31 research outputs found

    Atomistic modeling of Ge damage accumulation, amorphization and solid phase epitaxial regrowth

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    En los últimos años, el Ge ha ganado de nuevo atención con la finalidad de ser integrado en el seno de las existentes tecnologías de microelectrónica. Aunque no se le considera como un canddato capaz de reemplazar completamente al Si en el futuro próximo, probalemente servirá como un excelente complemento para aumentar las propiedades eléctricas en dispositivos futuros, especialmente debido a su alta movilidad de portadores. Esta integración requiere de un avance significativo del estado del arte en los procesos de fabricado. Técnicas de simulación, como los algoritmos de Monte Carlo cinético (KMC), proporcionan un ambiente atractivo para llevar a cabo investigación y desarrollo en este campo, especialmente en términos de costes en tiempo y financiación. En este estudio se han usado, por primera vez, técnicas de KMC con el fin entender el procesado “front-end” de Ge en su fabricación, específicamente la acumulación de dañado y amorfización producidas por implantación iónica y el crecimiento epitaxial en fase sólida (SPER) de las capas amorfizadas. Primero, simulaciones de aproximación de clisiones binarias (BCA) son usadas para calcular el dañado causado por cada ión. La evolución de este dañado en el tiempo se simula usando KMC sin red, o de objetos (OKMC) en el que sólamente se consideran los defectos. El SPER se simula a través de una aproximación KMC de red (LKMC), siendo capaz de seguir la evolución de los átomos de la red que forman la intercara amorfo/cristalina. Con el modelo de amorfización desarrollado a lo largo de este trabajo, implementado en un simulador multi-material, se pueden simular todos estos procesos. Ha sido posible entender la acumulación de dañado, desde la generación de defectos puntuales hasta la formación completa de capas amorfas. Esta acumulación ocurre en tres regímenes bien diferenciados, empezando con un ritmo lento de formación de regiones de dañado, seguido por una rápida relajación local de ciertas áreas en la fase amorfa donde ambas fases, amorfa y cristalina, coexisten, para terminar en la amorfización completa de capas extensas, donde satura el ritmo de acumulación. Dicha transición ocurre cuando la concentración de dañado supera cierto valor límite, el cual es independiente de las condiciones de implantación. Cuando se implantan los iones a temperaturas relativamente altas, el recocido dinámico cura el dañado previamente introducido y se establece una competición entre la generación de dañado y su disolución. Estos efectos se vuelven especialmente importantes para iones ligeros, como el B, el cual crea dañado más diluido, pequeño y distribuido de manera diferente que el causado por la implantación de iones más pesados, como el Ge. Esta descripción reproduce satisfactoriamente la cantidad de dañado y la extensión de las capas amorfas causadas por implantación iónica reportadas en la bibliografía. La velocidad de recristalización de la muestra previamente amorfizada depende fuertemente de la orientación del sustrato. El modelo LKMC presentado ha sido capaz de explicar estas diferencias entre orientaciones a través de un simple modelo, dominado por una única energía de activación y diferentes prefactores en las frecuencias de SPER dependiendo de las configuraciones de vecinos de los átomos que recristalizan. La formación de maclas aparece como una consecuencia de esta descripción, y es predominante en sustratos crecidos en la orientación (111)Ge. Este modelo es capaz de reproducir resultados experimentales para diferentes orientaciones, temperaturas y tiempos de evolución de la intercara amorfo/cristalina reportados por diferentes autores. Las parametrizaciones preliminares realizadas de los tensores de activación de tensiones son también capaces de proveer una buena correlación entre las simulaciones y los resultados experimentales de velocidad de SPER a diferentes temperaturas bajo una presión hidrostática aplicada. Los estudios presentados en esta tesis han ayudado a alcanzar un mejor entendimiento de los mecanismos de producción de dañado, su evolución, amorfización y SPER para Ge, además de servir como una útil herramienta para continuar el trabajo en este campo. In the recent years, Ge has regained attention to be integrated into existing microelectronic technologies. Even though it is not thought to be a feasible full replacement to Si in the near future, it will likely serve as an excellent complement to enhance electrical properties in future devices, specially due to its high carrier mobilities. This integration requires a significant upgrade of the state-of-the-art of regular manufacturing processes. Simulation techniques, such as kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) algorithms, provide an appealing environment to research and innovation in the field, specially in terms of time and funding costs. In the present study, KMC techniques are used, for the first time, to understand Ge front-end processing, specifically damage accumulation and amorphization produced by ion implantation and Solid Phase Epitaxial Regrowth (SPER) of the amorphized layers. First, Binary Collision Approximation (BCA) simulations are used to calculate the damage caused by every ion. The evolution of this damage over time is simulated using non-lattice, or Object, KMC (OKMC) in which only defects are considered. SPER is simulated through a Lattice KMC (LKMC) approach, being able to follow the evolution of the lattice atoms forming the amorphous/crystalline interface. With the amorphization model developed in this work, implemented into a multi-material process simulator, all these processes can be simulated. It has been possible to understand damage accumulation, from point defect generation up to full amorphous layers formation. This accumulation occurs in three differentiated regimes, starting at a slow formation rate of the damage regions, followed by a fast local relaxation of areas into the amorphous phase where both crystalline and amorphous phases coexist, ending in full amorphization of extended layers, where the accumulation rate saturates. This transition occurs when the damage concentration overcomes a certain threshold value, which is independent of the implantation conditions. When implanting ions at relatively high temperatures, dynamic annealing takes place, healing the previously induced damage and establishing a competition between damage generation and its dissolution. These effects become specially important for light ions, as B, for which the created damage is more diluted, smaller and differently distributed than that caused by implanting heavier ions, as Ge. This description successfully reproduces damage quantity and extension of amorphous layers caused by means of ion implantation reported in the literature. Recrystallization velocity of the previously amorphized sample strongly depends on the substrate orientation. The presented LKMC model has been able to explain these differences between orientations through a simple model, dominated by one only activation energy and different prefactors for the SPER rates depending on the neighboring configuration of the recrystallizing atoms. Twin defects formation appears as a consequence of this description, and are predominant for (111)Ge oriented grown substrates. This model is able to reproduce experimental results for different orientations, temperatures and times of evolution of the amorphous/crystalline interface reported by different authors. Preliminary parameterizations for the activation strain tensors are able to also provide a good match between simulations and reported experimental results for SPER velocities at different temperatures under the appliance of hydrostatic pressure. The studies presented in this thesis have helped to achieve a greater understanding of damage generation, evolution, amorphization and SPER mechanisms in Ge, and also provide a useful tool to continue research in this field

