia que el comercio intrarregional de las exportaciones ICE-EXP de Colombia con la AP se ubica entre 0,41 y 0,65, es decir que los mercados de la AP se encuentran entre los principales destinos de las exportaciones colombianas para los cinco productos. En el caso de las importaciones el ICE-IMP oscila entre 0,10 y 0,60, estas cifras revelan que no todos los productos importados de este sector provienen principalmente de la AP. El índice IGLL refleja comercio intraindustrial de Colombia con la AP para algunos productos especialmente con México


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    Introduction. In order to understand peacebuilding, it is necessary to reflect on violence and conflict, which have been present in the history of Colombia and the particular case of the territory of San Martin de Los Llanos (Meta), where the inhabitants have been victims of this scourge that has historically permeated the daily lives of citizens for generations. However, the most worrying aspect is the impact on vulnerable populations. That is why it is urgent and necessary to think of strategies promoting protective environments to build peace scenarios.  Objectives. Contribute to the processes of interpretation of social phenomena through the implementation of protective environments and spaces for training and artistic creation with the community of San Martin (Meta) to make visible the reflection and reconciliation of the victims of the armed conflict from a plural, non-exclusive perspective, allowing dialogue and symbolic reparation. Method. The research was based on the qualitative paradigm, with an interpretative, hermeneutic epistemological approach, which allowed to identify from the promotion and projection of protective environments from the artistic creation and cultural manifestations with the population of San Martin (Meta) the construction of peace cultures from the organization of sustainable communities, from strategies such as entrepreneurship expressed in their cultural and artistic traditions as an opportunity for peace. Results. It was found from the collective voices of the victims of the conflict that a culture of peace and protective environments can be created, from their artistic and cultural expressions, recognizing from the historical memory the causes and consequences of the conflict of which the territory and its inhabitants of Sanmartinero in the department of Meta have been victims. All this is from its inhabitants’ collective strength, organizing themselves as a sustainable community from entrepreneurship, showing the world their artistic and cultural expressions and traditions. Conclusions. It is necessary to implement strategies that promote protective environments that resignify the sense of security of the inhabitants of San Martin Meta, through artistic and cultural expressions. In addition, the strengthening and confidence of the community will be nurtured by the collaborative and cooperative work through the organization of a cooperative based on the principles of cooperatives and entrepreneurship in order to let the country and the world know that the San Martin territory is a context of peace without forgetting the past so that painful acts of violence are not repeated.&nbsp

    Propuesta en Supply Chain Management y Logística en la empresa Marcel France

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    Los constantes cambios tecnológicos, el crecimiento de la economía y la constante competencia empresarial, obliga a las compañías a ser mas eficientes en sus procesos, cumpliendo sus objetivos de rentabilidad y satisfacción del cliente, en este orden de ideas la gestión de una cadena de abastecimiento supone grandes mejoras en las empresas así como la disminución de tiempos de ejecución y distribución. El objetivo de este estudio es proponer un modelo de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Marcel France, donde se incluyen todos los procesos que agregan valor a la compañía y que resultan ser relevantes para el logro de objetivos. Se han evaluado los proveedores y clientes de diferentes niveles, la relación de procesos bajo diferentes enfoques logísticos y se proponen cambios en los procesos con el fin de garantizar el mejoramiento continuo de la cadena de abastecimiento.The constant technological changes, the growth of the economy and constant business competition, force companies to be more efficient in their processes, meeting their profitability and customer satisfaction objectives, in this order of ideas the management of a supply chain It supposes great improvements in the companies as well as the reduction of execution and distribution times. The objective of this study is to propose a Supply Chain Management and Logistics model for the Marcel France company, which includes all the processes that add value to the company and that turn out to be relevant to the achievement of objectives. Suppliers and customers at different levels, the relationship of processes under different logistical approaches, and changes in processes are proposed in order to guarantee continuous improvement of the supply chain

    Investigating mutations in the genes GDF9 and BMP15 in Pelibuey sheep through the amplification-refractory mutation system with tetra-primers