    Baseline ECG and prognosis after transcatheter aortic valve implantation: the role of interatrial block

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    Background: The clinical significance of conduction disturbances after transcatheter aortic valve implantation has been described; however, little is known about the influence of baseline ECGs in the prognosis of these patients. Our aim was to study the influence of baseline ECG parameters, including interatrial block (IAB), in the prognosis of patients treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Methods and Results: The BIT (Baseline Interatrial Block and Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation) registry included 2527 patients with aortic stenosis treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. A centralized analysis of baseline ECGs was performed. Patients were divided into 4 groups: normal P wave duration (<120 ms); partial IAB (P wave duration ≥120 ms, positive in the inferior leads); advanced IAB (P wave duration ≥120 ms, biphasic [+/-] morphology in the inferior leads); and nonsinus rhythm (atrial fibrillation/flutter and paced rhythm). The mean age of patients was 82.6±9.8 years and 1397 (55.3%) were women. A total of 960 patients (38.0%) had a normal P wave, 582 (23.0%) had partial IAB, 300 (11.9%) had advanced IAB, and 685 (27.1%) presented with nonsinus rhythm. Mean follow‐up duration was 465±171 days. Advanced IAB was the only independent predictor of all‐cause mortality (hazard ratio [HR], 1.48; 95% CI, 1.10-1.98 [P=0.010]) and of the composite end point (death/stroke/new atrial fibrillation) (HR, 1.51; 95% CI, 1.17-1.94 [P=0.001]). Conclusions: Baseline ECG characteristics influence the prognosis of patients with aortic stenosis treated with transcatheter aortic valve implantation. Advanced IAB is present in about an eighth of patients and is associated with all‐cause death and the composite end point of death, stroke, and new atrial fibrillation during follow‐up

    Resultados del retrasplante cardiaco: subanálisis del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Heart retransplantation (ReHT) is controversial in the current era. The aim of this study was to describe and analyze the results of ReHT in Spain. Methods: We performed a retrospective cohort analysis from the Spanish Heart Transplant Registry from 1984 to 2018. Data were collected on donors, recipients, surgical procedure characteristics, immunosuppression, and survival. The main outcome was posttransplant all-cause mortality or need for ReHT. We studied differences in survival according to indication for ReHT, the time interval between transplants and era of ReHT. Results: A total of 7592 heart transplants (HT) and 173 (2.3%) ReHT were studied (median age, 52.0 and 55.0 years, respectively). Cardiac allograft vasculopathy was the most frequent indication for ReHT (42.2%) and 59 patients (80.8%) received ReHT >5 years after the initial transplant. Acute rejection and primary graft failure decreased as indications over the study period. Renal dysfunction, hypertension, need for mechanical ventilation or intra-aortic balloon pump and longer cold ischemia time were more frequent in ReHT. Median follow-up for ReHT was 5.8 years. ReHT had worse survival than HT (weighted HR, 1.43; 95%CI, 1.17-1.44; P<.001). The indication of acute rejection (HR, 2.49; 95%CI, 1.45-4.27; P<.001) was related to the worst outcome. ReHT beyond 5 years after initial HT portended similar results as primary HT (weighted HR, 1.14; 95%CI, 0.86-1.50; P<.001). Conclusions: ReHT was associated with higher mortality than HT, especially when indicated for acute rejection. ReHT beyond 5 years had a similar prognosis to primary HT.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. El retrasplante cardiaco (ReTC) representa un tema controvertido actualmente. Nuestro objetivo es describir y analizar los resultados del ReTC en España. Métodos. Análisis retrospectivo del Registro Español de Trasplante Cardiaco de 1984 a 2018. Se recogieron datos sobre donante, receptor, cirugía, inmunosupresión y supervivencia. La mortalidad por todas las causas o la necesidad de ReTC postrasplante fueron el objetivo principal. Se estudiaron diferencias en supervivencia según indicación, tiempo entre trasplantes y época del ReTC. Resultados. Se estudiaron en total 7.592 trasplantes cardiacos (TxC) y 173 (2,3%) ReTC (mediana de edad, 52,0 y 55,0 años respectivamente). La enfermedad vascular del injerto fue la indicación de ReTC más frecuente (42,2%) y 59 pacientes (80,8%) recibieron el ReTC más de 5 años después del trasplante inicial. El rechazo agudo y el fallo primario del injerto disminuyeron como indicaciones durante el periodo estudiado. La insuficiencia renal, la hipertensión, la necesidad de ventilación mecánica o balón intraaórtico y la mayor duración de la isquemia fría fueron más frecuentes en el ReTC. La mediana de seguimiento del ReTC fue 5,8 años. El ReTC tuvo peor supervivencia que el TxC (HR ponderado = 1,43; IC95%, 1,17-1,44; p < 0,001). El rechazo agudo (HR = 2,49; IC95%, 1,45-4,27; p < 0,001) se relacionó con el peor resultado. El ReTC más allá de 5 años del trasplante inicial presagia resultados similares a los del TxC primario (HR ponderado = 1,14; IC95%, 0,86-1,50; p < 0,001). Conclusiones. El ReTC se asoció con mayor mortalidad que el TxC, especialmente por rechazo agudo. El pronóstico del ReTC realizado más de 5 años después es similar al del TxC primario

    Cold ischemia >4 hours increases heart transplantation mortality. An analysis of the Spanish heart transplantation registry

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    [Abstract] Background. Cold ischemia time (CIT) has been associated to heart transplantation (HT) prognosis. However, there is still uncertainty regarding the CIT cutoff value that might have relevant clinical implications. Methods. We analyzed all adults that received a first HT during the period 2008–2018. CIT was defined as the time between the cross-clamp of the donor aorta and the reperfusion of the heart. Primary outcome was 1-month mortality. Results. We included 2629 patients, mean age was 53.3 ± 12.1 years and 655 (24.9%) were female. Mean CIT was 202 ± 67 min (minimum 20 min, maximum 600 min). One-month mortality per CIT quartile was 9, 12, 13, and 19%. One-year mortality per CIT quartile was 16, 19, 21, and 28%. CIT was an independent predictor of 1-month mortality, but only in the last quartile of CIT >246 min (odds ratio 2.1, 95% confidence interval 1.49–3.08, p < .001). We found no relevant differences in CIT during the study period. However, the impact of CIT in 1-month and 1-year mortality decreased with time (p value for the distribution of ischemic time by year 0.01), particularly during the last 5 years. Conclusions. Although the impact of CIT in HT prognosis seems to be decreasing in the last years, CIT in the last quartile (>246 min) is associated with 1-month and 1-year mortality. Our findings suggest the need to limit HT with CIT > 246 min or to use different myocardial preservation systems if the expected CIT is >4 h