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    Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) or mutations are variations with a broad distribution in the genome and, as part of genetic studies, SNP allow the identification of allelic variants related to characteristics of economic importance in sheep production. However, the identification of SNP and their genotypes through sequencing is expensive, as it requires specialized materials and equipment. The objective of this study was to identify polymorphisms and their genotypes in the growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9) and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) genes in Pelibuey sheep using the tetra-primer amplification-refractory mutation system through polymerase chain reaction (T-ARMS-PCR). DNA extraction and amplification of BMP15 and GDF9 were conducted from blood samples contained in WhatmanTM FTATM cards from 60 multiparous Pelibuey ewes with reproductive records. The T-ARMS-PCR methodology allowed the identification of wild-type genotypes and mutated homozygous genotypes in polymorphisms G4 and G6 of GDF9, whereas mutations in the BMP15 gene were not found. These results were confirmed by sequencing. In conclusion, the T-ARMS-PCR methodology allowed the identification of mutated and wild-type genotypes in SNP G4 and G6 of GDF9, although no mutations were found in BMP15 in Pelibuey sheep. This technique was found to be reliable, rapid, and easily applied to identify polymorphic genotypes

    La educación del desarrollo sustentable en relación con el imaginario social en educación medio superior

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     Talking about education today implies a commitment not only to the curricular design of the subjects that constitute academic training, it is a permanent commitment to the environment derived from the situation facing the planet due to the irrational use of natural resources, therefore, it is the responsibility of the educational system to form an education based on the promotion of adequate and sustainable development, creating in students an awareness that favors the preservation of nature, with the intention of contributing to the strengthening of environmental education. This study aims to explain the social imaginary presented by young people in the fifth semester on the sustainable development of the economic-administrative area of the high school college of the State of Oaxaca campus 07 Tuxtepec, methodologically, a motorcycle design was implemented, due to the fact that methods of collection of quantitative and qualitative data analysis (Hernández et al., 2010), the results that were found show, in this particular case, an institutionalized social imaginary in the concepts of responsibility, respect for the environment, environmental awareness and sustainability that represent the ideals to continue with a full life. Quantitatively, it was shown that there is a considerable correlation between the imaginary and education of sustainable development, concluding that an ecocentrism social imaginary of the environment visualizes and represents actions with economic or self-interest, taking into consideration otherness, society, and harm. that it causes to the environment.  Hablar de educación hoy en día implica un compromiso no solo con el diseño curricular de las asignaturas que constituyen la formación académica, es un compromiso permanente con el medio ambiente derivado de la situación que enfrenta el planeta a causa del uso irracional de los recursos naturales. Por ello, compete al sistema educativo y promover desarrollo sustentable, desarrollando en los alumnos una conciencia que favorezca la preservación de la naturaleza, y contribuir al fortalecimiento de la educación ambiental. Este estudio plantea como objetivo explicar el imaginario social que presentan los jóvenes de quinto semestre, sobre el desarrollo sustentable del área económico-administrativo del colegio de bachilleres del Estado de Oaxaca plantel 07 Tuxtepec. Metodológicamente se implementó un diseño mixto, debido a que se utilizaron métodos de recolección de análisis de datos cuantitativos y cualitativos (Hernández et al., 2010). Los resultados que se encontraron muestran en este caso en particular, un imaginario social institucionalizado en los conceptos de responsabilidad, respeto a su entorno, cognición del medio ambiente y sustentabilidad. Principios que representan los ideales para continuar con una vida plena. Cuantitativamente se demostró que existe una correlación considerable entre el imaginario y la educación del desarrollo sustentable, concluyendo que un imaginario social ecocéntrico del medio ambiente, visualiza y representa acciones con el interés económico o propio, tomando en consideración la otredad, la sociedad y el daño que causa al medio ambiente.    &nbsp

    Comportamiento de casos de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas en pacientes con cáncer de un hospital de tercer nivel de Bogotá, D.C.

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    Introduction: The presence of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in hospitals is increasingly common. Patients with advanced cancer who require invasive means for diagnosis, treatment or palliative care, and the use of broad-spectrum antimicrobials to treat secondary infections show increased susceptibility to infections caused by these bacteria.Objective: To report the behavior of carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPKP) isolates at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología in Bogotá between January 2010 and December 2012.Materials and methods: By analyzing the database kept by the infection committee of the institution, as well as the records of patients with CPKC isolates, we identified and described the epidemiology of detected cases. Outbreaks were determined by using quality control statistical tools.Results: Between January 2010 and December 2012, we found 45 patients with CPKC isolates recovered from any sample. There were more isolates from patients with malignant solid tumors. CPKC isolates from urine samples were more often recovered; 17.7% of CPKC isolates corresponded to colonization, and 82.3% to infection; 35.5% of patients (16/45) survived. We identified two outbreaks during this period, which were controlled using a multimodal approach.Conclusions: This study found that CPKC presence is more frequent as infection than as colonization. During the two years of the study we detected two outbreaks, which were controlled by limiting multi-resistant bacteria cross transmission using conventional control strategies.Introducción. La presencia en los hospitales de enterobacterias productoras de carbapenemasas es cada vez más frecuente. Los pacientes con cáncer en estado avanzado requieren medios invasivos para el diagnóstico, el tratamiento o los cuidados paliativos, así como el uso de antimicrobianos de amplio espectro para tratar infecciones secundarias, lo cual aumenta su propensión a las infecciones causadas por estas bacterias.Objetivo. Informar el comportamiento de Klebsiella pneumoniae productora de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC en el Instituto Nacional de Cancerología de Bogotá, entre enero de 2010 y diciembre de 2012.Materiales y métodos. Mediante el análisis de la base de datos y de los registros de los pacientes con aislamientos de K. pneumoniae productores de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC, a cargo del comité de infecciones de la institución, se identificaron y describieron las características epidemiológicas de los casos detectados. La determinación de brotes se efectuó con herramientas de control estadístico de calidad.Resultados. Entre enero de 2010 y diciembre de 2012 se identificaron 45 pacientes con aislamiento de K. pneumoniae productor de carbapenemasas de tipo KPC en alguna muestra. Hubo más aislamientos en pacientes de cáncer con tumores sólidos. La identificación se logró más frecuentemente en muestras de orina; el 17,7 % de los casos correspondió a colonización y el 82,3 %, a infección; 35,5 % (16/45) de los pacientes sobrevivió. Durante este periodo se identificaron dos brotes que se controlaron aplicando una estrategia multimodal.Conclusiones. Se encontró que la presencia de KPC fue más frecuente en infecciones que en colonizaciones. Durante estos dos años ocurrieron dos brotes que fueron controlados limitando la transmisión cruzada de bacterias multirresistentes por medio de estrategias de control convencionales

    Incremental PCA algorithm for fringe pattern demodulation

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    This work proposes a new algorithm for demodulating fringe patterns using principal component analysis (PCA). The algorithm is based on the incremental implantation of the singular value decomposition (SVD) technique for computing the principal values associated with a set of fringe patterns. Instead of processing an entire set of interferograms, the proposed algorithm proceeds in an incremental way, processing sequentially one (as minimum) interferogram at a given time. The advantages of this procedure are twofold. Firstly, it is not necessary to store the whole set of images in memory, and, secondly, by computing a phase quality parameter, it is possible to determine the minimum number of images necessary to accurately demodulate a given set of interferograms. The proposed algorithm has been tested for synthetic and experimental in ter ferograms showing a good performance. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    Impacto de las donaciones y transferencias en la inversión pública en la región Puno, periodo 2009-2019

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    The objective of the research was to determine the impact of donations and transfers on public investment in the Puno region 2009-2019, given that in recent years, public investment has been questioned mainly because it has not shown significant improvements in the development of the Puno region. A descriptive correlational methodology was applied, considering the database of time series for the analysis of the impact that is had towards the Puno region, the applied model was of maximum likelihood with the execution of the Log-Log model. It was determined that donations and transfers do have a positive impact on public investment in the Puno region, since with an increase in donations and transfers by 1%, then public investment will increase by 54.48%.El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar el impacto de las donaciones y transferencias en la inversión pública de la región Puno 2009-2019, en vista que en los últimos años, la inversión pública ha sido cuestionada principalmente porque ésta no ha mostrado mejoras significativas en el desarrollo de la región de Puno. Se aplicó una metodología de tipo correlacional, descriptiva, considerando la base de datos de series temporales para el análisis del impacto que se tiene hacia la región de Puno, el modelo aplicado fue de máxima verosimilitud con la ejecución del modelo Log-Log. Se pudo determinar que las donaciones y transferencias si tienen un impacto positivo hacia la inversión pública de la región de Puno, toda vez que a un incremento de las donaciones y transferencias en 1% entonces la inversión pública incrementara en 54.48%. &nbsp