    Influence of Gender in Advanced Heart Failure Therapies and Outcome Following Transplantation

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    Biological differences between males and females change the course of different diseases and affect therapeutic measures' responses. Heart failure is not an exception to these differences. Women account for a minority of patients on the waiting list for heart transplantation or other advanced heart failure therapies. The reason for this under-representation is unknown. Men have a worse cardiovascular risk profile and suffer more often from ischemic heart disease. Conversely, transplanted women are younger and more frequently have non-ischemic cardiac disorders. Women's poorer survival on the waiting list for heart transplantation has been previously described, but this trend has been corrected in recent years. The use of ventricular assist devices in women is progressively increasing, with comparable results than in men. The indication rate for a heart transplant in women (number of women on the waiting list for millions of habitants) has remained unchanged over the past 25 years. Long-term results of heart transplants are equal for both men and women. We have analyzed the data of a national registry of heart transplant patients to look for possible future directions for a more in-depth study of sex differences in this area. We have analyzed 1-year outcomes of heart transplant recipients. We found similar results in men and women and no sex-related interactions with any of the factors related to survival or differences in death causes between men and women. We should keep trying to approach sex differences in prospective studies to confirm if they deserve a different approach, which is not supported by current evidence

    Preoperative toxoplasma gondii serostatus does not affect long-term survival of cardiac transplant recipients: analysis of the Spanish Heart Transplantation Registry

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    [Abstract] Background. It's unclear whether pre-transplant T. gondii seropositivity is associated with impaired survival in heart transplant recipients. Objectives. To test the above-mentioned hypothesis in the Spanish Heart Transplantation Registry. Methods. Post-transplant outcomes of 4048 patients aged > 16 years who underwent first, single-organ heart transplantation in 17 Spanish institutions from 1984 to 2014 were studied. Long-term post-transplant survival and survival free of cardiac death or retransplantation of 2434 (60%) T. gondii seropositive recipients and 1614 (40%) T. gondii seronegative recipients were compared. Results. T. gondii seropositive recipients were older, had higher body mass index, and presented higher prevalence of hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, COPD and Cytomegalovirus seropositivity than T. gondii seronegative recipients. In univariable analysis, pre-transplant T. gondii seropositivity was associated with increased post-transplant all-cause mortality (non-adjusted HR 1.15; 95% CI 1.04–1.26). However, this effect was no longer statistically significant after multivariable adjustment by recipient's age and sex (adjusted HR 1.01, 95% CI 0.92–1.11). Extended multivariable adjustment by other potential confounders showed similar results (adjusted HR 0.99, 95% CI 0.89–1.11). T. gondii seropositivity had no significant effect on the composite outcome cardiac death or retransplantation (non-adjusted HR 1.08, 95% CI 0.95–1.24, p = 0.235). The distribution of the causes of death was comparable in T. gondii seropositive and T. gondii seronegative recipients. No statistically significant impact of donor's T. gondii serostatus or donor-recipient T. gondii serostatus matching on post-transplant survival was observed. Conclusions. Our analysis did not show a significant independent effect of preoperative T. gondii serostatus on long-term outcomes after heart transplantation

    Role of age and comorbidities in mortality of patients with infective endocarditis

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    [Purpose]: The aim of this study was to analyse the characteristics of patients with IE in three groups of age and to assess the ability of age and the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI) to predict mortality. [Methods]: Prospective cohort study of all patients with IE included in the GAMES Spanish database between 2008 and 2015.Patients were stratified into three age groups:<65 years,65 to 80 years,and ≥ 80 years.The area under the receiver-operating characteristic (AUROC) curve was calculated to quantify the diagnostic accuracy of the CCI to predict mortality risk. [Results]: A total of 3120 patients with IE (1327 < 65 years;1291 65-80 years;502 ≥ 80 years) were enrolled.Fever and heart failure were the most common presentations of IE, with no differences among age groups.Patients ≥80 years who underwent surgery were significantly lower compared with other age groups (14.3%,65 years; 20.5%,65-79 years; 31.3%,≥80 years). In-hospital mortality was lower in the <65-year group (20.3%,<65 years;30.1%,65-79 years;34.7%,≥80 years;p < 0.001) as well as 1-year mortality (3.2%, <65 years; 5.5%, 65-80 years;7.6%,≥80 years; p = 0.003).Independent predictors of mortality were age ≥ 80 years (hazard ratio [HR]:2.78;95% confidence interval [CI]:2.32–3.34), CCI ≥ 3 (HR:1.62; 95% CI:1.39–1.88),and non-performed surgery (HR:1.64;95% CI:11.16–1.58).When the three age groups were compared,the AUROC curve for CCI was significantly larger for patients aged <65 years(p < 0.001) for both in-hospital and 1-year mortality. [Conclusion]: There were no differences in the clinical presentation of IE between the groups. Age ≥ 80 years, high comorbidity (measured by CCI),and non-performance of surgery were independent predictors of mortality in patients with IE.CCI could help to identify those patients with IE and surgical indication who present a lower risk of in-hospital and 1-year mortality after surgery, especially in the <65-year group

    MMonCa: An Object Kinetic Monte Carlo simulator for damage irradiation evolution and defect diffusion

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    In this work, we introduce the Object Kinetic Monte Carlo (OKMC) simulator MMonCa and simulate the defect evolution in three different materials. We start by explaining the theory of OKMC and showing some details of how such theory is implemented by creating generic structures and algorithms in the objects that we want to simulate. Then we successfully reproduce simulated results for defect evolution in iron, silicon and tungsten using our simulator and compare with available experimental data and similar simulations. The comparisons validate MMonCa showing that it is powerful and flexible enough to be customized and used to study the damage evolution of defects in a wide range of solid materials.I. M.-B. wants to acknowledge funding of the project MASTIC (PCIG09-GA-2011-293783) by the Marie Curie Actions Grant FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG program. This work contributes to the Joint Programme of Nuclear Materials of the European Energy Research Alliance

    Decision Trees for Glaucoma Screening Based on the Asymmetry of the Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer in Optical Coherence Tomography

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze the relevance of asymmetry features between both eyes of the same patient for glaucoma screening using optical coherence tomography. Methods: Spectral-domain optical coherence tomography was used to estimate the thickness of the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer in both eyes of the patients in the study. These measurements were collected in a dataset from healthy and glaucoma patients. Several metrics for asymmetry in the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness between the two eyes were then proposed. These metrics were evaluated using the dataset by performing a statistical analysis to assess their significance as relevant features in the diagnosis of glaucoma. Finally, the usefulness of these asymmetry features was demonstrated by designing supervised machine learning models that can be used for the early diagnosis of glaucoma. Results: Machine learning models were designed and optimized, specifically decision trees, based on the values of proposed asymmetry metrics. The use of these models on the dataset provided good classification of the patients (accuracy 88%, sensitivity 70%, specificity 93% and precision 75%). Conclusions: The obtained machine learning models based on retinal nerve fiber layer asymmetry are simple but effective methods which offer a good trade-off in classification of patients and simplicity. The fast binary classification relies on a few asymmetry values of the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness, allowing their use in the daily clinical practice for glaucoma screening

    Uso de un sistema extracorpóreo de asistencia circulatoria de flujo continuo, corta duración e inserción quirúrgica como puente a trasplante

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    Introduction and objectives: We aimed to describe the clinical outcomes of the use of the CentriMag acute circulatory support system as a bridge to emergency heart transplantation (HTx). Methods: We conducted a descriptive analysis of the clinical outcomes of consecutive HTx candidates included in a multicenter retrospective registry who were treated with the CentriMag device, configured either for left ventricular support (LVS) or biventricular support (BVS). All patients were listed for high-priority HTx. The study assessed the period 2010 to 2020 and involved 16 transplant centers around Spain. We excluded patients treated with isolated right ventricular support or venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation without LVS. The primary endpoint was 1-year post-HTx survival. Results: The study population comprised 213 emergency HTx candidates bridged on CentriMag LVS and 145 on CentriMag BVS. Overall, 303 (84.6%) patients received a transplant and 53 (14.8%) died without having an organ donor during the index hospitalization. Median time on the device was 15 days, with 66 (18.6%) patients being supported for > 30 days. One-year posttransplant survival was 77.6%. Univariable and multivariable analyses showed no statistically significant differences in pre-or post-HTx survival in patients managed with BVS vs LVS. Patients managed with BVS had higher rates of bleeding, need for transfusion, hemolysis and renal failure than patients managed with LVS, while the latter group showed a higher incidence of ischemic stroke. Conclusions: In a setting of candidate prioritization with short waiting list times, bridging to HTx with the CentriMag system was feasible and resulted in acceptable on-support and posttransplant outcomes.Fundacion Mutua Madrilena (Madrid, Spain)5.9 JCR Q1 20220.593 SJR Q2 2023No data IDR 2022UE